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synced 2025-02-02 01:08:09 +00:00
* * CORDA-2876: Migrate DJVM serialization modules into Corda. * Pre-generate Corda classes for DJVM sandbox when node boots in production mode. * Ensure that all DJVM test contract CorDapps are signed. * Test examining attachments within DJVM sandbox. * Test Contract.verify() using cryptographic verify function. * Add test cases for more non-determinism in Contract.verify(). * Update node-driver to support testing nodes with DJVM support. * Modify Node to allow alternative DJVM configurations for testing. * Refactor DeterministicVerifierFactoryService for default use-case. * Small whitespace and code-style refactors. * Create and activate a DJVM execution profile for the Node. * Revert making Verifier implement AutoCloseable. * Allow the node to cache sandboxed Corda byte-code for reuse. * Use updated Quasar agent that knows not to touch DJVM classloaders. * Fix Quasar's package exclusions globs for DJVM. * Deserialise LedgerTransaction into the sandbox for Contract.verify(). * Add the DJVM's serialisation modules to the Corda node. * Update the node for the latest DJVM API, and preserve the ConstructorForDeserialization annotation on user contract classes. * Add corda-dev to repositories while DJVM is SNAPSHOT. * Migrate DJVM specialisation into AbstractNode's ServiceHubInternalImpl. * Exclude sandbox.** and shaded djvm.** classes from Quasar agent. * Add the corda-dev repository to :node for the deterministic runtime. * Turn Verifier into an abstract base class that is specialised by BasicVerifier and DeterministicVerifier. * Add the Corda deterministic libraries to the Node, and split the DJVM sandbox across two SandboxClassLoader instances. * Add DJVM to contract verification path inside Corda Node. * Minor lambda simplifications and removing unused import. * CORDA-2871: Remove @CordaSerializable from LedgerTransaction. * CORDA-2871: Add a callback to ServicesForResolution to allow the Node to modify a LedgerTransaction object. * CORDA-2871: Refactor the contract verification code into a separate class, and allow LedgerTransaction to choose different Verifier objects. * Update DJVM to use Corda 4.4-SNAPSHOT. (#95) * CORDA-3330: Allow DJVM to preload / pregenerate classes from selected jars. (#92) * Add support for SourceClassLoader.getResources() to DJVM. * Allow a SandboxConfiguration to preload sandbox byte-code for all classes inside jars containing META-INF/DJVM-preload. * CORDA-3309: Remove explicit try-catch in favour of UncaughtExceptionHandler. (#91) * CORDA-3309: Install UncaughtExceptionHandler for DJVM tasks. (#88) * Fix tests broken by Windows line endings. (#82) * CORDA-3292: Reimplement ExecutionProfile as a data class. (#80) * CORDA-2877: Refactor how we create child SandboxConfiguration objects. (#76) * CORDA-2877: Load bytecode from a persistent cache to prevent repeated rewriting. (#75) * Refactor byte-code cache to SandboxConfiguration instead of AnalysisConfiguration. We cannot "mix and match" byte-code generated by different sets of rules. * CORDA-3137: Enhance annotation handling so that we can allow some annotations to be mapped into the sandbox without also needing to be stitched. (#72) * CORDA-2871: Minor cosmetic fixes. (#69) * CORDA-3218: Align DJVM with internal Corda Serialisation API. (#68) * Ensure we get the latest SNAPSHOT of the serialisation code. * CORDA-2871: Refactor SourceClassLoader to define source classes. (#66) * Rewrite SourceClassLoader to support parent/child relationships. * Revert catching TypNotPresebtException - it was a symptom of a bigger problem. * Remove AutoCloseable from AnalysisConfiguration and SourceClassLoader. * SourceClassLoader.getResource() must delegate to its parent first. * CORDA-2871: Ensure ClassLoader.loadClass() throws ClassNotFoundException for all cases where the class cannot be found. (#64) * CORDA-2871: Modify sandbox tasks to implement both java.Function and sandbox.Function (#62) * Make TaskExecutors implement BiFunction to make them composable. * Create ImportTask to wrap a java.Function inside a sandbox.Function. * Add createExecutor() and createRawExecutor() APIs to SandboxClassLoader. * Update serialization to use SandboxClassLoader.toSandboxClass(). * Remove a layer of lambdas from the serialisation code. * Update SandboxExecutor and SandboxRawExecutor. * Rename Executor to TaskFactory. * Rename dangling executor -> taskFactory. * CORDA-2871: Sanity fixes! (#63) * Improve message for SandboxClassLoadingException. * Fix serialisation API for using sandboxed environment. * CORDA-3174: Extend serialisation to include InputStream and OpaqueBytesSubSequence. (#60) * Update DJVM Example project for serialisation. * Add serializers for InputStream and OpaqueBytesSubSequence. * Support ZIP Inflater and CRC32 inside the sandbox. * Allow the DJVM to wrap java.io.InputStream as sandbox.java.io.InputStream. * Configure tests also to preserve @DeprecatedConstructorForDeserialization. * CORDA-3174: Implement Corda serialization modules. (#59) * Create DJVM serialization modules. * Create test cases for Array<T>, List<T> and List<Array<T>>. * Refactor SandboxPrimiveSerializer for all primitive types. * Implement SandboxCollectionSerializer to support Collection types. * Implement SandboxMapSerializer to support Map types. * Attempt to fix infinite loop when computing Collection and Map fingerprints. * Apply special handling when deserialising sandbox.java.lang.Character. * Remap Java primitive types to sandbox Java object types to deter evolution. * Use Class.getPackage().getName() to determine sandbox package name. * Implement SandboxEnumSerializer to support Enum types. * Implement SandboxPublicKeySerializer to support Java security keys. * Add serialization projects to the composite example project. * Implement serializers for BigInteger, BigDecimal, Currency and StringBuffer. * Test that deserialising does not instantiate the untrusted user classes. * Implement serializers for java.time.* types. * Add serialiser for BitSet - currently disabled until BitSet itself is supported. * Add serialisers for EnumSet and Class. * Include support for EnumMap in the SandboxMapSerializer. * Ensure the DJVM Example project's tests preserve @CordaSerializable. * Add support for UUID as a primitive type. * Use common abortReadOnly() method for declaring serialization as unsupported. * Streamline the API for deserialising into the sandbox. * Add preliminary support for deserialising X.509 certificates. * Implement serializer for java.util.Optional. * Refactor configuration of the sandbox serialization scheme. * Add tests for deserialising arrays of basic types. * Include method annotations in annotation stitching. This ensures that `@ConstructorForDeserialization` is not dropped. * Enable test for SandboxBitSetSerializer. * Enable tests for X.509 serializers. * Implement serializers for ProtonJ primitive types. * Serialize java.util.Date as a primitive type. * Add the bintray Gradle plugin to the serialisation modules. * Do not publish serialisation modules - they will become part of Corda itself. * CORDA-2876: Only apply DJVM sources to Node Driver when devMode=true. * Resolve DeteKT warnings. * Require Node's JVM to set -Dnet.corda.djvm=true in order to enable DJVM. * Enable DJVM for DemoBench nodes. * Disable Quasar instrumentation verification for DemoBench nodes. * Upgrade to DJVM 1.0-RC01. * Try to modify DriverParameters in a more "ABI friendly" way. * Refactor and simplify sandbox deserialisation of primitive objects. * Review fixes. * Update EvolutionSerializerFactory to handle sandboxed primitive boxed types.
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import static org.gradle.api.JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
description 'Corda serialization (deterministic)'
apply from: '../deterministic.gradle'
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.artifactory'
apply plugin: 'net.corda.plugins.publish-utils'
apply plugin: 'java-library'
apply plugin: 'idea'
// required by DJVM and Avian JVM (for running inside the SGX enclave) which only supports Java 8.
targetCompatibility = VERSION_1_8
def javaHome = System.getProperty('java.home')
def jarBaseName = "corda-${project.name}".toString()
configurations {
deterministicLibraries.extendsFrom implementation
deterministicArtifacts.extendsFrom deterministicLibraries
dependencies {
compileOnly project(':serialization')
// Configure these by hand. It should be a minimal subset of dependencies,
// and without any obviously non-deterministic ones such as Hibernate.
// These dependencies will become "compile" scoped in our published POM.
// See publish.dependenciesFrom.defaultScope.
deterministicLibraries project(path: ':core-deterministic', configuration: 'deterministicArtifacts')
deterministicLibraries "org.apache.qpid:proton-j:$protonj_version"
// These "implementation" dependencies will become "runtime" scoped in our published POM.
implementation "org.iq80.snappy:snappy:$snappy_version"
implementation "com.google.guava:guava:$guava_version"
jar {
archiveBaseName = 'DOES-NOT-EXIST'
// Don't build a jar here because it would be the wrong one.
// The jar we really want will be built by the metafix task.
enabled = false
def serializationJarTask = tasks.getByPath(':serialization:jar')
def originalJar = serializationJarTask.outputs.files.singleFile
task patchSerialization(type: Zip, dependsOn: serializationJarTask) {
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/source-libs")
metadataCharset 'UTF-8'
archiveClassifier = 'transient'
archiveExtension = 'jar'
from(zipTree(originalJar)) {
exclude 'net/corda/serialization/internal/AttachmentsClassLoaderBuilder*'
exclude 'net/corda/serialization/internal/ByteBufferStreams*'
exclude 'net/corda/serialization/internal/DefaultWhitelist*'
exclude 'net/corda/serialization/internal/amqp/AMQPSerializerFactories*'
exclude 'net/corda/serialization/internal/amqp/AMQPStreams*'
exclude 'net/corda/serialization/internal/amqp/AMQPSerializationThreadContext*'
exclude 'net/corda/serialization/internal/model/DefaultCacheProvider*'
reproducibleFileOrder = true
includeEmptyDirs = false
import proguard.gradle.ProGuardTask
task predeterminise(type: ProGuardTask, dependsOn: project(':core-deterministic').assemble) {
injars patchSerialization
outjars file("$buildDir/proguard/pre-deterministic-${project.version}.jar")
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible()) {
libraryjars "$javaHome/jmods"
} else {
libraryjars file("$javaHome/lib/rt.jar")
libraryjars file("$javaHome/lib/jce.jar")
libraryjars file("$javaHome/lib/ext/sunec.jar")
configurations.compileClasspath.forEach {
if (originalJar != it) {
libraryjars it, filter: '!META-INF/versions/**'
keepattributes '*'
keep '@net.corda.core.KeepForDJVM class * { *; }', includedescriptorclasses:true
keepclassmembers 'class net.corda.serialization.** { public synthetic <methods>; }'
import net.corda.gradle.jarfilter.JarFilterTask
task jarFilter(type: JarFilterTask) {
jars predeterminise
annotations {
forDelete = [
forStub = [
forRemove = [
forSanitise = [
task determinise(type: ProGuardTask) {
injars jarFilter
outjars file("$buildDir/proguard/$jarBaseName-${project.version}.jar")
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible()) {
libraryjars "$javaHome/jmods"
} else {
libraryjars file("$javaHome/lib/rt.jar")
libraryjars file("$javaHome/lib/jce.jar")
configurations.deterministicLibraries.forEach {
libraryjars it, filter: '!META-INF/versions/**'
// Analyse the JAR for dead code, and remove (some of) it.
optimizations 'code/removal/simple,code/removal/advanced'
keepattributes '*'
keep '@net.corda.core.KeepForDJVM class * { *; }', includedescriptorclasses:true
keepclassmembers 'class net.corda.serialization.** { public synthetic <methods>; }'
import net.corda.gradle.jarfilter.MetaFixerTask
task metafix(type: MetaFixerTask) {
outputDir file("$buildDir/libs")
jars determinise
suffix ""
// Strip timestamps from the JAR to make it reproducible.
preserveTimestamps = false
task checkDeterminism(type: ProGuardTask, dependsOn: jdkTask) {
injars metafix
libraryjars deterministic_rt_jar
configurations.deterministicLibraries.forEach {
libraryjars it, filter: '!META-INF/versions/**'
keepattributes '*'
keep 'class *'
defaultTasks "determinise"
determinise.finalizedBy metafix
metafix.finalizedBy checkDeterminism
assemble.dependsOn checkDeterminism
def deterministicJar = metafix.outputs.files.singleFile
artifacts {
deterministicArtifacts file: deterministicJar, name: jarBaseName, type: 'jar', extension: 'jar', builtBy: metafix
publish file: deterministicJar, name: jarBaseName, type: 'jar', extension: 'jar', builtBy: metafix
publish {
dependenciesFrom(configurations.deterministicArtifacts) {
defaultScope = 'compile'
publishSources = false
publishJavadoc = false
name jarBaseName
// Must be after publish {} so that the previous install task exists for overwriting.
task install(overwrite: true, dependsOn: 'publishToMavenLocal')
idea {
module {
if (project.hasProperty("deterministic_idea_sdk")) {
jdkName project.property("deterministic_idea_sdk") as String