mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 22:28:55 +00:00
350 lines
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350 lines
11 KiB
"use strict"
function formatDateForNode(date) {
// Produces yyyy-dd-mm. JS is missing proper date formatting libs
return date.toISOString().substring(0, 10);
function formatDateForAngular(dateStr) {
let parts = dateStr.split("-");
return new Date(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]);
let fixedLegModel = {
fixedRatePayer: "Bank A",
notional: {
quantity: 2500000000,
token: "EUR"
paymentFrequency: "SemiAnnual",
effectiveDate: new Date(2016, 3, 11),
effectiveDateAdjustment: null,
terminationDate: new Date(2026, 3, 11),
terminationDateAdjustment: null,
fixedRate: "1.676",
dayCountBasis: "30/360",
//dayCountBasisDay: "D30",
//dayCountBasisYear: "Y360",
rollConvention: "ModifiedFollowing",
dayInMonth: 10,
paymentRule: "InArrears",
paymentDelay: 0,
paymentCalendar: "London",
interestPeriodAdjustment: "Adjusted"
let floatingLegModel = {
floatingRatePayer: "Bank B",
notional: {
quantity: 2500000000,
token: "EUR"
paymentFrequency: "Quarterly",
effectiveDate: new Date(2016, 3, 11),
effectiveDateAdjustment: null,
terminationDate: new Date(2026, 3, 11),
terminationDateAdjustment: null,
dayCountBasis: "30/360",
//dayCountBasisDay: "D30",
//dayCountBasisYear: "Y360",
rollConvention: "ModifiedFollowing",
fixingRollConvention: "ModifiedFollowing",
dayInMonth: 10,
resetDayInMonth: 10,
paymentRule: "InArrears",
paymentDelay: 0,
paymentCalendar: [ "London" ],
interestPeriodAdjustment: "Adjusted",
fixingPeriodOffset: 2,
resetRule: "InAdvance",
fixingsPerPayment: "Quarterly",
fixingCalendar: [ "NewYork" ],
index: "ICE LIBOR",
indexSource: "Rates Service Provider",
indexTenor: {
name: "3M"
let calculationModel = {
expression: "( fixedLeg.notional.quantity * (fixedLeg.fixedRate.ratioUnit.value)) -(floatingLeg.notional.quantity * (calculation.fixingSchedule.get(context.getDate('currentDate')).rate.ratioUnit.value))",
floatingLegPaymentSchedule: {
fixedLegPaymentSchedule: {
let fixedRateViewModel = {
ratioUnit: {
value: 0.01 // %
let commonViewModel = {
baseCurrency: "EUR",
eligibleCurrency: "EUR",
eligibleCreditSupport: "Cash in an Eligible Currency",
independentAmounts: {
quantity: 0,
token: "EUR"
threshold: {
quantity: 0,
token: "EUR"
minimumTransferAmount: {
quantity: 25000000,
token: "EUR"
rounding: {
quantity: 1000000,
token: "EUR"
valuationDate: "Every Local Business Day",
notificationTime: "2:00pm London",
resolutionTime: "2:00pm London time on the first LocalBusiness Day following the date on which the notice is give",
interestRate: {
oracle: "Rates Service Provider",
tenor: {
name: "6M"
ratioUnit: null,
name: "EONIA"
addressForTransfers: "",
exposure: {},
localBusinessDay: [ "London" , "NewYork" ],
dailyInterestAmount: "(CashAmount * InterestRate ) / (fixedLeg.notional.token.currencyCode.equals('GBP')) ? 365 : 360",
hashLegalDocs: "put hash here"
let dealViewModel = {
fixedLeg: fixedLegModel,
floatingLeg: floatingLegModel,
common: commonViewModel
// TODO: Fill out this lookup table and use it to inject into the view.
let dayCountBasisLookup = {
"30/360": {
"day": "D30",
"year": "Y360"
let Deal = function(dealViewModel) {
let now = new Date();
let tradeId = `T${now.getUTCFullYear()}-${now.getUTCMonth()}-${now.getUTCDate()}.${now.getUTCHours()}:${now.getUTCMinutes()}:${now.getUTCSeconds()}:${now.getUTCMilliseconds()}`
this.toJson = () => {
let fixedLeg = {};
let floatingLeg = {};
let common = {};
_.assign(fixedLeg, dealViewModel.fixedLeg);
_.assign(floatingLeg, dealViewModel.floatingLeg);
_.assign(common, dealViewModel.common);
_.assign(fixedLeg.fixedRate, fixedRateViewModel);
fixedLeg.fixedRate = Number(fixedLeg.fixedRate) / 100;
common.tradeID = tradeId;
fixedLeg.effectiveDate = formatDateForNode(fixedLeg.effectiveDate);
fixedLeg.terminationDate = formatDateForNode(fixedLeg.terminationDate);
fixedLeg.fixedRate = { ratioUnit: { value: fixedLeg.fixedRate } };
fixedLeg.dayCountBasisDay = dayCountBasisLookup[fixedLeg.dayCountBasis].day;
fixedLeg.dayCountBasisYear = dayCountBasisLookup[fixedLeg.dayCountBasis].year;
delete fixedLeg.dayCountBasis;
floatingLeg.effectiveDate = formatDateForNode(floatingLeg.effectiveDate);
floatingLeg.terminationDate = formatDateForNode(floatingLeg.terminationDate);
floatingLeg.dayCountBasisDay = dayCountBasisLookup[floatingLeg.dayCountBasis].day;
floatingLeg.dayCountBasisYear = dayCountBasisLookup[floatingLeg.dayCountBasis].year;
delete floatingLeg.dayCountBasis;
let json = {
fixedLeg: fixedLeg,
floatingLeg: floatingLeg,
calculation: calculationModel,
common: common
return json;
(angular, angularRoute, $, fcsaNumber, semantic, maskedInput, _, Deal) => {
let irsViewer = angular.module('irsViewer', ['ngRoute', 'fcsa-number'])
.config(($routeProvider, $locationProvider) => {
.when('/', {
controller: 'HomeController',
templateUrl: 'view/home.html'
.when('/deal/:dealId', {
controller: 'DealController',
templateUrl: 'view/deal.html'
.when('/party/:partyId', {
templateUrl: 'view/party.html'
.when('/create-deal', {
controller: 'CreateDealController',
templateUrl: 'view/create-deal.html'
.otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});
let nodeService = irsViewer.factory('nodeService', ($http) => {
return new (function() {
let date = new Date(2016, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
let curLoading = {};
let load = (type, promise) => {
curLoading[type] = true;
return promise.then((arg) => {
curLoading[type] = false;
return arg;
}, (arg) => {
curLoading[type] = false;
throw arg;
let changeDateOnNode = (newDate) => {
const dateStr = formatDateForNode(newDate)
return load('date', $http.put('http://localhost:31338/api/irs/demodate', "\"" + dateStr + "\"")).then((resp) => {
date = newDate;
return this.getDateModel(date);
this.getDate = () => {
return load('date', $http.get('http://localhost:31338/api/irs/demodate')).then((resp) => {
const parts = resp.data.split("-");
date = new Date(parts[0], parts[1] - 1, parts[2]); // JS uses 0 based months
return this.getDateModel(date);
this.updateDate = (type) => {
let newDate = date;
switch(type) {
case "year":
newDate.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 1);
case "month":
newDate.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);
case "day":
newDate.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
return changeDateOnNode(newDate);
this.getDeals = () => {
return load('deals', $http.get('http://localhost:31338/api/irs/deals')).then((resp) => {
return resp.data;
this.getDeal = (dealId) => {
return load('deal' + dealId, $http.get('http://localhost:31338/api/irs/deals/' + dealId)).then((resp) => {
// Do some data modification to simplify the model
let deal = resp.data;
deal.fixedLeg.fixedRate.value = (deal.fixedLeg.fixedRate.ratioUnit.value * 100).toString().slice(0, 6);
return deal;
this.getDateModel = (date) => {
return {
"year": date.getFullYear(),
"month": date.getMonth() + 1, // JS uses 0 based months
"day": date.getDate()
this.isLoading = () => {
return _.reduce(Object.keys(curLoading), (last, key) => {
return (last || curLoading[key]);
}, false);
this.newDeal = () => {
return dealViewModel;
this.createDeal = (deal) => {
return load('create-deal', $http.post('http://localhost:31338/api/irs/deals', deal.toJson()))
.then((resp) => {
return deal.tradeId;
}, (resp) => {
throw resp;
function initSemanticUi() {
irsViewer.controller('HomeController', function HomeController($http, $scope, nodeService) {
let handleHttpFail = (resp) => {
$scope.httpError = resp.data
$scope.isLoading = nodeService.isLoading;
$scope.infoMsg = "";
$scope.errorText = "";
$scope.date = { "year": "...", "month": "...", "day": "..." };
$scope.updateDate = (type) => { nodeService.updateDate(type).then((newDate) => {$scope.date = newDate}, handleHttpFail); };
nodeService.getDate().then((date) => $scope.date = date);
nodeService.getDeals().then((deals) => $scope.deals = deals);
irsViewer.controller('DealController', function DealController($http, $scope, $routeParams, nodeService) {
$scope.isLoading = nodeService.isLoading;
nodeService.getDeal($routeParams.dealId).then((deal) => $scope.deal = deal);
irsViewer.controller('CreateDealController', function CreateDealController($http, $scope, $location, nodeService) {
$scope.isLoading = nodeService.isLoading;
$scope.deal = nodeService.newDeal();
$scope.createDeal = () => {
nodeService.createDeal(new Deal($scope.deal))
.then((tradeId) => $location.path('#/deal/' + tradeId), (resp) => {
$scope.formError = resp.data;
$('input.percent').mask("9.999999%", {placeholder: "", autoclear: false});
}); |