/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Avian Contributors Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for details. */ #ifndef MACHINE_H #define MACHINE_H #include "common.h" #include "system.h" #include "heap.h" #include "finder.h" #include "processor.h" #include "constants.h" #ifdef __MINGW32__ # define JNICALL __stdcall #else # define JNICALL #endif #define PROTECT(thread, name) \ Thread::SingleProtector MAKE_NAME(protector_) (thread, &name); #define ACQUIRE(t, x) MonitorResource MAKE_NAME(monitorResource_) (t, x) #define ACQUIRE_RAW(t, x) RawMonitorResource MAKE_NAME(monitorResource_) (t, x) #define ENTER(t, state) StateResource MAKE_NAME(stateResource_) (t, state) namespace vm { const bool Verbose = false; const bool DebugRun = false; const bool DebugStack = false; const bool DebugMonitors = false; const bool DebugReferences = false; const uintptr_t HashTakenMark = 1; const uintptr_t ExtendedMark = 2; const uintptr_t FixedMark = 3; const unsigned ThreadHeapSizeInBytes = 64 * 1024; const unsigned ThreadHeapSizeInWords = ThreadHeapSizeInBytes / BytesPerWord; const unsigned ThreadHeapPoolSize = 64; const unsigned FixedFootprintThresholdInBytes = ThreadHeapPoolSize * ThreadHeapSizeInBytes; enum FieldCode { VoidField, ByteField, CharField, DoubleField, FloatField, IntField, LongField, ShortField, BooleanField, ObjectField }; enum StackTag { IntTag, // must be zero ObjectTag }; const int NativeLine = -1; const int UnknownLine = -2; // class flags (note that we must be careful not to overlap the // standard ACC_* flags): const unsigned HasFinalMemberFlag = 1 << 13; const unsigned SingletonFlag = 1 << 14; const unsigned ContinuationFlag = 1 << 15; // class vmFlags: const unsigned ReferenceFlag = 1 << 0; const unsigned WeakReferenceFlag = 1 << 1; const unsigned NeedInitFlag = 1 << 2; const unsigned InitFlag = 1 << 3; const unsigned InitErrorFlag = 1 << 4; const unsigned PrimitiveFlag = 1 << 5; const unsigned BootstrapFlag = 1 << 6; const unsigned HasFinalizerFlag = 1 << 7; // method vmFlags: const unsigned ClassInitFlag = 1 << 0; const unsigned CompiledFlag = 1 << 1; const unsigned ConstructorFlag = 1 << 2; const unsigned FastNative = 1 << 3; #ifndef JNI_VERSION_1_6 #define JNI_VERSION_1_6 0x00010006 #endif typedef Machine JavaVM; typedef Thread JNIEnv; typedef uint8_t jboolean; typedef int8_t jbyte; typedef uint16_t jchar; typedef int16_t jshort; typedef int32_t jint; typedef int64_t jlong; typedef float jfloat; typedef double jdouble; typedef jint jsize; typedef object* jobject; typedef jobject jclass; typedef jobject jthrowable; typedef jobject jstring; typedef jobject jweak; typedef jobject jarray; typedef jarray jbooleanArray; typedef jarray jbyteArray; typedef jarray jcharArray; typedef jarray jshortArray; typedef jarray jintArray; typedef jarray jlongArray; typedef jarray jfloatArray; typedef jarray jdoubleArray; typedef jarray jobjectArray; typedef uintptr_t jfieldID; typedef uintptr_t jmethodID; union jvalue { jboolean z; jbyte b; jchar c; jshort s; jint i; jlong j; jfloat f; jdouble d; jobject l; }; struct JNINativeMethod { char* name; char* signature; void* function; }; struct JavaVMVTable { void* reserved0; void* reserved1; void* reserved2; #if (! TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM) && defined(__ppc__) void* cfm_vectors[4]; #endif jint (JNICALL *DestroyJavaVM) (JavaVM*); jint (JNICALL *AttachCurrentThread) (JavaVM*, JNIEnv**, void*); jint (JNICALL *DetachCurrentThread) (JavaVM*); jint (JNICALL *GetEnv) (JavaVM*, JNIEnv**, jint); jint (JNICALL *AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon) (JavaVM*, JNIEnv**, void*); #if TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM && defined(__ppc__) void* real_functions[5]; #endif }; struct JNIEnvVTable { void* reserved0; void* reserved1; void* reserved2; void* reserved3; #if (! TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM) && defined(__ppc__) void* cfm_vectors[225]; #endif jint (JNICALL *GetVersion) (JNIEnv*); jclass (JNICALL *DefineClass) (JNIEnv*, const char*, jobject, const jbyte*, jsize); jclass (JNICALL *FindClass) (JNIEnv*, const char*); jmethodID (JNICALL *FromReflectedMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject); jfieldID (JNICALL *FromReflectedField) (JNIEnv*, jobject); jobject (JNICALL *ToReflectedMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, jboolean); jclass (JNICALL *GetSuperclass) (JNIEnv*, jclass); jboolean (JNICALL *IsAssignableFrom) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jclass); jobject (JNICALL *ToReflectedField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jboolean); jint (JNICALL *Throw) (JNIEnv*, jthrowable); jint (JNICALL *ThrowNew) (JNIEnv*, jclass, const char*); jthrowable (JNICALL *ExceptionOccurred) (JNIEnv*); void (JNICALL *ExceptionDescribe) (JNIEnv*); void (JNICALL *ExceptionClear) (JNIEnv*); void (JNICALL *FatalError) (JNIEnv*, const char*); jint (JNICALL *PushLocalFrame) (JNIEnv*, jint); jobject (JNICALL *PopLocalFrame) (JNIEnv*, jobject); jobject (JNICALL *NewGlobalRef) (JNIEnv*, jobject); void (JNICALL *DeleteGlobalRef) (JNIEnv*, jobject); void (JNICALL *DeleteLocalRef) (JNIEnv*, jobject); jboolean (JNICALL *IsSameObject) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject); jobject (JNICALL *NewLocalRef) (JNIEnv*, jobject); jint (JNICALL *EnsureLocalCapacity) (JNIEnv*, jint); jobject (JNICALL *AllocObject) (JNIEnv*, jclass); jobject (JNICALL *NewObject) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jobject (JNICALL *NewObjectV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jobject (JNICALL *NewObjectA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jclass (JNICALL *GetObjectClass) (JNIEnv*, jobject); jboolean (JNICALL *IsInstanceOf) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass); jmethodID (JNICALL *GetMethodID) (JNIEnv*, jclass, const char*, const char*); jobject (JNICALL *CallObjectMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jobject (JNICALL *CallObjectMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jobject (JNICALL *CallObjectMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jboolean (JNICALL *CallBooleanMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jboolean (JNICALL *CallBooleanMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jboolean (JNICALL *CallBooleanMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jbyte (JNICALL *CallByteMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jbyte (JNICALL *CallByteMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jbyte (JNICALL *CallByteMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jchar (JNICALL *CallCharMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jchar (JNICALL *CallCharMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jchar (JNICALL *CallCharMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jshort (JNICALL *CallShortMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jshort (JNICALL *CallShortMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jshort (JNICALL *CallShortMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jint (JNICALL *CallIntMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jint (JNICALL *CallIntMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jint (JNICALL *CallIntMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jlong (JNICALL *CallLongMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jlong (JNICALL *CallLongMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jlong (JNICALL *CallLongMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jfloat (JNICALL *CallFloatMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jfloat (JNICALL *CallFloatMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jfloat (JNICALL *CallFloatMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jdouble (JNICALL *CallDoubleMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); jdouble (JNICALL *CallDoubleMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); jdouble (JNICALL *CallDoubleMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); void (JNICALL *CallVoidMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, ...); void (JNICALL *CallVoidMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, va_list); void (JNICALL *CallVoidMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jobject (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualObjectMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jobject (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jobject (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jboolean (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jboolean (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jboolean (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jbyte (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualByteMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jbyte (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualByteMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jbyte (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualByteMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jchar (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualCharMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jchar (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualCharMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jchar (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualCharMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jshort (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualShortMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jshort (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualShortMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jshort (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualShortMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jint (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualIntMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jint (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualIntMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jint (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualIntMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jlong (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualLongMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jlong (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualLongMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jlong (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualLongMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jfloat (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualFloatMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jfloat (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jfloat (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jdouble (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jdouble (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jdouble (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); void (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualVoidMethod) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, ...); void (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); void (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jfieldID (JNICALL *GetFieldID) (JNIEnv*, jclass, const char*, const char*); jobject (JNICALL *GetObjectField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); jboolean (JNICALL *GetBooleanField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); jbyte (JNICALL *GetByteField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); jchar (JNICALL *GetCharField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); jshort (JNICALL *GetShortField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); jint (JNICALL *GetIntField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); jlong (JNICALL *GetLongField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); jfloat (JNICALL *GetFloatField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); jdouble (JNICALL *GetDoubleField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID); void (JNICALL *SetObjectField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jobject); void (JNICALL *SetBooleanField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jboolean); void (JNICALL *SetByteField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jbyte); void (JNICALL *SetCharField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jchar); void (JNICALL *SetShortField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jshort); void (JNICALL *SetIntField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jint); void (JNICALL *SetLongField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jlong); void (JNICALL *SetFloatField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jfloat); void (JNICALL *SetDoubleField) (JNIEnv*, jobject, jfieldID, jdouble); jmethodID (JNICALL *GetStaticMethodID) (JNIEnv*, jclass, const char*, const char*); jobject (JNICALL *CallStaticObjectMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jobject (JNICALL *CallStaticObjectMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jobject (JNICALL *CallStaticObjectMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jboolean (JNICALL *CallStaticBooleanMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jboolean (JNICALL *CallStaticBooleanMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jboolean (JNICALL *CallStaticBooleanMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jbyte (JNICALL *CallStaticByteMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jbyte (JNICALL *CallStaticByteMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jbyte (JNICALL *CallStaticByteMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jchar (JNICALL *CallStaticCharMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jchar (JNICALL *CallStaticCharMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jchar (JNICALL *CallStaticCharMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jshort (JNICALL *CallStaticShortMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jshort (JNICALL *CallStaticShortMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jshort (JNICALL *CallStaticShortMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jint (JNICALL *CallStaticIntMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jint (JNICALL *CallStaticIntMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jint (JNICALL *CallStaticIntMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jlong (JNICALL *CallStaticLongMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jlong (JNICALL *CallStaticLongMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jlong (JNICALL *CallStaticLongMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jfloat (JNICALL *CallStaticFloatMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jfloat (JNICALL *CallStaticFloatMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jfloat (JNICALL *CallStaticFloatMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jdouble (JNICALL *CallStaticDoubleMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); jdouble (JNICALL *CallStaticDoubleMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); jdouble (JNICALL *CallStaticDoubleMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); void (JNICALL *CallStaticVoidMethod) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, ...); void (JNICALL *CallStaticVoidMethodV) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, va_list); void (JNICALL *CallStaticVoidMethodA) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jmethodID, const jvalue*); jfieldID (JNICALL *GetStaticFieldID) (JNIEnv*, jclass, const char*, const char*); jobject (JNICALL *GetStaticObjectField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); jboolean (JNICALL *GetStaticBooleanField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); jbyte (JNICALL *GetStaticByteField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); jchar (JNICALL *GetStaticCharField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); jshort (JNICALL *GetStaticShortField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); jint (JNICALL *GetStaticIntField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); jlong (JNICALL *GetStaticLongField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); jfloat (JNICALL *GetStaticFloatField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); jdouble (JNICALL *GetStaticDoubleField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID); void (JNICALL *SetStaticObjectField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jobject); void (JNICALL *SetStaticBooleanField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jboolean); void (JNICALL *SetStaticByteField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jbyte); void (JNICALL *SetStaticCharField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jchar); void (JNICALL *SetStaticShortField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jshort); void (JNICALL *SetStaticIntField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jint); void (JNICALL *SetStaticLongField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jlong); void (JNICALL *SetStaticFloatField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jfloat); void (JNICALL *SetStaticDoubleField) (JNIEnv*, jclass, jfieldID, jdouble); jstring (JNICALL *NewString) (JNIEnv*, const jchar*, jsize); jsize (JNICALL *GetStringLength) (JNIEnv*, jstring); const jchar* (JNICALL *GetStringChars) (JNIEnv*, jstring, jboolean*); void (JNICALL *ReleaseStringChars) (JNIEnv*, jstring, const jchar*); jstring (JNICALL *NewStringUTF) (JNIEnv*, const char*); jsize (JNICALL *GetStringUTFLength) (JNIEnv*, jstring); const char* (JNICALL *GetStringUTFChars) (JNIEnv*, jstring, jboolean*); void (JNICALL *ReleaseStringUTFChars) (JNIEnv*, jstring, const char*); jsize (JNICALL *GetArrayLength) (JNIEnv*, jarray); jobjectArray (JNICALL *NewObjectArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize, jclass, jobject); jobject (JNICALL *GetObjectArrayElement) (JNIEnv*, jobjectArray, jsize); void (JNICALL *SetObjectArrayElement) (JNIEnv*, jobjectArray, jsize, jobject); jbooleanArray (JNICALL *NewBooleanArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize); jbyteArray (JNICALL *NewByteArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize); jcharArray (JNICALL *NewCharArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize); jshortArray (JNICALL *NewShortArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize); jintArray (JNICALL *NewIntArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize); jlongArray (JNICALL *NewLongArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize); jfloatArray (JNICALL *NewFloatArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize); jdoubleArray (JNICALL *NewDoubleArray) (JNIEnv*, jsize); jboolean* (JNICALL *GetBooleanArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jbooleanArray, jboolean*); jbyte* (JNICALL *GetByteArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jbyteArray, jboolean*); jchar* (JNICALL *GetCharArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jcharArray, jboolean*); jshort* (JNICALL *GetShortArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jshortArray, jboolean*); jint* (JNICALL *GetIntArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jintArray, jboolean*); jlong* (JNICALL *GetLongArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jlongArray, jboolean*); jfloat* (JNICALL *GetFloatArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jfloatArray, jboolean*); jdouble* (JNICALL *GetDoubleArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jdoubleArray, jboolean*); void (JNICALL *ReleaseBooleanArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jbooleanArray, jboolean*, jint); void (JNICALL *ReleaseByteArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jbyteArray, jbyte*, jint); void (JNICALL *ReleaseCharArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jcharArray, jchar*, jint); void (JNICALL *ReleaseShortArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jshortArray, jshort*, jint); void (JNICALL *ReleaseIntArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jintArray, jint*, jint); void (JNICALL *ReleaseLongArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jlongArray, jlong*, jint); void (JNICALL *ReleaseFloatArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jfloatArray, jfloat*, jint); void (JNICALL *ReleaseDoubleArrayElements) (JNIEnv*, jdoubleArray, jdouble*, jint); void (JNICALL *GetBooleanArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jbooleanArray, jsize, jsize, jboolean*); void (JNICALL *GetByteArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jbyteArray, jsize, jsize, jbyte*); void (JNICALL *GetCharArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jcharArray, jsize, jsize, jchar*); void (JNICALL *GetShortArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jshortArray, jsize, jsize, jshort*); void (JNICALL *GetIntArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jintArray, jsize, jsize, jint*); void (JNICALL *GetLongArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jlongArray, jsize, jsize, jlong*); void (JNICALL *GetFloatArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jfloatArray, jsize, jsize, jfloat*); void (JNICALL *GetDoubleArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jdoubleArray, jsize, jsize, jdouble*); void (JNICALL *SetBooleanArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jbooleanArray, jsize, jsize, const jboolean*); void (JNICALL *SetByteArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jbyteArray, jsize, jsize, const jbyte*); void (JNICALL *SetCharArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jcharArray, jsize, jsize, const jchar*); void (JNICALL *SetShortArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jshortArray, jsize, jsize, const jshort*); void (JNICALL *SetIntArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jintArray, jsize, jsize, const jint*); void (JNICALL *SetLongArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jlongArray, jsize, jsize, const jlong*); void (JNICALL *SetFloatArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jfloatArray, jsize, jsize, const jfloat*); void (JNICALL *SetDoubleArrayRegion) (JNIEnv*, jdoubleArray, jsize, jsize, const jdouble*); jint (JNICALL *RegisterNatives) (JNIEnv*, jclass, const JNINativeMethod*, jint); jint (JNICALL *UnregisterNatives) (JNIEnv*, jclass); jint (JNICALL *MonitorEnter) (JNIEnv*, jobject); jint (JNICALL *MonitorExit) (JNIEnv*, jobject); jint (JNICALL *GetJavaVM) (JNIEnv*, JavaVM**); void (JNICALL *GetStringRegion) (JNIEnv*, jstring, jsize, jsize, jchar*); void (JNICALL *GetStringUTFRegion) (JNIEnv*, jstring, jsize, jsize, char*); void* (JNICALL *GetPrimitiveArrayCritical) (JNIEnv*, jarray, jboolean*); void (JNICALL *ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical) (JNIEnv*, jarray, void*, jint); const jchar* (JNICALL *GetStringCritical) (JNIEnv*, jstring, jboolean*); void (JNICALL *ReleaseStringCritical) (JNIEnv*, jstring, const jchar*); jweak (JNICALL *NewWeakGlobalRef) (JNIEnv*, jobject); void (JNICALL *DeleteWeakGlobalRef) (JNIEnv*, jweak); jboolean (JNICALL *ExceptionCheck) (JNIEnv*); jobject (JNICALL *NewDirectByteBuffer) (JNIEnv*, void*, jlong); void* (JNICALL *GetDirectBufferAddress) (JNIEnv* env, jobject); jlong (JNICALL *GetDirectBufferCapacity) (JNIEnv*, jobject); #if TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM && defined(__ppc__) void* real_functions[228]; #endif }; inline int strcmp(const int8_t* a, const int8_t* b) { return ::strcmp(reinterpret_cast(a), reinterpret_cast(b)); } void noop(); class Reference { public: Reference(object target, Reference** handle): target(target), next(*handle), handle(handle) { if (next) { next->handle = &next; } *handle = this; } object target; Reference* next; Reference** handle; }; class Machine { public: enum Type { #include "type-enums.cpp" }; enum AllocationType { MovableAllocation, FixedAllocation, ImmortalAllocation }; Machine(System* system, Heap* heap, Finder* finder, Processor* processor, const char** properties, unsigned propertyCount); ~Machine() { dispose(); } void dispose(); JavaVMVTable* vtable; System* system; Heap::Client* heapClient; Heap* heap; Finder* finder; Processor* processor; Thread* rootThread; Thread* exclusive; Reference* jniReferences; const char** properties; unsigned propertyCount; unsigned activeCount; unsigned liveCount; unsigned fixedFootprint; System::Local* localThread; System::Monitor* stateLock; System::Monitor* heapLock; System::Monitor* classLock; System::Monitor* referenceLock; System::Library* libraries; object loader; object loadClassMethod; object bootstrapClassMap; object monitorMap; object stringMap; object byteArrayMap; object types; object jniMethodTable; object finalizers; object tenuredFinalizers; object finalizeQueue; object weakReferences; object tenuredWeakReferences; bool unsafe; bool triedBuiltinOnLoad; JavaVMVTable javaVMVTable; JNIEnvVTable jniEnvVTable; uintptr_t* heapPool[ThreadHeapPoolSize]; unsigned heapPoolIndex; }; void printTrace(Thread* t, object exception); uint8_t& threadInterrupted(Thread* t, object thread); void enterActiveState(Thread* t); #ifdef VM_STRESS inline void stress(Thread* t); #else // not VM_STRESS #define stress(t) #endif // not VM_STRESS void runJavaThread(Thread* t); class Thread { public: enum State { NoState, ActiveState, IdleState, ZombieState, JoinedState, ExclusiveState, ExitState }; class Protector { public: Protector(Thread* t): t(t), next(t->protector) { t->protector = this; } ~Protector() { t->protector = next; } virtual void visit(Heap::Visitor* v) = 0; Thread* t; Protector* next; }; class SingleProtector: public Protector { public: SingleProtector(Thread* t, object* p): Protector(t), p(p) { } virtual void visit(Heap::Visitor* v) { v->visit(p); } object* p; }; class ClassInitStack { public: ClassInitStack(Thread* t, object class_): next(t->classInitStack), class_(class_), protector(t, &(this->class_)) { t->classInitStack = this; } ~ClassInitStack() { protector.t->classInitStack = next; } ClassInitStack* next; object class_; SingleProtector protector; }; class Runnable: public System::Runnable { public: Runnable(Thread* t): t(t) { } virtual void attach(System::Thread* st) { t->systemThread = st; } virtual void run() { enterActiveState(t); t->m->localThread->set(t); runJavaThread(t); if (t->exception) { printTrace(t, t->exception); } t->exit(); } virtual bool interrupted() { return threadInterrupted(t, t->javaThread); } virtual void setInterrupted(bool v) { threadInterrupted(t, t->javaThread) = v; } Thread* t; }; Thread(Machine* m, object javaThread, Thread* parent); void init(); void exit(); void dispose(); JNIEnvVTable* vtable; Machine* m; Thread* parent; Thread* peer; Thread* child; State state; unsigned criticalLevel; System::Thread* systemThread; object javaThread; object exception; unsigned heapIndex; unsigned heapOffset; Protector* protector; ClassInitStack* classInitStack; Runnable runnable; uintptr_t* defaultHeap; uintptr_t* heap; uintptr_t* backupHeap; unsigned backupHeapIndex; unsigned backupHeapSizeInWords; bool tracing; #ifdef VM_STRESS bool stress; #endif // VM_STRESS }; typedef uint64_t (JNICALL *FastNativeFunction)(Thread*, object, uintptr_t*); inline object objectClass(Thread*, object o) { return mask(cast(o, 0)); } void enter(Thread* t, Thread::State state); inline void enterActiveState(Thread* t) { enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); } class StateResource { public: StateResource(Thread* t, Thread::State state): t(t), oldState(t->state) { enter(t, state); } ~StateResource() { enter(t, oldState); } private: Thread* t; Thread::State oldState; }; inline void dispose(Thread* t, Reference* r) { *(r->handle) = r->next; if (r->next) { r->next->handle = r->handle; } t->m->heap->free(r, sizeof(*r)); } void collect(Thread* t, Heap::CollectionType type); #ifdef VM_STRESS inline void stress(Thread* t) { if ((not t->stress) and (not t->tracing) and t->state != Thread::NoState and t->state != Thread::IdleState) { t->stress = true; # ifdef VM_STRESS_MAJOR collect(t, Heap::MajorCollection); # else // not VM_STRESS_MAJOR collect(t, Heap::MinorCollection); # endif // not VM_STRESS_MAJOR t->stress = false; } } #endif // not VM_STRESS inline void acquire(Thread* t, System::Monitor* m) { if (not m->tryAcquire(t->systemThread)) { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); m->acquire(t->systemThread); } stress(t); } inline void release(Thread* t, System::Monitor* m) { m->release(t->systemThread); } class MonitorResource { public: MonitorResource(Thread* t, System::Monitor* m): t(t), m(m) { acquire(t, m); } ~MonitorResource() { release(t, m); } private: Thread* t; System::Monitor* m; }; class RawMonitorResource { public: RawMonitorResource(Thread* t, System::Monitor* m): t(t), m(m) { m->acquire(t->systemThread); } ~RawMonitorResource() { release(t, m); } private: Thread* t; System::Monitor* m; }; inline void NO_RETURN abort(Thread* t) { abort(t->m->system); } #ifndef NDEBUG inline void assert(Thread* t, bool v) { assert(t->m->system, v); } #endif // not NDEBUG inline void expect(Thread* t, bool v) { expect(t->m->system, v); } class FixedAllocator: public Allocator { public: FixedAllocator(System* s, uint8_t* base, unsigned capacity): s(s), base(base), offset(0), capacity(capacity) { } virtual void* tryAllocate(unsigned) { abort(s); } virtual void* allocate(unsigned size) { unsigned paddedSize = pad(size); expect(s, offset + paddedSize < capacity); void* p = base + offset; offset += paddedSize; return p; } virtual void free(const void*, unsigned) { abort(s); } System* s; uint8_t* base; unsigned offset; unsigned capacity; }; inline void ensure(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes) { if (t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) > ThreadHeapSizeInWords) { expect(t, t->backupHeap == 0); t->backupHeap = static_cast (t->m->heap->allocate(pad(sizeInBytes))); memset(t->backupHeap, 0, sizeInBytes); t->backupHeapIndex = 0; t->backupHeapSizeInWords = ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord); } } object allocate2(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes, bool objectMask); object allocate3(Thread* t, Allocator* allocator, Machine::AllocationType type, unsigned sizeInBytes, bool objectMask); inline object allocateSmall(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes) { assert(t, t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) <= ThreadHeapSizeInWords); object o = reinterpret_cast(t->heap + t->heapIndex); t->heapIndex += ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord); cast(o, 0) = 0; return o; } inline object allocate(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes, bool objectMask) { stress(t); if (UNLIKELY(t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) > ThreadHeapSizeInWords or t->m->exclusive)) { return allocate2(t, sizeInBytes, objectMask); } else { return allocateSmall(t, sizeInBytes); } } inline void mark(Thread* t, object o, unsigned offset, unsigned count) { if (t->m->heap->needsMark(o)) { ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock); t->m->heap->mark(o, offset / BytesPerWord, count); } } inline void mark(Thread* t, object o, unsigned offset) { if (t->m->heap->needsMark(o, offset / BytesPerWord)) { ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock); t->m->heap->mark(o, offset / BytesPerWord, 1); } } inline void set(Thread* t, object target, unsigned offset, object value) { cast(target, offset) = value; mark(t, target, offset); } inline void setObjectClass(Thread*, object o, object value) { cast(o, 0) = reinterpret_cast (reinterpret_cast(value) | (reinterpret_cast(cast(o, 0)) & (~PointerMask))); } inline const char* findProperty(Machine* m, const char* name) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m->propertyCount; ++i) { const char* p = m->properties[i]; const char* n = name; while (*p and *p != '=' and *n and *p == *n) { ++ p; ++ n; } if (*p == '=' and *n == 0) { return p + 1; } } return 0; } inline const char* findProperty(Thread* t, const char* name) { return findProperty(t->m, name); } object& arrayBodyUnsafe(Thread*, object, unsigned); bool instanceOf(Thread* t, object class_, object o); #include "type-declarations.cpp" inline bool objectFixed(Thread*, object o) { return (cast(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == FixedMark; } inline bool objectExtended(Thread*, object o) { return (cast(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == ExtendedMark; } inline bool hashTaken(Thread*, object o) { return (cast(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == HashTakenMark; } inline unsigned baseSize(Thread* t, object o, object class_) { return ceiling(classFixedSize(t, class_), BytesPerWord) + ceiling(classArrayElementSize(t, class_) * cast(o, classFixedSize(t, class_) - BytesPerWord), BytesPerWord); } object makeTrace(Thread* t, Processor::StackWalker* walker); object makeTrace(Thread* t, Thread* target); inline object makeTrace(Thread* t) { return makeTrace(t, t); } inline object makeRuntimeException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeRuntimeException(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeIllegalStateException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeIllegalStateException(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeIllegalArgumentException(Thread* t) { return makeIllegalArgumentException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } inline object makeIllegalMonitorStateException(Thread* t) { return makeIllegalMonitorStateException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } inline object makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeArrayStoreException(Thread* t) { return makeArrayStoreException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } inline object makeNegativeArraySizeException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeNegativeArraySizeException(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeClassCastException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeClassCastException(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeClassNotFoundException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeClassNotFoundException(t, message, trace, 0, 0); } inline object makeNullPointerException(Thread* t) { return makeNullPointerException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } inline object makeInvocationTargetException(Thread* t, object targetException) { PROTECT(t, targetException); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeRuntimeException(t, 0, trace, targetException); } inline object makeInterruptedException(Thread* t) { return makeInterruptedException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } inline object makeIncompatibleContinuationException(Thread* t) { return makeIncompatibleContinuationException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } inline object makeStackOverflowError(Thread* t) { return makeStackOverflowError(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } inline object makeNoSuchFieldError(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeNoSuchFieldError(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeNoSuchMethodError(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeNoSuchMethodError(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeNoClassDefFoundError(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeNoClassDefFoundError(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeUnsatisfiedLinkError(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeUnsatisfiedLinkError(t, message, trace, 0); } inline object makeExceptionInInitializerError(Thread* t, object cause) { PROTECT(t, cause); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeExceptionInInitializerError(t, 0, trace, cause, cause); } inline object makeNew(Thread* t, object class_) { assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState); PROTECT(t, class_); unsigned sizeInBytes = pad(classFixedSize(t, class_)); object instance = allocate(t, sizeInBytes, classObjectMask(t, class_)); setObjectClass(t, instance, class_); return instance; } object makeNewGeneral(Thread* t, object class_); inline object make(Thread* t, object class_) { if (UNLIKELY(classVmFlags(t, class_) & (WeakReferenceFlag | HasFinalizerFlag))) { return makeNewGeneral(t, class_); } else { return makeNew(t, class_); } } object makeByteArray(Thread* t, const char* format, ...); object makeString(Thread* t, const char* format, ...); void stringChars(Thread* t, object string, char* chars); void stringChars(Thread* t, object string, uint16_t* chars); bool isAssignableFrom(Thread* t, object a, object b); object classInitializer(Thread* t, object class_); object frameMethod(Thread* t, int frame); inline uintptr_t& extendedWord(Thread* t UNUSED, object o, unsigned baseSize) { assert(t, objectExtended(t, o)); return cast(o, baseSize * BytesPerWord); } inline unsigned extendedSize(Thread* t, object o, unsigned baseSize) { return baseSize + objectExtended(t, o); } inline void markHashTaken(Thread* t, object o) { assert(t, not objectExtended(t, o)); assert(t, not objectFixed(t, o)); ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock); cast(o, 0) |= HashTakenMark; t->m->heap->pad(o); } inline uint32_t takeHash(Thread*, object o) { return reinterpret_cast(o) / BytesPerWord; } inline uint32_t objectHash(Thread* t, object o) { if (objectExtended(t, o)) { return extendedWord(t, o, baseSize(t, o, objectClass(t, o))); } else { if (not objectFixed(t, o)) { markHashTaken(t, o); } return takeHash(t, o); } } inline bool objectEqual(Thread*, object a, object b) { return a == b; } inline uint32_t byteArrayHash(Thread* t, object array) { return hash(&byteArrayBody(t, array, 0), byteArrayLength(t, array)); } inline uint32_t charArrayHash(Thread* t, object array) { return hash(&charArrayBody(t, array, 0), charArrayLength(t, array)); } inline bool byteArrayEqual(Thread* t, object a, object b) { return a == b or ((byteArrayLength(t, a) == byteArrayLength(t, b)) and memcmp(&byteArrayBody(t, a, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, b, 0), byteArrayLength(t, a)) == 0); } inline uint32_t stringHash(Thread* t, object s) { if (stringHashCode(t, s) == 0 and stringLength(t, s)) { object data = stringData(t, s); if (objectClass(t, data) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { stringHashCode(t, s) = hash (&byteArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, s)), stringLength(t, s)); } else { stringHashCode(t, s) = hash (&charArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, s)), stringLength(t, s)); } } return stringHashCode(t, s); } inline uint16_t stringCharAt(Thread* t, object s, int i) { object data = stringData(t, s); if (objectClass(t, data) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { return byteArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, s) + i); } else { return charArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, s) + i); } } inline bool stringEqual(Thread* t, object a, object b) { if (a == b) { return true; } else if (stringLength(t, a) == stringLength(t, b)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < stringLength(t, a); ++i) { if (stringCharAt(t, a, i) != stringCharAt(t, b, i)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } inline uint32_t methodHash(Thread* t, object method) { return byteArrayHash(t, methodName(t, method)) ^ byteArrayHash(t, methodSpec(t, method)); } inline bool methodEqual(Thread* t, object a, object b) { return a == b or (byteArrayEqual(t, methodName(t, a), methodName(t, b)) and byteArrayEqual(t, methodSpec(t, a), methodSpec(t, b))); } class MethodSpecIterator { public: MethodSpecIterator(Thread* t, const char* s): t(t), s(s + 1) { } const char* next() { assert(t, *s != ')'); const char* p = s; switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; case '[': while (*s == '[') ++ s; switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; default: ++ s; break; } break; default: ++ s; break; } return p; } bool hasNext() { return *s != ')'; } const char* returnSpec() { assert(t, *s == ')'); return s + 1; } Thread* t; const char* s; }; unsigned fieldCode(Thread* t, unsigned javaCode); unsigned fieldType(Thread* t, unsigned code); unsigned primitiveSize(Thread* t, unsigned code); inline unsigned fieldSize(Thread* t, unsigned code) { if (code == ObjectField) { return BytesPerWord; } else { return primitiveSize(t, code); } } inline unsigned fieldSize(Thread* t, object field) { return fieldSize(t, fieldCode(t, field)); } object findLoadedSystemClass(Thread* t, object spec); inline bool emptyMethod(Thread* t, object method) { return ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) == 0) and (codeLength(t, methodCode(t, method)) == 1) and (codeBody(t, methodCode(t, method), 0) == return_); } object parseClass(Thread* t, object loader, const uint8_t* data, unsigned length); object resolveClass(Thread* t, object loader, object name); inline object resolveClass(Thread* t, object loader, const char* name) { PROTECT(t, loader); object n = makeByteArray(t, "%s", name); return resolveClass(t, loader, n); } object resolveSystemClass(Thread* t, object name); inline object resolveSystemClass(Thread* t, const char* name) { return resolveSystemClass(t, makeByteArray(t, "%s", name)); } object resolveMethod(Thread* t, object class_, const char* methodName, const char* methodSpec); inline object resolveMethod(Thread* t, object loader, const char* className, const char* methodName, const char* methodSpec) { object class_ = resolveClass(t, loader, className); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { return resolveMethod(t, class_, methodName, methodSpec); } else { return 0; } } object resolveField(Thread* t, object class_, const char* fieldName, const char* fieldSpec); inline object resolveField(Thread* t, object loader, const char* className, const char* fieldName, const char* fieldSpec) { object class_ = resolveClass(t, loader, className); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { return resolveField(t, class_, fieldName, fieldSpec); } else { return 0; } } object resolveObjectArrayClass(Thread* t, object loader, object elementSpec); bool classNeedsInit(Thread* t, object c); bool preInitClass(Thread* t, object c); void postInitClass(Thread* t, object c); void initClass(Thread* t, object c); object makeObjectArray(Thread* t, object loader, object elementClass, unsigned count); object findInTable(Thread* t, object table, object name, object spec, object& (*getName)(Thread*, object), object& (*getSpec)(Thread*, object)); inline object findFieldInClass(Thread* t, object class_, object name, object spec) { return findInTable (t, classFieldTable(t, class_), name, spec, fieldName, fieldSpec); } inline object findMethodInClass(Thread* t, object class_, object name, object spec) { return findInTable (t, classMethodTable(t, class_), name, spec, methodName, methodSpec); } object findInHierarchy(Thread* t, object class_, object name, object spec, object (*find)(Thread*, object, object, object), object (*makeError)(Thread*, object)); inline object findMethod(Thread* t, object class_, object name, object spec) { return findInHierarchy (t, class_, name, spec, findMethodInClass, makeNoSuchMethodError); } inline object findMethod(Thread* t, object method, object class_) { return arrayBody(t, classVirtualTable(t, class_), methodOffset(t, method)); } inline unsigned objectArrayLength(Thread* t UNUSED, object array) { assert(t, classFixedSize(t, objectClass(t, array)) == BytesPerWord * 2); assert(t, classArrayElementSize(t, objectClass(t, array)) == BytesPerWord); return cast(array, BytesPerWord); } inline object& objectArrayBody(Thread* t UNUSED, object array, unsigned index) { assert(t, classFixedSize(t, objectClass(t, array)) == BytesPerWord * 2); assert(t, classArrayElementSize(t, objectClass(t, array)) == BytesPerWord); assert(t, classObjectMask(t, objectClass(t, array)) == classObjectMask(t, arrayBody (t, t->m->types, Machine::ArrayType))); return cast(array, (2 + index) * BytesPerWord); } unsigned parameterFootprint(Thread* t, const char* s, bool static_); void addFinalizer(Thread* t, object target, void (*finalize)(Thread*, object)); System::Monitor* objectMonitor(Thread* t, object o, bool createNew); inline void acquire(Thread* t, object o) { unsigned hash; if (DebugMonitors) { hash = objectHash(t, o); } System::Monitor* m = objectMonitor(t, o, true); if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "thread %p acquires %p for %x\n", t, m, hash); } acquire(t, m); } inline void release(Thread* t, object o) { unsigned hash; if (DebugMonitors) { hash = objectHash(t, o); } System::Monitor* m = objectMonitor(t, o, false); if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "thread %p releases %p for %x\n", t, m, hash); } release(t, m); } inline void wait(Thread* t, object o, int64_t milliseconds) { unsigned hash; if (DebugMonitors) { hash = objectHash(t, o); } System::Monitor* m = objectMonitor(t, o, false); if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "thread %p waits %"LLD" millis on %p for %x\n", t, milliseconds, m, hash); } if (m and m->owner() == t->systemThread) { bool interrupted; { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); interrupted = m->wait(t->systemThread, milliseconds); } if (interrupted) { t->exception = makeInterruptedException(t); } } else { t->exception = makeIllegalMonitorStateException(t); } if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "thread %p wakes up on %p for %x\n", t, m, hash); } stress(t); } inline void notify(Thread* t, object o) { unsigned hash; if (DebugMonitors) { hash = objectHash(t, o); } System::Monitor* m = objectMonitor(t, o, false); if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "thread %p notifies on %p for %x\n", t, m, hash); } if (m and m->owner() == t->systemThread) { m->notify(t->systemThread); } else { t->exception = makeIllegalMonitorStateException(t); } } inline void notifyAll(Thread* t, object o) { System::Monitor* m = objectMonitor(t, o, false); if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "thread %p notifies all on %p for %x\n", t, m, objectHash(t, o)); } if (m and m->owner() == t->systemThread) { m->notifyAll(t->systemThread); } else { t->exception = makeIllegalMonitorStateException(t); } } inline void interrupt(Thread*, Thread* target) { target->systemThread->interrupt(); } object intern(Thread* t, object s); void exit(Thread* t); void walk(Thread* t, Heap::Walker* w, object o, unsigned start); int walkNext(Thread* t, object o, int previous); void visitRoots(Machine* m, Heap::Visitor* v); inline jobject makeLocalReference(Thread* t, object o) { return t->m->processor->makeLocalReference(t, o); } inline void disposeLocalReference(Thread* t, jobject r) { t->m->processor->disposeLocalReference(t, r); } inline bool methodVirtual(Thread* t, object method) { return (methodFlags(t, method) & (ACC_STATIC | ACC_PRIVATE)) == 0 and byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0) != '<'; } inline unsigned singletonMaskSize(unsigned count) { if (count) { return ceiling(count + 2, BitsPerWord); } return 0; } inline unsigned singletonMaskSize(Thread* t, object singleton) { unsigned length = singletonLength(t, singleton); if (length) { return ceiling(length + 2, BitsPerWord + 1); } return 0; } inline unsigned singletonCount(Thread* t, object singleton) { return singletonLength(t, singleton) - singletonMaskSize(t, singleton); } inline uint32_t* singletonMask(Thread* t, object singleton) { assert(t, singletonLength(t, singleton)); return reinterpret_cast (&singletonBody(t, singleton, singletonCount(t, singleton))); } inline void singletonMarkObject(Thread* t, object singleton, unsigned index) { singletonMask(t, singleton)[(index + 2) / 32] |= (static_cast(1) << ((index + 2) % 32)); } inline bool singletonIsObject(Thread* t, object singleton, unsigned index) { assert(t, index < singletonCount(t, singleton)); return (singletonMask(t, singleton)[(index + 2) / 32] & (static_cast(1) << ((index + 2) % 32))) != 0; } inline object& singletonObject(Thread* t, object singleton, unsigned index) { assert(t, singletonIsObject(t, singleton, index)); return reinterpret_cast(singletonBody(t, singleton, index)); } inline uintptr_t& singletonValue(Thread* t, object singleton, unsigned index) { assert(t, not singletonIsObject(t, singleton, index)); return singletonBody(t, singleton, index); } inline object makeSingletonOfSize(Thread* t, unsigned count) { object o = makeSingleton(t, count + singletonMaskSize(count)); assert(t, singletonLength(t, o) == count + singletonMaskSize(t, o)); if (count) { singletonMask(t, o)[0] = 1; } return o; } void dumpHeap(Thread* t, FILE* out); } // namespace vm void vmPrintTrace(vm::Thread* t); void* vmAddressFromLine(vm::Thread* t, vm::object m, unsigned line); #endif//MACHINE_H