Katarzyna Streich 495e870b74 NodeInfo remove main identity (#1284)
* Remove node's main identitiy from NodeInfo.

Preparation for getting rid of services + supporting multiple identities
on the node.
NodeInfo keeps multiple identities as a list. For now the first one is treated as a special one.
Introduced function chooseIdentity in CoreTestUtils as a preparation for proper handling of multiple identities in the future.
Remove legalIdentityKey from ServiceHub, add extension function - chooseIdentity on ServiceHub.
Add `me` field on FlowStateMachineImplemetation, flows should know what the calling identity is.
Remove SERVICES_PREFIX in artemis messaging layer.

* Address minor comments.

* Fixes after rebase.

Remove chooseIdentity from ServiceHub

* Rename me to ourIdentity on FlowLogic

* Fixes after rebase

* Address Ross comments, fixes

* Fix after rebase

* Fix services certificate paths

Apply Patrick's patch.
2017-09-15 14:39:34 +01:00
2017-09-15 14:39:34 +01:00

SIMM Valuation Demo

See our main documentation site regarding the SIMM valuation and agreement on a distributed ledger.

SIMM Library Licensing

This demo does not, however, include real SIMM valuation code but a stub for the OpenGamma set of libraries, so please do not base any financial decisions on results generated by this demo.

This demo was built in partnership with OpenGamma and used their SIMM library. However, due to licensing constraints we cannot distribute their library with this code. For this reason, we have stubbed out the relevant parts and replaced it with a very simplistic template that returns fake (but correctly structured) data. However, if you wish to use a realistic library, then please do get in touch with OpenGamma directly for access to their libraries and we will be happy to demonstrate how to replace the stub code.


Error Fix
Could not find net.corda.(...):(...):0.6-SNAPSHOT The corda libraries have not been installed into your local maven directory. View the instructions for doing this in the core corda repository
Execution failed for task ':simm-valuation-demo:buildWeb' : A problem occurred starting process 'command 'ng'' You need to have node packet manager installed in order to build out some of the web resources. This is not a necessary step as we include pre-built web resources but if you do modify the web source, you will need to rebuild this area

Rebuild the web resources

  • Get Node.js v6.11.2 which at time of writing is the LTS release
  • ../../gradlew installWeb