/* Copyright (c) 2008, Avian Contributors Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for details. */ #include "common.h" #include "system.h" #include "constants.h" #include "machine.h" #include "processor.h" #include "process.h" using namespace vm; namespace { const unsigned FrameBaseOffset = 0; const unsigned FrameNextOffset = 1; const unsigned FrameMethodOffset = 2; const unsigned FrameIpOffset = 3; const unsigned FrameFootprint = 4; class Thread: public vm::Thread { public: static const unsigned StackSizeInBytes = 64 * 1024; static const unsigned StackSizeInWords = StackSizeInBytes / BytesPerWord; Thread(Machine* m, object javaThread, vm::Thread* parent): vm::Thread(m, javaThread, parent), ip(0), sp(0), frame(-1), code(0) { } unsigned ip; unsigned sp; int frame; object code; uintptr_t stack[StackSizeInWords]; }; inline void pushObject(Thread* t, object o) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "push object %p at %d\n", o, t->sp); } assert(t, t->sp + 1 < Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2); t->stack[(t->sp * 2) ] = ObjectTag; t->stack[(t->sp * 2) + 1] = reinterpret_cast(o); ++ t->sp; } inline void pushInt(Thread* t, uint32_t v) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "push int %d at %d\n", v, t->sp); } assert(t, t->sp + 1 < Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2); t->stack[(t->sp * 2) ] = IntTag; t->stack[(t->sp * 2) + 1] = v; ++ t->sp; } inline void pushFloat(Thread* t, float v) { pushInt(t, floatToBits(v)); } inline void pushLong(Thread* t, uint64_t v) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "push long %"LLD" at %d\n", v, t->sp); } pushInt(t, v >> 32); pushInt(t, v & 0xFFFFFFFF); } inline void pushDouble(Thread* t, double v) { pushLong(t, doubleToBits(v)); } inline object popObject(Thread* t) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "pop object %p at %d\n", reinterpret_cast(t->stack[((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1]), t->sp - 1); } assert(t, t->stack[(t->sp - 1) * 2] == ObjectTag); return reinterpret_cast(t->stack[((-- t->sp) * 2) + 1]); } inline uint32_t popInt(Thread* t) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "pop int %"ULD" at %d\n", t->stack[((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1], t->sp - 1); } assert(t, t->stack[(t->sp - 1) * 2] == IntTag); return t->stack[((-- t->sp) * 2) + 1]; } inline float popFloat(Thread* t) { return bitsToFloat(popInt(t)); } inline uint64_t popLong(Thread* t) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "pop long %"LLD" at %d\n", (static_cast(t->stack[((t->sp - 2) * 2) + 1]) << 32) | static_cast(t->stack[((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1]), t->sp - 2); } uint64_t a = popInt(t); uint64_t b = popInt(t); return (b << 32) | a; } inline float popDouble(Thread* t) { return bitsToDouble(popLong(t)); } inline object peekObject(Thread* t, unsigned index) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "peek object %p at %d\n", reinterpret_cast(t->stack[(index * 2) + 1]), index); } assert(t, index < Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2); assert(t, t->stack[index * 2] == ObjectTag); return *reinterpret_cast(t->stack + (index * 2) + 1); } inline uint32_t peekInt(Thread* t, unsigned index) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "peek int %"ULD" at %d\n", t->stack[(index * 2) + 1], index); } assert(t, index < Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2); assert(t, t->stack[index * 2] == IntTag); return t->stack[(index * 2) + 1]; } inline uint64_t peekLong(Thread* t, unsigned index) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "peek long %"LLD" at %d\n", (static_cast(t->stack[(index * 2) + 1]) << 32) | static_cast(t->stack[((index + 1) * 2) + 1]), index); } return (static_cast(peekInt(t, index)) << 32) | static_cast(peekInt(t, index + 1)); } inline void pokeObject(Thread* t, unsigned index, object value) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "poke object %p at %d\n", value, index); } t->stack[index * 2] = ObjectTag; t->stack[(index * 2) + 1] = reinterpret_cast(value); } inline void pokeInt(Thread* t, unsigned index, uint32_t value) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "poke int %d at %d\n", value, index); } t->stack[index * 2] = IntTag; t->stack[(index * 2) + 1] = value; } inline void pokeLong(Thread* t, unsigned index, uint64_t value) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "poke long %"LLD" at %d\n", value, index); } pokeInt(t, index, value >> 32); pokeInt(t, index + 1, value & 0xFFFFFFFF); } inline object* pushReference(Thread* t, object o) { if (o) { expect(t, t->sp + 1 < Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2); pushObject(t, o); return reinterpret_cast(t->stack + ((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1); } else { return 0; } } inline int frameNext(Thread* t, int frame) { return peekInt(t, frame + FrameNextOffset); } inline object frameMethod(Thread* t, int frame) { return peekObject(t, frame + FrameMethodOffset); } inline unsigned frameIp(Thread* t, int frame) { return peekInt(t, frame + FrameIpOffset); } inline unsigned frameBase(Thread* t, int frame) { return peekInt(t, frame + FrameBaseOffset); } inline object localObject(Thread* t, unsigned index) { return peekObject(t, frameBase(t, t->frame) + index); } inline uint32_t localInt(Thread* t, unsigned index) { return peekInt(t, frameBase(t, t->frame) + index); } inline uint64_t localLong(Thread* t, unsigned index) { return peekLong(t, frameBase(t, t->frame) + index); } inline void setLocalObject(Thread* t, unsigned index, object value) { pokeObject(t, frameBase(t, t->frame) + index, value); } inline void setLocalInt(Thread* t, unsigned index, uint32_t value) { pokeInt(t, frameBase(t, t->frame) + index, value); } inline void setLocalLong(Thread* t, unsigned index, uint64_t value) { pokeLong(t, frameBase(t, t->frame) + index, value); } void pushFrame(Thread* t, object method) { if (t->frame >= 0) { pokeInt(t, t->frame + FrameIpOffset, t->ip); } t->ip = 0; unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); unsigned base = t->sp - parameterFootprint; unsigned locals = parameterFootprint; if ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) == 0) { t->code = methodCode(t, method); locals = codeMaxLocals(t, t->code); memset(t->stack + ((base + parameterFootprint) * 2), 0, (locals - parameterFootprint) * BytesPerWord * 2); } unsigned frame = base + locals; pokeInt(t, frame + FrameNextOffset, t->frame); t->frame = frame; t->sp = frame + FrameFootprint; pokeInt(t, frame + FrameBaseOffset, base); pokeObject(t, frame + FrameMethodOffset, method); pokeInt(t, t->frame + FrameIpOffset, 0); if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) { if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) { acquire(t, methodClass(t, method)); } else { acquire(t, peekObject(t, base)); } } } void popFrame(Thread* t) { object method = frameMethod(t, t->frame); if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) { if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) { release(t, methodClass(t, method)); } else { release(t, peekObject(t, frameBase(t, t->frame))); } } if (UNLIKELY(methodVmFlags(t, method) & ClassInitFlag)) { if (t->exception) { t->exception = makeExceptionInInitializerError(t, t->exception); } classVmFlags(t, methodClass(t, method)) &= ~(NeedInitFlag | InitFlag); release(t, t->m->classLock); } t->sp = frameBase(t, t->frame); t->frame = frameNext(t, t->frame); if (t->frame >= 0) { t->code = methodCode(t, frameMethod(t, t->frame)); t->ip = frameIp(t, t->frame); } else { t->code = 0; t->ip = 0; } } class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker { public: MyStackWalker(Thread* t, int frame): t(t), frame(frame) { } virtual void walk(Processor::StackVisitor* v) { for (int frame = this->frame; frame >= 0; frame = frameNext(t, frame)) { MyStackWalker walker(t, frame); if (not v->visit(&walker)) { break; } } } virtual object method() { return frameMethod(t, frame); } virtual int ip() { return frameIp(t, frame); } virtual unsigned count() { unsigned count = 0; for (int frame = this->frame; frame >= 0; frame = frameNext(t, frame)) { ++ count; } return count; } Thread* t; int frame; }; object makeNativeMethodData(Thread* t, object method, void* function) { PROTECT(t, method); unsigned count = methodParameterCount(t, method) + 2; object data = makeNativeMethodData(t, function, 0, // argument table size count, false); unsigned argumentTableSize = BytesPerWord * 2; unsigned index = 0; nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, index++) = POINTER_TYPE; nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, index++) = POINTER_TYPE; const char* s = reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)); ++ s; // skip '(' while (*s and *s != ')') { unsigned code = fieldCode(t, *s); nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, index++) = fieldType(t, code); switch (*s) { case 'L': argumentTableSize += BytesPerWord; while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; case '[': argumentTableSize += BytesPerWord; while (*s == '[') ++ s; switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; default: ++ s; break; } break; default: argumentTableSize += pad(primitiveSize(t, code)); ++ s; break; } } nativeMethodDataArgumentTableSize(t, data) = argumentTableSize; return data; } inline object resolveNativeMethodData(Thread* t, object method) { if (methodCode(t, method) == 0) { void* p = resolveNativeMethod(t, method); if (LIKELY(p)) { PROTECT(t, method); object data = makeNativeMethodData(t, method, p); set(t, method, MethodCode, data); return data; } else { object message = makeString (t, "%s.%s%s", &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, methodClass(t, method)), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)); t->exception = makeUnsatisfiedLinkError(t, message); return 0; } } else { return methodCode(t, method); } } inline void checkStack(Thread* t, object method) { if (UNLIKELY(t->sp + methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + codeMaxLocals(t, methodCode(t, method)) + FrameFootprint + codeMaxStack(t, methodCode(t, method)) > Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2)) { t->exception = makeStackOverflowError(t); } } unsigned invokeNative(Thread* t, object method) { PROTECT(t, method); object data = resolveNativeMethodData(t, method); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) { return VoidField; } PROTECT(t, data); pushFrame(t, method); unsigned count = nativeMethodDataLength(t, data) - 1; unsigned size = nativeMethodDataArgumentTableSize(t, data); uintptr_t args[size / BytesPerWord]; unsigned offset = 0; args[offset++] = reinterpret_cast(t); unsigned i = 0; if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) { ++ i; args[offset++] = reinterpret_cast (pushReference(t, methodClass(t, method))); } unsigned sp = frameBase(t, t->frame); for (; i < count; ++i) { unsigned type = nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, i + 1); switch (type) { case INT8_TYPE: case INT16_TYPE: case INT32_TYPE: case FLOAT_TYPE: args[offset++] = peekInt(t, sp++); break; case INT64_TYPE: case DOUBLE_TYPE: { uint64_t v = peekLong(t, sp); memcpy(args + offset, &v, 8); offset += (8 / BytesPerWord); sp += 2; } break; case POINTER_TYPE: { object* v = reinterpret_cast(t->stack + ((sp++) * 2) + 1); if (*v == 0) { v = 0; } args[offset++] = reinterpret_cast(v); } break; default: abort(t); } } unsigned returnCode = methodReturnCode(t, method); unsigned returnType = fieldType(t, returnCode); void* function = nativeMethodDataFunction(t, data); uint8_t types[nativeMethodDataLength(t, data)]; memcpy(&types, &nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, 0), nativeMethodDataLength(t, data)); uint64_t result; if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "invoke native method %s.%s\n", &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, methodClass(t, method)), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)); } // if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast // (&byteArrayBody(t, className(t, methodClass(t, method)), 0)), // "org/eclipse/swt/internal/C") == 0 // and strcmp(reinterpret_cast // (&byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)), // "memmove") == 0) // { // asm("int3"); // } { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); result = t->m->system->call (function, args, types, count + 1, size, returnType); } if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "return from native method %s.%s\n", &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, methodClass(t, frameMethod(t, t->frame))), 0), &byteArrayBody (t, methodName(t, frameMethod(t, t->frame)), 0)); } popFrame(t); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) { return VoidField; } switch (returnCode) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "result: %d\n", static_cast(result)); } pushInt(t, static_cast(result)); break; case CharField: if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "result: %d\n", static_cast(result)); } pushInt(t, static_cast(result)); break; case ShortField: if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "result: %d\n", static_cast(result)); } pushInt(t, static_cast(result)); break; case FloatField: case IntField: if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "result: %d\n", static_cast(result)); } pushInt(t, result); break; case LongField: case DoubleField: if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "result: %"LLD"\n", result); } pushLong(t, result); break; case ObjectField: if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "result: %p at %p\n", static_cast(result) == 0 ? 0 : *reinterpret_cast(static_cast(result)), reinterpret_cast(static_cast(result))); } pushObject(t, static_cast(result) == 0 ? 0 : *reinterpret_cast(static_cast(result))); break; case VoidField: break; default: abort(t); } return returnCode; } bool classInit2(Thread* t, object class_, unsigned ipOffset) { PROTECT(t, class_); acquire(t, t->m->classLock); if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & NeedInitFlag and (classVmFlags(t, class_) & InitFlag) == 0) { classVmFlags(t, class_) |= InitFlag; t->code = classInitializer(t, class_); t->ip -= ipOffset; return true; } else { release(t, t->m->classLock); return false; } } inline bool classInit(Thread* t, object class_, unsigned ipOffset) { if (UNLIKELY(classVmFlags(t, class_) & NeedInitFlag)) { return classInit2(t, class_, ipOffset); } else { return false; } } inline void store(Thread* t, unsigned index) { memcpy(t->stack + ((frameBase(t, t->frame) + index) * 2), t->stack + ((-- t->sp) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); } ExceptionHandler* findExceptionHandler(Thread* t, object method, unsigned ip) { PROTECT(t, method); object eht = codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, methodCode(t, method)); if (eht) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < exceptionHandlerTableLength(t, eht); ++i) { ExceptionHandler* eh = exceptionHandlerTableBody(t, eht, i); if (ip - 1 >= exceptionHandlerStart(eh) and ip - 1 < exceptionHandlerEnd(eh)) { object catchType = 0; if (exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh)) { object e = t->exception; t->exception = 0; PROTECT(t, e); PROTECT(t, eht); catchType = resolveClassInPool (t, codePool(t, methodCode(t, method)), exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh) - 1); if (catchType) { eh = exceptionHandlerTableBody(t, eht, i); t->exception = e; } else { // can't find what we're supposed to catch - move on. continue; } } if (catchType == 0 or instanceOf(t, catchType, t->exception)) { return eh; } } } } return 0; } ExceptionHandler* findExceptionHandler(Thread* t, int frame) { return findExceptionHandler(t, frameMethod(t, frame), frameIp(t, frame)); } void pushField(Thread* t, object target, object field) { switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: pushInt(t, cast(target, fieldOffset(t, field))); break; case CharField: case ShortField: pushInt(t, cast(target, fieldOffset(t, field))); break; case FloatField: case IntField: pushInt(t, cast(target, fieldOffset(t, field))); break; case DoubleField: case LongField: pushLong(t, cast(target, fieldOffset(t, field))); break; case ObjectField: pushObject(t, cast(target, fieldOffset(t, field))); break; default: abort(t); } } object interpret(Thread* t) { const int base = t->frame; unsigned instruction = nop; unsigned& ip = t->ip; unsigned& sp = t->sp; int& frame = t->frame; object& code = t->code; object& exception = t->exception; uintptr_t* stack = t->stack; if (UNLIKELY(exception)) { goto throw_; } if (UNLIKELY(classInit(t, methodClass(t, frameMethod(t, frame)), 0))) { goto invoke; } loop: instruction = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "ip: %d; instruction: 0x%x in %s.%s ", ip - 1, instruction, &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, methodClass(t, frameMethod(t, frame))), 0), &byteArrayBody (t, methodName(t, frameMethod(t, frame)), 0)); int line = findLineNumber(t, frameMethod(t, frame), ip); switch (line) { case NativeLine: fprintf(stderr, "(native)\n"); break; case UnknownLine: fprintf(stderr, "(unknown line)\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "(line %d)\n", line); } } switch (instruction) { case aaload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < objectArrayLength(t, array))) { pushObject(t, objectArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, objectArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case aastore: { object value = popObject(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < objectArrayLength(t, array))) { set(t, array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), value); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, objectArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case aconst_null: { pushObject(t, 0); } goto loop; case aload: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, codeBody(t, code, ip++))); } goto loop; case aload_0: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, 0)); } goto loop; case aload_1: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, 1)); } goto loop; case aload_2: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, 2)); } goto loop; case aload_3: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, 3)); } goto loop; case anewarray: { int32_t count = popInt(t); if (LIKELY(count >= 0)) { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; pushObject(t, makeObjectArray(t, class_, count, true)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d", count); exception = makeNegativeArraySizeException(t, message); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case areturn: { object result = popObject(t); if (frame > base) { popFrame(t); pushObject(t, result); goto loop; } else { return result; } } goto loop; case arraylength: { object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { pushInt(t, cast(array, BytesPerWord)); } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case astore: { store(t, codeBody(t, code, ip++)); } goto loop; case astore_0: { store(t, 0); } goto loop; case astore_1: { store(t, 1); } goto loop; case astore_2: { store(t, 2); } goto loop; case astore_3: { store(t, 3); } goto loop; case athrow: { exception = popObject(t); if (UNLIKELY(exception == 0)) { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); } } goto throw_; case baload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (objectClass(t, array) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::BooleanArrayType)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < booleanArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, booleanArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, booleanArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < byteArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, byteArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, byteArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case bastore: { int8_t value = popInt(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (objectClass(t, array) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::BooleanArrayType)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < booleanArrayLength(t, array))) { booleanArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, booleanArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < byteArrayLength(t, array))) { byteArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, byteArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case bipush: { pushInt(t, static_cast(codeBody(t, code, ip++))); } goto loop; case caload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < charArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, charArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, charArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case castore: { uint16_t value = popInt(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < charArrayLength(t, array))) { charArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, charArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case checkcast: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (peekObject(t, sp - 1)) { object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; if (not instanceOf(t, class_, peekObject(t, sp - 1))) { object message = makeString (t, "%s as %s", &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, objectClass(t, peekObject(t, sp - 1))), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, class_), 0)); exception = makeClassCastException(t, message); goto throw_; } } } goto loop; case d2f: { pushFloat(t, static_cast(popDouble(t))); } goto loop; case d2i: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popDouble(t))); } goto loop; case d2l: { pushLong(t, static_cast(popDouble(t))); } goto loop; case dadd: { double b = popDouble(t); double a = popDouble(t); pushDouble(t, a + b); } goto loop; case daload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < doubleArrayLength(t, array))) { pushLong(t, doubleArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, doubleArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case dastore: { double value = popDouble(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < doubleArrayLength(t, array))) { memcpy(&doubleArrayBody(t, array, index), &value, sizeof(uint64_t)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, doubleArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case dcmpg: { double b = popDouble(t); double a = popDouble(t); if (a < b) { pushInt(t, static_cast(-1)); } else if (a > b) { pushInt(t, 1); } else if (a == b) { pushInt(t, 0); } else { pushInt(t, 1); } } goto loop; case dcmpl: { double b = popDouble(t); double a = popDouble(t); if (a < b) { pushInt(t, static_cast(-1)); } else if (a > b) { pushInt(t, 1); } else if (a == b) { pushInt(t, 0); } else { pushInt(t, static_cast(-1)); } } goto loop; case dconst_0: { pushDouble(t, 0); } goto loop; case dconst_1: { pushDouble(t, 1); } goto loop; case ddiv: { double b = popDouble(t); double a = popDouble(t); pushDouble(t, a / b); } goto loop; case dmul: { double b = popDouble(t); double a = popDouble(t); pushDouble(t, a * b); } goto loop; case dneg: { double a = popDouble(t); pushDouble(t, - a); } goto loop; case vm::drem: { double b = popDouble(t); double a = popDouble(t); pushDouble(t, fmod(a, b)); } goto loop; case dsub: { double b = popDouble(t); double a = popDouble(t); pushDouble(t, a - b); } goto loop; case dup: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); ++ sp; } goto loop; case dup_x1: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup_x1\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), stack + ((sp ) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); ++ sp; } goto loop; case dup_x2: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup_x2\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), stack + ((sp ) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); ++ sp; } goto loop; case dup2: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup2\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 4); sp += 2; } goto loop; case dup2_x1: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup2_x1\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp + 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), stack + ((sp ) * 2), BytesPerWord * 4); sp += 2; } goto loop; case dup2_x2: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup2_x2\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp + 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), stack + ((sp - 4) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 4) * 2), stack + ((sp ) * 2), BytesPerWord * 4); sp += 2; } goto loop; case f2d: { pushDouble(t, popFloat(t)); } goto loop; case f2i: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popFloat(t))); } goto loop; case f2l: { pushLong(t, static_cast(popFloat(t))); } goto loop; case fadd: { float b = popFloat(t); float a = popFloat(t); pushFloat(t, a + b); } goto loop; case faload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < floatArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, floatArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, floatArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case fastore: { float value = popFloat(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < floatArrayLength(t, array))) { memcpy(&floatArrayBody(t, array, index), &value, sizeof(uint32_t)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, floatArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case fcmpg: { float b = popFloat(t); float a = popFloat(t); if (a < b) { pushInt(t, static_cast(-1)); } else if (a > b) { pushInt(t, 1); } else if (a == b) { pushInt(t, 0); } else { pushInt(t, 1); } } goto loop; case fcmpl: { float b = popFloat(t); float a = popFloat(t); if (a < b) { pushInt(t, static_cast(-1)); } else if (a > b) { pushInt(t, 1); } else if (a == b) { pushInt(t, 0); } else { pushInt(t, static_cast(-1)); } } goto loop; case fconst_0: { pushFloat(t, 0); } goto loop; case fconst_1: { pushFloat(t, 1); } goto loop; case fconst_2: { pushFloat(t, 2); } goto loop; case fdiv: { float b = popFloat(t); float a = popFloat(t); pushFloat(t, a / b); } goto loop; case fmul: { float b = popFloat(t); float a = popFloat(t); pushFloat(t, a * b); } goto loop; case fneg: { float a = popFloat(t); pushFloat(t, - a); } goto loop; case frem: { float b = popFloat(t); float a = popFloat(t); pushFloat(t, fmodf(a, b)); } goto loop; case fsub: { float b = popFloat(t); float a = popFloat(t); pushFloat(t, a - b); } goto loop; case getfield: { if (LIKELY(peekObject(t, sp - 1))) { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; if (throwIfVolatileField(t, field)) goto throw_; assert(t, (fieldFlags(t, field) & ACC_STATIC) == 0); pushField(t, popObject(t), field); } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case getstatic: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; if (throwIfVolatileField(t, field)) goto throw_; assert(t, fieldFlags(t, field) & ACC_STATIC); PROTECT(t, field); if (UNLIKELY(classInit(t, fieldClass(t, field), 3))) goto invoke; pushField(t, classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)), field); } goto loop; case goto_: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } goto loop; case goto_w: { int32_t offset = codeReadInt32(t, code, ip); ip = (ip - 5) + offset; } goto loop; case i2b: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popInt(t))); } goto loop; case i2c: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popInt(t))); } goto loop; case i2d: { pushDouble(t, static_cast(static_cast(popInt(t)))); } goto loop; case i2f: { pushFloat(t, static_cast(static_cast(popInt(t)))); } goto loop; case i2l: { pushLong(t, static_cast(popInt(t))); } goto loop; case i2s: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popInt(t))); } goto loop; case iadd: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a + b); } goto loop; case iaload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < intArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, intArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, intArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case iand: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a & b); } goto loop; case iastore: { int32_t value = popInt(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < intArrayLength(t, array))) { intArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, intArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case iconst_m1: { pushInt(t, static_cast(-1)); } goto loop; case iconst_0: { pushInt(t, 0); } goto loop; case iconst_1: { pushInt(t, 1); } goto loop; case iconst_2: { pushInt(t, 2); } goto loop; case iconst_3: { pushInt(t, 3); } goto loop; case iconst_4: { pushInt(t, 4); } goto loop; case iconst_5: { pushInt(t, 5); } goto loop; case idiv: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a / b); } goto loop; case if_acmpeq: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object b = popObject(t); object a = popObject(t); if (a == b) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case if_acmpne: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object b = popObject(t); object a = popObject(t); if (a != b) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case if_icmpeq: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a == b) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case if_icmpne: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a != b) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case if_icmpgt: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a > b) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case if_icmpge: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a >= b) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case if_icmplt: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a < b) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case if_icmple: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a <= b) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case ifeq: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (popInt(t) == 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case ifne: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (popInt(t)) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case ifgt: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (static_cast(popInt(t)) > 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case ifge: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (static_cast(popInt(t)) >= 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case iflt: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (static_cast(popInt(t)) < 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case ifle: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (static_cast(popInt(t)) <= 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case ifnonnull: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (popObject(t)) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case ifnull: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (popObject(t) == 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + offset; } } goto loop; case iinc: { uint8_t index = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int8_t c = codeBody(t, code, ip++); setLocalInt(t, index, localInt(t, index) + c); } goto loop; case iload: case fload: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, codeBody(t, code, ip++))); } goto loop; case iload_0: case fload_0: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, 0)); } goto loop; case iload_1: case fload_1: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, 1)); } goto loop; case iload_2: case fload_2: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, 2)); } goto loop; case iload_3: case fload_3: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, 3)); } goto loop; case imul: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a * b); } goto loop; case ineg: { pushInt(t, - popInt(t)); } goto loop; case instanceof: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); if (peekObject(t, sp - 1)) { object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; if (instanceOf(t, class_, popObject(t))) { pushInt(t, 1); } else { pushInt(t, 0); } } else { popObject(t); pushInt(t, 0); } } goto loop; case invokeinterface: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); ip += 2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); if (LIKELY(peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint))) { code = findInterfaceMethod (t, method, objectClass(t, peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint))); goto invoke; } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case invokespecial: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); if (LIKELY(peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint))) { object class_ = methodClass(t, frameMethod(t, frame)); if (isSpecialMethod(t, method, class_)) { class_ = classSuper(t, class_); if (UNLIKELY(classInit(t, class_, 3))) goto invoke; code = findMethod(t, method, class_); } else { code = method; } goto invoke; } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case invokestatic: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; PROTECT(t, method); if (UNLIKELY(classInit(t, methodClass(t, method), 3))) goto invoke; code = method; } goto invoke; case invokevirtual: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); if (LIKELY(peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint))) { object class_ = objectClass(t, peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint)); if (UNLIKELY(classInit(t, class_, 3))) goto invoke; code = findMethod(t, method, class_); goto invoke; } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case ior: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a | b); } goto loop; case irem: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a % b); } goto loop; case ireturn: case freturn: { int32_t result = popInt(t); if (frame > base) { popFrame(t); pushInt(t, result); goto loop; } else { return makeInt(t, result); } } goto loop; case ishl: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a << b); } goto loop; case ishr: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a >> b); } goto loop; case istore: case fstore: { setLocalInt(t, codeBody(t, code, ip++), popInt(t)); } goto loop; case istore_0: case fstore_0: { setLocalInt(t, 0, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case istore_1: case fstore_1: { setLocalInt(t, 1, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case istore_2: case fstore_2: { setLocalInt(t, 2, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case istore_3: case fstore_3: { setLocalInt(t, 3, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case isub: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a - b); } goto loop; case iushr: { int32_t b = popInt(t); uint32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a >> b); } goto loop; case ixor: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a ^ b); } goto loop; case jsr: { uint16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); pushInt(t, ip); ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(offset); } goto loop; case jsr_w: { uint32_t offset = codeReadInt32(t, code, ip); pushInt(t, ip); ip = (ip - 5) + static_cast(offset); } goto loop; case l2d: { pushDouble(t, static_cast(static_cast(popLong(t)))); } goto loop; case l2f: { pushFloat(t, static_cast(static_cast(popLong(t)))); } goto loop; case l2i: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popLong(t))); } goto loop; case ladd: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a + b); } goto loop; case laload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < longArrayLength(t, array))) { pushLong(t, longArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, longArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case land: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a & b); } goto loop; case lastore: { int64_t value = popLong(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < longArrayLength(t, array))) { longArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, longArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case lcmp: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushInt(t, a > b ? 1 : a == b ? 0 : -1); } goto loop; case lconst_0: { pushLong(t, 0); } goto loop; case lconst_1: { pushLong(t, 1); } goto loop; case ldc: case ldc_w: { uint16_t index; if (instruction == ldc) { index = codeBody(t, code, ip++); } else { index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); } object pool = codePool(t, code); if (singletonIsObject(t, pool, index - 1)) { object v = singletonObject(t, pool, index - 1); if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, pool, index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; pushObject(t, class_); } else { pushObject(t, v); } } else { pushInt(t, singletonValue(t, pool, index - 1)); } } goto loop; case ldc2_w: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object pool = codePool(t, code); uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, &singletonValue(t, pool, index - 1), 8); pushLong(t, v); } goto loop; case ldiv_: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a / b); } goto loop; case lload: case dload: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, codeBody(t, code, ip++))); } goto loop; case lload_0: case dload_0: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, 0)); } goto loop; case lload_1: case dload_1: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, 1)); } goto loop; case lload_2: case dload_2: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, 2)); } goto loop; case lload_3: case dload_3: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, 3)); } goto loop; case lmul: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a * b); } goto loop; case lneg: { pushLong(t, - popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lookupswitch: { int32_t base = ip - 1; ip += 3; ip -= (ip % 4); int32_t default_ = codeReadInt32(t, code, ip); int32_t pairCount = codeReadInt32(t, code, ip); int32_t key = popInt(t); int32_t bottom = 0; int32_t top = pairCount; for (int32_t span = top - bottom; span; span = top - bottom) { int32_t middle = bottom + (span / 2); unsigned index = ip + (middle * 8); int32_t k = codeReadInt32(t, code, index); if (key < k) { top = middle; } else if (key > k) { bottom = middle + 1; } else { ip = base + codeReadInt32(t, code, index); goto loop; } } ip = base + default_; } goto loop; case lor: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a | b); } goto loop; case lrem: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a % b); } goto loop; case lreturn: case dreturn: { int64_t result = popLong(t); if (frame > base) { popFrame(t); pushLong(t, result); goto loop; } else { return makeLong(t, result); } } goto loop; case lshl: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a << b); } goto loop; case lshr: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a >> b); } goto loop; case lstore: case dstore: { setLocalLong(t, codeBody(t, code, ip++), popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lstore_0: case dstore_0:{ setLocalLong(t, 0, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lstore_1: case dstore_1: { setLocalLong(t, 1, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lstore_2: case dstore_2: { setLocalLong(t, 2, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lstore_3: case dstore_3: { setLocalLong(t, 3, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lsub: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a - b); } goto loop; case lushr: { int64_t b = popInt(t); uint64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a >> b); } goto loop; case lxor: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a ^ b); } goto loop; case monitorenter: { object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { acquire(t, o); } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case monitorexit: { object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { release(t, o); } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case multianewarray: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); uint8_t dimensions = codeBody(t, code, ip++); object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; PROTECT(t, class_); int32_t counts[dimensions]; for (int i = dimensions - 1; i >= 0; --i) { counts[i] = popInt(t); if (UNLIKELY(counts[i] < 0)) { object message = makeString(t, "%d", counts[i]); exception = makeNegativeArraySizeException(t, message); goto throw_; } } object array = makeArray(t, counts[0], true); setObjectClass(t, array, class_); PROTECT(t, array); populateMultiArray(t, array, counts, 0, dimensions); pushObject(t, array); } goto loop; case new_: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; PROTECT(t, class_); if (UNLIKELY(classInit(t, class_, 3))) goto invoke; pushObject(t, make(t, class_)); } goto loop; case newarray: { int32_t count = popInt(t); if (LIKELY(count >= 0)) { uint8_t type = codeBody(t, code, ip++); object array; switch (type) { case T_BOOLEAN: array = makeBooleanArray(t, count, true); break; case T_CHAR: array = makeCharArray(t, count, true); break; case T_FLOAT: array = makeFloatArray(t, count, true); break; case T_DOUBLE: array = makeDoubleArray(t, count, true); break; case T_BYTE: array = makeByteArray(t, count, true); break; case T_SHORT: array = makeShortArray(t, count, true); break; case T_INT: array = makeIntArray(t, count, true); break; case T_LONG: array = makeLongArray(t, count, true); break; default: abort(t); } pushObject(t, array); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d", count); exception = makeNegativeArraySizeException(t, message); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case nop: goto loop; case pop_: { -- sp; } goto loop; case pop2: { sp -= 2; } goto loop; case putfield: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; if (throwIfVolatileField(t, field)) goto throw_; assert(t, (fieldFlags(t, field) & ACC_STATIC) == 0); switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: { int32_t value = popInt(t); object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; case CharField: case ShortField: cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; case FloatField: case IntField: cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } break; case DoubleField: case LongField: { int64_t value = popLong(t); object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } break; case ObjectField: { object value = popObject(t); object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { set(t, o, fieldOffset(t, field), value); } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } break; default: abort(t); } } goto loop; case putstatic: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; if (throwIfVolatileField(t, field)) goto throw_; assert(t, fieldFlags(t, field) & ACC_STATIC); PROTECT(t, field); if (UNLIKELY(classInit(t, fieldClass(t, field), 3))) goto invoke; object table = classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)); switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: { int32_t value = popInt(t); switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: cast(table, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; case CharField: case ShortField: cast(table, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; case FloatField: case IntField: cast(table, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; } } break; case DoubleField: case LongField: { cast(table, fieldOffset(t, field)) = popLong(t); } break; case ObjectField: { set(t, table, fieldOffset(t, field), popObject(t)); } break; default: abort(t); } } goto loop; case ret: { ip = localInt(t, codeBody(t, code, ip)); } goto loop; case return_: { if (frame > base) { popFrame(t); goto loop; } else { return 0; } } goto loop; case saload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < shortArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, shortArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, shortArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case sastore: { int16_t value = popInt(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < shortArrayLength(t, array))) { shortArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index, shortArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case sipush: { pushInt(t, static_cast(codeReadInt16(t, code, ip))); } goto loop; case swap: { uintptr_t tmp[2]; memcpy(tmp , stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), tmp , BytesPerWord * 2); } goto loop; case tableswitch: { int32_t base = ip - 1; ip += 3; ip -= (ip % 4); int32_t default_ = codeReadInt32(t, code, ip); int32_t bottom = codeReadInt32(t, code, ip); int32_t top = codeReadInt32(t, code, ip); int32_t key = popInt(t); if (key >= bottom and key <= top) { unsigned index = ip + ((key - bottom) * 4); ip = base + codeReadInt32(t, code, index); } else { ip = base + default_; } } goto loop; case wide: goto wide; case impdep1: { // this means we're invoking a virtual method on an instance of a // bootstrap class, so we need to load the real class to get the // real method and call it. assert(t, frameNext(t, frame) >= base); popFrame(t); assert(t, codeBody(t, code, ip - 3) == invokevirtual); ip -= 2; uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); object class_ = objectClass(t, peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint)); assert(t, classVmFlags(t, class_) & BootstrapFlag); resolveClass(t, className(t, class_)); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; ip -= 3; } goto loop; default: abort(t); } wide: switch (codeBody(t, code, ip++)) { case aload: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, codeReadInt16(t, code, ip))); } goto loop; case astore: { setLocalObject(t, codeReadInt16(t, code, ip), popObject(t)); } goto loop; case iinc: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); uint16_t count = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); setLocalInt(t, index, localInt(t, index) + count); } goto loop; case iload: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, codeReadInt16(t, code, ip))); } goto loop; case istore: { setLocalInt(t, codeReadInt16(t, code, ip), popInt(t)); } goto loop; case lload: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, codeReadInt16(t, code, ip))); } goto loop; case lstore: { setLocalLong(t, codeReadInt16(t, code, ip), popLong(t)); } goto loop; case ret: { ip = localInt(t, codeReadInt16(t, code, ip)); } goto loop; default: abort(t); } invoke: { if (methodFlags(t, code) & ACC_NATIVE) { invokeNative(t, code); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; } else { checkStack(t, code); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; pushFrame(t, code); } } goto loop; throw_: if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "throw\n"); } pokeInt(t, t->frame + FrameIpOffset, t->ip); for (; frame >= base; popFrame(t)) { ExceptionHandler* eh = findExceptionHandler(t, frame); if (eh) { sp = frame + FrameFootprint; ip = exceptionHandlerIp(eh); pushObject(t, exception); exception = 0; goto loop; } } return 0; } void pushArguments(Thread* t, object this_, const char* spec, bool indirectObjects, va_list a) { if (this_) { pushObject(t, this_); } for (MethodSpecIterator it(t, spec); it.hasNext();) { switch (*it.next()) { case 'L': case '[': if (indirectObjects) { object* v = va_arg(a, object*); pushObject(t, v ? *v : 0); } else { pushObject(t, va_arg(a, object)); } break; case 'J': case 'D': pushLong(t, va_arg(a, uint64_t)); break; case 'F': { pushFloat(t, va_arg(a, double)); } break; default: pushInt(t, va_arg(a, uint32_t)); break; } } } void pushArguments(Thread* t, object this_, const char* spec, object a) { if (this_) { pushObject(t, this_); } unsigned index = 0; for (MethodSpecIterator it(t, spec); it.hasNext();) { switch (*it.next()) { case 'L': case '[': pushObject(t, objectArrayBody(t, a, index++)); break; case 'J': case 'D': pushLong(t, cast(objectArrayBody(t, a, index++), BytesPerWord)); break; default: pushInt(t, cast(objectArrayBody(t, a, index++), BytesPerWord)); break; } } } inline unsigned returnCode(Thread* t, object method) { const char* s = reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)); while (*s and *s != ')') ++ s; return fieldCode(t, s[1]); } object invoke(Thread* t, object method) { PROTECT(t, method); object class_; PROTECT(t, class_); if (methodVirtual(t, method)) { unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); class_ = objectClass(t, peekObject(t, t->sp - parameterFootprint)); if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & BootstrapFlag) { resolveClass(t, className(t, class_)); } if (classFlags(t, methodClass(t, method)) & ACC_INTERFACE) { method = findInterfaceMethod(t, method, class_); } else { method = findMethod(t, method, class_); } } else { class_ = methodClass(t, method); } initClass(t, class_); object result = 0; if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) { unsigned returnCode = invokeNative(t, method); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { switch (returnCode) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: result = makeInt(t, popInt(t)); break; case LongField: case DoubleField: result = makeLong(t, popLong(t)); break; case ObjectField: result = popObject(t); break; case VoidField: result = 0; break; default: abort(t); }; } } else { checkStack(t, method); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { pushFrame(t, method); result = interpret(t); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { popFrame(t); } } } if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) { return 0; } return result; } class MyProcessor: public Processor { public: MyProcessor(System* s, Allocator* allocator): s(s), allocator(allocator) { } virtual vm::Thread* makeThread(Machine* m, object javaThread, vm::Thread* parent) { Thread* t = new (m->heap->allocate(sizeof(Thread))) Thread(m, javaThread, parent); t->init(); return t; } virtual object makeMethod(vm::Thread* t, uint8_t vmFlags, uint8_t returnCode, uint8_t parameterCount, uint8_t parameterFootprint, uint16_t flags, uint16_t offset, object name, object spec, object class_, object code) { return vm::makeMethod (t, vmFlags, returnCode, parameterCount, parameterFootprint, flags, offset, 0, name, spec, class_, code, 0); } virtual object makeClass(vm::Thread* t, uint16_t flags, uint8_t vmFlags, uint8_t arrayDimensions, uint16_t fixedSize, uint16_t arrayElementSize, object objectMask, object name, object super, object interfaceTable, object virtualTable, object fieldTable, object methodTable, object staticTable, object loader, unsigned vtableLength UNUSED) { return vm::makeClass (t, flags, vmFlags, arrayDimensions, fixedSize, arrayElementSize, objectMask, name, super, interfaceTable, virtualTable, fieldTable, methodTable, staticTable, loader, 0, false); } virtual void initVtable(vm::Thread*, object) { // ignore } virtual void initClass(vm::Thread* t, object c) { PROTECT(t, c); acquire(t, t->m->classLock); if (classVmFlags(t, c) & NeedInitFlag and (classVmFlags(t, c) & InitFlag) == 0) { classVmFlags(t, c) |= InitFlag; invoke(t, classInitializer(t, c), 0); } else { release(t, t->m->classLock); } } virtual void visitObjects(vm::Thread* vmt, Heap::Visitor* v) { Thread* t = static_cast(vmt); v->visit(&(t->code)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->sp; ++i) { if (t->stack[i * 2] == ObjectTag) { v->visit(reinterpret_cast(t->stack + (i * 2) + 1)); } } } virtual void walkStack(vm::Thread* vmt, StackVisitor* v) { Thread* t = static_cast(vmt); if (t->frame >= 0) { pokeInt(t, t->frame + FrameIpOffset, t->ip); } MyStackWalker walker(t, t->frame); walker.walk(v); } virtual int lineNumber(vm::Thread* t, object method, int ip) { return findLineNumber(static_cast(t), method, ip); } virtual object* makeLocalReference(vm::Thread* vmt, object o) { Thread* t = static_cast(vmt); return pushReference(t, o); } virtual void disposeLocalReference(vm::Thread*, object* r) { if (r) { *r = 0; } } virtual object invokeArray(vm::Thread* vmt, object method, object this_, object arguments) { Thread* t = static_cast(vmt); assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState); assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0)); if (UNLIKELY(t->sp + methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + 1 > Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2)) { t->exception = makeStackOverflowError(t); return 0; } const char* spec = reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)); pushArguments(t, this_, spec, arguments); return ::invoke(t, method); } virtual object invokeList(vm::Thread* vmt, object method, object this_, bool indirectObjects, va_list arguments) { Thread* t = static_cast(vmt); assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState); assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0)); if (UNLIKELY(t->sp + methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + 1 > Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2)) { t->exception = makeStackOverflowError(t); return 0; } const char* spec = reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)); pushArguments(t, this_, spec, indirectObjects, arguments); return ::invoke(t, method); } virtual object invokeList(vm::Thread* vmt, const char* className, const char* methodName, const char* methodSpec, object this_, va_list arguments) { Thread* t = static_cast(vmt); assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState); if (UNLIKELY(t->sp + parameterFootprint(vmt, methodSpec, false) > Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2)) { t->exception = makeStackOverflowError(t); return 0; } pushArguments(t, this_, methodSpec, false, arguments); object method = resolveMethod(t, className, methodName, methodSpec); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0)); return ::invoke(t, method); } else { return 0; } } virtual object getStackTrace(vm::Thread*, vm::Thread*) { // not implemented return 0; } virtual void compileThunks(vm::Thread*, BootImage*, uint8_t*, unsigned*, unsigned) { abort(s); } virtual void compileMethod(vm::Thread*, Zone*, uint8_t*, unsigned*, unsigned, object*, object*, DelayedPromise**, object) { abort(s); } virtual void visitRoots(BootImage*, HeapWalker*) { abort(s); } virtual unsigned* makeCallTable(vm::Thread*, BootImage*, HeapWalker*, uint8_t*) { abort(s); } virtual void boot(vm::Thread*, BootImage* image) { expect(s, image == 0); } virtual void dispose(vm::Thread* t) { t->m->heap->free(t, sizeof(Thread)); } virtual void dispose() { allocator->free(this, sizeof(*this)); } System* s; Allocator* allocator; }; } // namespace namespace vm { Processor* makeProcessor(System* system, Allocator* allocator) { return new (allocator->allocate(sizeof(MyProcessor))) MyProcessor(system, allocator); } } // namespace vm