#!/usr/bin/env python # {{{ Dependencies from __future__ import print_function import sys from args import Program from login_manager import login, confirm from jira_manager import Jira # }}} # {{{ Dependencies for printing coloured content to the console try: from termcolor import colored def blue(message): return colored(message, 'blue') def green(message): return colored(message, 'green') def red(message): return colored(message, 'red') def yellow(message): return colored(message, 'yellow') def faint(message): return colored(message, 'white', attrs=['dark']) def on_green(message): return colored(message, 'white', 'on_green') def on_red(message): return colored(message, 'white', 'on_red') def blue_on_white(message): return colored(message, 'blue', 'on_white') def yellow_on_white(message): return colored(message, 'yellow', 'on_white') except: def blue(message): return u'[{}]'.format(message) def green(message): return message def red(message): return message def yellow(message): return message def faint(message): return message def on_green(message): return message def on_red(message): return message def blue_on_white(message): return message def yellow_on_white(message): return message # }}} # {{{ Mapping from product code to product name product_map = { 'OS' : 'Corda', 'ENT' : 'Corda Enterprise', 'NS' : 'ENM', 'ENM' : 'ENM', 'TEST' : 'Corda', # for demo and test purposes } # }}} # {{{ JIRA queries QUERY_LIST_TEST_CASES = \ u'project = R3T AND type = "Platform Test Template" AND status = Active AND labels = "{}" ORDER BY key' QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCES = \ u'project = R3T AND type = "Platform Test" AND labels = "{}" AND "Target Version/s" = "{}" ORDER BY key' QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCE_FOR_TICKET = \ u'project = R3T AND type = "Platform Test" AND labels = "{}" AND "Target Version/s" = "{}" AND issue IN linkedIssues({})' QUERY_LIST_ALL_TEST_RUNS_FOR_TICKET = \ u'project = R3T AND type = "Platform Test Run" AND labels = "{}" AND parent = {} ORDER BY "Target Version/S"' QUERY_LIST_TEST_RUN_FOR_TICKET = \ u'project = R3T AND type = "Platform Test Run" AND labels = "{}" AND "Target Version/s" = "{}" AND parent = {}' QUERY_LIST_BLOCKING_TEST_CASES = \ u'project = R3T AND type = "Platform Test Template" AND labels = "{}" AND issue IN linkedIssues({}, "Blocks")' # }}} # {{{ list_test_cases() - List active test cases for a specific product def list_test_cases(args): user, password = login('jira', args.user) if not user or not password: sys.exit(1) jira = Jira().login(user, password) print(u'List of active test cases for {}:'.format(yellow(product_map[args.PRODUCT]))) if args.verbose: print(faint('[{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_TEST_CASES.format(args.PRODUCT)))) print() has_tests = False for issue in jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_CASES, args.PRODUCT): print(u' - {} {}'.format(blue(issue.key), issue.fields.summary)) has_tests = True if not has_tests: print(u' - No active test cases found') print() # }}} # {{{ show_status() - Show the status of all test runs for a specific release or release candidate def show_status(args): user, password = login('jira', args.user) if not user or not password: sys.exit(1) jira = Jira().login(user, password) version = '{} {}'.format(product_map[args.PRODUCT], args.VERSION).replace('.0', '') candidate = '{} RC{:02d}'.format(version, args.CANDIDATE) if args.CANDIDATE else version if args.CANDIDATE: print(u'Status of test runs for {} version {} release candidate {}:'.format(yellow(product_map[args.PRODUCT]), yellow(args.VERSION), yellow('RC{:02d}'.format(args.CANDIDATE)))) else: print(u'Status of test runs for {} version {}:'.format(yellow(product_map[args.PRODUCT]), yellow(args.VERSION))) if args.verbose: print(faint('[{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCES.format(args.PRODUCT, version)))) print() has_tests = False for issue in jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCES, args.PRODUCT, version): status = issue.fields.status['name'].lower() if status == 'pass': status = on_green('Pass') elif status == 'fail': status = on_red('Fail') elif status == 'descope': status = on_green('Descoped') else: status = '' print(u' - {} {} {}'.format(blue(issue.key), issue.fields.summary, status)) has_test_runs = False if args.CANDIDATE: if args.verbose: print(faint(' [{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_TEST_RUN_FOR_TICKET.format(args.PRODUCT, candidate, issue.key)))) run_list = jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_RUN_FOR_TICKET, args.PRODUCT, candidate, issue.key) else: if args.verbose: print(faint(' [{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_ALL_TEST_RUNS_FOR_TICKET.format(args.PRODUCT, issue.key)))) run_list = jira.search(QUERY_LIST_ALL_TEST_RUNS_FOR_TICKET, args.PRODUCT, issue.key) for run in run_list: has_test_runs = True print() status = run.fields.status['name'].lower() if status == 'pass': status = on_green('Pass ') elif status == 'fail': status = on_red('Fail ') elif status == 'descope': status = on_green('Descoped') elif status == 'in progress': status = yellow_on_white('Active ') else: status = blue_on_white('Open ') print(u' {} {} ({})'.format(status, faint(run.fields[jira.custom_fields_by_name['Target Version/s']][0]['name']), blue(run.key))) if not has_test_runs: print() print(u' - No release candidate tests found') print() has_tests = True if not has_tests: print(u' - No test cases found for the specified release') print() # }}} # {{{ create_version() - Create a new JIRA version def create_version(args): user, password = login('jira', args.user) if not user or not password: sys.exit(1) jira = Jira().login(user, password) version = '{} {}'.format(product_map[args.PRODUCT], args.VERSION).replace('.0', '') version = '{} RC{:02d}'.format(version, args.CANDIDATE) if args.CANDIDATE else version confirm(u'Create new version {}?'.format(yellow(version)), auto_yes=args.yes or args.dry_run) print() if not args.dry_run: for project in ['CORDA', 'ENT', 'ENM', 'R3T', 'CID']: print(u' - Creating version {} for project {} ...'.format(yellow(version), blue(project))) try: jira.jira.create_version(name=version, project=project, description=version) print(u' {} - Created version for project {}'.format(green('SUCCESS'), blue(project))) except Exception as error: print(u' {} - Failed to version: {}'.format(red('FAIL'), error)) print() # }}} # {{{ create_release() - Create test cases for a specific version of a product def create_release(args): user, password = login('jira', args.user) if not user or not password: sys.exit(1) jira = Jira().login(user, password) version = '{} {}'.format(product_map[args.PRODUCT], args.VERSION).replace('.0', '') confirm(u'Create test cases for {} version {}?'.format(yellow(product_map[args.PRODUCT]), yellow(args.VERSION)), auto_yes=args.yes or args.dry_run) if args.verbose: print(faint('[{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_TEST_CASES.format(args.PRODUCT)))) print() has_tests = False for issue in jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_CASES, args.PRODUCT): print(u' - {} {}'.format(blue(issue.key), issue.fields.summary)) print() has_tests = True print(u' - Creating test case for version {} ...'.format(yellow(args.VERSION))) if args.verbose: print(faint(u' [{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCE_FOR_TICKET.format(args.PRODUCT, version, issue.key)))) has_test_case_for_version = len(list(jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCE_FOR_TICKET.format(args.PRODUCT, version, issue.key)))) if has_test_case_for_version: print(u' {} - Test case for version already exists'.format(yellow('SKIPPED'))) else: try: test_case = issue.clone(issuetype='Platform Test', version=version, dry_run=args.dry_run) print(u' {} - Created ticket {}'.format(green('SUCCESS'), blue(test_case.key))) except Exception as error: print(u' {} - Failed to create ticket: {}'.format(red('FAIL'), error)) print() print(u' - Linking test case to template ...') try: jira.link(issue.key, test_case.key, dry_run=args.dry_run) print(u' {} - Linked {} to {}'.format(green('SUCCESS'), blue(issue.key), blue(test_case.key))) except Exception as error: print(u' {} - Failed to link tickets: {}'.format(red('FAIL'), error)) print() print(u'Copying links from test templates for {} version {}?'.format(yellow(product_map[args.PRODUCT]), yellow(args.VERSION))) print() for issue in jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_CASES, args.PRODUCT): print(u' - {} {}'.format(blue(issue.key), issue.fields.summary)) print() print(u' - Copying links for test case {} ...'.format(blue(issue.key))) has_links = False if args.verbose: print(faint(u' [{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_BLOCKING_TEST_CASES.format(args.PRODUCT, issue.key)))) for blocking_issue in jira.search(QUERY_LIST_BLOCKING_TEST_CASES, args.PRODUCT, issue.key): from_ticket = list(jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCE_FOR_TICKET.format(args.PRODUCT, version, issue.key))) to_ticket = list(jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCE_FOR_TICKET.format(args.PRODUCT, version, blocking_issue.key))) if len(from_ticket) == 0 or len(to_ticket) == 0: continue has_links = True from_key = from_ticket[0].key to_key = to_ticket[0].key try: jira.link(from_key, to_key, Jira.BLOCKS, dry_run=args.dry_run) print(u' {} - Linked {} to {}'.format(green('SUCCESS'), blue(from_key), blue(to_key))) except Exception as error: print(u' {} - Failed to link tickets {} and {}: {}'.format(red('FAIL'), blue(from_key), blue(to_key), error)) if not has_links: print(u' {} - No relevant links found for ticket {}'.format(yellow('SKIPPED'), blue(issue.key))) print() if not has_tests: print(u' - No active test cases found') print() # }}} # {{{ create_release_candidate() - Create test run tickets for a specific release candidate of a product def create_release_candidate(args): user, password = login('jira', args.user) if not user or not password: sys.exit(1) jira = Jira().login(user, password) version = '{} {}'.format(product_map[args.PRODUCT], args.VERSION).replace('.0', '') CANDIDATE = args.CANDIDATE[0] candidate = '{} RC{:02d}'.format(version, CANDIDATE) confirm(u'Create test run tickets for {} version {} release candidate {}?'.format(yellow(product_map[args.PRODUCT]), yellow(args.VERSION), yellow('RC{:02d}'.format(CANDIDATE))), auto_yes=args.yes or args.dry_run) if args.verbose: print(faint('[{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCES.format(args.PRODUCT, version)))) print() has_tests = False for issue in jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_INSTANCES, args.PRODUCT, version): test_status = issue.fields.status['name'] print(u' - {} {} ({})'.format(blue(issue.key), issue.fields.summary, test_status)) epic_field = jira.custom_fields_by_name['Epic Link'] epic = issue.fields[epic_field] if epic_field in issue.fields.to_dict() else '' labels = issue.fields.labels + [epic] if test_status in ['Pass', 'Fail', 'Descope']: print(u' {} - Parent test is marked as {}'.format(yellow('SKIPPED'), test_status)) print() continue print() has_tests = True print(u' - Creating test run ticket for release candidate {} ...'.format(yellow('RC{:02d}'.format(CANDIDATE)))) if args.verbose: print(faint(u' [{}]'.format(QUERY_LIST_TEST_RUN_FOR_TICKET.format(args.PRODUCT, candidate, issue.key)))) has_test_instance_for_version = len(list(jira.search(QUERY_LIST_TEST_RUN_FOR_TICKET.format(args.PRODUCT, candidate, issue.key)))) if has_test_instance_for_version: print(u' {} - Ticket for release candidate already exists'.format(yellow('SKIPPED'))) else: try: test_case = issue.clone(issuetype='Platform Test Run', version=candidate, parent=issue.key, labels=labels, dry_run=args.dry_run) print(u' {} - Created ticket {}'.format(green('SUCCESS'), blue(test_case.key))) except Exception as error: print(u' {} - Failed to create ticket: {}'.format(red('FAIL'), error)) print() if not has_tests: print(u' - No active test cases found') print() # }}} # {{{ main() - Entry point def main(): with Program(description='tool for managing test cases and test runs in JIRA') as program: PRODUCTS = ['OS', 'ENT', 'NS', 'TEST'] program.add('--verbose', '-v', help='turn on verbose logging', action='store_true') program.add('--yes', '-y', help='automatically answer "yes" to all prompts', action='store_true') program.add('--user', '-u', help='the user name or email address used to log in to JIRA', type=str, metavar='USER') program.add('--no-keyring', help='do not retrieve passwords persisted in the keyring', action='store_true') def mixin_dry_run(command): command.add('--dry-run', '-d', help='run action without applying any changes to JIRA', action='store_true') def mixin_product(command): command.add('PRODUCT', help='the product under test (OS, ENT, NS)', choices=PRODUCTS, metavar='PRODUCT') def mixin_version_and_product(command): mixin_product(command) command.add('VERSION', help='the target version of the release, e.g., 4.0', type=str) def mixin_candidate(command, optional=False): if optional: nargs = '?' else: nargs = 1 command.add('CANDIDATE', help='the number of the release candidate, e.g., 1 for RC01', type=int, nargs=nargs) with program.command('list-tests', 'list test cases applicable to the provided specification', list_test_cases) as command: mixin_product(command) with program.command('status', 'show the status of all test runs for a specific release or release candidate', show_status) as command: mixin_version_and_product(command) mixin_candidate(command, True) with program.command('create-version', 'create a new version in JIRA', create_version) as command: mixin_dry_run(command) mixin_version_and_product(command) mixin_candidate(command, True) with program.command('create-release-tests', 'create test cases for a new release in JIRA', create_release) as command: mixin_dry_run(command) mixin_version_and_product(command) with program.command('create-release-candidate-tests', 'create test runs for a new release candidate in JIRA', create_release_candidate) as command: mixin_dry_run(command) mixin_version_and_product(command) mixin_candidate(command) # }}} if __name__ == '__main__': main()