Arshad Mahmood 6dd33fb8f7 Upgrade to gradle 7.6, kotlin 1.8 and jdk 17
Major changes due to JDK 17:
1. JDK17 JCE Provider now has built-in support for eddsas, corda uses
   the bouncycastle (i2p) implementation. This PR removes the conflicting
   algorithms from the built-in JCE provider.

2. JavaScript scripting has been removed from the JDK, the corda log4j config was using
   scripting to conditionally output additional diagnostic info if the MDC
   was populated. This PR has removed the scripting.

3. The artifactory plug-ins used are now deprecated, this PR has removed them
   and uses the same code as Corda 5 for publishing to artifactory.

4. Javadoc generation has been modified to use the latest dokka plug-ins.

5. Gradle 7.6 has implemented an incredibly annoying change where transitive
   dependencies are not put on the compile classpath, so that they have to be
   explicitly added as dependencies to projects.

6. Mockito has been updated, which sadly meant that quite a few source files
   have to changes to use the new (org.mockito.kotlin) package name. This makes
   this PR appear much larger than it is.

7. A number of tests have been marked as ignored to get a green, broadly they fall
   into 3 classes.

   The first is related to crypto keypair tests, it appears some logic
   in the JDK prefers to use the SunJCE implementation and we prefer to use
   bouncycastle. I believe this issue can be fixed with better test setup.

   The second group is related to our use of a method called "uncheckedCast(..)",
   the purpose of this method was to get rid of the annoying unchecked cast compiler
   warning that would otherwise exist. It looks like the Kotlin 1.9 compiler type
   inference differs and at runtime sometimes the type it infers is "Void" which causes
   an exception at runtime. The simplest solution is to use an explicit cast instead of
   unchecked cast, Corda 5 have removed unchecked cast from their codebase.

   The third class are a number of ActiveMQ tests which appear to have a memory leak somewhere.
2023-11-06 10:24:17 +00:00

Bank Of Corda demo

This demo brings up three nodes: a notary, a node acting as the Bank of Corda that accepts requests for issuance of some asset and a node acting as Big Corporation which requests issuance of an asset (cash in this example).

Upon receipt of a request the Bank of Corda node self-issues the asset and then transfers ownership to the requester after successful notarisation and recording of the issue transaction on the ledger.

.. note:: The Bank of Corda is somewhat like a "Bitcoin faucet" that dispenses free bitcoins to developers for testing and experimentation purposes.

To run from the command line in Unix:

  1. Run ./gradlew samples:bank-of-corda-demo:deployNodes to create a set of configs and installs under samples/bank-of-corda-demo/build/nodes
  2. Run ./samples/bank-of-corda-demo/build/nodes/runnodes to open up three new terminal tabs/windows with the three nodes
  3. Run ./gradlew samples:bank-of-corda-demo:runRPCCashIssue to trigger a cash issuance request
  4. Run ./gradlew samples:bank-of-corda-demo:runWebCashIssue to trigger another cash issuance request. Now look at your terminal tab/window to see the output of the demo

To run from the command line in Windows:

  1. Run gradlew samples:bank-of-corda-demo:deployNodes to create a set of configs and installs under samples\bank-of-corda-demo\build\nodes
  2. Run samples\bank-of-corda-demo\build\nodes\runnodes to open up three new terminal tabs/windows with the three nodes
  3. Run gradlew samples:bank-of-corda-demo:runRPCCashIssue to trigger a cash issuance request
  4. Run gradlew samples:bank-of-corda-demo:runWebCashIssue to trigger another cash issuance request. Now look at the your terminal tab/window to see the output of the demo

To verify that the Bank of Corda node is alive and running, navigate to the following URL: http://localhost:10007/api/bank/date

In the window you run the command you should see (in case of Web, RPC is similar):

  • Requesting Cash via Web ...
  • Successfully processed Cash Issue request

If you want to see flow activity enter in node's shell flow watch. It will display all state machines running currently on the node.

Launch the Explorer application to visualize the issuance and transfer of cash for each node:

``./gradlew tools:explorer:run`` (on Unix) or ``gradlew tools:explorer:run`` (on Windows)

Using the following login details:

  • For the Bank of Corda node: localhost / port 10006 / username bankUser / password test
  • For the Big Corporation node: localhost / port 10009 / username bigCorpUser / password test

See for further details on usage.