MAKEFLAGS = -s name = avian version = 0.7 build-arch := $(shell uname -m \ | sed 's/^i.86$$/i386/' \ | sed 's/^x86pc$$/i386/' \ | sed 's/amd64/x86_64/' \ | sed 's/^arm.*$$/arm/' \ | sed 's/ppc/powerpc/') ifeq (Power,$(filter Power,$(build-arch))) build-arch = powerpc endif build-platform := \ $(shell uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] \ | sed 's/^mingw32.*$$/mingw32/' \ | sed 's/^cygwin.*$$/cygwin/') arch = $(build-arch) target-arch = $(arch) bootimage-platform = \ $(subst cygwin,windows,$(subst mingw32,windows,$(build-platform))) platform = $(bootimage-platform) codegen-targets = native mode = fast process = compile ifneq ($(process),compile) options := -$(process) endif ifneq ($(mode),fast) options := $(options)-$(mode) endif ifneq ($(lzma),) options := $(options)-lzma endif ifeq ($(bootimage),true) options := $(options)-bootimage endif ifeq ($(heapdump),true) options := $(options)-heapdump endif ifeq ($(tails),true) options := $(options)-tails endif ifeq ($(continuations),true) options := $(options)-continuations endif ifeq ($(codegen-targets),all) options := $(options)-all endif aot-only = false root := $(shell (cd .. && pwd)) build = build/$(platform)-$(arch)$(options) host-build-root = $(build)/host classpath-build = $(build)/classpath test-build = $(build)/test src = src classpath-src = classpath test = test unittest = unittest win32 ?= $(root)/win32 win64 ?= $(root)/win64 winrt ?= $(root)/winrt wp8 ?= $(root)/wp8 classpath = avian test-executable = $(shell pwd)/$(executable) boot-classpath = $(classpath-build) embed-prefix = /avian-embedded native-path = echo ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin) native-path = cygpath -m endif windows-path = echo path-separator = : ifneq (,$(filter mingw32 cygwin,$(build-platform))) path-separator = ; endif target-path-separator = : ifeq ($(platform),windows) target-path-separator = ; endif library-path-variable = LD_LIBRARY_PATH ifeq ($(build-platform),darwin) library-path-variable = DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH endif library-path = $(library-path-variable)=$(build) ifneq ($(openjdk),) openjdk-arch = $(arch) ifeq ($(arch),x86_64) openjdk-arch = amd64 endif ifneq ($(openjdk-src),) include options := $(options)-openjdk-src classpath-objects = $(openjdk-objects) $(openjdk-local-objects) classpath-cflags = -DAVIAN_OPENJDK_SRC -DBOOT_JAVAHOME openjdk-jar-dep = $(build)/openjdk-jar.dep classpath-jar-dep = $(openjdk-jar-dep) javahome = $(embed-prefix)/javahomeJar javahome-files = lib/zi lib/ lib/security/ \ lib/security/java.policy lib/security/cacerts local-policy = lib/security/local_policy.jar ifeq ($(shell test -e "$(openjdk)/jre/$(local-policy)" && echo found),found) javahome-files += $(local-policy) endif export-policy = lib/security/US_export_policy.jar ifeq ($(shell test -e "$(openjdk)/jre/$(export-policy)" && echo found),found) javahome-files += $(export-policy) endif ifeq ($(platform),windows) javahome-files += lib/tzmappings endif javahome-object = $(build)/javahome-jar.o boot-javahome-object = $(build)/boot-javahome.o stub-sources = $(src)/openjdk/stubs.cpp stub-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(stub-sources),$(src),$(build)) else options := $(options)-openjdk test-executable = $(shell pwd)/$(executable-dynamic) ifeq ($(build-platform),darwin) library-path = \ $(library-path-variable)=$(build):$(openjdk)/jre/lib else library-path = \ $(library-path-variable)=$(build):$(openjdk)/jre/lib/$(openjdk-arch) endif javahome = "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre")" endif classpath = openjdk boot-classpath := "$(boot-classpath)$(path-separator)$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/rt.jar")" build-javahome = $(openjdk)/jre endif ifneq ($(android),) options := $(options)-android classpath-jar-dep = $(build)/android.dep luni-native = $(android)/libcore/luni/src/main/native classpath-cflags = -DBOOT_JAVAHOME android-cflags = -I$(luni-native) \ -I$(android)/libnativehelper/include/nativehelper \ -I$(android)/system/core/include \ -I$(android)/external/zlib \ -I$(android)/external/icu4c/i18n \ -I$(android)/external/icu4c/common \ -I$(android)/external/expat \ -I$(android)/external/openssl/include \ -I$(android)/libcore/include \ -I$(build)/android-src/external/fdlibm \ -I$(build)/android-src \ -fno-exceptions \ -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 \ -DOS_SHARED_LIB_FORMAT_STR="\"$(so-prefix)%s$(so-suffix)\"" \ -DJNI_JARJAR_PREFIX= \ -D__DARWIN_UNIX03=1 \ -D__PROVIDE_FIXMES \ -g3 \ -Werror luni-cpps := $(shell find $(luni-native) -name '*.cpp') libnativehelper-native := $(android)/libnativehelper libnativehelper-cpps := $(libnativehelper-native)/JniConstants.cpp \ $(libnativehelper-native)/toStringArray.cpp crypto-native := $(android)/libcore/crypto/src/main/native crypto-cpps := $(crypto-native)/org_conscrypt_NativeCrypto.cpp ifeq ($(platform),windows) android-cflags += -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS blacklist = $(luni-native)/java_io_Console.cpp \ $(luni-native)/java_lang_ProcessManager.cpp \ $(luni-native)/libcore_net_RawSocket.cpp luni-cpps := $(filter-out $(blacklist),$(luni-cpps)) icu-libs := $(android)/external/icu4c/lib/sicuin.a \ $(android)/external/icu4c/lib/sicuuc.a \ $(android)/external/icu4c/lib/sicudt.a platform-lflags := -lgdi32 else android-cflags += -fPIC -DHAVE_SYS_UIO_H icu-libs := $(android)/external/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.a \ $(android)/external/icu4c/lib/libicuuc.a \ $(android)/external/icu4c/lib/libicudata.a endif classpath-lflags := \ $(icu-libs) \ $(android)/external/fdlibm/libfdm.a \ $(android)/external/expat/.libs/libexpat.a \ $(android)/openssl-upstream/libssl.a \ $(android)/openssl-upstream/libcrypto.a \ $(platform-lflags) \ -lstdc++ ifeq ($(platform),linux) classpath-lflags += -lrt endif classpath-objects = \ $(call cpp-objects,$(luni-cpps),$(luni-native),$(build)) \ $(call cpp-objects,$(crypto-cpps),$(crypto-native),$(build)) \ $(call cpp-objects,$(libnativehelper-cpps),$(libnativehelper-native),$(build)) luni-java = $(android)/libcore/luni/src/main/java luni-javas := $(shell find $(luni-java) -name '*.java') luni-nonjavas := $(shell find $(luni-java) -not -type d -not -name '*.java') luni-copied-nonjavas = $(call noop-files,$(luni-nonjavas),$(luni-java),) libdvm-java = $(android)/libcore/libdvm/src/main/java libdvm-javas := $(shell find $(libdvm-java) -name '*.java') crypto-java = $(android)/libcore/crypto/src/main/java crypto-javas := $(shell find $(crypto-java) -name '*.java') dalvik-java = $(android)/libcore/dalvik/src/main/java dalvik-javas := $(shell find $(dalvik-java) -name '*.java') xml-java = $(android)/libcore/xml/src/main/java xml-javas := $(shell find $(xml-java) -name '*.java') android-classes = \ $(call java-classes,$(luni-javas),$(luni-java),$(build)/android) \ $(call java-classes,$(libdvm-javas),$(libdvm-java),$(build)/android) \ $(call java-classes,$(crypto-javas),$(crypto-java),$(build)/android) \ $(call java-classes,$(dalvik-javas),$(dalvik-java),$(build)/android) \ $(call java-classes,$(xml-javas),$(xml-java),$(build)/android) classpath = android javahome-files = tzdata javahome-object = $(build)/javahome-jar.o boot-javahome-object = $(build)/boot-javahome.o build-javahome = $(android)/bionic/libc/zoneinfo stub-sources = $(src)/android/stubs.cpp stub-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(stub-sources),$(src),$(build)) endif ifeq ($(classpath),avian) jni-sources := $(shell find $(classpath-src) -name '*.cpp') jni-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(jni-sources),$(classpath-src),$(build)) classpath-objects = $(jni-objects) endif input = List ifeq ($(use-clang),true) build-cxx = clang++ -std=c++11 build-cc = clang else build-cxx = g++ build-cc = gcc endif mflag = ifneq ($(platform),darwin) ifeq ($(arch),i386) mflag = -m32 endif ifeq ($(arch),x86_64) mflag = -m64 endif endif target-format = elf cxx = $(build-cxx) $(mflag) cc = $(build-cc) $(mflag) ar = ar ranlib = ranlib dlltool = dlltool vg = nice valgrind --num-callers=32 --db-attach=yes --freelist-vol=100000000 vg += --leak-check=full --suppressions=valgrind.supp db = gdb --args javac = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javac" -encoding UTF-8 javah = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javah" jar = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/jar" strip = strip strip-all = --strip-all rdynamic = -rdynamic cflags_debug = -O0 -g3 cflags_debug_fast = -O0 -g3 cflags_stress = -O0 -g3 cflags_stress_major = -O0 -g3 ifeq ($(use-clang),true) cflags_fast = -O3 -g3 cflags_small = -Oz -g3 else cflags_fast = -O3 -g3 cflags_small = -Os -g3 endif # note that we suppress the non-virtual-dtor warning because we never # use the delete operator, which means we don't need virtual # destructors: warnings = -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wunused-parameter -Winit-self \ -Wno-non-virtual-dtor target-cflags = -DTARGET_BYTES_PER_WORD=$(pointer-size) common-cflags = $(warnings) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -I$(classpath-src) \ "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I$(src) -I$(build) -Iinclude $(classpath-cflags) \ -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_ -DAVIAN_VERSION=\"$(version)\" \ -DAVIAN_INFO="\"$(info)\"" \ -DUSE_ATOMIC_OPERATIONS -DAVIAN_JAVA_HOME=\"$(javahome)\" \ -DAVIAN_EMBED_PREFIX=\"$(embed-prefix)\" $(target-cflags) asmflags = $(target-cflags) -I$(src) ifneq (,$(filter i386 x86_64,$(arch))) ifeq ($(use-frame-pointer),true) common-cflags += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DAVIAN_USE_FRAME_POINTER asmflags += -DAVIAN_USE_FRAME_POINTER endif endif build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden \ "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux" -I$(src) -pthread converter-cflags = -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -Iinclude/ -Isrc/ \ -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \ -DAVIAN_TARGET_ARCH=AVIAN_ARCH_UNKNOWN \ -DAVIAN_TARGET_FORMAT=AVIAN_FORMAT_UNKNOWN \ -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wunused-parameter -Winit-self -Wno-non-virtual-dtor cflags = $(build-cflags) common-lflags = -lm -lz ifeq ($(use-clang),true) ifeq ($(build-platform),darwin) common-lflags += -Wl,-export_dynamic else ifneq ($(platform),windows) common-lflags += -Wl,-E else common-lflags += -Wl,--export-all-symbols endif endif endif build-lflags = -lz -lpthread -ldl lflags = $(common-lflags) -lpthread -ldl soname-flag = -Wl,-soname -Wl,$(so-prefix)jvm$(so-suffix) version-script-flag = -Wl,--version-script=openjdk.ld build-system = posix system = posix asm = x86 pointer-size = 8 so-prefix = lib so-suffix = .so static-prefix = lib static-suffix = .a output = -o $(1) asm-output = -o $(1) asm-input = -c $(1) asm-format = S as = $(cc) ld = $(cc) build-ld = $(build-cc) default-remote-test-host = localhost default-remote-test-port = 22 ifeq ($(remote-test-host),) remote-test-host = $(default-remote-test-host) else remote-test = true endif ifeq ($(remote-test-port),) remote-test-port = $(default-remote-test-port) else remote-test = true endif remote-test-user = ${USER} remote-test-dir = /tmp/avian-test-${USER} static = -static shared = -shared rpath = -Wl,-rpath=\$$ORIGIN -Wl,-z,origin no-error = -Wno-error openjdk-extra-cflags = -fvisibility=hidden bootimage-cflags = -DTARGET_BYTES_PER_WORD=$(pointer-size) bootimage-symbols = _binary_bootimage_bin_start:_binary_bootimage_bin_end codeimage-symbols = _binary_codeimage_bin_start:_binary_codeimage_bin_end developer-dir := $(shell if test -d /Developer/Platforms/$(target).platform/Developer/SDKs; then echo /Developer; \ else echo /Applications/; fi) ifeq ($(build-arch),powerpc) ifneq ($(arch),$(build-arch)) bootimage-cflags += -DTARGET_OPPOSITE_ENDIAN endif endif ifeq ($(arch),i386) pointer-size = 4 endif ifeq ($(arch),powerpc) asm = powerpc pointer-size = 4 ifneq ($(arch),$(build-arch)) bootimage-cflags += -DTARGET_OPPOSITE_ENDIAN endif ifneq ($(platform),darwin) ifneq ($(arch),$(build-arch)) cxx = powerpc-linux-gnu-g++ cc = powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc ar = powerpc-linux-gnu-ar ranlib = powerpc-linux-gnu-ranlib strip = powerpc-linux-gnu-strip endif endif endif ifeq ($(arch),arm) asm = arm pointer-size = 4 ifeq ($(build-platform),darwin) ios = true else no-psabi = -Wno-psabi cflags += -marm $(no-psabi) endif ifneq ($(arch),$(build-arch)) ifneq ($(platform),darwin) cxx = arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ cc = arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc ar = arm-linux-gnueabi-ar ranlib = arm-linux-gnueabi-ranlib strip = arm-linux-gnueabi-strip endif endif endif ifeq ($(armv6),true) cflags += -DAVIAN_ASSUME_ARMV6 endif ifeq ($(ios),true) cflags += -DAVIAN_IOS use-lto = false endif ifeq ($(build-platform),darwin) build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I$(src) cflags += -Wno-deprecated-declarations build-lflags += -framework CoreFoundation endif ifeq ($(platform),darwin) soname-flag = endif ifeq ($(platform),qnx) cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I$(src) lflags = $(common-lflags) -lsocket ifeq ($(build-platform),qnx) build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I$(src) build-lflags = $(common-lflags) else ifeq ($(arch),i386) prefix = i486-pc-nto-qnx6.5.0- else prefix = arm-unknown-nto-qnx6.5.0- endif endif cxx = $(prefix)g++ cc = $(prefix)gcc ar = $(prefix)ar ranlib = $(prefix)ranlib strip = $(prefix)strip rdynamic = -Wl,--export-dynamic endif ifeq ($(platform),freebsd) # There is no -ldl on FreeBSD build-lflags = $(common-lflags) -lz -lpthread lflags = $(common-lflags) -lpthread # include/freebsd instead of include/linux build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden \ "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/freebsd" -I$(src) -pthread cflags = $(build-cflags) endif ifeq ($(platform),android) ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin) ndk = "$$(cygpath -u "$(ANDROID_NDK)")" else ndk = $(ANDROID_NDK) endif ifeq ($(android-version),) android-version = 5 endif ifeq ($(android-toolchain),) android-toolchain = 4.7 endif ifeq ($(arch),arm) android-toolchain-name = arm-linux-androideabi android-toolchain-prefix = arm-linux-androideabi- endif ifeq ($(arch),i386) android-toolchain-name = x86 android-toolchain-prefix = i686-linux-android- endif ifeq ($(android-arm-arch),) android-arm-arch = armv5 endif options := $(options)-api$(android-version)-$(android-toolchain)-$(android-arm-arch) build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -I$(src) build-lflags = -lz -lpthread ifeq ($(subst cygwin,windows,$(subst mingw32,windows,$(build-platform))),windows) toolchain-host-platform = $(subst cygwin,windows,$(subst mingw32,windows,$(build-platform))) build-system = windows build-cxx = i686-w64-mingw32-g++ build-cc = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc sysroot = "$$(cygpath -w "$(ndk)/platforms/android-$(android-version)/arch-arm")" build-cflags += "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win32" else toolchain-host-platform = $(subst cygwin,windows,$(subst mingw32,windows,$(build-platform)))-* sysroot = $(ndk)/platforms/android-$(android-version)/arch-arm build-cflags += "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux" build-lflags += -ldl endif toolchain = $(ndk)/toolchains/$(android-toolchain-name)-$(android-toolchain)/prebuilt/$(toolchain-host-platform) cflags = "-I$(sysroot)/usr/include" "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux" $(common-cflags) "-I$(src)" -std=c++11 $(no-psabi) lflags = "-L$(sysroot)/usr/lib" $(common-lflags) -llog target-format = elf use-lto = false ifeq ($(arch),arm) cflags += -marm -march=$(android-arm-arch) -ftree-vectorize -ffast-math -mfloat-abi=softfp endif ifeq ($(arch),i386) endif cxx = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)g++ --sysroot="$(sysroot)" cc = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)gcc --sysroot="$(sysroot)" as = $(cxx) ar = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)ar ranlib = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)ranlib strip = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)strip endif ifeq ($(platform),darwin) target-format = macho ifeq (${OSX_SDK_SYSROOT},) OSX_SDK_SYSROOT = 10.4u endif ifeq (${OSX_SDK_VERSION},) OSX_SDK_VERSION = 10.4 endif ifneq ($(build-platform),darwin) cxx = i686-apple-darwin8-g++ $(mflag) cc = i686-apple-darwin8-gcc $(mflag) ar = i686-apple-darwin8-ar ranlib = i686-apple-darwin8-ranlib strip = i686-apple-darwin8-strip sysroot = /opt/mac/SDKs/MacOSX${OSX_SDK_SYSROOT}.sdk cflags = -I$(sysroot)/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Headers/ \ $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I$(src) endif ifneq ($(ios),true) platform-dir = $(developer-dir)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform sdk-dir = $(platform-dir)/Developer/SDKs mac-version := $(shell \ if test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.9.sdk; then echo 10.9; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.8.sdk; then echo 10.8; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.7.sdk; then echo 10.7; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then echo 10.6; \ else echo; fi) sysroot = $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX$(mac-version).sdk endif version-script-flag = lflags = $(common-lflags) -ldl -framework CoreFoundation ifeq (,$(shell ld -v 2>&1 | grep cctools)) lflags += -Wl,-compatibility_version,1.0.0 endif ifneq ($(arch),arm) lflags += -framework CoreServices -framework SystemConfiguration \ -framework Security endif ifeq ($(bootimage),true) bootimage-lflags = -Wl,-segprot,__RWX,rwx,rwx endif rdynamic = strip-all = -S -x so-suffix = .dylib shared = -dynamiclib rpath = ifeq ($(ios),true) ifeq ($(arch),i386) target = iPhoneSimulator sdk = iphonesimulator$(ios-version) arch = i386 arch-flag = -arch i386 release = Release-iphonesimulator else target = iPhoneOS sdk = iphoneos$(ios-version) arch = arm arch-flag = -arch armv7 release = Release-iphoneos endif platform-dir = $(developer-dir)/Platforms/$(target).platform sdk-dir = $(platform-dir)/Developer/SDKs ios-version := $(shell \ if test -d $(sdk-dir)/$(target)7.0.sdk; then echo 7.0; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/$(target)6.1.sdk; then echo 6.1; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/$(target)6.0.sdk; then echo 6.0; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/$(target)5.1.sdk; then echo 5.1; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/$(target)5.0.sdk; then echo 5.0; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/$(target)4.3.sdk; then echo 4.3; \ elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/$(target)4.2.sdk; then echo 4.2; \ else echo; fi) ifeq ($(ios-version),) x := $(error "couldn't find SDK") endif ios-bin = $(platform-dir)/Developer/usr/bin found-gcc = $(shell if test -f $(ios-bin)/gcc; then echo true; else echo false; fi) ifeq ($(found-gcc),false) use-clang = true endif ifeq ($(use-clang),true) cxx = clang -std=c++11 cc = clang else cxx = $(ios-bin)/g++ cc = $(ios-bin)/gcc endif ar = $(ios-bin)/ar ranlib = $(ios-bin)/ranlib strip = $(ios-bin)/strip flags = -isysroot $(sdk-dir)/$(target)$(ios-version).sdk \ $(arch-flag) classpath-extra-cflags += $(flags) cflags += $(flags) asmflags += $(flags) lflags += $(flags) endif ifeq ($(arch),powerpc) classpath-extra-cflags += -arch ppc -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION} cflags += -arch ppc -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION} asmflags += -arch ppc -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION} lflags += -arch ppc -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION} endif ifeq ($(arch),i386) classpath-extra-cflags += \ -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION} cflags += -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION} asmflags += -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION} lflags += -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION} endif ifeq ($(arch),x86_64) classpath-extra-cflags += -arch x86_64 cflags += -arch x86_64 asmflags += -arch x86_64 lflags += -arch x86_64 endif cflags += -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/darwin endif openjdk-extra-cflags += $(classpath-extra-cflags) find-tool = $(shell if ( command -v "$(1)$(2)" >/dev/null ); then (echo "$(1)$(2)") else (echo "$(2)"); fi) ifeq ($(platform),windows) target-format = pe inc = "$(win32)/include" lib = "$(win32)/lib" embed-prefix = c:/avian-embedded system = windows so-prefix = so-suffix = .dll exe-suffix = .exe rpath = lflags = -L$(lib) $(common-lflags) -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -mconsole cflags = -I$(inc) $(common-cflags) -DWINVER=0x0500 ifeq (,$(filter mingw32 cygwin,$(build-platform))) openjdk-extra-cflags += -I$(src)/openjdk/caseSensitive prefix := $(shell i686-w64-mingw32-gcc --version >/dev/null 2>&1 \ && echo i686-w64-mingw32- || echo x86_64-w64-mingw32-) cxx = $(prefix)g++ -m32 cc = $(prefix)gcc -m32 dlltool = $(prefix)dlltool -mi386 --as-flags=--32 ar = $(prefix)ar ranlib = $(prefix)ranlib strip = $(prefix)strip --strip-all else build-system = windows common-cflags += "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win32" build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -I$(src) -I$(inc) -mthreads openjdk-extra-cflags = build-lflags = -L$(lib) $(common-lflags) ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin) build-cxx = i686-w64-mingw32-g++ build-cc = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc dlltool = i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool ar = i686-w64-mingw32-ar ranlib = i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib strip = i686-w64-mingw32-strip endif endif ifeq ($(arch),x86_64) ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin) build-cxx = x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ build-cc = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc endif cxx = x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ $(mflag) cc = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc $(mflag) dlltool = $(call find-tool,x86_64-w64-mingw32-,dlltool) ar = $(call find-tool,x86_64-w64-mingw32-,ar) ranlib = $(call find-tool,x86_64-w64-mingw32-,ranlib) strip = $(call find-tool,x86_64-w64-mingw32-,strip) inc = "$(win64)/include" lib = "$(win64)/lib" else shared += -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias endif embed = $(build-embed)/embed$(exe-suffix) embed-loader = $(build-embed-loader)/embed-loader$(exe-suffix) embed-loader-o = $(build-embed)/embed-loader.o endif ifeq ($(platform),wp8) ifeq ($(shell uname -s | grep -i -c WOW64),1) programFiles = Program Files (x86) else programFiles = Program Files endif ifeq ($(MSVS_ROOT),) # Environment variable MSVS_ROOT not found. It should be something like # "C:\$(programFiles)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0" MSVS_ROOT = C:\$(programFiles)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 endif ifeq ($(MSVC_ROOT),) # Environment variable MSVC_ROOT not found. It should be something like # "C:\$(programFiles)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC" MSVC_ROOT = $(MSVS_ROOT)\VC endif ifeq ($(WP80_SDK),) # Environment variable WP8_SDK not found. It should be something like # "C:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\WPSDK\WP80" # TODO: Lookup in SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\WindowsPhone\v8.0 WP80_SDK = $(MSVS_ROOT)\VC\WPSDK\WP80 endif ifeq ($(WP80_KIT),) # Environment variable WP8_KIT not found. It should be something like # "c:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Windows Phone Kits\8.0" # TODO: Lookup in SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\WindowsPhone\v8.0 WP80_KIT = C:\$(programFiles)\Windows Phone Kits\8.0 endif ifeq ($(WIN8_KIT),) # Environment variable WIN8_KIT not found. It should be something like # "c:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Windows Kits\8.0" WIN8_KIT = C:\$(programFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0 endif ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin) windows-path = cygpath -w else windows-path = $(native-path) endif windows-java-home := $(shell $(windows-path) "$(JAVA_HOME)") target-format = pe ms_cl_compiler = wp8 use-lto = false supports_avian_executable = false aot-only = true ifneq ($(bootimage),true) x := $(error Windows Phone 8 target requires bootimage=true) endif system = windows build-system = windows static-prefix = static-suffix = .lib so-prefix = so-suffix = .dll exe-suffix = .exe manifest-flags = -MANIFEST:NO ifeq ($(arch),arm) wp8_arch = \x86_arm vc_arch = \arm w8kit_arch = arm deps_arch = ARM as = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\x86_arm\armasm.exe")" cxx = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\x86_arm\cl.exe")" ld = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\x86_arm\link.exe")" asmflags = -machine ARM -32 asm-output = -o $(1) asm-input = $(1) machine_type = ARM bootimage-symbols = binary_bootimage_bin_start:binary_bootimage_bin_end codeimage-symbols = binary_codeimage_bin_start:binary_codeimage_bin_end endif ifeq ($(arch),i386) wp8_arch = vc_arch = w8kit_arch = x86 deps_arch = x86 asmflags = $(target-cflags) -safeseh -nologo -Gd as = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\ml.exe")" cxx = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\cl.exe")" ld = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\link.exe")" ifeq ($(mode),debug) asmflags += -Zd endif ifeq ($(mode),debug-fast) asmflags += -Zd endif asm-output = $(output) machine_type = X86 endif PATH := $(shell cygpath -u "$(MSVS_ROOT)\Common7\IDE"):$(shell cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin$(wp8_arch)"):$(shell cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin"):${PATH} build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -I$(src) -I$(inc) -mthreads build-lflags = -lz -lpthread cflags = -nologo \ -AI"$(WP80_KIT)\Windows Metadata" \ -I"$(WP80_SDK)\include" -I"$(WP80_KIT)\Include" -I"$(WP80_KIT)\Include\minwin" -I"$(WP80_KIT)\Include\mincore" \ -DWINAPI_FAMILY=WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE_APP -D_USRDLL -D_WINDLL \ -DAVIAN_VERSION=\"$(version)\" -D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_ \ -DUSE_ATOMIC_OPERATIONS -DAVIAN_JAVA_HOME=\"$(javahome)\" \ -DAVIAN_EMBED_PREFIX=\"$(embed-prefix)\" \ -I"$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)/zlib/upstream")" -I"$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)/interop/avian-interop-client")" \ -I"$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)/include")" -I$(src) -I$(classpath-src) \ -I"$(build)" \ -I"$(windows-java-home)/include" -I"$(windows-java-home)/include/win32" \ -DTARGET_BYTES_PER_WORD=$(pointer-size) \ -Gd -EHsc common-lflags = ifeq ($(mode),debug) build-type = Debug endif ifeq ($(mode),debug-fast) build-type = Debug endif ifeq ($(mode),stress_major) build-type = Release endif ifeq ($(mode),fast) build-type = Release endif ifeq ($(mode),fast) build-type = Release endif ifeq ($(mode),small) build-type = Release endif arflags = -MACHINE:$(machine_type) lflags = $(common-lflags) -nologo \ -MACHINE:$(machine_type) \ -LIBPATH:"$(WP80_KIT)\lib\$(w8kit_arch)" -LIBPATH:"$(WP80_SDK)\lib$(vc_arch)" -LIBPATH:"$(WIN8_KIT)\Lib\win8\um\$(w8kit_arch)" \ ws2_32.lib \ "$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)\lib\$(deps_arch)\$(build-type)\zlib.lib")" "$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)\lib\$(deps_arch)\$(build-type)\ThreadEmulation.lib")" \ "$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)\lib\$(deps_arch)\$(build-type)\AvianInteropClient.lib")" lflags += -NXCOMPAT -DYNAMICBASE -SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE -TLBID:1 lflags += -NODEFAULTLIB:"ole32.lib" -NODEFAULTLIB:"kernel32.lib" lflags += PhoneAppModelHost.lib WindowsPhoneCore.lib -WINMD -WINMDFILE:$(subst $(so-suffix),.winmd,$(@)) cc = $(cxx) asm-format = masm shared = -dll ar = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\lib.exe")" arflags += -nologo ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin) build-cxx = i686-w64-mingw32-g++ build-cc = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc dlltool = i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool ranlib = strip = endif output = -Fo$(1) #TODO: -MT or -ZW? cflags_debug = -Od -Zi -MDd cflags_debug_fast = -Od -Zi -MDd cflags_stress = -O0 -g3 -MD cflags_stress_major = -O0 -g3 -MD cflags_fast = -O2 -Zi -MD cflags_small = -O1s -Zi -MD # -GL [whole program optimization] in 'fast' and 'small' breaks compilation for some reason ifeq ($(mode),debug) cflags += lflags += endif ifeq ($(mode),debug-fast) cflags += -DNDEBUG lflags += endif ifeq ($(mode),stress_major) cflags += lflags += endif ifeq ($(mode),fast) cflags += lflags += endif # -LTCG is needed only if -GL is used ifeq ($(mode),fast) cflags += -DNDEBUG lflags += -LTCG arflags += endif ifeq ($(mode),small) cflags += -DNDEBUG lflags += -LTCG arflags += endif strip = : endif ifdef msvc no-error = target-format = pe windows-path = $(native-path) windows-java-home := $(shell $(windows-path) "$(JAVA_HOME)") zlib := $(shell $(windows-path) "$(win32)/msvc") ms_cl_compiler = regular as = $(build-cc) cxx = "$(msvc)/BIN/cl.exe" cc = $(cxx) ld = "$(msvc)/BIN/link.exe" mt = "mt.exe" ar = "$(msvc)/BIN/lib.exe" manifest-flags = -MANIFEST -MANIFESTFILE:$(@).manifest cflags = -nologo -DAVIAN_VERSION=\"$(version)\" -D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_ \ -DUSE_ATOMIC_OPERATIONS -DAVIAN_JAVA_HOME=\"$(javahome)\" \ -DAVIAN_EMBED_PREFIX=\"$(embed-prefix)\" \ -Fd$(build)/$(name).pdb -I"$(zlib)/include" -I$(src) -I$(classpath-src) \ -I"$(build)" -Iinclude \ -I"$(windows-java-home)/include" -I"$(windows-java-home)/include/win32" \ -DTARGET_BYTES_PER_WORD=$(pointer-size) ifneq ($(lzma),) cflags += -I$(shell $(windows-path) "$(lzma)") endif shared = -dll lflags = -nologo -LIBPATH:"$(zlib)/lib" -DEFAULTLIB:ws2_32 \ -DEFAULTLIB:zlib -DEFAULTLIB:user32 -MANIFEST -debug output = -Fo$(1) cflags_debug = -Od -Zi -MDd cflags_debug_fast = -Od -Zi -DNDEBUG cflags_fast = -O2 -GL -Zi -DNDEBUG cflags_small = -O1s -Zi -GL -DNDEBUG ifeq ($(mode),fast) lflags += -LTCG endif ifeq ($(mode),small) lflags += -LTCG endif use-lto = false strip = : endif ifeq ($(mode),debug) optimization-cflags = $(cflags_debug) converter-cflags += $(cflags_debug) strip = : endif ifeq ($(mode),debug-fast) optimization-cflags = $(cflags_debug_fast) -DNDEBUG strip = : endif ifeq ($(mode),stress) optimization-cflags = $(cflags_stress) -DVM_STRESS strip = : endif ifeq ($(mode),stress-major) optimization-cflags = $(cflags_stress_major) -DVM_STRESS -DVM_STRESS_MAJOR strip = : endif ifeq ($(mode),fast) optimization-cflags = $(cflags_fast) -DNDEBUG endif ifeq ($(mode),small) optimization-cflags = $(cflags_small) -DNDEBUG endif ifeq ($(use-lto),true) ifeq ($(use-clang),true) optimization-cflags += -flto lflags += $(optimization-cflags) else # only try to use LTO when GCC 4.6.0 or greater is available gcc-major := $(shell $(cc) -dumpversion | cut -f1 -d.) gcc-minor := $(shell $(cc) -dumpversion | cut -f2 -d.) ifeq ($(shell expr 4 \< $(gcc-major) \ \| \( 4 \<= $(gcc-major) \& 6 \<= $(gcc-minor) \)),1) optimization-cflags += -flto no-lto = -fno-lto lflags += $(optimization-cflags) endif endif endif cflags += $(optimization-cflags) ifndef ms_cl_compiler ifneq ($(platform),darwin) ifeq ($(arch),i386) # this is necessary to support __sync_bool_compare_and_swap: cflags += -march=i586 lflags += -march=i586 endif endif endif c-objects = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.c,$(3)/%.o,$(x))) cpp-objects = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.cpp,$(3)/%.o,$(x))) asm-objects = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.$(asm-format),$(3)/%-asm.o,$(x))) java-classes = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/,$(3)/%.class,$(x))) noop-files = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%,$(3)/%,$(x))) generated-code = \ $(build)/type-enums.cpp \ $(build)/type-declarations.cpp \ $(build)/type-constructors.cpp \ $(build)/type-initializations.cpp \ $(build)/type-java-initializations.cpp \ $(build)/type-name-initializations.cpp \ $(build)/type-maps.cpp vm-depends := $(generated-code) \ $(shell find src include -name '*.h' -or -name '*.inc.cpp') vm-sources = \ $(src)/system/$(system).cpp \ $(src)/system/$(system)/signal.cpp \ $(src)/finder.cpp \ $(src)/machine.cpp \ $(src)/util.cpp \ $(src)/heap/heap.cpp \ $(src)/$(process).cpp \ $(src)/classpath-$(classpath).cpp \ $(src)/builtin.cpp \ $(src)/jnienv.cpp \ $(src)/process.cpp vm-asm-sources = $(src)/$(asm).$(asm-format) target-asm = $(asm) build-embed = $(build)/embed build-embed-loader = $(build)/embed-loader embed-loader-sources = $(src)/embedded-loader.cpp embed-loader-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(embed-loader-sources),$(src),$(build-embed-loader)) embed-sources = $(src)/embed.cpp embed-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(embed-sources),$(src),$(build-embed)) compiler-sources = \ $(src)/codegen/compiler.cpp \ $(wildcard $(src)/codegen/compiler/*.cpp) \ $(src)/codegen/registers.cpp \ $(src)/codegen/runtime.cpp \ $(src)/codegen/targets.cpp \ $(src)/util/fixed-allocator.cpp x86-assembler-sources = $(wildcard $(src)/codegen/target/x86/*.cpp) arm-assembler-sources = $(wildcard $(src)/codegen/target/arm/*.cpp) powerpc-assembler-sources = $(wildcard $(src)/codegen/target/powerpc/*.cpp) all-assembler-sources = \ $(x86-assembler-sources) \ $(arm-assembler-sources) \ $(powerpc-assembler-sources) native-assembler-sources = $($(target-asm)-assembler-sources) all-codegen-target-sources = \ $(compiler-sources) \ $(native-assembler-sources) ifeq ($(process),compile) vm-sources += $(compiler-sources) ifeq ($(codegen-targets),native) vm-sources += $(native-assembler-sources) endif ifeq ($(codegen-targets),all) vm-sources += $(all-assembler-sources) endif vm-asm-sources += $(src)/compile-$(asm).$(asm-format) endif cflags += -DAVIAN_PROCESS_$(process) ifeq ($(aot-only),true) cflags += -DAVIAN_AOT_ONLY endif vm-cpp-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(vm-sources),$(src),$(build)) all-codegen-target-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(all-codegen-target-sources),$(src),$(build)) vm-asm-objects = $(call asm-objects,$(vm-asm-sources),$(src),$(build)) vm-objects = $(vm-cpp-objects) $(vm-asm-objects) heapwalk-sources = $(src)/heapwalk.cpp heapwalk-objects = \ $(call cpp-objects,$(heapwalk-sources),$(src),$(build)) unittest-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(unittest-sources),$(unittest),$(build)/unittest) ifeq ($(heapdump),true) vm-sources += $(src)/heapdump.cpp vm-heapwalk-objects = $(heapwalk-objects) cflags += -DAVIAN_HEAPDUMP endif ifeq ($(tails),true) cflags += -DAVIAN_TAILS endif ifeq ($(continuations),true) cflags += -DAVIAN_CONTINUATIONS asmflags += -DAVIAN_CONTINUATIONS endif bootimage-generator-sources = $(src)/tools/bootimage-generator/main.cpp $(src)/util/arg-parser.cpp $(stub-sources) ifneq ($(lzma),) bootimage-generator-sources += $(src)/lzma-encode.cpp endif bootimage-generator-objects = \ $(call cpp-objects,$(bootimage-generator-sources),$(src),$(build)) bootimage-generator = $(build)/bootimage-generator bootimage-object = $(build)/bootimage-bin.o codeimage-object = $(build)/codeimage-bin.o ifeq ($(bootimage),true) vm-classpath-objects = $(bootimage-object) $(codeimage-object) cflags += -DBOOT_IMAGE -DAVIAN_CLASSPATH=\"\" else vm-classpath-objects = $(classpath-object) cflags += -DBOOT_CLASSPATH=\"[classpathJar]\" \ -DAVIAN_CLASSPATH=\"[classpathJar]\" endif cflags += $(extra-cflags) lflags += $(extra-lflags) openjdk-cflags += $(extra-cflags) driver-source = $(src)/main.cpp driver-object = $(build)/main.o driver-dynamic-objects = \ $(build)/main-dynamic.o boot-source = $(src)/boot.cpp boot-object = $(build)/boot.o generator-depends := $(wildcard $(src)/*.h) generator-sources = \ $(src)/tools/type-generator/main.cpp \ $(src)/system/$(build-system).cpp \ $(src)/system/$(build-system)/signal.cpp \ $(src)/finder.cpp ifneq ($(lzma),) common-cflags += -I$(lzma) -DAVIAN_USE_LZMA -D_7ZIP_ST vm-sources += \ $(src)/lzma-decode.cpp generator-sources += \ $(src)/lzma-decode.cpp lzma-decode-sources = \ $(lzma)/C/LzmaDec.c lzma-decode-objects = \ $(call c-objects,$(lzma-decode-sources),$(lzma)/C,$(build)) lzma-encode-sources = \ $(lzma)/C/LzmaEnc.c \ $(lzma)/C/LzFind.c lzma-encode-objects = \ $(call c-objects,$(lzma-encode-sources),$(lzma)/C,$(build)) lzma-encoder = $(build)/lzma/lzma lzma-encoder-cflags = -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \ -I$(lzma)/C lzma-encoder-sources = \ $(src)/lzma/main.cpp lzma-encoder-objects = \ $(call cpp-objects,$(lzma-encoder-sources),$(src),$(build)) lzma-encoder-lzma-sources = $(lzma-encode-sources) $(lzma-decode-sources) lzma-encoder-lzma-objects = \ $(call generator-c-objects,$(lzma-encoder-lzma-sources),$(lzma)/C,$(build)) lzma-loader = $(build)/lzma/load.o endif generator-cpp-objects = \ $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.cpp,$(3)/%-build.o,$(x))) generator-c-objects = \ $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.c,$(3)/%-build.o,$(x))) generator-objects = \ $(call generator-cpp-objects,$(generator-sources),$(src),$(build)) generator-lzma-objects = \ $(call generator-c-objects,$(lzma-decode-sources),$(lzma)/C,$(build)) generator = $(build)/generator all-depends = $(shell find include -name '*.h') object-writer-depends = $(shell find $(src)/tools/object-writer -name '*.h') object-writer-sources = $(shell find $(src)/tools/object-writer -name '*.cpp') object-writer-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(object-writer-sources),$(src),$(build)) binary-to-object-depends = $(shell find $(src)/tools/binary-to-object/ -name '*.h') binary-to-object-sources = $(shell find $(src)/tools/binary-to-object/ -name '*.cpp') binary-to-object-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(binary-to-object-sources),$(src),$(build)) converter-sources = $(object-writer-sources) converter-tool-depends = $(binary-to-object-depends) $(all-depends) converter-tool-sources = $(binary-to-object-sources) converter-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(converter-sources),$(src),$(build)) converter-tool-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(converter-tool-sources),$(src),$(build)) converter = $(build)/binaryToObject/binaryToObject static-library = $(build)/$(static-prefix)$(name)$(static-suffix) executable = $(build)/$(name)${exe-suffix} dynamic-library = $(build)/$(so-prefix)jvm$(so-suffix) executable-dynamic = $(build)/$(name)-dynamic$(exe-suffix) unittest-executable = $(build)/$(name)-unittest${exe-suffix} ifneq ($(classpath),avian) # Assembler, ConstantPool, and Stream are not technically needed for a # working build, but we include them since our Subroutine test uses # them to synthesize a class: classpath-sources := \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/ \ $(classpath-src)/avian/avianvmresource/ ifeq ($(openjdk),) classpath-sources := $(classpath-sources) \ $(classpath-src)/sun/reflect/ \ $(classpath-src)/java/lang/ \ $(classpath-src)/java/net/ \ $(classpath-src)/java/net/ \ $(classpath-src)/sun/misc/ \ $(classpath-src)/sun/misc/ \ $(classpath-src)/java/lang/reflect/ endif else classpath-sources := $(shell find $(classpath-src) -name '*.java') endif classpath-classes = \ $(call java-classes,$(classpath-sources),$(classpath-src),$(classpath-build)) classpath-object = $(build)/classpath-jar.o classpath-dep = $(classpath-build).dep vm-classes = \ avian/*.class \ avian/resource/*.class test-support-sources = $(shell find $(test)/avian/ -name '*.java') test-sources = $(wildcard $(test)/*.java) test-cpp-sources = $(wildcard $(test)/*.cpp) test-sources += $(test-support-sources) test-support-classes = $(call java-classes, $(test-support-sources),$(test),$(test-build)) test-classes = $(call java-classes,$(test-sources),$(test),$(test-build)) test-cpp-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(test-cpp-sources),$(test),$(test-build)) test-library = $(build)/$(so-prefix)test$(so-suffix) test-dep = $(test-build).dep test-extra-sources = $(wildcard $(test)/extra/*.java) test-extra-classes = \ $(call java-classes,$(test-extra-sources),$(test),$(test-build)) test-extra-dep = $(test-build)-extra.dep unittest-sources = \ $(wildcard $(unittest)/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(unittest)/util/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(unittest)/codegen/*.cpp) unittest-depends = \ $(wildcard $(unittest)/*.h) ifeq ($(continuations),true) continuation-tests = \ extra.ComposableContinuations \ extra.Continuations \ extra.Coroutines \ extra.DynamicWind endif ifeq ($(tails),true) tail-tests = \ extra.Tails endif ifeq ($(target-arch),i386) cflags += -DAVIAN_TARGET_ARCH=AVIAN_ARCH_X86 endif ifeq ($(target-arch),x86_64) cflags += -DAVIAN_TARGET_ARCH=AVIAN_ARCH_X86_64 endif ifeq ($(target-arch),powerpc) cflags += -DAVIAN_TARGET_ARCH=AVIAN_ARCH_POWERPC endif ifeq ($(target-arch),arm) cflags += -DAVIAN_TARGET_ARCH=AVIAN_ARCH_ARM endif ifeq ($(target-format),elf) cflags += -DAVIAN_TARGET_FORMAT=AVIAN_FORMAT_ELF endif ifeq ($(target-format),pe) cflags += -DAVIAN_TARGET_FORMAT=AVIAN_FORMAT_PE endif ifeq ($(target-format),macho) cflags += -DAVIAN_TARGET_FORMAT=AVIAN_FORMAT_MACHO endif class-name = $(patsubst $(1)/%.class,%,$(2)) class-names = $(foreach x,$(2),$(call class-name,$(1),$(x))) test-flags = -Djava.library.path=$(build) -cp $(build)/test test-args = $(test-flags) $(input) .PHONY: build ifneq ($(supports_avian_executable),false) build: $(static-library) $(executable) $(dynamic-library) $(lzma-loader) \ $(lzma-encoder) $(executable-dynamic) $(classpath-dep) $(test-dep) \ $(test-extra-dep) $(embed) else build: $(static-library) $(dynamic-library) $(lzma-loader) \ $(lzma-encoder) $(classpath-dep) $(test-dep) \ $(test-extra-dep) $(embed) endif $(test-dep): $(classpath-dep) $(test-extra-dep): $(classpath-dep) .PHONY: run run: build $(library-path) $(test-executable) $(test-args) .PHONY: debug debug: build $(library-path) gdb --args $(test-executable) $(test-args) .PHONY: vg vg: build $(library-path) $(vg) $(test-executable) $(test-args) .PHONY: test test: build $(build)/ $(build)/ $(unittest-executable) ifneq ($(remote-test),true) /bin/sh $(build)/ else @echo "running tests on $(remote-test-user)@$(remote-test-host):$(remote-test-port), in $(remote-test-dir)" rsync $(build) -rav --exclude '*.o' --rsh="ssh -p$(remote-test-port)" $(remote-test-user)@$(remote-test-host):$(remote-test-dir) ssh -p$(remote-test-port) $(remote-test-user)@$(remote-test-host) sh "$(remote-test-dir)/$(platform)-$(arch)$(options)/" endif .PHONY: jdk-test jdk-test: $(test-dep) $(build)/classpath.jar $(build)/ $(build)/ /bin/sh $(build)/ .PHONY: tarball tarball: @echo "creating build/avian-$(version).tar.bz2" @mkdir -p build (cd .. && tar --exclude=build --exclude='.*' --exclude='*~' -cjf \ avian/build/avian-$(version).tar.bz2 avian) .PHONY: javadoc javadoc: $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javadoc -sourcepath classpath -d build/javadoc -subpackages avian:java \ -windowtitle "Avian v$(version) Class Library API" \ -doctitle "Avian v$(version) Class Library API" \ -header "Avian v$(version)" \ -bottom "<a href=\"\"></a>" .PHONY: clean-current clean-current: @echo "removing $(build)" rm -rf $(build) .PHONY: clean clean: @echo "removing build" rm -rf build ifeq ($(continuations),true) $(build)/compile-x86-asm.o: $(src)/continuations-x86.$(asm-format) endif $(build)/ $(test-classes) makefile $(build)/extra-dir/multi-classpath-test.txt $(build)/test/multi-classpath-test.txt echo 'cd $$(dirname $$0)' > $(@) echo "sh ./ 2>/dev/null \\" >> $(@) echo "$(shell echo $(library-path) | sed 's|$(build)|\.|g') ./$(name)-unittest${exe-suffix} ./$(notdir $(test-executable)) $(mode) \"-Djava.library.path=. -cp test$(target-path-separator)extra-dir\" \\" >> $(@) echo "$(call class-names,$(test-build),$(filter-out $(test-support-classes), $(test-classes))) \\" >> $(@) echo "$(continuation-tests) $(tail-tests)" >> $(@) $(build)/ $(test-classes) makefile $(build)/extra-dir/multi-classpath-test.txt $(build)/test/multi-classpath-test.txt echo 'cd $$(dirname $$0)' > $(@) echo "sh ./ 2>/dev/null \\" >> $(@) echo "'' true $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java $(mode) \"-Xmx128m -Djava.library.path=. -cp test$(path-separator)extra-dir$(path-separator)classpath\" \\" >> $(@) echo "$(call class-names,$(test-build),$(filter-out $(test-support-classes), $(test-classes))) \\" >> $(@) echo "$(continuation-tests) $(tail-tests)" >> $(@) $(build)/extra-dir/multi-classpath-test.txt: mkdir -p $(build)/extra-dir echo "$@" > $@ $(build)/test/multi-classpath-test.txt: echo "$@" > $@ $(build)/ $(test)/ cp $(<) $(@) gen-arg = $(shell echo $(1) | sed -e 's:$(build)/type-\(.*\)\.cpp:\1:') $(generated-code): %.cpp: $(src)/types.def $(generator) $(classpath-dep) @echo "generating $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(generator) $(boot-classpath) $(<) $(@) $(call gen-arg,$(@)) $(classpath-build)/%.class: $(classpath-src)/ @echo $(<) $(classpath-dep): $(classpath-sources) $(classpath-jar-dep) @echo "compiling classpath classes" @mkdir -p $(classpath-build) classes="$(shell $(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory build=$(build) \ $(classpath-classes))"; if [ -n "$${classes}" ]; then \ $(javac) -source 1.6 -target 1.6 \ -d $(classpath-build) -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) \ $${classes}; fi @touch $(@) $(build)/android-src/%.cpp: $(luni-native)/%.cpp cp $(<) $(@) $(build)/android-src/%.cpp: $(libnativehelper-native)/%.cpp cp $(<) $(@) $(build)/android-src/%.cpp: $(crypto-native)/%.cpp cp $(<) $(@) $(build)/%.o: $(build)/android-src/%.cpp $(build)/android.dep @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(cxx) $(android-cflags) $(classpath-extra-cflags) -c \ $$($(windows-path) $(<)) $(call output,$(@)) $(build)/android.dep: $(luni-javas) $(libdvm-javas) $(crypto-javas) \ $(dalvik-javas) $(xml-javas) $(luni-nonjavas) @echo "compiling luni classes" @mkdir -p $(classpath-build) @mkdir -p $(build)/android @mkdir -p $(build)/android-src/external/fdlibm @mkdir -p $(build)/android-src/libexpat cp $(android)/external/fdlibm/fdlibm.h $(build)/android-src/external/fdlibm/ cp $(android)/external/expat/lib/expat*.h $(build)/android-src/libexpat/ cp -a $(luni-java)/* $(libdvm-java)/* $(crypto-java)/* $(dalvik-java)/* \ $(xml-java)/* $(build)/android-src/ find $(build)/android-src -name '*.java' > $(build)/android.txt $(javac) -Xmaxerrs 1000 -d $(build)/android -sourcepath $(luni-java) \ @$(build)/android.txt rm $(build)/android/sun/misc/Unsafe* \ $(build)/android/java/lang/reflect/Proxy* for x in $(luni-copied-nonjavas); \ do cp $(luni-java)$${x} $(build)/android$${x} ; \ done # fix - get rid of "" in front of classes starting with "org" sed -i -e 's/\(.*=\)com\.android\.\(org\..*\)/\1\2/g' \ $(build)/android/java/security/ chmod +w $(build)/android/java/security/ cp -r $(build)/android/* $(classpath-build) @touch $(@) $(test-build)/%.class: $(test)/ @echo $(<) $(test-dep): $(test-sources) $(test-library) @echo "compiling test classes" @mkdir -p $(test-build) files="$(shell $(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory build=$(build) $(test-classes))"; \ if test -n "$${files}"; then \ $(javac) -source 1.6 -target 1.6 \ -classpath $(test-build) -d $(test-build) -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) $${files}; \ fi $(javac) -source 1.2 -target 1.1 -XDjsrlimit=0 -d $(test-build) \ -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) test/ @touch $(@) $(test-extra-dep): $(test-extra-sources) @echo "compiling extra test classes" @mkdir -p $(test-build) files="$(shell $(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory build=$(build) $(test-extra-classes))"; \ if test -n "$${files}"; then \ $(javac) -source 1.6 -target 1.6 \ -d $(test-build) -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) $${files}; \ fi @touch $(@) define compile-object @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(cxx) $(cflags) -c $$($(windows-path) $(<)) $(call output,$(@)) endef define compile-asm-object @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(as) $(asmflags) $(call asm-output,$(@)) $(call asm-input,$(<)) endef define compile-unittest-object @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(cxx) $(cflags) -c $$($(windows-path) $(<)) -I$(unittest) $(call output,$(@)) endef $(vm-cpp-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends) $(compile-object) ifeq ($(process),interpret) $(all-codegen-target-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends) $(compile-object) endif $(unittest-objects): $(build)/unittest/%.o: $(unittest)/%.cpp $(vm-depends) $(unittest-depends) $(compile-unittest-object) $(test-cpp-objects): $(test-build)/%.o: $(test)/%.cpp $(vm-depends) $(compile-object) $(test-library): $(test-cpp-objects) @echo "linking $(@)" ifdef ms_cl_compiler $(ld) $(shared) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \ -debug -PDB:$(subst $(so-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) \ -IMPLIB:$(test-build)/$(name).lib $(manifest-flags) ifdef mt $(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);2" endif else $(ld) $(^) $(shared) $(lflags) -o $(@) endif ifdef embed $(embed): $(embed-objects) $(embed-loader-o) @echo "building $(embed)" ifdef ms_cl_compiler $(ld) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \ -debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) $(manifest-flags) ifdef mt $(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1" endif else $(cxx) $(^) $(lflags) $(static) $(call output,$(@)) endif $(build-embed)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(cxx) $(cflags) -c $(<) $(call output,$(@)) $(embed-loader-o): $(embed-loader) $(converter) @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(converter) $(<) $(@) _binary_loader_start \ _binary_loader_end $(target-format) $(arch) $(embed-loader): $(embed-loader-objects) $(vm-objects) $(classpath-objects) \ $(heapwalk-objects) $(lzma-decode-objects) ifdef ms_cl_compiler $(ld) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \ -debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) $(manifest-flags) ifdef mt $(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1" endif else $(dlltool) -z $(addsuffix .def,$(basename $(@))) $(^) $(dlltool) -d $(addsuffix .def,$(basename $(@))) -e $(addsuffix .exp,$(basename $(@))) $(ld) $(addsuffix .exp,$(basename $(@))) $(^) \ $(lflags) $(bootimage-lflags) -o $(@) endif $(strip) $(strip-all) $(@) $(build-embed-loader)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(cxx) $(cflags) -c $(<) $(call output,$(@)) endif $(build)/%.o: $(lzma)/C/%.c @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(cc) $(cflags) $(no-error) -c $$($(windows-path) $(<)) $(call output,$(@)) $(vm-asm-objects): $(build)/%-asm.o: $(src)/%.$(asm-format) $(compile-asm-object) $(bootimage-generator-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends) $(compile-object) $(heapwalk-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends) $(compile-object) $(driver-object): $(driver-source) $(compile-object) $(build)/main-dynamic.o: $(driver-source) @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(cxx) $(cflags) -DBOOT_LIBRARY=\"$(so-prefix)jvm$(so-suffix)\" \ -c $(<) $(call output,$(@)) $(boot-object): $(boot-source) $(compile-object) $(boot-javahome-object): $(src)/boot-javahome.cpp $(compile-object) $(object-writer-objects) $(binary-to-object-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(binary-to-object-depends) $(object-writer-depends) $(all-depends) @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(build-cxx) $(converter-cflags) -c $(<) -o $(@) $(converter): $(converter-objects) $(converter-tool-objects) @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(build-cc) $(^) -g -o $(@) $(lzma-encoder-objects): $(build)/lzma/%.o: $(src)/lzma/%.cpp @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(build-cxx) $(lzma-encoder-cflags) -c $(<) -o $(@) $(lzma-encoder): $(lzma-encoder-objects) $(lzma-encoder-lzma-objects) $(build-cc) $(^) -g -o $(@) $(lzma-loader): $(src)/lzma/load.cpp $(compile-object) $(build)/classpath.jar: $(classpath-dep) $(classpath-jar-dep) @echo "creating $(@)" (wd=$$(pwd) && \ cd $(classpath-build) && \ $(jar) c0f "$$($(native-path) "$${wd}/$(@)")" .) $(classpath-object): $(build)/classpath.jar $(converter) @echo "creating $(@)" $(converter) $(<) $(@) _binary_classpath_jar_start \ _binary_classpath_jar_end $(target-format) $(arch) $(build)/javahome.jar: @echo "creating $(@)" (wd=$$(pwd) && \ cd "$(build-javahome)" && \ $(jar) c0f "$$($(native-path) "$${wd}/$(@)")" $(javahome-files)) $(javahome-object): $(build)/javahome.jar $(converter) @echo "creating $(@)" $(converter) $(<) $(@) _binary_javahome_jar_start \ _binary_javahome_jar_end $(target-format) $(arch) define compile-generator-object @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(build-cxx) -DPOINTER_SIZE=$(pointer-size) -O0 -g3 $(build-cflags) \ -c $(<) -o $(@) endef $(generator-objects): $(generator-depends) $(generator-objects): $(build)/%-build.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(compile-generator-object) $(build)/%-build.o: $(lzma)/C/%.c @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(build-cxx) -DPOINTER_SIZE=$(pointer-size) -O0 -g3 $(build-cflags) \ $(no-error) -c $(<) -o $(@) $(jni-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(classpath-src)/%.cpp $(compile-object) $(static-library): $(vm-objects) $(classpath-objects) $(vm-heapwalk-objects) \ $(javahome-object) $(boot-javahome-object) $(lzma-decode-objects) @echo "creating $(@)" @rm -rf $(build)/libavian @mkdir -p $(build)/libavian rm -rf $(@) for x in $(^); \ do cp $${x} $(build)/libavian/$$(echo $${x} | sed s:/:_:g); \ done ifdef ms_cl_compiler $(ar) $(arflags) $(build)/libavian/*.o -out:$(@) else $(ar) cru $(@) $(build)/libavian/*.o $(ranlib) $(@) endif $(bootimage-object) $(codeimage-object): $(bootimage-generator) \ $(classpath-jar-dep) @echo "generating bootimage and codeimage binaries from $(classpath-build) using $(<)" $(<) -cp $(classpath-build) -bootimage $(bootimage-object) -codeimage $(codeimage-object) \ -bootimage-symbols $(bootimage-symbols) \ -codeimage-symbols $(codeimage-symbols) executable-objects = $(vm-objects) $(classpath-objects) $(driver-object) \ $(vm-heapwalk-objects) $(boot-object) $(vm-classpath-objects) \ $(javahome-object) $(boot-javahome-object) $(lzma-decode-objects) unittest-executable-objects = $(unittest-objects) $(vm-objects) \ $(build)/util/arg-parser.o $(stub-objects) $(lzma-decode-objects) ifeq ($(process),interpret) unittest-executable-objects += $(all-codegen-target-objects) endif # apparently, make does poorly with ifs inside of defines, and indented defines. # I suggest re-indenting the following before making edits (and unindenting afterwards): ifneq ($(platform),windows) define link-executable @echo linking $(@) $(ld) $(^) $(rdynamic) $(lflags) $(classpath-lflags) $(bootimage-lflags) \ -o $(@) endef else ifdef ms_cl_compiler ifdef mt define link-executable @echo linking $(@) $(ld) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \ -debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) $(manifest-flags) $(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1" endef else define link-executable @echo linking $(@) $(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1" endef endif else define link-executable @echo linking $(@) $(dlltool) -z $(@).def $(^) $(dlltool) -d $(@).def -e $(@).exp $(ld) $(@).exp $(^) $(lflags) $(classpath-lflags) -o $(@) endef endif endif $(executable): $(executable-objects) $(link-executable) $(unittest-executable): $(unittest-executable-objects) $(link-executable) $(bootimage-generator): $(bootimage-generator-objects) $(vm-objects) echo building $(bootimage-generator) arch=$(build-arch) platform=$(bootimage-platform) $(MAKE) mode=$(mode) \ ios=false \ build=$(host-build-root) \ arch=$(build-arch) \ aot-only=false \ target-arch=$(arch) \ armv6=$(armv6) \ platform=$(bootimage-platform) \ target-format=$(target-format) \ openjdk=$(openjdk) \ openjdk-src=$(openjdk-src) \ bootimage-generator= \ build-bootimage-generator=$(bootimage-generator) \ target-cflags="$(bootimage-cflags)" \ target-asm=$(asm) \ $(bootimage-generator) $(build-bootimage-generator): \ $(vm-objects) $(classpath-object) \ $(heapwalk-objects) $(bootimage-generator-objects) $(converter-objects) \ $(lzma-decode-objects) $(lzma-encode-objects) @echo "linking $(@)" ifeq ($(platform),windows) ifdef ms_cl_compiler $(ld) $(bootimage-generator-lflags) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \ -debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) $(manifest-flags) ifdef mt $(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1" endif else $(dlltool) -z $(@).def $(^) $(dlltool) -d $(@).def -e $(@).exp $(ld) $(@).exp $(^) $(bootimage-generator-lflags) $(lflags) -o $(@) endif else $(ld) $(^) $(rdynamic) $(bootimage-generator-lflags) $(lflags) -o $(@) endif $(dynamic-library): $(vm-objects) $(dynamic-object) $(classpath-objects) \ $(vm-heapwalk-objects) $(boot-object) $(vm-classpath-objects) \ $(classpath-libraries) $(javahome-object) $(boot-javahome-object) \ $(lzma-decode-objects) @echo "linking $(@)" ifdef ms_cl_compiler $(ld) $(shared) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \ -debug -PDB:$(subst $(so-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) \ -IMPLIB:$(subst $(so-suffix),.lib,$(@)) $(manifest-flags) ifdef mt $(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);2" endif else $(ld) $(^) $(version-script-flag) $(soname-flag) \ $(shared) $(lflags) $(classpath-lflags) $(bootimage-lflags) \ -o $(@) endif $(strip) $(strip-all) $(@) # todo: the $(no-lto) flag below is due to odd undefined reference errors on # Ubuntu 11.10 which may be fixable without disabling LTO. $(executable-dynamic): $(driver-dynamic-objects) $(dynamic-library) @echo "linking $(@)" ifdef ms_cl_compiler $(ld) $(lflags) -LIBPATH:$(build) -DEFAULTLIB:$(name) \ -debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) \ $(driver-dynamic-objects) -out:$(@) $(manifest-flags) ifdef mt $(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1" endif else $(ld) $(driver-dynamic-objects) -L$(build) -ljvm $(lflags) $(no-lto) $(rpath) -o $(@) endif $(strip) $(strip-all) $(@) $(generator): $(generator-objects) $(generator-lzma-objects) @echo "linking $(@)" $(build-ld) $(^) $(build-lflags) -o $(@) $(openjdk-objects): $(build)/openjdk/%-openjdk.o: $(openjdk-src)/%.c \ $(openjdk-headers-dep) @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) sed 's/^static jclass ia_class;//' < $(<) > $(build)/openjdk/$(notdir $(<)) ifeq ($(ios),true) sed \ -e 's/^#ifndef __APPLE__/#if 1/' \ -e 's/^#ifdef __APPLE__/#if 0/' \ < "$(openjdk-src)/solaris/native/java/lang/ProcessEnvironment_md.c" \ > $(build)/openjdk/ProcessEnvironment_md.c sed \ -e 's/^#ifndef __APPLE__/#if 1/' \ -e 's/^#ifdef __APPLE__/#if 0/' \ < "$(openjdk-src)/solaris/native/java/lang/UNIXProcess_md.c" \ > $(build)/openjdk/UNIXProcess_md.c endif if [ -f openjdk-patches/$(notdir $(<)).patch ]; then \ ( cd $(build) && patch -p0 ) < openjdk-patches/$(notdir $(<)).patch; \ fi $(cc) -fPIC $(openjdk-extra-cflags) $(openjdk-cflags) \ $(optimization-cflags) -w -c $(build)/openjdk/$(notdir $(<)) \ $(call output,$(@)) -Wno-return-type $(openjdk-local-objects): $(build)/openjdk/%-openjdk.o: $(src)/openjdk/%.c \ $(openjdk-headers-dep) @echo "compiling $(@)" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(cc) -fPIC $(openjdk-extra-cflags) $(openjdk-cflags) \ $(optimization-cflags) -w -c $(<) $(call output,$(@)) $(openjdk-headers-dep): @echo "generating openjdk headers" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) $(javah) -d $(build)/openjdk -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) \ $(openjdk-headers-classes) ifeq ($(platform),windows) sed 's/^#ifdef _WIN64/#if 1/' \ < "$(openjdk-src)/windows/native/java/net/net_util_md.h" \ > $(build)/openjdk/net_util_md.h sed \ -e 's/\(^#include "net_util.h"\)/\1\n#if (defined _INC_NLDEF) || (defined _WS2DEF_)\n#define HIDE(x) hide_##x\n#else\n#define HIDE(x) x\n#define _WINSOCK2API_\n#endif/' \ -e 's/\(IpPrefix[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \ -e 's/\(IpSuffix[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \ -e 's/\(IpDad[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \ -e 's/\(ScopeLevel[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \ -e 's/\(SCOPE_LEVEL[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \ < "$(openjdk-src)/windows/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.h" \ > $(build)/openjdk/NetworkInterface.h echo 'static int getAddrsFromAdapter(IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *ptr, netaddr **netaddrPP);' >> $(build)/openjdk/NetworkInterface.h endif ifeq ($(platform),darwin) mkdir -p $(build)/openjdk/netinet for file in \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/ip.h \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/in_systm.h \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/ip_icmp.h \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/in_var.h \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/icmp6.h \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/ip_var.h; do \ if [ ! -f "$(build)/openjdk/netinet/$$(basename $${file})" ]; then \ ln "$${file}" "$(build)/openjdk/netinet/$$(basename $${file})"; \ fi; \ done mkdir -p $(build)/openjdk/netinet6 for file in \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/netinet6/in6_var.h; do \ if [ ! -f "$(build)/openjdk/netinet6/$$(basename $${file})" ]; then \ ln "$${file}" "$(build)/openjdk/netinet6/$$(basename $${file})"; \ fi; \ done mkdir -p $(build)/openjdk/net for file in \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/net/if_arp.h; do \ if [ ! -f "$(build)/openjdk/net/$$(basename $${file})" ]; then \ ln "$${file}" "$(build)/openjdk/net/$$(basename $${file})"; \ fi; \ done mkdir -p $(build)/openjdk/sys for file in \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/sys/kern_event.h \ $(sysroot)/usr/include/sys/sys_domain.h; do \ if [ ! -f "$(build)/openjdk/sys/$$(basename $${file})" ]; then \ ln "$${file}" "$(build)/openjdk/sys/$$(basename $${file})"; \ fi; \ done endif @touch $(@) $(openjdk-jar-dep): @echo "extracting openjdk classes" @mkdir -p $(dir $(@)) @mkdir -p $(classpath-build) (cd $(classpath-build) && \ $(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/rt.jar")" && \ $(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/jsse.jar")" && \ $(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/jce.jar")" && \ $(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/charsets.jar")" && \ $(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar")" && \ $(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/resources.jar")") @touch $(@)