Chris Rankin 18c57cf951 Merge DemoBench into Corda. (#380)
* Add basic spec for the demobench tool.

* Initial commit: Creating new tabs whenever the "Add Node" button is pressed. These tabs currently contain the bash shell only.

* Refactor shutdown code, although AWT is still misbehaving.

* Remove duplicate libpty native objects.

* Add initial form for configuring new nodes.

* Update to Corda 0.8-SNAPSHOT

* Patch JediTerm to allow the application to shutdown cleanly.

* Write configuration parameters into node.conf, and then run corda.jar in its own directory.

* The first node now becomes the session's Network Map service used by all other nodes. Force nodes to be created one-by-one.

* Trim node name and nearest city values.

* Fix logging location of corda.jar

* legalName field can be val.

* Allow configuration of extra network services.

* Launch DB viewer for node.

* Small tidy-up.

* Allow services to be loaded as a resources as well as a file.

* Include native artifacts in distribution.

* Add cash and issuer services to DemoBench.

* Configure Node and DemoBench to use same version of H2 database.

* Implement launching "Node Explorer" for each node.

* Create a capsule for Node Explorer, and allow login via command line parameters to bypass login screen.

* Simplify Kotlin objects.

* Include issuer for CHF (Swiss Francs)

* Fix SLF4J logging.

* Display simple statistics about the node on each tab.

* Add new RPC operation getCashBalances() to Node.

* Ensure demobench is built after explorer:capsule.

* Grant permissions to the Node's user, and install BanfOfCorda plugin for cash issuers.

* Initial inclusion of Corda and BankOfCorda JARs in distribution.

* Fix DemoBench distribution target.

* Add SLF4J binding for Log4J 2.x

* First batch of code review changes.

* More changes from review.

* Remove ".exe" from Java executable path, because Windows doesn't need it.

* Remove superfluous lamba parameter names.

* Better usage of Paths vs File API.

* Simplify the configuration object.

* Ensure a DemoBench installation is relocatable.

* Ensure that Node Explorer can write into its working directory.

* Disable Node Explorer and Database Viewer buttons until the node has launched and is responding to RPC.

* Only allow the first node to run notary services. And validate port numbers more strongly.

* Force all chosen port numbers to be different.

* Initial javapackager task: currently builds RPMs.

* Ensure JavaPackager task finds custom resources on the classpath.

* Move demobench.log into the user's demobench directory.

* Upgrade to Logback 1.1.10

* Make the javapackage task "more gradle" and "less ant".

* Display "0" balance for a node which has no cash balances at all.

* CORPRIV-665: Ensure tab closes if the node exits.

* CORPRIV-665: Protect against NPE

* CORPRIV-665: Protect harder against NPE

* CORPRIV-665: Protect NodeTerminalView from being destroyed twice.

* Initial custom resource script for Windows bundle.

* Take java executable from JRE.

* Allow Node Explorer to be relaunched.

* CORPRIV-658: Add gradle parameter "packageType" for javapackage task.

* Replace R3 logo with Corda logo.

* CORPRIV-658: Add icon file for Windows installer.

* CORPRIV-658: Add BAT file to create unsigned DemoBench.exe.

* CORPRIV-659: Add icon file for DMG package.

* Improve packaging information.

* CORPRIV-660: Allow user to launch Web server for each node.

* Tidy up gradle usage.

* Document provenance of jediterm-terminal-2.5.jar.

* Use "safe" casting operator.

* CORPRIV-659: Add bin/java to minimal JRE.

* CORPRIV-659: Basic shell script to package DemoBench as DMG.

* Add utility function for creating SLF4J loggers, and close unused I/O streams from forked processes.

* Switch from Runtime.exec() to ProcessBuilder.

* CORPRIV-660: Display Web server's port number on launch button.

* CORPRIV-661: Allow profiles to be loaded into DemoBench.

* Upgrade to TornadoFX 1.6.2.

* CORPRIV-661: Implement saving profiles.

* CORPRIV-661: Refactor code for guaranteeing a .zip extension.

* CORRIV-658: Add icon for Windows installer.

* CORPRIV-659: Update installer script and icons for DMG.

* CORPRIV-659: Tweak post-image script for DMG.

* CORPRIV-658: I've wasted enough time on this - Windows rejects this BMP
as invalid, and I have no idea why!?

* CORPRIV-658: Add external manifest for DemoBench.exe that declares it incapable of native HiDPI support.

* CORPRIV-661: Ensure that we can rewrite saved profiles correctly.

* Fix terminal resizing.

* CORPRIV-659: Fix DMG installer.

* CORPRIV-659: Better validation for JAVA_HOME.

* Downgrade JDK requirement to 8u102, for consistency with capsules.

* Comment how JediTerm is not available via Maven.

* CORPRIV-658: Rename packaging script.

* CORPRIV-659: Renaming packaging script.

* Comment file copying vs file filtering during packaging.

* Fixes from code review.

* CORPRIV-661: Ensure that nodes loaded from a profile have the correct network map service.

* Break textfield definitions out into separate functions.

* Fixes from code review.

* Code review tweaks.

* More code review tweaks.

* Another simple code review tweak.

* Replace companion object with a BiPredicate lambda.

* CORPRIV-664: Implement saving/loading of Cordapps with profiles.

* CORPRIV-664: Refactor saving/loading plugins.

* CORPRIV-664: Add initial unit tests for model.

* CORPRIV-664: Add simple unit tests for NodeController.

* CORPRIV-664: Unit test enhancements, e.g. configure JUL properly.

* CORPRIV-664: Use Suite instead of abstract test class.

* CORPRIV-664: Allow Cordapps to be loaded when each Node is configured.

* CORPRIV-664: Document which checked Java exceptions are thrown.

* Write JavaPackager output into build/javapackage directory.

* CORPRIV-664: Document more checked Java exceptions.

* Refactor Web and Explorer classes into their own packages.

* Declare WebServer and Explorer constructors as "internal".

* Update packaging scripts: tell user where the installer is!

* CORPRIV-659: Set "system menu bar" property for MacOSX.

* CORPRIV-661: Use "*.profile" for profile files.

* Remove unnecessary <children/> elements, as they are defaults.

* Fix build breakage when on Windows.

* Tweaks for EXE packaging script.

* Change function to extension function.

* Merged in corpriv-702 (pull request #25)

CORPRIV-702: Sign the DMG with a 'Developer ID Application' certificate.

* CORPRIV-702: Sign the DMG with a 'Mac Developer' certificate.

* CORPRIV-702: Use "Developer ID Application" certificate instead. And now JavaPackager signs the application, which means that we only need to resign our embedded JVM.

* CORPRIV-702: Update comment better to explain why JRE must be resigned.

Approved-by: Mike Hearn

* Exclude old version of Javassist in favour of Hibernate's version from Node. (#320)

* Exclude old version of Javassist in favour of Hibernate's version.

* Comment why we are excluding javassist:javassist, and add TODO for when junit-quickcheck 0.8 is released.

* CORDA-265: Implement "ALL" permission for RPC users. (#306)

* CORDA-265: Implement "ALL" permission for RPC users. Users with this permission in node.conf can use any flow.

* CORDA-265: Ensure that we always close the RPC proxy object after each test.

* CORDA-265: Refactor construction of dummy RPC client into an abstract base class.

* CORDA-265: Document RPC "ALL" permission.

* CORDA-266: Update DemoBench to be compatible with 0.10-SNAPSHOT.

* CORDA-268: Reimplement to work on both JDK8 and JDK9 (for now).

* CORDA-268: Copy java from $JAVA_HOME/bin as this also works on JDK > 8.

* Code review fixes.

* Use SLF4J's version of the commons-logging bindings. Only include SLF4J's Log4J back-end for actual applications, e.g. Node. (#350)

* Update with SLF4J change.

* CORDA-266: Update to latest node.conf format.

* Upgrade to H2 1.4.194. (#389)

- Timezone related fixes.
- A Turkish case canonicalisation bug.
- Fixes for some scary threading related bugs.
2017-03-21 14:24:13 +00:00

206 lines
6.3 KiB

buildscript {
ext.tornadofx_version = '1.6.2'
ext.jna_version = '4.1.0'
ext.purejavacomm_version = '0.0.17'
ext.guava_version = '14.0.1'
ext.controlsfx_version = '8.40.12'
ext.java_home ='java.home'
ext.pkg_source = "$buildDir/packagesrc"
ext.pkg_outDir = "$buildDir/javapackage"
ext.dist_source = "$pkg_source/demobench-$version"
ext.pkg_version = "$version".indexOf('-') >= 0 ? "$version".substring(0, "$version".indexOf('-')) : version
repositories {
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'application'
mainClassName = 'net.corda.demobench.DemoBench'
applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['-Djava.util.logging.config.class=net.corda.demobench.config.LoggingConfig', '-Dorg.jboss.logging.provider=slf4j']
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
maven {
url ''
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
// TornadoFX: A lightweight Kotlin framework for working with JavaFX UI's.
compile "no.tornado:tornadofx:$tornadofx_version"
// Controls FX: more java FX components
compile "org.controlsfx:controlsfx:$controlsfx_version"
compile (project(':node')) {
exclude module: 'kotlin-test'
exclude module: 'junit'
compile "com.h2database:h2:$h2_version"
compile "$jna_version"
compile "$guava_version"
compile "com.sparetimelabs:purejavacomm:$purejavacomm_version"
compile "org.slf4j:log4j-over-slf4j:$slf4j_version"
compile "org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:$slf4j_version"
compile "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:$log4j_version"
compile "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:$log4j_version"
compile "com.typesafe:config:$typesafe_config_version"
// These libraries don't exist in any Maven repository I can find.
// See:
// The terminal JAR here has also been tweaked:
// See:
compile ':jediterm-terminal-2.5'
compile ':pty4j-0.7.2'
testCompile "junit:junit:$junit_version"
testCompile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test:$kotlin_version"
jar {
manifest {
'Corda-Version': corda_version,
'Main-Class': mainClassName,
'Class-Path': configurations.compile.collect { it.getName() }.join(' ')
test {
systemProperty 'java.util.logging.config.class', 'net.corda.demobench.config.LoggingConfig'
systemProperty 'org.jboss.logging.provider', 'slf4j'
distributions {
main() {
contents {
into('lib/linux') {
from 'libs/linux'
into('lib/macosx') {
from 'libs/macosx'
into('lib/win') {
from 'libs/win'
from(project(':tools:explorer:capsule').tasks.buildExplorerJAR) {
rename 'node-explorer-(.*)', 'node-explorer.jar'
into 'explorer'
from(project(':node:capsule').tasks.buildCordaJAR) {
rename 'corda-(.*)', 'corda.jar'
into 'corda'
from(project(':node:webserver:webcapsule').tasks.buildWebserverJar) {
rename 'corda-webserver-(.*)', 'corda-webserver.jar'
into 'corda'
from(project(':samples:bank-of-corda-demo').jar) {
rename 'bank-of-corda-demo-(.*)', 'bank-of-corda.jar'
into 'plugins'
* Bundles the application using JavaPackager,
* using the ZIP distribution as source.
task javapackage(dependsOn: 'distZip') {
doLast {
delete([pkg_source, pkg_outDir])
copy {
into pkg_source
copy {
* Copy non-text formats "as-is".
from("$projectDir/package") {
exclude '**/*.spec'
exclude '**/*.sh'
exclude '**/*.wsf'
exclude '**/*.manifest'
into "$pkg_source/package"
copy {
* Expand tokens for text formats.
from("$projectDir/package") {
include '**/*.spec'
include '**/*.sh'
include '**/*.wsf'
include '**/*.manifest'
filter {
line -> line.replaceAll('@pkg_version@', pkg_version)
into "$pkg_source/package"
resource: 'com/sun/javafx/tools/ant/antlib.xml',
classpath: "$pkg_source:$java_home/../lib/ant-javafx.jar"
ant.deploy(nativeBundles: packageType, outdir: pkg_outDir, outfile: 'DemoBench', verbose: 'true') {
application(name: 'DemoBench', version: pkg_version, mainClass: mainClassName)
info(title: 'DemoBench', vendor: 'R3', description: 'A sales and educational tool for demonstrating Corda.')
resources {
fileset(dir: "$dist_source/lib", type: 'jar') {
include(name: '*.jar')
fileset(dir: "$dist_source/lib", type: 'native') {
include(name: "macosx/**/*.dylib")
include(name: "win/**/*.dll")
include(name: "win/**/*.exe")
include(name: "linux/**/*.so")
fileset(dir: dist_source, type: 'data') {
include(name: 'corda/*.jar')
include(name: 'plugins/*.jar')
include(name: 'explorer/*.jar')
platform {
property(name: 'java.util.logging.config.class', value: 'net.corda.demobench.config.LoggingConfig')
property(name: 'org.jboss.logging.provider', value: 'slf4j')
preferences(install: false)