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synced 2025-03-10 14:34:14 +00:00
* CORDA-3917 Update to Jackson 2.9.8 (#6493) * Update to Jackson 2.9.8 to address multiple security issues, and update warning note about updates to clarify that it refers to 2.10+. When the note was added 2.9.7 as the highest available version in the 2.9.x series. * Add PR code checks Jenkinsfile * CORDA-3916 Update to BouncyCastle 1.61 (#6492) Update to BouncyCastle 1.61. Updating one version at a time to mitigate risk of a complex breaking change being introduced. * Added missing collection of JUnit tests and logs Co-authored-by: Waldemar Zurowski <waldemar.zurowski@r3.com>
44 lines
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44 lines
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import static com.r3.build.BuildControl.killAllExistingBuildsForJob
killAllExistingBuildsForJob(env.JOB_NAME, env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger())
pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
label 'k8s'
additionalBuildArgs "--build-arg USER=stresstester"
filename '.ci/dev/compatibility/DockerfileJDK11'
options {
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '14', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '14'))
stages {
stage('JDK 11 Compile') {
steps {
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon -Pcompilation.allWarningsAsErrors=true -Ptests.failFast=false " +
"-Ptests.ignoreFailures=true clean compileAll --stacktrace"
stage('Deploy nodes') {
steps {
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon deployNodes"
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '**/logs/**/*.log'
junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true
cleanup {
deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */