#!/usr/bin/env bash # Pipe the output of make when stubsyms.cpp is empty to this script: # # sgx-experiments/enclave$ make 2>&1 | ../enclave/gen-stubsyms.sh workdir=`pwd`/../enclave o=$workdir/stubsyms.cpp grep "undefined reference to" | tr -d "'"'`' | grep -o '[^ ]*$' | sort | uniq >$workdir/stubsyms.txt cat <<EOF >$o // Generated by gen-stubsyms.sh extern "C" { extern void debug_print(const char *str); extern void abort(); #define STUB(x) void x() { debug_print(#x); abort(); } EOF cat $workdir/stubsyms.txt | while read; do echo "STUB($REPLY)" >>$o done echo "} // extern C" >>$o