
Plugin Maven Name:


Cordformation is the local node deployment system for Cordapps, the nodes generated are intended to be used for experimenting, debugging, and testing node configurations and setups but not intended for production or testnet deployment.

To use this plugin you must add a new task that is of the type com.r3corda.plugins.Cordform and then configure the nodes you wish to deploy with the Node and nodes configuration DSL. This DSL is specified in the JavaDoc but an example of this is in the template-cordapp and below is a three node example;

task deployNodes(type: com.r3corda.plugins.Cordform, dependsOn: ['build']) {
    directory "./build/nodes" // The output directory
    networkMap "Notary" // This will resolve a node in this configuration
    node {
        name "Notary"
        dirName "notary"
        nearestCity "London"
        notary true // Sets this node to be a notary
        advertisedServices = []
        artemisPort 12345
        webPort 12346
        cordapps = []
    node {
        name "NodeA"
        dirName "nodea"
        nearestCity "London"
        advertisedServices = []
        artemisPort 31337
        webPort 31339
        cordapps = []
    node {
        name "NodeB"
        dirName "nodeb"
        nearestCity "New York"
        advertisedServices = []
        artemisPort 31338
        webPort 31340
        cordapps = []

Because it is a task you can create multiple tasks with multiple configurations that you use commonly.

New nodes can be added by simply adding another node block and giving it a different name, directory and ports. When you run this task it will install the nodes to the directory specified and a script will be generated (for *nix users only at present) to run the nodes with one command.

Other cordapps can also be specified if they are already specified as classpath or compile dependencies in your build.gradle.