
Trader Demo

Please see docs/build/html/running-the-demos.html

This program is a simple driver for exercising the two party trading protocol. Until Corda has a unified node server programs like this are required to wire up the pieces and run a demo scenario end to end.

If you are creating a new scenario, you can use this program as a template for creating your own driver. Make sure to copy/paste the right parts of the build.gradle file to make sure it gets a script to run it deposited in build/install/r3prototyping/bin

In this scenario, a buyer wants to purchase some commercial paper by swapping his cash for the CP. The seller learns that the buyer exists, and sends them a message to kick off the trade. The seller, having obtained his CP, then quits and the buyer goes back to waiting. The buyer will sell as much CP as he can!

The different roles in the scenario this program can adopt are:

This template contains the build system and an example application required to get started with Corda.


You will need to have JDK 8 installed and available on your path.

Getting Started

First clone this repository and the Corda repository locally. Then open a terminal window in the Corda directory and run:


 ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal


 gradle.bat publishToMavenLocal

This will publish a copy of Corda to your local Maven repository for your Cordapp to use. Next open a terminal window in your Cordapp directory (this one) and run:


 ./gradlew deployNodes


 gradlew.bat deployNodes

This command will create several nodes in build/nodes that you can now run with:


 cd build/nodes


Windows users currently have to manually enter each directory in build/nodes and run java -jar corda.jar in each. This will be updated soon.

This will now have nodes running on your machine running this Cordapp. You can now begin developing your Cordapp.

Further Reading

Tutorials and developer docs for Cordapps and Corda are here.