2018-03-06 17:29:21 +00:00

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* R3 Proprietary and Confidential
* Copyright (c) 2018 R3 Limited. All rights reserved.
* The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to R3 and its suppliers and are protected by trade secret law.
* Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.
class GraphProject {
def projects, project, nodeName, safeName
GraphProject(projects, project) {
def path = project.path.split(':').findAll { it }
if (!path) path.add project.rootProject.name
path = path.collect { it.split('[/\\\\]')[-1] }
nodeName = path.join(':')
safeName = path.join('_')
this.projects = projects
this.project = project
def getCompileDeps() {
['compile', 'cordaCompile'].collect {
try {
project.configurations[it].dependencies.matching { it in ProjectDependency }.collect { projects[it.dependencyProject] }
} catch (org.gradle.api.artifacts.UnknownConfigurationException e) {
[] // The project doesn't have a cordaCompile configuration, so there aren't any cordaCompile dependencies.
class Graph {
def arcs = new LinkedHashSet()
def dotFile, imgFile, project
Graph(graphsDir, project) {
dotFile = new File(graphsDir, "${project.safeName}.dot")
imgFile = new File(graphsDir, "${project.safeName}.png")
this.project = project
def initArcs(project) {
project.compileDeps.each {
arcs.add([project, it])
def output() {
dotFile.text = ''
dotFile << "digraph \"$project.nodeName\" {\n"
dotFile << ' rankdir=LR;\n'
arcs.collect { it.collect { it.nodeName } }.each {
dotFile << " \"${it[0]}\" -> \"${it[1]}\";\n"
dotFile << '}\n'
project.project.exec {
commandLine 'dot', '-Tpng', '-o', imgFile, dotFile
def walkProjects(project, block) {
project.childProjects.each { walkProjects(it.value, block) }
task graphs {
doLast {
def projects = new LinkedHashMap()
walkProjects(rootProject) { projects[it] = new GraphProject(projects, it) }
def graphsDir = reporting.baseDir
def graphs = projects.collect { new Graph(graphsDir, it.value) }
graphs.each { graph ->
if (!graph.arcs) {
logger.info "$graph.project.nodeName is a leaf."
for (def that : graphs) {
if (that != graph && that.arcs + graph.arcs == that.arcs) {
logger.info "$graph.project.nodeName is included in: $that.imgFile"
exec {
commandLine 'eog', graphsDir
jar {
manifest {
'Automatic-Module-Name': 'net.corda.tools.graphs'