mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 22:28:55 +00:00
git-subtree-dir: sgx-jvm/avian git-subtree-mainline: f978eab8d134c88f88ff67e49458a771c32351db git-subtree-split: 09e4fe60d01f4f4bfb6b2976973bb4913ef61edc
324 lines
7.6 KiB
324 lines
7.6 KiB
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:2.2.4'
apply plugin: 'native-component'
apply plugin: 'ivy-publish'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'artifactory-publish'
enum SupportedOS implements OperatingSystem {
public static final SupportedOS CURRENT;
static {
String p = System.properties['os.name']
switch(p.replaceAll(' ', '').toLowerCase()) {
case ~/.*linux.*/: CURRENT = LINUX; break;
case ~/.*darwin.*/: CURRENT = MACOSX; break;
case ~/.*osx.*/: CURRENT = MACOSX; break;
case ~/.*win.*/: CURRENT = WINDOWS; break;
String m = "SupportedOS: unrecognized platform: ${p}"
throw new IllegalArgumentException(m)
public String getName() {
return toString().toLowerCase()
public String getDisplayName() {
return getName()
public boolean isCurrent() { return this == CURRENT }
public boolean isFreeBSD() { return false }
public boolean isLinux() { return this == LINUX }
public boolean isMacOsX() { return this == MACOSX }
public boolean isSolaris() { return false }
public boolean isWindows() { return this == WINDOWS }
public String adjustArch(String arch) {
switch(arch) {
case ~/.*64.*/: return 'x86_64'
default: return 'i386'
ext {
currentPlatform = SupportedOS.CURRENT.getName()
currentArch = adjustArch(System.properties['os.arch'])
currentPlatformArch = "${currentPlatform}-${currentArch}"
platform = project.hasProperty('platform') ? platform : currentPlatform
arch = project.hasProperty('arch') ? arch : currentArch
platformArch = "${platform}-${arch}"
java_home = System.properties.'java.home'
if(java_home.endsWith("/jre")) {
java_home = java_home.substring(0, java_home.length() - "/jre".length())
java_home = java_home
libDir = "${buildDir}/lib"
lzmaDir = "${libDir}/lzma"
buildOptions = ['', '-lzma']
repositories {
ivy {
name "ivyLocal"
url "${System.env.HOME}/.ivy2/local"
layout 'maven'
ivy {
name "jcenter"
if(version.contains("SNAPSHOT")) {
url "http://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/oss-snapshot-local"
} else {
url "http://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/oss-release-local"
layout 'maven'
configurations {
dependencies {
'windows-i386' "com.readytalk:win32:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
'windows-x86_64' "com.readytalk:win64:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
model {
platforms {
create(platformArch) {
operatingSystem SupportedOS.valueOf(platform.toUpperCase())
architecture "${arch}"
tasks {
buildOptions.each { buildOption ->
platforms.each { platform ->
if(platform.operatingSystem.name == "windows") {
def artifactName = platform.architecture.name == "i386" ? 'win32' : 'win64'
task "extract${platform.name}${buildOption}"(type: Copy) {
from {
tarTree(configurations."${platform.name}".find { it.name =~ artifactName })
into "${libDir}/tools"
task "build${platform.name}${buildOption}"(type: Exec) {
executable "make"
args "platform=${platform.operatingSystem.name}",
if(buildOption == "-lzma") {
dependsOn 'extractLzma'
args "lzma=${lzmaDir}"
if(platform.operatingSystem.name == "windows") {
dependsOn "extract${platform.name}${buildOption}"
args "win32=${libDir}/tools/win32",
environment JAVA_HOME: java_home
assemble {
dependsOn "build${platform.name}${buildOption}"
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
sourceCompatibility = "1.6"
targetCompatibility = "1.6"
options.with {
encoding = "UTF-8"
bootClasspath = sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'classpath'
javadoc {
title = "Avian v${version} Class Library API"
task javadocJar(type: Jar) {
dependsOn javadoc
classifier = 'javadoc'
from {
jar {
baseName "classpath-avian"
task downloadLzma(type: Exec) {
commandLine "curl"
args "--create-dirs", "-o", "${lzmaDir}/lzma920.tar.bz2", "-f", "http://oss.readytalk.com/avian-web/lzma920.tar.bz2"
task extractLzma(type: Copy) {
dependsOn downloadLzma
from {
into lzmaDir
task install {
dependsOn assemble, publish
publishing {
repositories {
publications {
ivy(IvyPublication) {
from components.java
artifact("vm.pro") {
name "vm"
type "proguard"
extension "pro"
module "classpath-avian"
create("tools-avian-${currentPlatformArch}", IvyPublication) {
module "tools-avian-${currentPlatformArch}"
def publishBinSuffix = currentPlatform == "windows" ? "exe" : "bin"
def binSuffix = currentPlatform == "windows" ? ".exe" : ""
artifact("${buildDir}/${currentPlatform}-${currentArch}/binaryToObject/binaryToObject${binSuffix}") {
name "binaryToObject"
type publishBinSuffix
extension publishBinSuffix
buildOptions.each { buildOption ->
platforms.each { platform ->
def binSuffix=""
def publishBinSuffix="bin"
create("${platform.name}${buildOption}", IvyPublication) {
def nativeBuildDir = "${buildDir}/${platform.operatingSystem.name}-${platform.architecture.name}${buildOption}"
if(platform.operatingSystem.name == "windows") {
publishBinSuffix = "exe"
binSuffix = ".${publishBinSuffix}"
module "runtime-avian${buildOption}-${platform.name}"
artifact("${nativeBuildDir}/avian${binSuffix}") {
name "avian"
type publishBinSuffix
extension publishBinSuffix
artifact("${nativeBuildDir}/libavian.a") {
name "libavian"
type "a"
extension "a"
if (buildOption == "-lzma") {
artifact("${nativeBuildDir}/libavian-lzma.a") {
name "libavian-lzma"
type "a"
extension "a"
artifact("${nativeBuildDir}/lzma/lzma${binSuffix}") {
name "lzma"
type publishBinSuffix
extension publishBinSuffix
artifactoryPublish {
onlyIf {
// TRAVIS_BRANCH reports master if it is a master build or a PR going to master
// TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST reports false if not a pull request and the PR number if it is
System.env.'TRAVIS_BRANCH' == "master" && System.env.'TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST' == "false"
dependsOn assemble
artifactory {
contextUrl = "http://oss.jfrog.org"
resolve {
repository {
repoKey = 'libs-releases'
publish {
repository {
repoKey = 'oss-snapshot-local'
username = System.env.BINTRAY_USER
password = System.env.BINTRAY_API_KEY
ivy {
ivyLayout = "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivy-[revision].xml"
defaults {
platforms.each {
publications it.name
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
distributionUrl = 'http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.0-bin.zip'