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synced 2025-01-06 21:18:46 +00:00
* NOTICK: Corda 4.3-RC01 Created first release candidate of Corda 4.3 - RC01. * CORDA-3141: Add GracefulReconnect callbacks which allow logic to be performed when RPC disconnects unexpectedly (#5430) Also removed potential for growing stack trace on reconnects. * CORDA-2050 Upgrade Corda to Java 11 (compatibility mode) (#5356) Upgrade Corda to run with Java 11 (compatibility mode) - see https://github.com/corda/corda/pull/5356 * ENT-4198 Adding legal text Signed-off-by: Ed Prosser <edward.prosser@r3.com> * TM-29 new baseline for 4.3 since new debt has been added with the last few commits (#5487) * TM-23 compileAll task to compile all code (#5490) * Add simple compileAll task to be used by warning check * lazy configure compileAll * TM-32 Merge OS 4.3 into 4.4 * TM-32 fixed detekt issue * Downgrade Dokka back to 0.9.17 due to failing docs_builder. * add ability to group test types together (#5459) * add ability to group test types together * add ability to specify podCount for use in parallel testing * remove compiler xml * add Jenkinsfile to enable scanning * trigger build * add ability to specify what docker tag to use from outside of the build * fix docker work dir * fix pipeline syntax issues * use environment rather than `def` * move agent restrictor outside of stages block * use steps block * more pipeline syntax fixes * even more pipeline syntax fixes * even more pipeline syntax fixes * add kubenetize as property to image build * move clear of docker image to end of build rather than start to prevent colocated builds * escape dollar on docker image remove command * attempt to kill all existing jobs * fix compile issue due to killall_jobs * fix compile issue due to killall_jobs pt2 * fix spelling * make all variables environment variables * add logic to delete images locally after pushing * wrap testing phase with try / finally so that junit reports are always evaluated * change the behaviour around post build actions * break implicit link between testing phase and image building phase, allowing testing to occur without a rebuild and push of image * prepend registry name to provided tag * allow tasks to specify whether they wish to stream output from containers * add timestamps directive to Jenkinsfile to have timing info on output * make KubesTest resilient against transient pod failures in k8s * increase CPU request * add logic to allow specifying container resource requests * attempt to run unit and integration tests in parallel * change unit tests to use 3 cores to allow co-location on 8c machines * join grouped tests together to give pod meaningful name * add step to renew token with GKE * change renew step to use pods instead of nodes * fix bug where memory request is not correctly passed to pod * disable unit tests for now * [CORDA-2368] Added exception handling for missing files that displays appropriate messages rather than defaulting to file names. (#5472) * NOTIK Minor adjustments to Detekt rules to reflect current working practises (#5498) * Minor adjustments to rules to reflect current working practises (including IntelliJ code style alignment) * Adjust another rule in line with existing code style. * rebaseline with changed detekt ruleset * rebaseline with NodeStartup changes
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apply plugin: 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp'
def javaHome = System.getProperty('java.home')
def shrinkJar = file("$buildDir/libs/${project.name}-${project.version}-tiny.jar")
cordapp {
targetPlatformVersion = corda_platform_version.toInteger()
minimumPlatformVersion 1
signing {
// Cordapp is signed after the "shrink" task.
enabled false
sealing {
// Cannot seal JAR because other module also defines classes in the package net.corda.vega.analytics
enabled false
contract {
name "net/corda/vega/contracts"
versionId 1
vendor "R3"
licence "Open Source (Apache 2)"
configurations {
dependencies {
cordaCompile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version"
// The SIMM demo CorDapp depends upon Cash CorDapp features
cordapp project(':finance:contracts')
// Corda integration dependencies
cordaCompile project(':core')
// Cordapp dependencies
// Specify your cordapp's dependencies below, including dependent cordapps
compile "com.opengamma.strata:strata-product:$strata_version"
compile "com.opengamma.strata:strata-market:$strata_version"
jar {
classifier = 'fat'
import proguard.gradle.ProGuardTask
task shrink(type: ProGuardTask) {
injars jar
outjars shrinkJar
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible()) {
libraryjars "$javaHome/jmods"
} else {
libraryjars "$javaHome/lib/rt.jar"
libraryjars "$javaHome/lib/jce.jar"
configurations.runtimeClasspath.forEach {
libraryjars it.path, filter: '!META-INF/versions/**'
dontwarn 'afu.org.checkerframework.**'
dontwarn 'co.paralleluniverse.**'
dontwarn 'org.checkerframework.**'
dontwarn 'org.joda.**'
// We need to preserve our CorDapp's own directory structure so that Corda
// can find the contract classes.
keepdirectories 'net/corda/**'
keepattributes '*'
// These are our CorDapp classes, so don't change these.
keep 'class net.corda.vega.** { *; }', includedescriptorclasses:true
// Until CorDapps are isolated from each other, we need to ensure that the
// versions of the classes that this CorDapp needs are still usable by other
// CorDapps. Unfortunately, this means that we cannot shrink them as much as
// we'd like to.
keepclassmembers 'class com.opengamma.strata.** { *; }', includedescriptorclasses:true
keepclassmembers 'class com.google.** { *; }', includedescriptorclasses:true
keepclassmembers 'class org.joda.** { *; }', includedescriptorclasses:true
task sign(type: net.corda.plugins.SignJar) {
inputJars shrink
jar.finalizedBy shrink
shrink.finalizedBy sign
artifacts {
shrinkArtifacts file: sign.outputJars.singleFile, name: project.name, type: 'jar', extension: 'jar', classifier: 'tiny', builtBy: sign