/* Copyright (c) 2008, Avian Contributors Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for details. */ package java.util; public class TreeSet extends AbstractSet implements Collection { private PersistentSet> set; private int size; public TreeSet(final Comparator comparator) { set = new PersistentSet(new Comparator>() { public int compare(Cell a, Cell b) { return comparator.compare(a.value, b.value); } }); size = 0; } public TreeSet() { this(new Comparator() { public int compare(T a, T b) { return ((Comparable) a).compareTo(b); } }); } public Iterator iterator() { return new MyIterator(set.first()); } public String toString() { return Collections.toString(this); } public boolean add(T value) { PersistentSet.Path> p = set.find(new Cell(value, null)); if (p.fresh()) { set = p.add(); ++size; return true; } return false; } T addAndReplace(T value) { PersistentSet.Path> p = set.find(new Cell(value, null)); if (p.fresh()) { set = p.add(); ++size; return null; } else { T old = p.value().value; set = p.replaceWith(new Cell(value, null)); return old; } } T find(T value) { PersistentSet.Path> p = set.find(new Cell(value, null)); return p.fresh() ? null : p.value().value; } T removeAndReturn(T value) { Cell cell = removeCell(value); return cell == null ? null : cell.value; } private Cell removeCell(Object value) { PersistentSet.Path> p = set.find(new Cell(value, null)); if (p.fresh()) { return null; } else { --size; Cell old = p.value(); if (p.value().next != null) { set = p.replaceWith(p.value().next); } else { set = p.remove(); } return old; } } public boolean remove(Object value) { return removeCell(value) != null; } public int size() { return size; } public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } public boolean contains(Object value) { return !set.find(new Cell(value, null)).fresh(); } public void clear() { set = new PersistentSet(set.comparator()); size = 0; } private class MyIterator implements java.util.Iterator { private PersistentSet.Path> path; private PersistentSet.Path> nextPath; private Cell cell; private Cell prevCell; private Cell prevPrevCell; private boolean canRemove = false; private MyIterator(PersistentSet.Path> path) { this.path = path; if (path != null) { cell = path.value(); nextPath = path.successor(); } } private MyIterator(MyIterator start) { path = start.path; nextPath = start.nextPath; cell = start.cell; prevCell = start.prevCell; prevPrevCell = start.prevPrevCell; canRemove = start.canRemove; } public boolean hasNext() { return cell != null || nextPath != null; } public T next() { if (cell == null) { path = nextPath; nextPath = path.successor(); cell = path.value(); } prevPrevCell = prevCell; prevCell = cell; cell = cell.next; canRemove = true; return prevCell.value; } public void remove() { if (! canRemove) throw new IllegalStateException(); --size; if (prevPrevCell != null && prevPrevCell.next == prevCell) { // cell to remove is not the first in the list. prevPrevCell.next = prevCell.next; prevCell = prevPrevCell; } else if (prevCell.next == cell && cell != null) { // cell to remove is the first in the list, but not the last. set = (PersistentSet) path.replaceWith(cell); prevCell = null; } else { // cell is alone in the list. set = (PersistentSet) path.remove(); path = path.successor(); if (path != null) { prevCell = null; cell = path.value(); path = (PersistentSet.Path) set.find((Cell) cell); } } canRemove = false; } } }