2009-10-07 00:50:32 +00:00

2267 lines
61 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2009, Avian Contributors
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software
for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided
that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear
in all copies.
There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for
details. */
#include "assembler.h"
#include "vector.h"
#define CAST1(x) reinterpret_cast<UnaryOperationType>(x)
#define CAST2(x) reinterpret_cast<BinaryOperationType>(x)
#define CAST3(x) reinterpret_cast<TernaryOperationType>(x)
using namespace vm;
namespace {
namespace field {
const int64_t MASK_LO32 = 0x0ffffffff;
const int MASK_LO16 = 0x0ffff;
const int MASK_LO8 = 0x0ff;
inline int lo32(int64_t i) { return (int)(i & MASK_LO32); }
inline int hi32(int64_t i) { return lo32(i >> 32); }
inline int lo16(int64_t i) { return (int)(i & MASK_LO16); }
inline int hi16(int64_t i) { return lo16(i >> 16); }
inline int lo8(int64_t i) { return (int)(i & MASK_LO8); }
inline int hi8(int64_t i) { return lo8(i >> 8); }
namespace isa {
inline int D(int op, int rt, int ra, int d) { return op<<26|rt<<21|ra<<16|(d & 0xFFFF); }
inline int DS(int op, int rt, int ra, int ds, int xo) { return op<<26|rt<<21|ra<<16|ds<<2|xo; }
inline int I(int op, int li, int aa, int lk) { return op<<26|(li & 0x3FFFFFC)|aa<<1|lk; }
inline int B(int op, int bo, int bi, int bd, int aa, int lk) { return op<<26|bo<<21|bi<<16|(bd & 0xFFFC)|aa<<1|lk; }
inline int SC(int op, int lev) { return op<<26|lev<<5|2; }
inline int X(int op, int rt, int ra, int rb, int xo, int rc) { return op<<26|rt<<21|ra<<16|rb<<11|xo<<1|rc; }
inline int XL(int op, int bt, int ba, int bb, int xo, int lk) { return op<<26|bt<<21|ba<<16|bb<<11|xo<<1|lk; }
inline int XFX(int op, int rt, int spr, int xo) { return op<<26|rt<<21|((spr >> 5) | ((spr << 5) & 0x3E0))<<11|xo<<1; }
inline int XFL(int op, int flm, int frb, int xo, int rc) { return op<<26|flm<<17|frb<<11|xo<<1|rc; }
inline int XS(int op, int rs, int ra, int sh, int xo, int sh2, int rc) { return op<<26|rs<<21|ra<<16|sh<<11|xo<<2|sh2<<1|rc; }
inline int XO(int op, int rt, int ra, int rb, int oe, int xo, int rc) { return op<<26|rt<<21|ra<<16|rb<<11|oe<<10|xo<<1|rc; }
inline int A(int op, int frt, int fra, int frb, int frc, int xo, int rc) { return op<<26|frt<<21|fra<<16|frb<<11|frc<<6|xo<<1|rc; }
inline int M(int op, int rs, int ra, int rb, int mb, int me, int rc) { return op<<26|rs<<21|ra<<16|rb<<11|mb<<6|me<<1|rc; }
inline int MD(int op, int rs, int ra, int sh, int mb, int xo, int sh2, int rc) { return op<<26|rs<<21|ra<<16|sh<<11|mb<<5|xo<<2|sh2<<1|rc; }
inline int MDS(int op, int rs, int ra, int rb, int mb, int xo, int rc) { return op<<26|rs<<21|ra<<16|rb<<11|mb<<5|xo<<1|rc; }
inline int lbz(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(34, rt, ra, i); }
inline int lbzx(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, rt, ra, rb, 87, 0); }
inline int lha(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(42, rt, ra, i); }
inline int lhax(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, rt, ra, rb, 343, 0); }
inline int lhz(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(40, rt, ra, i); }
inline int lhzx(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, rt, ra, rb, 279, 0); }
inline int lwz(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(32, rt, ra, i); }
inline int lwzx(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, rt, ra, rb, 23, 0); }
inline int stb(int rs, int ra, int i) { return D(38, rs, ra, i); }
inline int stbx(int rs, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, rs, ra, rb, 215, 0); }
inline int sth(int rs, int ra, int i) { return D(44, rs, ra, i); }
inline int sthx(int rs, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, rs, ra, rb, 407, 0); }
inline int stw(int rs, int ra, int i) { return D(36, rs, ra, i); }
inline int stwu(int rs, int ra, int i) { return D(37, rs, ra, i); }
inline int stwux(int rs, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, rs, ra, rb, 183, 0); }
inline int stwx(int rs, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, rs, ra, rb, 151, 0); }
inline int add(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 266, 0); }
inline int addc(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 10, 0); }
inline int adde(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 138, 0); }
inline int addi(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(14, rt, ra, i); }
inline int addic(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(12, rt, ra, i); }
inline int addis(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(15, rt, ra, i); }
inline int subf(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 40, 0); }
inline int subfc(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 8, 0); }
inline int subfe(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 136, 0); }
inline int subfic(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(8, rt, ra, i); }
inline int subfze(int rt, int ra) { return XO(31, rt, ra, 0, 0, 200, 0); }
inline int mullw(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 235, 0); }
inline int mulhw(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 75, 0); }
inline int mulhwu(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 11, 0); }
inline int mulli(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(7, rt, ra, i); }
inline int divw(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 491, 0); }
inline int divwu(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 459, 0); }
inline int divd(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 489, 0); }
inline int divdu(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return XO(31, rt, ra, rb, 0, 457, 0); }
inline int neg(int rt, int ra) { return XO(31, rt, ra, 0, 0, 104, 0); }
inline int and_(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, ra, rt, rb, 28, 0); }
inline int andi(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(28, ra, rt, i); }
inline int andis(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(29, ra, rt, i); }
inline int or_(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, ra, rt, rb, 444, 0); }
inline int ori(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(24, rt, ra, i); }
inline int xor_(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, ra, rt, rb, 316, 0); }
inline int oris(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(25, rt, ra, i); }
inline int xori(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(26, rt, ra, i); }
inline int xoris(int rt, int ra, int i) { return D(27, rt, ra, i); }
inline int rlwinm(int rt, int ra, int i, int mb, int me) { return M(21, ra, rt, i, mb, me, 0); }
inline int rlwimi(int rt, int ra, int i, int mb, int me) { return M(20, ra, rt, i, mb, me, 0); }
inline int slw(int rt, int ra, int sh) { return X(31, ra, rt, sh, 24, 0); }
inline int sld(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, ra, rt, rb, 27, 0); }
inline int srw(int rt, int ra, int sh) { return X(31, ra, rt, sh, 536, 0); }
inline int sraw(int rt, int ra, int sh) { return X(31, ra, rt, sh, 792, 0); }
inline int srawi(int rt, int ra, int sh) { return X(31, ra, rt, sh, 824, 0); }
inline int extsb(int rt, int rs) { return X(31, rs, rt, 0, 954, 0); }
inline int extsh(int rt, int rs) { return X(31, rs, rt, 0, 922, 0); }
inline int mfspr(int rt, int spr) { return XFX(31, rt, spr, 339); }
inline int mtspr(int spr, int rs) { return XFX(31, rs, spr, 467); }
inline int b(int i) { return I(18, i, 0, 0); }
inline int bl(int i) { return I(18, i, 0, 1); }
inline int bcctr(int bo, int bi, int lk) { return XL(19, bo, bi, 0, 528, lk); }
inline int bclr(int bo, int bi, int lk) { return XL(19, bo, bi, 0, 16, lk); }
inline int bc(int bo, int bi, int bd, int lk) { return B(16, bo, bi, bd, 0, lk); }
inline int cmp(int bf, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, bf << 2, ra, rb, 0, 0); }
inline int cmpl(int bf, int ra, int rb) { return X(31, bf << 2, ra, rb, 32, 0); }
inline int cmpi(int bf, int ra, int i) { return D(11, bf << 2, ra, i); }
inline int cmpli(int bf, int ra, int i) { return D(10, bf << 2, ra, i); }
inline int sync(int L) { return X(31, L, 0, 0, 598, 0); }
inline int li(int rt, int i) { return addi(rt, 0, i); }
inline int lis(int rt, int i) { return addis(rt, 0, i); }
inline int slwi(int rt, int ra, int i) { return rlwinm(rt, ra, i, 0, 31-i); }
inline int srwi(int rt, int ra, int i) { return rlwinm(rt, ra, 32-i, i, 31); }
inline int sub(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return subf(rt, rb, ra); }
inline int subc(int rt, int ra, int rb) { return subfc(rt, rb, ra); }
inline int subi(int rt, int ra, int i) { return addi(rt, ra, -i); }
inline int subis(int rt, int ra, int i) { return addis(rt, ra, -i); }
inline int mr(int rt, int ra) { return or_(rt, ra, ra); }
inline int mflr(int rx) { return mfspr(rx, 8); }
inline int mtlr(int rx) { return mtspr(8, rx); }
inline int mtctr(int rd) { return mtspr(9, rd); }
inline int bctr() { return bcctr(20, 0, 0); }
inline int bctrl() { return bcctr(20, 0, 1); }
inline int blr() { return bclr(20, 0, 0); }
inline int blt(int i) { return bc(12, 0, i, 0); }
inline int bgt(int i) { return bc(12, 1, i, 0); }
inline int bge(int i) { return bc(4, 0, i, 0); }
inline int ble(int i) { return bc(4, 1, i, 0); }
inline int beq(int i) { return bc(12, 2, i, 0); }
inline int bne(int i) { return bc(4, 2, i, 0); }
inline int cmpw(int ra, int rb) { return cmp(0, ra, rb); }
inline int cmplw(int ra, int rb) { return cmpl(0, ra, rb); }
inline int cmpwi(int ra, int i) { return cmpi(0, ra, i); }
inline int cmplwi(int ra, int i) { return cmpli(0, ra, i); }
inline bool
isInt16(intptr_t v)
return v == static_cast<int16_t>(v);
inline int
carry16(intptr_t v)
return static_cast<int16_t>(v) < 0 ? 1 : 0;
const unsigned FrameFooterSize = 6;
const unsigned StackAlignmentInBytes = 16;
const unsigned StackAlignmentInWords = StackAlignmentInBytes / BytesPerWord;
const int StackRegister = 1;
const int ThreadRegister = 13;
class MyBlock: public Assembler::Block {
MyBlock(unsigned offset):
next(0), offset(offset), start(~0), size(0)
{ }
virtual unsigned resolve(unsigned start, Assembler::Block* next) {
this->start = start;
this->next = static_cast<MyBlock*>(next);
return start + size;
MyBlock* next;
unsigned offset;
unsigned start;
unsigned size;
class Task;
class Context {
Context(System* s, Allocator* a, Zone* zone):
s(s), zone(zone), client(0), code(s, a, 1024), tasks(0), result(0),
firstBlock(new (zone->allocate(sizeof(MyBlock))) MyBlock(0)),
{ }
System* s;
Zone* zone;
Assembler::Client* client;
Vector code;
Task* tasks;
uint8_t* result;
MyBlock* firstBlock;
MyBlock* lastBlock;
class Task {
Task(Task* next): next(next) { }
virtual void run(Context* c) = 0;
Task* next;
typedef void (*OperationType)(Context*);
typedef void (*UnaryOperationType)(Context*, unsigned, Assembler::Operand*);
typedef void (*BinaryOperationType)
(Context*, unsigned, Assembler::Operand*, unsigned, Assembler::Operand*);
typedef void (*TernaryOperationType)
(Context*, unsigned, Assembler::Operand*, Assembler::Operand*,
class ArchitectureContext {
ArchitectureContext(System* s): s(s) { }
System* s;
OperationType operations[OperationCount];
UnaryOperationType unaryOperations[UnaryOperationCount
* OperandTypeCount];
BinaryOperationType binaryOperations
[BinaryOperationCount * OperandTypeCount * OperandTypeCount];
TernaryOperationType ternaryOperations
[TernaryOperationCount * OperandTypeCount];
inline void NO_RETURN
abort(Context* c)
inline void NO_RETURN
abort(ArchitectureContext* c)
#ifndef NDEBUG
inline void
assert(Context* c, bool v)
assert(c->s, v);
inline void
assert(ArchitectureContext* c, bool v)
assert(c->s, v);
#endif // not NDEBUG
inline void
expect(Context* c, bool v)
expect(c->s, v);
class Offset: public Promise {
Offset(Context* c, MyBlock* block, unsigned offset):
c(c), block(block), offset(offset)
{ }
virtual bool resolved() {
return block->start != static_cast<unsigned>(~0);
virtual int64_t value() {
assert(c, resolved());
return block->start + (offset - block->offset);
Context* c;
MyBlock* block;
unsigned offset;
offset(Context* c)
return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(Offset)))
Offset(c, c->lastBlock, c->code.length());
bounded(int right, int left, int32_t v)
return ((v << left) >> left) == v and ((v >> right) << right) == v;
updateOffset(System* s, uint8_t* instruction, bool conditional, int64_t value)
int32_t v = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(value) - instruction;
int32_t mask;
if (conditional) {
expect(s, bounded(2, 16, v));
mask = 0xFFFC;
} else {
expect(s, bounded(2, 6, v));
mask = 0x3FFFFFC;
int32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(instruction);
*p = (v & mask) | ((~mask) & *p);
return instruction + 4;
class OffsetListener: public Promise::Listener {
OffsetListener(System* s, uint8_t* instruction, bool conditional):
{ }
virtual bool resolve(int64_t value, void** location) {
void* p = updateOffset(s, instruction, conditional, value);
if (location) *location = p;
return false;
System* s;
uint8_t* instruction;
bool conditional;
class OffsetTask: public Task {
OffsetTask(Task* next, Promise* promise, Promise* instructionOffset,
bool conditional):
{ }
virtual void run(Context* c) {
if (promise->resolved()) {
(c->s, c->result + instructionOffset->value(), conditional,
} else {
new (promise->listen(sizeof(OffsetListener)))
OffsetListener(c->s, c->result + instructionOffset->value(),
Promise* promise;
Promise* instructionOffset;
bool conditional;
appendOffsetTask(Context* c, Promise* promise, Promise* instructionOffset,
bool conditional)
c->tasks = new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(OffsetTask))) OffsetTask
(c->tasks, promise, instructionOffset, conditional);
inline unsigned
index(UnaryOperation operation, OperandType operand)
return operation + (UnaryOperationCount * operand);
inline unsigned
index(BinaryOperation operation,
OperandType operand1,
OperandType operand2)
return operation
+ (BinaryOperationCount * operand1)
+ (BinaryOperationCount * OperandTypeCount * operand2);
inline unsigned
index(TernaryOperation operation,
OperandType operand1)
return operation + (TernaryOperationCount * operand1);
using namespace field;
using namespace isa;
typedef Assembler::Register Reg;
typedef Assembler::Constant Const;
inline void issue(Context* con, int code) { con->code.append4(code); }
inline int getTemp(Context* con) { return con->client->acquireTemporary(); }
inline void freeTemp(Context* con, int r) { con->client->releaseTemporary(r); }
inline int64_t getVal(Const* c) { return c->value->value(); }
inline int R(Reg* r) { return r->low; }
inline int H(Reg* r) { return r->high; }
void shiftLeftR(Context* con, unsigned size, Reg* a, Reg* b, Reg* t)
if(size == 8) {
Reg Tmp(getTemp(con), getTemp(con)); Reg* tmp = &Tmp;
issue(con, subfic(H(tmp), R(a), 32));
issue(con, slw(H(t), H(b), R(a)));
issue(con, srw(R(tmp), R(b), H(tmp)));
issue(con, or_(H(t), H(t), R(tmp)));
issue(con, addi(H(tmp), R(a), -32));
issue(con, slw(R(tmp), R(b), H(tmp)));
issue(con, or_(H(t), H(t), R(tmp)));
freeTemp(con, H(tmp)); freeTemp(con, R(tmp));
issue(con, slw(R(t), R(b), R(a)));
void shiftLeftC(Context* con, unsigned size, Const* a, Reg* b, Reg* t)
int sh = getVal(a);
if (size == 8) {
if (sh < 32) {
issue(con, rlwinm(H(t),H(b),sh,0,31-sh));
issue(con, rlwimi(H(t),R(b),sh,32-sh,31));
} else {
issue(con, rlwinm(H(t),R(b),sh-32,0,63-sh));
issue(con, li(R(t),0));
issue(con, slwi(R(t), R(b), sh));
void shiftRightR(Context* con, unsigned size, Reg* a, Reg* b, Reg* t)
if(size == 8) {
Reg Tmp(getTemp(con), getTemp(con)); Reg* tmp = &Tmp;
issue(con, subfic(H(tmp), R(a), 32));
issue(con, srw(R(t), R(b), R(a)));
issue(con, slw(R(tmp), H(b), H(tmp)));
issue(con, or_(R(t), R(t), R(tmp)));
issue(con, addic(H(tmp), R(a), -32));
issue(con, sraw(R(tmp), H(b), H(tmp)));
issue(con, ble(8));
issue(con, ori(R(t), R(tmp), 0));
issue(con, sraw(H(t), H(b), R(a)));
freeTemp(con, H(tmp)); freeTemp(con, R(tmp));
} else {
issue(con, sraw(R(t), R(b), R(a)));
void shiftRightC(Context* con, unsigned size, Const* a, Reg* b, Reg* t)
int sh = getVal(a);
if(size == 8) {
if (sh < 32) {
issue(con, rlwinm(R(t),R(b),32-sh,sh,31));
issue(con, rlwimi(R(t),H(b),32-sh,0,sh-1));
issue(con, srawi(H(t),H(b),sh));
} else {
issue(con, srawi(H(t),H(b),31));
issue(con, srawi(R(t),H(b),sh-32));
} else {
issue(con, srawi(R(t), R(b), sh));
void unsignedShiftRightR(Context* con, unsigned size, Reg* a, Reg* b, Reg* t)
issue(con, srw(R(t), R(b), R(a)));
if(size == 8) {
Reg Tmp(getTemp(con), getTemp(con)); Reg* tmp = &Tmp;
issue(con, subfic(H(tmp), R(a), 32));
issue(con, slw(R(tmp), H(b), H(tmp)));
issue(con, or_(R(t), R(t), R(tmp)));
issue(con, addi(H(tmp), R(a), -32));
issue(con, srw(R(tmp), H(b), H(tmp)));
issue(con, or_(R(t), R(t), R(tmp)));
issue(con, srw(H(t), H(b), R(a)));
freeTemp(con, H(tmp)); freeTemp(con, R(tmp));
moveRR(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Register* src,
unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Register* dst);
void unsignedShiftRightC(Context* con, unsigned size, Const* a, Reg* b, Reg* t)
int sh = getVal(a);
if (size == 8) {
if (sh == 32) {
Assembler::Register high(b->high);
moveRR(con, 4, &high, 4, t);
issue(con, li(H(t),0));
} else if (sh < 32) {
issue(con, srwi(R(t), R(b), sh));
issue(con, rlwimi(R(t),H(b),32-sh,0,sh-1));
issue(con, rlwinm(H(t),H(b),32-sh,sh,31));
} else {
issue(con, rlwinm(R(t),H(b),64-sh,sh-32,31));
issue(con, li(H(t),0));
} else {
issue(con, srwi(R(t), R(b), sh));
updateImmediate(System* s, void* dst, int64_t src, unsigned size)
switch (size) {
case 4: {
int32_t* p = static_cast<int32_t*>(dst);
int r = (p[1] >> 21) & 31;
p[0] = lis(r, src >> 16);
p[1] = ori(r, r, src);
} break;
default: abort(s);
class ImmediateListener: public Promise::Listener {
ImmediateListener(System* s, void* dst, unsigned size, unsigned offset):
s(s), dst(dst), size(size), offset(offset)
{ }
virtual bool resolve(int64_t value, void** location) {
updateImmediate(s, dst, value, size);
if (location) *location = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dst) + offset;
return false;
System* s;
void* dst;
unsigned size;
unsigned offset;
class ImmediateTask: public Task {
ImmediateTask(Task* next, Promise* promise, Promise* offset, unsigned size,
unsigned promiseOffset):
{ }
virtual void run(Context* c) {
if (promise->resolved()) {
(c->s, c->result + offset->value(), promise->value(), size);
} else {
new (promise->listen(sizeof(ImmediateListener))) ImmediateListener
(c->s, c->result + offset->value(), size, promiseOffset);
Promise* promise;
Promise* offset;
unsigned size;
unsigned promiseOffset;
appendImmediateTask(Context* c, Promise* promise, Promise* offset,
unsigned size, unsigned promiseOffset = 0)
c->tasks = new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(ImmediateTask))) ImmediateTask
(c->tasks, promise, offset, size, promiseOffset);
jumpR(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Register* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
issue(c, mtctr(target->low));
issue(c, bctr());
swapRR(Context* c, unsigned aSize, Assembler::Register* a,
unsigned bSize, Assembler::Register* b)
assert(c, aSize == BytesPerWord);
assert(c, bSize == BytesPerWord);
Assembler::Register tmp(c->client->acquireTemporary());
moveRR(c, aSize, a, bSize, &tmp);
moveRR(c, bSize, b, aSize, a);
moveRR(c, bSize, &tmp, bSize, b);
moveRR(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Register* src,
unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Register* dst)
switch (srcSize) {
case 1:
issue(c, extsb(dst->low, src->low));
case 2:
issue(c, extsh(dst->low, src->low));
case 4:
case 8:
if (srcSize == 4 and dstSize == 8) {
moveRR(c, 4, src, 4, dst);
issue(c, srawi(dst->high, src->low, 31));
} else if (srcSize == 8 and dstSize == 8) {
Assembler::Register srcHigh(src->high);
Assembler::Register dstHigh(dst->high);
if (src->high == dst->low) {
if (src->low == dst->high) {
swapRR(c, 4, src, 4, dst);
} else {
moveRR(c, 4, &srcHigh, 4, &dstHigh);
moveRR(c, 4, src, 4, dst);
} else {
moveRR(c, 4, src, 4, dst);
moveRR(c, 4, &srcHigh, 4, &dstHigh);
} else if (src->low != dst->low) {
issue(c, mr(dst->low, src->low));
default: abort(c);
moveZRR(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Register* src,
unsigned, Assembler::Register* dst)
switch (srcSize) {
case 2:
issue(c, andi(dst->low, src->low, 0xFFFF));
default: abort(c);
moveCR2(Context* c, unsigned, Assembler::Constant* src,
unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Register* dst, unsigned promiseOffset)
if (dstSize <= 4) {
if (src->value->resolved()) {
int32_t v = src->value->value();
if (isInt16(v)) {
issue(c, li(dst->low, v));
} else {
issue(c, lis(dst->low, v >> 16));
issue(c, ori(dst->low, dst->low, v));
} else {
(c, src->value, offset(c), BytesPerWord, promiseOffset);
issue(c, lis(dst->low, 0));
issue(c, ori(dst->low, dst->low, 0));
} else {
abort(c); // todo
moveCR(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Constant* src,
unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Register* dst)
moveCR2(c, srcSize, src, dstSize, dst, 0);
void addR(Context* con, unsigned size, Reg* a, Reg* b, Reg* t) {
if(size == 8) {
issue(con, addc(R(t), R(a), R(b)));
issue(con, adde(H(t), H(a), H(b)));
} else {
issue(con, add(R(t), R(a), R(b)));
void addC(Context* con, unsigned size, Const* a, Reg* b, Reg* t) {
assert(con, size == BytesPerWord);
int32_t i = getVal(a);
if(i) {
issue(con, addi(R(t), R(b), lo16(i)));
if(not isInt16(i))
issue(con, addis(R(t), R(t), hi16(i) + carry16(i)));
} else {
moveRR(con, size, b, size, t);
void subR(Context* con, unsigned size, Reg* a, Reg* b, Reg* t) {
if(size == 8) {
issue(con, subfc(R(t), R(a), R(b)));
issue(con, subfe(H(t), H(a), H(b)));
} else {
issue(con, subf(R(t), R(a), R(b)));
void subC(Context* c, unsigned size, Const* a, Reg* b, Reg* t) {
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
ResolvedPromise promise(- a->value->value());
Assembler::Constant constant(&promise);
addC(c, size, &constant, b, t);
void multiplyR(Context* con, unsigned size, Reg* a, Reg* b, Reg* t) {
if(size == 8) {
bool useTemporaries = b->low == t->low;
int tmpLow;
int tmpHigh;
if (useTemporaries) {
tmpLow = con->client->acquireTemporary();
tmpHigh = con->client->acquireTemporary();
} else {
tmpLow = t->low;
tmpHigh = t->high;
issue(con, mullw(tmpHigh, H(a), R(b)));
issue(con, mullw(tmpLow, R(a), H(b)));
issue(con, add(H(t), tmpHigh, tmpLow));
issue(con, mulhwu(tmpLow, R(a), R(b)));
issue(con, add(H(t), H(t), tmpLow));
issue(con, mullw(R(t), R(a), R(b)));
if (useTemporaries) {
} else {
issue(con, mullw(R(t), R(a), R(b)));
void divideR(Context* con, unsigned size UNUSED, Reg* a, Reg* b, Reg* t) {
assert(con, size == 4);
issue(con, divw(R(t), R(b), R(a)));
void remainderR(Context* con, unsigned size, Reg* a, Reg* b, Reg* t) {
bool useTemporary = b->low == t->low;
Assembler::Register tmp(t->low);
if (useTemporary) {
tmp.low = con->client->acquireTemporary();
divideR(con, size, a, b, &tmp);
multiplyR(con, size, a, &tmp, &tmp);
subR(con, size, &tmp, b, t);
if (useTemporary) {
normalize(Context* c, int offset, int index, unsigned scale,
bool* preserveIndex, bool* release)
if (offset != 0 or scale != 1) {
Assembler::Register normalizedIndex
(*preserveIndex ? c->client->acquireTemporary() : index);
if (*preserveIndex) {
*release = true;
*preserveIndex = false;
} else {
*release = false;
int scaled;
if (scale != 1) {
Assembler::Register unscaledIndex(index);
ResolvedPromise scalePromise(log(scale));
Assembler::Constant scaleConstant(&scalePromise);
shiftLeftC(c, BytesPerWord, &scaleConstant,
&unscaledIndex, &normalizedIndex);
scaled = normalizedIndex.low;
} else {
scaled = index;
if (offset != 0) {
Assembler::Register untranslatedIndex(scaled);
ResolvedPromise offsetPromise(offset);
Assembler::Constant offsetConstant(&offsetPromise);
addC(c, BytesPerWord, &offsetConstant,
&untranslatedIndex, &normalizedIndex);
return normalizedIndex.low;
} else {
*release = false;
return index;
store(Context* c, unsigned size, Assembler::Register* src,
int base, int offset, int index, unsigned scale, bool preserveIndex)
if (index != NoRegister) {
bool release;
int normalized = normalize
(c, offset, index, scale, &preserveIndex, &release);
switch (size) {
case 1:
issue(c, stbx(src->low, base, normalized));
case 2:
issue(c, sthx(src->low, base, normalized));
case 4:
issue(c, stwx(src->low, base, normalized));
case 8: {
Assembler::Register srcHigh(src->high);
store(c, 4, &srcHigh, base, 0, normalized, 1, preserveIndex);
store(c, 4, src, base, 4, normalized, 1, preserveIndex);
} break;
default: abort(c);
if (release) c->client->releaseTemporary(normalized);
} else {
switch (size) {
case 1:
issue(c, stb(src->low, base, offset));
case 2:
issue(c, sth(src->low, base, offset));
case 4:
issue(c, stw(src->low, base, offset));
case 8: {
Assembler::Register srcHigh(src->high);
store(c, 4, &srcHigh, base, offset, NoRegister, 1, false);
store(c, 4, src, base, offset + 4, NoRegister, 1, false);
} break;
default: abort(c);
moveRM(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Register* src,
unsigned dstSize UNUSED, Assembler::Memory* dst)
assert(c, srcSize == dstSize);
store(c, srcSize, src, dst->base, dst->offset, dst->index, dst->scale, true);
moveAndUpdateRM(Context* c, unsigned srcSize UNUSED, Assembler::Register* src,
unsigned dstSize UNUSED, Assembler::Memory* dst)
assert(c, srcSize == BytesPerWord);
assert(c, dstSize == BytesPerWord);
if (dst->index == NoRegister) {
issue(c, stwu(src->low, dst->base, dst->offset));
} else {
assert(c, dst->offset == 0);
assert(c, dst->scale == 1);
issue(c, stwux(src->low, dst->base, dst->index));
load(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, int base, int offset, int index,
unsigned scale, unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Register* dst,
bool preserveIndex, bool signExtend)
if (index != NoRegister) {
bool release;
int normalized = normalize
(c, offset, index, scale, &preserveIndex, &release);
switch (srcSize) {
case 1:
issue(c, lbzx(dst->low, base, normalized));
if (signExtend) {
issue(c, extsb(dst->low, dst->low));
case 2:
if (signExtend) {
issue(c, lhax(dst->low, base, normalized));
} else {
issue(c, lhzx(dst->low, base, normalized));
case 4:
case 8: {
if (srcSize == 4 and dstSize == 8) {
load(c, 4, base, 0, normalized, 1, 4, dst, preserveIndex, false);
moveRR(c, 4, dst, 8, dst);
} else if (srcSize == 8 and dstSize == 8) {
Assembler::Register dstHigh(dst->high);
load(c, 4, base, 0, normalized, 1, 4, &dstHigh, preserveIndex, false);
load(c, 4, base, 4, normalized, 1, 4, dst, preserveIndex, false);
} else {
issue(c, lwzx(dst->low, base, normalized));
} break;
default: abort(c);
if (release) c->client->releaseTemporary(normalized);
} else {
switch (srcSize) {
case 1:
issue(c, lbz(dst->low, base, offset));
if (signExtend) {
issue(c, extsb(dst->low, dst->low));
case 2:
if (signExtend) {
issue(c, lha(dst->low, base, offset));
} else {
issue(c, lha(dst->low, base, offset));
case 4:
issue(c, lwz(dst->low, base, offset));
case 8: {
if (srcSize == 4 and dstSize == 8) {
load(c, 4, base, offset, NoRegister, 1, 4, dst, false, false);
moveRR(c, 4, dst, 8, dst);
} else if (srcSize == 8 and dstSize == 8) {
Assembler::Register dstHigh(dst->high);
load(c, 4, base, offset, NoRegister, 1, 4, &dstHigh, false, false);
load(c, 4, base, offset + 4, NoRegister, 1, 4, dst, false, false);
} else {
issue(c, lwzx(dst->low, base, offset));
} break;
default: abort(c);
moveMR(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Memory* src,
unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Register* dst)
load(c, srcSize, src->base, src->offset, src->index, src->scale,
dstSize, dst, true, true);
moveZMR(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Memory* src,
unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Register* dst)
load(c, srcSize, src->base, src->offset, src->index, src->scale,
dstSize, dst, true, false);
// void moveCR3(Context* con, unsigned aSize, Const* a, unsigned tSize, Reg* t) {
// int64_t i = getVal(a);
// if(tSize == 8) {
// int64_t j;
// if(aSize == 8) j = i; // 64-bit const -> load high bits into high register
// else j = 0; // 32-bit const -> clear high register
// issue(con, lis(H(t), hi16(hi32(j))));
// issue(con, ori(H(t), H(t), lo16(hi32(j))));
// }
// issue(con, lis(R(t), hi16(i)));
// issue(con, ori(R(t), R(t), lo16(i)));
// }
andR(Context* c, unsigned size, Assembler::Register* a,
Assembler::Register* b, Assembler::Register* dst)
if (size == 8) {
Assembler::Register ah(a->high);
Assembler::Register bh(b->high);
Assembler::Register dh(dst->high);
andR(c, 4, a, b, dst);
andR(c, 4, &ah, &bh, &dh);
} else {
issue(c, and_(dst->low, a->low, b->low));
andC(Context* c, unsigned size, Assembler::Constant* a,
Assembler::Register* b, Assembler::Register* dst)
int64_t v = a->value->value();
if (size == 8) {
ResolvedPromise high((v >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Assembler::Constant ah(&high);
ResolvedPromise low(v & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Assembler::Constant al(&low);
Assembler::Register bh(b->high);
Assembler::Register dh(dst->high);
andC(c, 4, &al, b, dst);
andC(c, 4, &ah, &bh, &dh);
} else {
// bitmasks of the form regex 0*1*0* can be handled in a single
// rlwinm instruction, hence the following:
uint32_t v32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(v);
unsigned state = 0;
unsigned start = 0;
unsigned end = 31;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
unsigned bit = (v32 >> i) & 1;
switch (state) {
case 0:
if (bit) {
start = i;
state = 1;
case 1:
if (bit == 0) {
end = i - 1;
state = 2;
case 2:
if (bit) {
// not in 0*1*0* form. We can only use andi(s) if either
// the topmost or bottommost 16 bits are zero.
if ((v32 >> 16) == 0) {
issue(c, andi(dst->low, b->low, v32));
} else if ((v32 & 0xFFFF) == 0) {
issue(c, andis(dst->low, b->low, v32 >> 16));
} else {
bool useTemporary = b->low == dst->low;
Assembler::Register tmp(dst->low);
if (useTemporary) {
tmp.low = c->client->acquireTemporary();
moveCR(c, 4, a, 4, &tmp);
andR(c, 4, b, &tmp, dst);
if (useTemporary) {
if (state) {
if (start != 0 or end != 31) {
issue(c, rlwinm(dst->low, b->low, 0, 31 - end, 31 - start));
} else {
moveRR(c, 4, b, 4, dst);
} else {
issue(c, li(dst->low, 0));
orR(Context* c, unsigned size, Assembler::Register* a,
Assembler::Register* b, Assembler::Register* dst)
if (size == 8) {
Assembler::Register ah(a->high);
Assembler::Register bh(b->high);
Assembler::Register dh(dst->high);
orR(c, 4, a, b, dst);
orR(c, 4, &ah, &bh, &dh);
} else {
issue(c, or_(dst->low, a->low, b->low));
orC(Context* c, unsigned size, Assembler::Constant* a,
Assembler::Register* b, Assembler::Register* dst)
int64_t v = a->value->value();
if (size == 8) {
ResolvedPromise high((v >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Assembler::Constant ah(&high);
ResolvedPromise low(v & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Assembler::Constant al(&low);
Assembler::Register bh(b->high);
Assembler::Register dh(dst->high);
orC(c, 4, &al, b, dst);
orC(c, 4, &ah, &bh, &dh);
} else {
issue(c, ori(b->low, dst->low, v));
if (v >> 16) {
issue(c, oris(dst->low, dst->low, v >> 16));
xorR(Context* c, unsigned size, Assembler::Register* a,
Assembler::Register* b, Assembler::Register* dst)
if (size == 8) {
Assembler::Register ah(a->high);
Assembler::Register bh(b->high);
Assembler::Register dh(dst->high);
xorR(c, 4, a, b, dst);
xorR(c, 4, &ah, &bh, &dh);
} else {
issue(c, xor_(dst->low, a->low, b->low));
xorC(Context* c, unsigned size, Assembler::Constant* a,
Assembler::Register* b, Assembler::Register* dst)
uint64_t v = a->value->value();
if (size == 8) {
ResolvedPromise high((v >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Assembler::Constant ah(&high);
ResolvedPromise low(v & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Assembler::Constant al(&low);
Assembler::Register bh(b->high);
Assembler::Register dh(dst->high);
xorC(c, 4, &al, b, dst);
xorC(c, 4, &ah, &bh, &dh);
} else {
if (v >> 16) {
issue(c, xoris(b->low, dst->low, v >> 16));
issue(c, xori(dst->low, dst->low, v));
} else {
issue(c, xori(b->low, dst->low, v));
moveAR(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Address* src,
unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Register* dst)
assert(c, srcSize == 4 and dstSize == 4);
Assembler::Constant constant(src->address);
Assembler::Memory memory(dst->low, 0, -1, 0);
moveCR(c, srcSize, &constant, dstSize, dst);
moveMR(c, dstSize, &memory, dstSize, dst);
compareRR(Context* c, unsigned aSize UNUSED, Assembler::Register* a,
unsigned bSize UNUSED, Assembler::Register* b)
assert(c, aSize == 4 and bSize == 4);
issue(c, cmpw(b->low, a->low));
compareCR(Context* c, unsigned aSize, Assembler::Constant* a,
unsigned bSize, Assembler::Register* b)
assert(c, aSize == 4 and bSize == 4);
if (a->value->resolved() and isInt16(a->value->value())) {
issue(c, cmpwi(b->low, a->value->value()));
} else {
Assembler::Register tmp(c->client->acquireTemporary());
moveCR(c, aSize, a, bSize, &tmp);
compareRR(c, bSize, &tmp, bSize, b);
compareCM(Context* c, unsigned aSize, Assembler::Constant* a,
unsigned bSize, Assembler::Memory* b)
assert(c, aSize == 4 and bSize == 4);
Assembler::Register tmp(c->client->acquireTemporary());
moveMR(c, bSize, b, bSize, &tmp);
compareCR(c, aSize, a, bSize, &tmp);
compareRM(Context* c, unsigned aSize, Assembler::Register* a,
unsigned bSize, Assembler::Memory* b)
assert(c, aSize == 4 and bSize == 4);
Assembler::Register tmp(c->client->acquireTemporary());
moveMR(c, bSize, b, bSize, &tmp);
compareRR(c, aSize, a, bSize, &tmp);
compareUnsignedRR(Context* c, unsigned aSize UNUSED, Assembler::Register* a,
unsigned bSize UNUSED, Assembler::Register* b)
assert(c, aSize == 4 and bSize == 4);
issue(c, cmplw(b->low, a->low));
compareUnsignedCR(Context* c, unsigned aSize, Assembler::Constant* a,
unsigned bSize, Assembler::Register* b)
assert(c, aSize == 4 and bSize == 4);
if (a->value->resolved() and (a->value->value() >> 16) == 0) {
issue(c, cmplwi(b->low, a->value->value()));
} else {
Assembler::Register tmp(c->client->acquireTemporary());
moveCR(c, aSize, a, bSize, &tmp);
compareUnsignedRR(c, bSize, &tmp, bSize, b);
longCompare(Context* c, Assembler::Operand* al, Assembler::Operand* ah,
Assembler::Operand* bl, Assembler::Operand* bh,
Assembler::Register* dst, BinaryOperationType compareSigned,
BinaryOperationType compareUnsigned)
ResolvedPromise negativePromise(-1);
Assembler::Constant negative(&negativePromise);
ResolvedPromise zeroPromise(0);
Assembler::Constant zero(&zeroPromise);
ResolvedPromise positivePromise(1);
Assembler::Constant positive(&positivePromise);
compareSigned(c, 4, ah, 4, bh);
unsigned less = c->code.length();
issue(c, blt(0));
unsigned greater = c->code.length();
issue(c, bgt(0));
compareUnsigned(c, 4, al, 4, bl);
unsigned above = c->code.length();
issue(c, bgt(0));
unsigned below = c->code.length();
issue(c, blt(0));
moveCR(c, 4, &zero, 4, dst);
unsigned nextFirst = c->code.length();
issue(c, b(0));
(c->s, c-> + less, true, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(c-> + c->code.length()));
(c->s, c-> + below, true, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(c-> + c->code.length()));
moveCR(c, 4, &negative, 4, dst);
unsigned nextSecond = c->code.length();
issue(c, b(0));
(c->s, c-> + greater, true, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(c-> + c->code.length()));
(c->s, c-> + above, true, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(c-> + c->code.length()));
moveCR(c, 4, &positive, 4, dst);
(c->s, c-> + nextFirst, false, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(c-> + c->code.length()));
(c->s, c-> + nextSecond, false, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(c-> + c->code.length()));
longCompareR(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Register* a,
Assembler::Register* b, Assembler::Register* dst)
assert(c, size == 8);
Assembler::Register ah(a->high);
Assembler::Register bh(b->high);
longCompare(c, a, &ah, b, &bh, dst, CAST2(compareRR),
longCompareC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* a,
Assembler::Register* b, Assembler::Register* dst)
assert(c, size == 8);
int64_t v = a->value->value();
ResolvedPromise low(v & ~static_cast<uintptr_t>(0));
Assembler::Constant al(&low);
ResolvedPromise high((v >> 32) & ~static_cast<uintptr_t>(0));
Assembler::Constant ah(&high);
Assembler::Register bh(b->high);
longCompare(c, &al, &ah, b, &bh, dst, CAST2(compareCR),
shiftMaskPromise(Context* c, Promise* base, unsigned shift, int64_t mask)
return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(ShiftMaskPromise)))
ShiftMaskPromise(base, shift, mask);
moveCM(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Constant* src,
unsigned dstSize, Assembler::Memory* dst)
switch (dstSize) {
case 8: {
Assembler::Constant srcHigh
(shiftMaskPromise(c, src->value, 32, 0xFFFFFFFF));
Assembler::Constant srcLow
(shiftMaskPromise(c, src->value, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF));
Assembler::Memory dstLow
(dst->base, dst->offset + 4, dst->index, dst->scale);
moveCM(c, 4, &srcLow, 4, &dstLow);
moveCM(c, 4, &srcHigh, 4, dst);
} break;
Assembler::Register tmp(c->client->acquireTemporary());
moveCR(c, srcSize, src, dstSize, &tmp);
moveRM(c, dstSize, &tmp, dstSize, dst);
negateRR(Context* c, unsigned srcSize, Assembler::Register* src,
unsigned dstSize UNUSED, Assembler::Register* dst)
assert(c, srcSize == dstSize);
if (srcSize == 8) {
Assembler::Register dstHigh(dst->high);
issue(c, subfic(dst->low, src->low, 0));
issue(c, subfze(dst->high, src->high));
} else {
issue(c, neg(dst->low, src->low));
callR(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Register* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
issue(c, mtctr(target->low));
issue(c, bctrl());
callC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
appendOffsetTask(c, target->value, offset(c), false);
issue(c, bl(0));
longCallC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
Assembler::Register tmp(0);
moveCR2(c, BytesPerWord, target, BytesPerWord, &tmp, 12);
callR(c, BytesPerWord, &tmp);
longJumpC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
Assembler::Register tmp(0);
moveCR2(c, BytesPerWord, target, BytesPerWord, &tmp, 12);
jumpR(c, BytesPerWord, &tmp);
jumpC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
appendOffsetTask(c, target->value, offset(c), false);
issue(c, b(0));
jumpIfEqualC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
appendOffsetTask(c, target->value, offset(c), true);
issue(c, beq(0));
jumpIfNotEqualC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
appendOffsetTask(c, target->value, offset(c), true);
issue(c, bne(0));
jumpIfGreaterC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
appendOffsetTask(c, target->value, offset(c), true);
issue(c, bgt(0));
jumpIfGreaterOrEqualC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED,
Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
appendOffsetTask(c, target->value, offset(c), true);
issue(c, bge(0));
jumpIfLessC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED, Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
appendOffsetTask(c, target->value, offset(c), true);
issue(c, blt(0));
jumpIfLessOrEqualC(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED,
Assembler::Constant* target)
assert(c, size == BytesPerWord);
appendOffsetTask(c, target->value, offset(c), true);
issue(c, ble(0));
return_(Context* c)
issue(c, blr());
memoryBarrier(Context* c)
issue(c, sync(0));
populateTables(ArchitectureContext* c)
const OperandType C = ConstantOperand;
const OperandType A = AddressOperand;
const OperandType R = RegisterOperand;
const OperandType M = MemoryOperand;
OperationType* zo = c->operations;
UnaryOperationType* uo = c->unaryOperations;
BinaryOperationType* bo = c->binaryOperations;
TernaryOperationType* to = c->ternaryOperations;
zo[Return] = return_;
zo[LoadBarrier] = memoryBarrier;
zo[StoreStoreBarrier] = memoryBarrier;
zo[StoreLoadBarrier] = memoryBarrier;
uo[index(LongCall, C)] = CAST1(longCallC);
uo[index(LongJump, C)] = CAST1(longJumpC);
uo[index(Jump, R)] = CAST1(jumpR);
uo[index(Jump, C)] = CAST1(jumpC);
uo[index(AlignedJump, R)] = CAST1(jumpR);
uo[index(AlignedJump, C)] = CAST1(jumpC);
uo[index(JumpIfEqual, C)] = CAST1(jumpIfEqualC);
uo[index(JumpIfNotEqual, C)] = CAST1(jumpIfNotEqualC);
uo[index(JumpIfGreater, C)] = CAST1(jumpIfGreaterC);
uo[index(JumpIfGreaterOrEqual, C)] = CAST1(jumpIfGreaterOrEqualC);
uo[index(JumpIfLess, C)] = CAST1(jumpIfLessC);
uo[index(JumpIfLessOrEqual, C)] = CAST1(jumpIfLessOrEqualC);
uo[index(Call, C)] = CAST1(callC);
uo[index(Call, R)] = CAST1(callR);
uo[index(AlignedCall, C)] = CAST1(callC);
uo[index(AlignedCall, R)] = CAST1(callR);
bo[index(Move, R, R)] = CAST2(moveRR);
bo[index(Move, C, R)] = CAST2(moveCR);
bo[index(Move, C, M)] = CAST2(moveCM);
bo[index(Move, M, R)] = CAST2(moveMR);
bo[index(Move, R, M)] = CAST2(moveRM);
bo[index(Move, A, R)] = CAST2(moveAR);
bo[index(MoveZ, R, R)] = CAST2(moveZRR);
bo[index(MoveZ, M, R)] = CAST2(moveZMR);
bo[index(MoveZ, C, R)] = CAST2(moveCR);
bo[index(Compare, R, R)] = CAST2(compareRR);
bo[index(Compare, C, R)] = CAST2(compareCR);
bo[index(Compare, R, M)] = CAST2(compareRM);
bo[index(Compare, C, M)] = CAST2(compareCM);
bo[index(Negate, R, R)] = CAST2(negateRR);
to[index(Add, R)] = CAST3(addR);
to[index(Add, C)] = CAST3(addC);
to[index(Subtract, R)] = CAST3(subR);
to[index(Subtract, C)] = CAST3(subC);
to[index(Multiply, R)] = CAST3(multiplyR);
to[index(Divide, R)] = CAST3(divideR);
to[index(Remainder, R)] = CAST3(remainderR);
to[index(ShiftLeft, R)] = CAST3(shiftLeftR);
to[index(ShiftLeft, C)] = CAST3(shiftLeftC);
to[index(ShiftRight, R)] = CAST3(shiftRightR);
to[index(ShiftRight, C)] = CAST3(shiftRightC);
to[index(UnsignedShiftRight, R)] = CAST3(unsignedShiftRightR);
to[index(UnsignedShiftRight, C)] = CAST3(unsignedShiftRightC);
to[index(And, C)] = CAST3(andC);
to[index(And, R)] = CAST3(andR);
to[index(Or, C)] = CAST3(orC);
to[index(Or, R)] = CAST3(orR);
to[index(Xor, C)] = CAST3(xorC);
to[index(Xor, R)] = CAST3(xorR);
to[index(LongCompare, R)] = CAST3(longCompareR);
to[index(LongCompare, C)] = CAST3(longCompareC);
class MyArchitecture: public Assembler::Architecture {
MyArchitecture(System* system): c(system), referenceCount(0) {
virtual unsigned registerCount() {
return 32;
virtual unsigned generalRegisterCount() {
return 32;
virtual unsigned floatRegisterCount() {
return 0;
virtual int stack() {
return StackRegister;
virtual int thread() {
return ThreadRegister;
virtual int returnLow() {
return 4;
virtual int returnHigh() {
return (BytesPerWord == 4 ? 3 : NoRegister);
virtual int virtualCallTarget() {
return 4;
virtual int virtualCallIndex() {
return 3;
virtual bool bigEndian() {
return true;
virtual bool reserved(int register_) {
switch (register_) {
case 0: // r0 has special meaning in addi and other instructions
case StackRegister:
case ThreadRegister:
return true;
return false;
virtual unsigned frameFootprint(unsigned footprint) {
return max(footprint, StackAlignmentInWords);
virtual unsigned argumentFootprint(unsigned footprint) {
return max(pad(footprint, StackAlignmentInWords), StackAlignmentInWords);
virtual unsigned argumentRegisterCount() {
return 8;
virtual int argumentRegister(unsigned index) {
assert(&c, index < argumentRegisterCount());
return index + 3;
virtual uint64_t generalRegisters() {
return (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 32) - 1;
virtual uint64_t floatRegisters() {
return 0;
virtual uint64_t allRegisters() {
return generalRegisters() | floatRegisters();
virtual unsigned stackAlignmentInWords() {
return StackAlignmentInWords;
virtual bool matchCall(void* returnAddress, void* target) {
uint32_t* instruction = static_cast<uint32_t*>(returnAddress) - 1;
return *instruction == static_cast<uint32_t>
- reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(instruction)));
virtual void updateCall(UnaryOperation op UNUSED,
bool assertAlignment UNUSED, void* returnAddress,
void* newTarget)
switch (op) {
case Call:
case Jump: {
updateOffset(c.s, static_cast<uint8_t*>(returnAddress) - 4, false,
} break;
case LongCall:
case LongJump: {
updateImmediate(c.s, static_cast<uint8_t*>(returnAddress) - 12,
reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(newTarget), BytesPerWord);
} break;
default: abort(&c);
virtual unsigned constantCallSize() {
return 4;
virtual uintptr_t getConstant(const void* src) {
const int32_t* p = static_cast<const int32_t*>(src);
return (p[0] << 16) | (p[1] & 0xFFFF);
virtual void setConstant(void* dst, uintptr_t constant) {
updateImmediate(c.s, dst, constant, BytesPerWord);
virtual unsigned alignFrameSize(unsigned sizeInWords) {
const unsigned alignment = StackAlignmentInBytes / BytesPerWord;
return (ceiling(sizeInWords + FrameFooterSize, alignment) * alignment);
virtual void* frameIp(void* stack) {
return stack ? static_cast<void**>(stack)[2] : 0;
virtual unsigned frameHeaderSize() {
return 0;
virtual unsigned frameReturnAddressSize() {
return 0;
virtual unsigned frameFooterSize() {
return FrameFooterSize;
virtual int returnAddressOffset() {
return 8 / BytesPerWord;
virtual int framePointerOffset() {
return 0;
virtual void nextFrame(void** stack, void**) {
assert(&c, *static_cast<void**>(*stack) != *stack);
*stack = *static_cast<void**>(*stack);
virtual BinaryOperation hasBinaryIntrinsic(Thread*, object) {
return NoBinaryOperation;
virtual TernaryOperation hasTernaryIntrinsic(Thread*, object) {
return NoTernaryOperation;
virtual bool alwaysCondensed(BinaryOperation) {
return false;
virtual bool alwaysCondensed(TernaryOperation) {
return false;
virtual void plan
unsigned, uint8_t* aTypeMask, uint64_t* aRegisterMask,
bool* thunk)
*aTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand) | (1 << ConstantOperand);
*aRegisterMask = ~static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
*thunk = false;
virtual void planSource
(BinaryOperation op,
unsigned, uint8_t* aTypeMask, uint64_t* aRegisterMask,
unsigned, bool* thunk)
*aTypeMask = ~0;
*aRegisterMask = ~static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
*thunk = false;
switch (op) {
case Compare:
*aTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand) | (1 << ConstantOperand);
case Negate:
*aTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
case FloatCompare:
case FloatNegate:
case Float2Float:
case Float2Int:
case Int2Float:
*thunk = true;
virtual void planDestination
(BinaryOperation op,
unsigned, const uint8_t*, const uint64_t*,
unsigned, uint8_t* bTypeMask, uint64_t* bRegisterMask)
*bTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand) | (1 << MemoryOperand);
*bRegisterMask = ~static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
switch (op) {
case Compare:
*bTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
case Negate:
*bTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
virtual void planSource
(TernaryOperation op,
unsigned aSize, uint8_t* aTypeMask, uint64_t* aRegisterMask,
unsigned, uint8_t* bTypeMask, uint64_t* bRegisterMask,
unsigned, bool* thunk)
*aTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand) | (1 << ConstantOperand);
*aRegisterMask = ~static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
*bTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
*bRegisterMask = ~static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
*thunk = false;
switch (op) {
case Add:
case Subtract:
if (aSize == 8) {
*aTypeMask = *bTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
case Multiply:
*aTypeMask = *bTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
case LongCompare:
*bTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
case Divide:
case Remainder:
if (BytesPerWord == 4 and aSize == 8) {
*bTypeMask = ~0;
*thunk = true;
} else {
*aTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
case FloatAdd:
case FloatSubtract:
case FloatMultiply:
case FloatDivide:
case FloatRemainder:
*bTypeMask = ~0;
*thunk = true;
virtual void planDestination
unsigned, const uint8_t*, const uint64_t*,
unsigned, const uint8_t*, const uint64_t*,
unsigned, uint8_t* cTypeMask, uint64_t* cRegisterMask)
*cTypeMask = (1 << RegisterOperand);
*cRegisterMask = ~static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
virtual void acquire() {
++ referenceCount;
virtual void release() {
if (-- referenceCount == 0) {
ArchitectureContext c;
unsigned referenceCount;
class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
MyAssembler(System* s, Allocator* a, Zone* zone, MyArchitecture* arch):
c(s, a, zone), arch_(arch)
{ }
virtual void setClient(Client* client) {
assert(&c, c.client == 0);
c.client = client;
virtual Architecture* arch() {
return arch_;
virtual void saveFrame(unsigned stackOffset, unsigned) {
Register stack(StackRegister);
Memory stackDst(ThreadRegister, stackOffset);
moveRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &stack, BytesPerWord, &stackDst);
virtual void pushFrame(unsigned argumentCount, ...) {
struct {
unsigned size;
OperandType type;
Operand* operand;
} arguments[argumentCount];
va_list a; va_start(a, argumentCount);
unsigned footprint = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < argumentCount; ++i) {
arguments[i].size = va_arg(a, unsigned);
arguments[i].type = static_cast<OperandType>(va_arg(a, int));
arguments[i].operand = va_arg(a, Operand*);
footprint += ceiling(arguments[i].size, BytesPerWord);
unsigned offset = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < argumentCount; ++i) {
if (i < arch_->argumentRegisterCount()) {
Register dst(arch_->argumentRegister(i));
arguments[i].size, arguments[i].type, arguments[i].operand,
pad(arguments[i].size), RegisterOperand, &dst);
offset += ceiling(arguments[i].size, BytesPerWord);
} else {
Memory dst(ThreadRegister, (offset + FrameFooterSize) * BytesPerWord);
arguments[i].size, arguments[i].type, arguments[i].operand,
pad(arguments[i].size), MemoryOperand, &dst);
offset += ceiling(arguments[i].size, BytesPerWord);
virtual void allocateFrame(unsigned footprint) {
Register returnAddress(0);
issue(&c, mflr(returnAddress.low));
Memory returnAddressDst(StackRegister, 8);
moveRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &returnAddress, BytesPerWord, &returnAddressDst);
Register stack(StackRegister);
Memory stackDst(StackRegister, -footprint * BytesPerWord);
moveAndUpdateRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &stack, BytesPerWord, &stackDst);
virtual void adjustFrame(unsigned footprint) {
Register nextStack(0);
Memory stackSrc(StackRegister, 0);
moveMR(&c, BytesPerWord, &stackSrc, BytesPerWord, &nextStack);
Memory stackDst(StackRegister, -footprint * BytesPerWord);
moveAndUpdateRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &nextStack, BytesPerWord, &stackDst);
virtual void popFrame() {
Register stack(StackRegister);
Memory stackSrc(StackRegister, 0);
moveMR(&c, BytesPerWord, &stackSrc, BytesPerWord, &stack);
Register returnAddress(0);
Memory returnAddressSrc(StackRegister, 8);
moveMR(&c, BytesPerWord, &returnAddressSrc, BytesPerWord, &returnAddress);
issue(&c, mtlr(returnAddress.low));
virtual void popFrameForTailCall(unsigned footprint,
int offset,
int returnAddressSurrogate,
int framePointerSurrogate)
if (TailCalls) {
if (offset) {
Register tmp(0);
Memory returnAddressSrc(StackRegister, 8 + (footprint * BytesPerWord));
moveMR(&c, BytesPerWord, &returnAddressSrc, BytesPerWord, &tmp);
issue(&c, mtlr(tmp.low));
Memory stackSrc(StackRegister, footprint * BytesPerWord);
moveMR(&c, BytesPerWord, &stackSrc, BytesPerWord, &tmp);
Memory stackDst(StackRegister, (footprint - offset) * BytesPerWord);
moveAndUpdateRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &tmp, BytesPerWord, &stackDst);
if (returnAddressSurrogate != NoRegister) {
assert(&c, offset > 0);
Register ras(returnAddressSurrogate);
Memory dst(StackRegister, 8 + (offset * BytesPerWord));
moveRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &ras, BytesPerWord, &dst);
if (framePointerSurrogate != NoRegister) {
assert(&c, offset > 0);
Register fps(framePointerSurrogate);
Memory dst(StackRegister, offset * BytesPerWord);
moveRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &fps, BytesPerWord, &dst);
} else {
} else {
virtual void popFrameAndPopArgumentsAndReturn(unsigned argumentFootprint) {
assert(&c, argumentFootprint >= StackAlignmentInWords);
assert(&c, (argumentFootprint % StackAlignmentInWords) == 0);
if (TailCalls and argumentFootprint > StackAlignmentInWords) {
Register tmp(0);
Memory stackSrc(StackRegister, 0);
moveMR(&c, BytesPerWord, &stackSrc, BytesPerWord, &tmp);
Memory stackDst(StackRegister,
(argumentFootprint - StackAlignmentInWords)
* BytesPerWord);
moveAndUpdateRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &tmp, BytesPerWord, &stackDst);
virtual void popFrameAndUpdateStackAndReturn(unsigned stackOffsetFromThread)
Register tmp1(0);
Memory stackSrc(StackRegister, 0);
moveMR(&c, BytesPerWord, &stackSrc, BytesPerWord, &tmp1);
Register tmp2(5);
Memory newStackSrc(ThreadRegister, stackOffsetFromThread);
moveMR(&c, BytesPerWord, &newStackSrc, BytesPerWord, &tmp2);
Register stack(StackRegister);
subR(&c, BytesPerWord, &stack, &tmp2, &tmp2);
Memory stackDst(StackRegister, 0, tmp2.low);
moveAndUpdateRM(&c, BytesPerWord, &tmp1, BytesPerWord, &stackDst);
virtual void apply(Operation op) {
virtual void apply(UnaryOperation op,
unsigned aSize, OperandType aType, Operand* aOperand)
arch_->c.unaryOperations[index(op, aType)](&c, aSize, aOperand);
virtual void apply(BinaryOperation op,
unsigned aSize, OperandType aType, Operand* aOperand,
unsigned bSize, OperandType bType, Operand* bOperand)
arch_->c.binaryOperations[index(op, aType, bType)]
(&c, aSize, aOperand, bSize, bOperand);
virtual void apply(TernaryOperation op,
unsigned, OperandType aType, Operand* aOperand,
unsigned bSize, OperandType bType UNUSED,
Operand* bOperand,
unsigned cSize UNUSED, OperandType cType UNUSED,
Operand* cOperand)
assert(&c, bSize == cSize);
assert(&c, bType == RegisterOperand);
assert(&c, cType == RegisterOperand);
arch_->c.ternaryOperations[index(op, aType)]
(&c, bSize, aOperand, bOperand, cOperand);
virtual void writeTo(uint8_t* dst) {
c.result = dst;
for (MyBlock* b = c.firstBlock; b; b = b->next) {
memcpy(dst + b->start, + b->offset, b->size);
for (Task* t = c.tasks; t; t = t->next) {
virtual Promise* offset() {
return ::offset(&c);
virtual Block* endBlock(bool startNew) {
MyBlock* b = c.lastBlock;
b->size = c.code.length() - b->offset;
if (startNew) {
c.lastBlock = new (>allocate(sizeof(MyBlock)))
} else {
c.lastBlock = 0;
return b;
virtual unsigned length() {
return c.code.length();
virtual void dispose() {
Context c;
MyArchitecture* arch_;
} // namespace
namespace vm {
makeArchitecture(System* system)
return new (allocate(system, sizeof(MyArchitecture))) MyArchitecture(system);
makeAssembler(System* system, Allocator* allocator, Zone* zone,
Assembler::Architecture* architecture)
return new (zone->allocate(sizeof(MyAssembler)))
MyAssembler(system, allocator, zone,
} // namespace vm