mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 17:56:54 +00:00
* remove compiler xml * add Jenkinsfile to enable scanning * trigger build * add ability to specify what docker tag to use from outside of the build * fix docker work dir * fix pipeline syntax issues * use environment rather than `def` * move agent restrictor outside of stages block * use steps block * more pipeline syntax fixes * even more pipeline syntax fixes * even more pipeline syntax fixes * add kubenetize as property to image build * move clear of docker image to end of build rather than start to prevent colocated builds * escape dollar on docker image remove command * attempt to kill all existing jobs * fix compile issue due to killall_jobs * fix compile issue due to killall_jobs pt2 * fix spelling * make all variables environment variables
64 lines
2.2 KiB
64 lines
2.2 KiB
pipeline {
agent { label 'k8s' }
environment {
DOCKER_TAG_TO_USE = "${UUID.randomUUID().toString().toLowerCase().subSequence(0, 12)}"
BUILD_ID = "${env.BUILD_ID}-${env.JOB_NAME}"
stages {
stage('Corda Pull Request Integration Tests - Generate Build Image') {
steps {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'container_reg_passwd', variable: 'DOCKER_PUSH_PWD')]) {
sh "./gradlew " +
"-Dkubenetize=true " +
"-Ddocker.push.password=\"\${DOCKER_PUSH_PWD}\" " +
"-Ddocker.work.dir=\"/tmp/\${EXECUTOR_NUMBER}\" " +
"-Ddocker.provided.tag=\"\${DOCKER_TAG_TO_USE}\"" +
" clean pushBuildImage"
stage('Corda Pull Request Integration Tests - Run Integration Tests') {
steps {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'container_reg_passwd', variable: 'DOCKER_PUSH_PWD')]) {
sh "./gradlew " +
"-DbuildId=\"\${BUILD_ID}\" " +
"-Ddocker.push.password=\"\${DOCKER_PUSH_PWD}\" " +
"-Dkubenetize=true " +
"-Ddocker.tag=\"\${DOCKER_TAG_TO_USE}\"" +
" allParallelIntegrationTest"
junit '**/build/test-results-xml/**/*.xml'
stage('Clear testing images') {
steps {
sh """docker rmi -f \$(docker images | grep \${DOCKER_TAG_TO_USE} | awk '{print \$3}') || echo \"there were no images to delete\""""
def killall_jobs() {
def jobname = env.JOB_NAME
def buildnum = env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger()
def job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(jobname)
for (build in job.builds) {
if (!build.isBuilding()) {
if (buildnum == build.getNumber().toInteger()) {
echo "Killing task = ${build}"
} |