(* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *) (* Available types. *) type signedness = Signed | Unsigned type shortness = IShort | ILong | INone type int_attr = { ia_signedness : signedness; ia_shortness : shortness; } type atype = | Char of signedness | Long of signedness | LLong of signedness | Int of int_attr | Float | Double | LDouble | Int8 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | UInt8 | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64 | Void | WChar | SizeT | Struct of string | Union of string | Enum of string | Foreign of string | Ptr of atype (* Pointer parameter direction *) type ptr_direction = | PtrIn | PtrOut | PtrInOut | PtrNoDirection (* It holds possible values for a given attribute. *) type attr_value = | AString of string | ANumber of int type ptr_size = { ps_size : attr_value option; ps_sizefunc : string option; ps_count : attr_value option; } let empty_ptr_size = { ps_size = None; ps_sizefunc = None; ps_count = None; } (* Pointers have several special attributes. *) type ptr_attr = { pa_direction : ptr_direction; pa_size : ptr_size; pa_isptr : bool; (* If a foreign type is a pointer type *) pa_isary : bool; (* If a foreign type is an array *) pa_isstr : bool; pa_iswstr : bool; pa_rdonly : bool; (* If the pointer is 'const' qualified *) pa_chkptr : bool; (* Whether to generate code to check pointer *) } (* parameter type *) type parameter_type = | PTVal of atype (* Passed by value *) | PTPtr of atype * ptr_attr (* Passed by address *) type call_conv = CC_CDECL | CC_STDCALL | CC_FASTCALL | CC_NONE let get_call_conv_str (cc: call_conv) = match cc with CC_CDECL -> "CDECL" | CC_STDCALL -> "STDCALL" | CC_FASTCALL -> "FASTCALL" | CC_NONE -> "NOCONVENTION" (* function attribute - only for untrusted functions *) type func_attr = { fa_dllimport : bool; (* use 'dllimport'? *) fa_convention: call_conv; (* the calling convention *) } (* A declarator can be an identifier or an identifier with array form. * For a simlpe identifier, the `array_dims' is an empty list `[]'. * A dimension with size -1 means that user explicitly declared `ary[]'. *) type declarator = { identifier : string; array_dims : int list; } let is_array (declr: declarator) = declr.array_dims <> [] (* Parameter declaration. *) type pdecl = parameter_type * declarator (* Structure member declaration *) type mdecl = atype * declarator (* Definition of a struct or union *) type struct_def = { sname : string; (* structure name. *) mlist : mdecl list; (* structure members. *) } (* Definition of a enum *) type enum_val = EnumValNone | EnumVal of attr_value type enum_ele = string * enum_val type enum_def = { enname: string; (* enum name - "" for anonymous enum *) enbody: enum_ele list; (* elements of enum *) } (* Composite type - the form for struct/union definition are the same. *) type composite_type = StructDef of struct_def | UnionDef of struct_def | EnumDef of enum_def (* Function declaration. *) type func_decl = { fname : string; (* function name. *) rtype : atype; (* return type. *) plist : pdecl list; (* parameter list. *) } (* The untrusted functions might have a string list that specifying * trusted ECALLs possibly to be made. While the trusted functions * have a bool tag to identify whether it is private or not (private * means it can only be accessed by an OCALL). *) type trusted_func = { tf_fdecl : func_decl; tf_is_priv : bool; } type untrusted_func = { uf_fdecl : func_decl; uf_fattr : func_attr; uf_allow_list : string list; uf_propagate_errno : bool; } type enclave_func = | Trusted of trusted_func | Untrusted of untrusted_func (* Module import declaration. *) type import_decl = { mname : string; (* from which to import functions. *) flist : string list; (* a list of functions to be imported. *) } (* All valid expressions. *) type expr = | Interface of enclave_func list | Composite of composite_type | Importing of import_decl | Include of string (* The definition of an Enclave *) type enclave = { ename : string; (* enclave name. *) eexpr : expr list; (* expressions inside enclave. *) } (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Some utility function to manupulate types defined in AST. * ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Get the string representation of a type. *) let rec get_tystr (ty: atype) = match ty with | Char sn -> (match sn with Signed -> "char" | Unsigned -> "unsigned char") | Long sn -> (match sn with Signed -> "long" | Unsigned -> "unsigned long") | LLong sn -> (match sn with Signed -> "long long" | Unsigned -> "unsigned long long") | Int ia -> Printf.sprintf "%s%sint" (if ia.ia_signedness = Unsigned then "unsigned " else "") (match ia.ia_shortness with IShort -> "short " | ILong -> "long " | INone -> "") | Float -> "float" | Double -> "double" | LDouble -> "long double" | Int8 -> "int8_t" | Int16 -> "int16_t" | Int32 -> "int32_t" | Int64 -> "int64_t" | UInt8 -> "uint8_t" | UInt16 -> "uint16_t" | UInt32 -> "uint32_t" | UInt64 -> "uint64_t" | Void -> "void" | SizeT -> "size_t" | WChar -> "wchar_t" | Struct id -> "struct " ^ id | Union id -> "union " ^ id | Enum id -> "enum " ^ id | Foreign s -> s | Ptr ty -> get_tystr(ty) ^ "*" (* Get the plain `atype' from a `parameter_type'. *) let get_param_atype (pt: parameter_type) = match pt with | PTVal t -> t | PTPtr (t, _) -> t (* Convert attr_value to string *) let attr_value_to_string (attr: attr_value) = match attr with ANumber n -> Printf.sprintf "%d" n | AString s -> s