* Migrated all non-BFT notary implementations to use async commits. * Mock network: await for async operation completion. When calling runNetwork() it keeps "pumping" messages between participants until no more messages are generated. The problem comes in when a flow suspends on an async operation: the mock network thinks the flow finished the work for the current step, and since no more messages are generated, completes the runNetwork() function. The message that the flow generates once it resumes after async operation completion never gets processed. This change makes runNetwork() wait until all flow async operations finish, and only then check whether no more messages can be transferred.
Experimental module
The purpose of this module is to hold code that isn't yet ready for code review, but which still wants to be refactored and kept compiling as the underlying platform changes. Code placed into experimental must eventually either be moved into the main modules and go through code review, or be deleted.
Code placed here can be committed to directly onto master at any time as long as it doesn't break the build (no compile failures or unit test failures). Any commits here that break the build will simply be rolled back.
To help reduce the build times, unit tests for experimental projects have been disabled and will NOT run alongside
the whole project tests run via Gradle. Add parameter experimental.test.enable
(example command is gradlew test -Dexperimental.test.enable
to enable those tests.