#!/bin/bash set +o posix echo "Starting API Diff" APIHOME=$(dirname $0) apiCurrent=$APIHOME/api-current.txt if [ ! -f $apiCurrent ]; then echo "Missing $apiCurrent file - cannot check API diff. Please rebase or add it to this release" exit -1 fi # Remove the two header lines from the diff output. diffContents=`diff -u $apiCurrent $APIHOME/../build/api/api-corda-*.txt | tail -n +3` echo "Diff contents:" echo "$diffContents" echo # A removed line means that an API was either deleted or modified. removals=$(echo "$diffContents" | grep "^-") removalCount=`grep -v "^$" <<EOF | wc -l $removals EOF ` echo "Number of API removals/changes: "$removalCount if [ $removalCount -gt 0 ]; then echo "$removals" echo fi # Adding new abstract methods could also break the API. # However, first exclude classes marked with the @DoNotImplement annotation function forUserImpl() { awk '/DoNotImplement/,/^##/{ next }{ print }' $1 } userDiffContents=`diff -u <(forUserImpl $apiCurrent) <(forUserImpl $APIHOME/../build/api/api-corda-*.txt) | tail -n +3` newAbstracts=$(echo "$userDiffContents" | grep "^+" | grep "\(public\|protected\) abstract") abstractCount=`grep -v "^$" <<EOF | wc -l $newAbstracts EOF ` #Get a list of any methods that expose classes in .internal. namespaces, and any classes which extend/implement #an internal class #TODO: check that only classes in a whitelist are part of the API rather than look for specific invalid cases going forward newInternalExposures=$(echo "$userDiffContents" | grep "^+" | grep "\.internal\." ) newNodeExposures=$(echo "$userDiffContents" | grep "^+" | grep "net\.corda\.node\.") internalCount=`grep -v "^$" <<EOF | wc -l $newInternalExposures $newNodeExposures EOF ` echo "Number of new internal class exposures: "$internalCount if [ $internalCount -gt 0 ]; then echo "$newInternalExposures" echo "$newNodeExposures" echo fi echo "Number of new abstract APIs: "$abstractCount if [ $abstractCount -gt 0 ]; then echo "$newAbstracts" echo fi badChanges=$(($removalCount + $abstractCount + $internalCount)) if [ $badChanges -gt 255 ]; then echo "OVERFLOW! Number of bad API changes: $badChanges" badChanges=255 fi echo "Exiting with exit code" $badChanges exit $badChanges