Building the binaries
Network management server
To build a fat jar containing all the doorman code you can simply invoke:
./gradlew network-management:capsule:buildDoormanJAR
The built file will appear in:
HSM signing server
To build a fat jar containing all the HSM signing server code you can simply invoke:
./gradlew network-management:capsule-hsm:buildHsmJAR
The built file will appear in:
The binaries can also be obtained from artifactory after deployment in TeamCity.
To run the HSM signing server:
cd network-management
java -jar capsule-hsm/build/libs/hsm-<version>.jar --config-file [hsm-configuration-file]
For a list of options the HSM signing server takes, run with the --help
java -jar capsule-hsm/build/libs/hsm-<version>.jar --help
HSM Certificate Generator
To build a fat jar containing all the hsm certificate generator code you can simply invoke
./gradlew network-management:capsule-hsm-cert-generator:buildHsmCertGeneratorJAR
The built file will appear in
HSM CRL Generator
To build a fat jar containing all the hsm CRL generator code you can simply invoke
./gradlew network-management:capsule-hsm-crl-generator:buildHsmCrlGeneratorJAR
The built file will appear in
Certificate Revocation Request Submission Tool
To build a fat jar containing all the CRR submission tool code you can simply invoke
./gradlew network-management:capsule-crr-submission:buildCrrSubmissionJAR
The built file will appear in
In order to set the desired logging level the system properties need to be used. Appropriate system properties can be set at the execution time. Example:
java -DdefaultLogLevel=TRACE -DconsoleLogLevel=TRACE -jar doorman-<version>.jar --config-file <config file>
#Configuring network management service
Local signing
When keystorePath
is provided in the config file, a signer will be created to handle all the signing periodically
using the CA keys in the provided keystore.
The network management service can be started without a signer, the signing will be delegated to external process (e.g. HSM) connecting to the same database, the server will poll the database periodically for newly signed data and update the statuses accordingly.
Additional configuration needed for local signer:
#For local signing
rootStorePath = ${basedir}"/certificates/rootstore.jks"
keystorePath = ${basedir}"/certificates/caKeystore.jks"
keystorePassword = "password"
caPrivateKeyPassword = "password"
Doorman Service
Doorman service can be started with the following options :
The doorman service can use JIRA to manage both the certificate signing request and the certificate revocation request approval work flows. This can be turned on by providing JIRA connection configuration in the config file.
doorman {
jira {
address = ""
projectCode = "TD"
username = "username"
password = "password"
JIRA project configuration
- The JIRA project should setup as "Business Project" with "Task" workflow.
- Custom text field input "Request ID", and "Reject Reason" should be created in JIRA, doorman will exit with error without these custom fields.
Auto approval
When approveAll
is set to true
, the doorman will approve all requests on receive. (*This should only be enabled in a
test environment)
Network map service
Network map service can be enabled by providing the following config:
networkMap {
cacheTimeout = 600000
signInterval = 10000
(ms) determines how often the server should poll the database for a newly signed network map and also how often nodes should poll for a new network map (by including this value in the HTTP response header). This is not how often changes to the network map are signed, which is a different process.
(ms) this is only relevant when local signer is enabled. The signer poll the database according to the signInterval
, and create a new network map if the collection of node info hashes is different from the current network map.
Example config file
basedir = "."
address = "localhost:0"
rootStorePath = ${basedir}"/certificates/rootstore.jks"
keystorePath = ${basedir}"/certificates/caKeystore.jks"
#keystorePassword = "password" #Optional if not specified, user will be prompted on the console.
#caPrivateKeyPassword = "password" #Optional if not specified, user will be prompted on the console.
#rootPrivateKeyPassword = "password" #Optional if not specified, user will be prompted on the console.
#rootKeystorePassword = "password" #Optional if not specified, user will be prompted on the console.
dataSourceProperties {
dataSourceClassName = org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
"dataSource.url" = "jdbc:h2:file:"${basedir}"/persistence;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;WRITE_DELAY=0;AUTO_SERVER_PORT="${h2port}
"dataSource.user" = sa
"dataSource.password" = ""
database {
runMigration = true
h2port = 0
# Comment out this section if running without doorman service
doorman {
approveInterval = 10000
approveAll = false
jira {
address = ""
projectCode = "TD"
username = "username"
password = "password"
# Comment out this section if running without the revocation service
revocation {
approveInterval = 10000
approveAll = false
crlUpdateInterval = 86400000
crlEndpoint = ""
crlCacheTimeout = 86400000
jira {
address = ""
projectCode = "CRR"
username = "username"
password = "password"
# Comment out this section if running without network map service
networkMap {
cacheTimeout = 600000
signInterval = 10000
Running the network
1. Create keystore for local signer
If local signer is enabled, the server will look for key stores in the certificate folder on start up.
The key stores can be created using --mode
java -jar doorman-<version>.jar --config-file <config file> --mode ROOT_KEYGEN
java -jar doorman-<version>.jar --config-file <config file> --mode CA_KEYGEN
A trust store containing the root certificate will be created in the location distribute-nodes / network-root-truststore.jks
(relative to rootStorePath
). The trust store's password can be set using command line argument --trust-store-password
or the doorman's keygen utility will ask for password input if trust store password is not provided using this flag.
This trust store file is to be distributed to every node that wishes to register with the doorman. The node cannot
register without it.
2. Start Doorman service for notary registration
Start the network management server with the doorman service for initial bootstrapping. Network map service (networkMap
should be disabled at this point. Comment out network map config in the config file and start the server by running :
java -jar doorman-<version>.jar --config-file <config file>
3. Create notary node and register with the doorman
After the doorman service is started, start the notary node for registration.
java -jar corda.jar --initial-registration --network-root-truststore-password <trust store password>
By default it will expect trust store file received from the doorman to be in the location certificates/network-root-truststore.jks
This can be overridden with the additional --network-root-truststore
NOTE: This step applies to all nodes that wish to register with the doorman. You will have to configure compatibiityZoneURL
and set devMode
to false on each node.
4. Generate node info files for notary nodes
Once notary nodes are registered, run the notary nodes with the just-generate-node-info
This will generate the node info files, which then should be referenced in the network parameters configuration.
5. Add notary identities to the network parameters
The network parameters should contain reference to the notaries node info files. Example network parameters file:
notaries : [
notaryNodeInfoFile: "/Path/To/NodeInfo/File1"
validating: true
notaryNodeInfoFile: "/Path/To/NodeInfo/File2"
validating: false
minimumPlatformVersion = 1
maxMessageSize = 10485760
maxTransactionSize = 10485760
eventHorizonDays = 30 # Duration in days
Save the parameters to network-parameters.conf
6. Load the initial network parameters
A network parameters file is required to start the network map service for the first time. The initial network parameters
file can be loaded using the --set-network-parameters
flag. We can now restart the network management server with
both doorman and network map service.
java -jar doorman-<version>.jar --config-file <config file> --set-network-parameters network-parameters.conf
The server will terminate once this process is complete. Start it back up again with both the doorman and network map service.
java -jar doorman-<version>.jar --config-file <config file>
7. Archive policy
The node_info
and network_map
table are designed to retain all historical data for auditing purposes and will grow over time.
It is recommended to monitor the space usage and archive these tables according to the data retention policy.
Run the following SQL script to archive the node info table (change the timestamp according to the archive policy):
delect from node_info where is_current = false and published_at < '2018-03-12'
Updating the network parameters
The initial network parameters can be subsequently changed through an update process. However, these changes must first
be advertised to the entire network to allow nodes time to agree to the changes. Every time the server needs to be shutdown
and run with one of the following flags: --set-network-parameters
, --flag-day
or --cancel-update
. For change to be
advertised to the nodes new network map has to be signed (either by HSM or by local signer).
Typical update process is as follows:
- Start network map with initial network parameters.
- To advertise an update:
Stop network-management.
Run it with
flag. The network parameters file must haveparametersUpdate
config block:parametersUpdate { description = "Important update" updateDeadline = "2017-08-31T05:10:36.297Z" # ISO-8601 time, substitute it with update deadline }
is a short description of the update that will be communicated to the nodes andupdateDeadline
is the time (in ISO-8601 format) by which all nodes in the network must decide that they have accepted the new parameters.NOTE: Currently only backwards compatible changes to the network parameters can be made, i.e. notaries can't be removed, max transaction size can only increase, etc.
The process will exit, nothing will be sent to the nodes yet.
Start network-management as normal without any flags. This time, the nodes will be notified of the new parameters update next time they poll.
- Before the
time, nodes will have to run the RPC command to accept new parameters. This will not activate the new network parameters on the nodes. It is possible to poll the network map database to check how many network participants have accepted the new network parameters - the information is stored in thenode-info.accepted_parameters_hash
column. - When the flag day comes. Restart network-management with
flag. This will cause all nodes in the network to shutdown when they see that the network parameters have changed. The nodes that didn't accept the parameters will be removed from the network map. The ones that accepted, will need to be manually restarted.
It is possible to cancel the previously scheduled update. To do so simply run:
java -jar doorman-<version>.jar --cancel-update
The network map will continue to advertise the cancelled update until the new network map is signed.
Private Network Map
The private network is a tactical solution to provide temporary privacy to the initial network map.
Creating a private network
To create a new private network, an entry has to be created in the private_network
table manually.
Run the following SQL script to create a new private network:
insert into private_network (id, name)
values (NEWID(), 'Private Network Name')
Then use the following SQL to retrieve the private network ID for the private network owner:
select id from private_network where name = 'Private Network Name'
Modify existing private network registration
Since this is a tactical solution, any modification will require manual database changes.
We should try to keep these changes to the minimal
Add nodes to a private network
update certificate_signing_request
set private_network = '<<private_network_id>>'
where request_id in ('<<certificate_request_id>>', ...)
or this SQL script to add all approved nodes to the private network map.
update certificate_signing_request
set private_network = '<<private_network_id>>'
where status = 'APPROVED'
If notary is to be used by private network participants add private network UUIDs to notary's node.conf
Move a node from its private network and into the global network map**
update certificate_signing_request
set private_network = null
where request_id = '<<certificate_request_id>>'