/* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Avian Contributors Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for details. */ #include "avian/jnienv.h" #include "avian/machine.h" #include "avian/util.h" #include #include "avian/constants.h" #include "avian/processor.h" #include "avian/arch.h" #include "avian/lzma.h" #include #include #if defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include #endif using namespace vm; using namespace avian::util; namespace { const bool DebugClassReader = false; const unsigned NoByte = 0xFFFF; #ifdef USE_ATOMIC_OPERATIONS void atomicIncrement(uint32_t* p, int v) { for (uint32_t old = *p; not atomicCompareAndSwap32(p, old, old + v); old = *p) { } } #endif void join(Thread* t, Thread* o) { if (t != o) { assert(t, o->state != Thread::JoinedState); assert(t, (o->flags & Thread::SystemFlag) == 0); if (o->flags & Thread::JoinFlag) { o->systemThread->join(); } o->state = Thread::JoinedState; } } #ifndef NDEBUG bool find(Thread* t, Thread* o) { return (t == o) or (t->peer and find(t->peer, o)) or (t->child and find(t->child, o)); } unsigned count(Thread* t, Thread* o) { unsigned c = 0; if (t != o) ++ c; if (t->peer) c += count(t->peer, o); if (t->child) c += count(t->child, o); return c; } Thread** fill(Thread* t, Thread* o, Thread** array) { if (t != o) *(array++) = t; if (t->peer) array = fill(t->peer, o, array); if (t->child) array = fill(t->child, o, array); return array; } #endif // not NDEBUG void dispose(Thread* t, Thread* o, bool remove) { if (remove) { #ifndef NDEBUG expect(t, find(t->m->rootThread, o)); unsigned c = count(t->m->rootThread, o); THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, Thread*, threads, c); fill(t->m->rootThread, o, RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(threads)); #endif if (o->parent) { Thread* previous = 0; for (Thread* p = o->parent->child; p;) { if (p == o) { if (p == o->parent->child) { o->parent->child = p->peer; } else { previous->peer = p->peer; } break; } else { previous = p; p = p->peer; } } for (Thread* p = o->child; p;) { Thread* next = p->peer; p->peer = o->parent->child; o->parent->child = p; p->parent = o->parent; p = next; } } else if (o->child) { t->m->rootThread = o->child; for (Thread* p = o->peer; p;) { Thread* next = p->peer; p->peer = t->m->rootThread; t->m->rootThread = p; p = next; } } else if (o->peer) { t->m->rootThread = o->peer; } else { abort(t); } #ifndef NDEBUG expect(t, not find(t->m->rootThread, o)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < c; ++i) { expect(t, find(t->m->rootThread, RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(threads)[i])); } #endif } o->dispose(); } void visitAll(Thread* m, Thread* o, void (*visit)(Thread*, Thread*)) { for (Thread* p = o->child; p;) { Thread* child = p; p = p->peer; visitAll(m, child, visit); } visit(m, o); } void disposeNoRemove(Thread* m, Thread* o) { dispose(m, o, false); } void interruptDaemon(Thread* m, Thread* o) { if (o->flags & Thread::DaemonFlag) { interrupt(m, o); } } void turnOffTheLights(Thread* t) { expect(t, t->m->liveCount == 1); visitAll(t, t->m->rootThread, join); enter(t, Thread::ExitState); { object p = 0; PROTECT(t, p); for (p = t->m->finalizers; p;) { object f = p; p = finalizerNext(t, p); void (*function)(Thread*, object); memcpy(&function, &finalizerFinalize(t, f), BytesPerWord); if (function) { function(t, finalizerTarget(t, f)); } } for (p = t->m->tenuredFinalizers; p;) { object f = p; p = finalizerNext(t, p); void (*function)(Thread*, object); memcpy(&function, &finalizerFinalize(t, f), BytesPerWord); if (function) { function(t, finalizerTarget(t, f)); } } } if (root(t, Machine::VirtualFiles)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, root(t, Machine::VirtualFiles)); ++i) { object region = arrayBody(t, root(t, Machine::VirtualFiles), i); if (region) { static_cast(regionRegion(t, region))->dispose(); } } } for (object p = root(t, Machine::VirtualFileFinders); p; p = finderNext(t, p)) { static_cast(finderFinder(t, p))->dispose(); } Machine* m = t->m; visitAll(t, t->m->rootThread, disposeNoRemove); System* s = m->system; expect(s, m->threadCount == 0); Heap* h = m->heap; Processor* p = m->processor; Classpath* c = m->classpath; Finder* bf = m->bootFinder; Finder* af = m->appFinder; c->dispose(); h->disposeFixies(); m->dispose(); p->dispose(); bf->dispose(); af->dispose(); h->dispose(); s->dispose(); } void killZombies(Thread* t, Thread* o) { for (Thread* p = o->child; p;) { Thread* child = p; p = p->peer; killZombies(t, child); } if ((o->flags & Thread::SystemFlag) == 0) { switch (o->state) { case Thread::ZombieState: join(t, o); // fall through case Thread::JoinedState: dispose(t, o, true); default: break; } } } unsigned footprint(Thread* t) { expect(t, t->criticalLevel == 0); unsigned n = t->heapOffset + t->heapIndex + t->backupHeapIndex; for (Thread* c = t->child; c; c = c->peer) { n += footprint(c); } return n; } void visitRoots(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor* v) { if (t->state != Thread::ZombieState) { v->visit(&(t->javaThread)); v->visit(&(t->exception)); t->m->processor->visitObjects(t, v); for (Thread::Protector* p = t->protector; p; p = p->next) { p->visit(v); } } for (Thread* c = t->child; c; c = c->peer) { visitRoots(c, v); } } bool walk(Thread*, Heap::Walker* w, uint32_t* mask, unsigned fixedSize, unsigned arrayElementSize, unsigned arrayLength, unsigned start) { unsigned fixedSizeInWords = ceilingDivide(fixedSize, BytesPerWord); unsigned arrayElementSizeInWords = ceilingDivide(arrayElementSize, BytesPerWord); for (unsigned i = start; i < fixedSizeInWords; ++i) { if (mask[i / 32] & (static_cast(1) << (i % 32))) { if (not w->visit(i)) { return false; } } } bool arrayObjectElements = false; for (unsigned j = 0; j < arrayElementSizeInWords; ++j) { unsigned k = fixedSizeInWords + j; if (mask[k / 32] & (static_cast(1) << (k % 32))) { arrayObjectElements = true; break; } } if (arrayObjectElements) { unsigned arrayStart; unsigned elementStart; if (start > fixedSizeInWords) { unsigned s = start - fixedSizeInWords; arrayStart = s / arrayElementSizeInWords; elementStart = s % arrayElementSizeInWords; } else { arrayStart = 0; elementStart = 0; } for (unsigned i = arrayStart; i < arrayLength; ++i) { for (unsigned j = elementStart; j < arrayElementSizeInWords; ++j) { unsigned k = fixedSizeInWords + j; if (mask[k / 32] & (static_cast(1) << (k % 32))) { if (not w->visit (fixedSizeInWords + (i * arrayElementSizeInWords) + j)) { return false; } } } } } return true; } object findInInterfaces(Thread* t, object class_, object name, object spec, object (*find)(Thread*, object, object, object)) { object result = 0; if (classInterfaceTable(t, class_)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, classInterfaceTable(t, class_)) and result == 0; i += 2) { result = find (t, arrayBody(t, classInterfaceTable(t, class_), i), name, spec); } } return result; } void finalizerTargetUnreachable(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor* v, object* p) { v->visit(&finalizerTarget(t, *p)); object finalizer = *p; *p = finalizerNext(t, finalizer); void (*function)(Thread*, object); memcpy(&function, &finalizerFinalize(t, finalizer), BytesPerWord); if (function) { finalizerNext(t, finalizer) = t->m->finalizeQueue; t->m->finalizeQueue = finalizer; } else { set(t, finalizer, FinalizerQueueTarget, finalizerTarget(t, finalizer)); set(t, finalizer, FinalizerQueueNext, root(t, Machine::ObjectsToFinalize)); setRoot(t, Machine::ObjectsToFinalize, finalizer); } } void referenceTargetUnreachable(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor* v, object* p) { if (DebugReferences) { fprintf(stderr, "target %p unreachable for reference %p\n", jreferenceTarget(t, *p), *p); } v->visit(p); jreferenceTarget(t, *p) = 0; if (objectClass(t, *p) == type(t, Machine::CleanerType)) { object reference = *p; *p = jreferenceVmNext(t, reference); set(t, reference, CleanerQueueNext, root(t, Machine::ObjectsToClean)); setRoot(t, Machine::ObjectsToClean, reference); } else { if (jreferenceQueue(t, *p) and t->m->heap->status(jreferenceQueue(t, *p)) != Heap::Unreachable) { // queue is reachable - add the reference v->visit(&jreferenceQueue(t, *p)); object q = jreferenceQueue(t, *p); if (referenceQueueFront(t, q)) { set(t, *p, JreferenceJNext, referenceQueueFront(t, q)); } else { set(t, *p, JreferenceJNext, *p); } set(t, q, ReferenceQueueFront, *p); jreferenceQueue(t, *p) = 0; } *p = jreferenceVmNext(t, *p); } } void referenceUnreachable(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor* v, object* p) { object r = static_cast(t->m->heap->follow(*p)); if (DebugReferences) { fprintf(stderr, "reference %p unreachable (target %p)\n", *p, jreferenceTarget(t, r)); } if (jreferenceQueue(t, r) and t->m->heap->status(jreferenceQueue(t, r)) != Heap::Unreachable) { // queue is reachable - add the reference referenceTargetUnreachable(t, v, p); } else { *p = jreferenceVmNext(t, *p); } } void referenceTargetReachable(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor* v, object* p) { if (DebugReferences) { fprintf(stderr, "target %p reachable for reference %p\n", jreferenceTarget(t, *p), *p); } v->visit(p); v->visit(&jreferenceTarget(t, *p)); if (t->m->heap->status(jreferenceQueue(t, *p)) == Heap::Unreachable) { jreferenceQueue(t, *p) = 0; } else { v->visit(&jreferenceQueue(t, *p)); } } bool isFinalizable(Thread* t, object o) { return t->m->heap->status(o) == Heap::Unreachable and (classVmFlags (t, static_cast(t->m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, o)))) & HasFinalizerFlag); } void clearTargetIfFinalizable(Thread* t, object r) { if (isFinalizable (t, static_cast(t->m->heap->follow(jreferenceTarget(t, r))))) { jreferenceTarget(t, r) = 0; } } void postVisit(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor* v) { Machine* m = t->m; bool major = m->heap->collectionType() == Heap::MajorCollection; assert(t, m->finalizeQueue == 0); m->heap->postVisit(); for (object p = m->weakReferences; p;) { object r = static_cast(m->heap->follow(p)); p = jreferenceVmNext(t, r); clearTargetIfFinalizable(t, r); } if (major) { for (object p = m->tenuredWeakReferences; p;) { object r = static_cast(m->heap->follow(p)); p = jreferenceVmNext(t, r); clearTargetIfFinalizable(t, r); } } for (Reference* r = m->jniReferences; r; r = r->next) { if (r->weak and isFinalizable (t, static_cast(t->m->heap->follow(r->target)))) { r->target = 0; } } object firstNewTenuredFinalizer = 0; object lastNewTenuredFinalizer = 0; { object unreachable = 0; for (object* p = &(m->finalizers); *p;) { v->visit(p); if (m->heap->status(finalizerTarget(t, *p)) == Heap::Unreachable) { object finalizer = *p; *p = finalizerNext(t, finalizer); finalizerNext(t, finalizer) = unreachable; unreachable = finalizer; } else { p = &finalizerNext(t, *p); } } for (object* p = &(m->finalizers); *p;) { // target is reachable v->visit(&finalizerTarget(t, *p)); if (m->heap->status(*p) == Heap::Tenured) { // the finalizer is tenured, so we remove it from // m->finalizers and later add it to m->tenuredFinalizers if (lastNewTenuredFinalizer == 0) { lastNewTenuredFinalizer = *p; } object finalizer = *p; *p = finalizerNext(t, finalizer); finalizerNext(t, finalizer) = firstNewTenuredFinalizer; firstNewTenuredFinalizer = finalizer; } else { p = &finalizerNext(t, *p); } } for (object* p = &unreachable; *p;) { // target is unreachable - queue it up for finalization finalizerTargetUnreachable(t, v, p); } } object firstNewTenuredWeakReference = 0; object lastNewTenuredWeakReference = 0; for (object* p = &(m->weakReferences); *p;) { if (m->heap->status(*p) == Heap::Unreachable) { // reference is unreachable referenceUnreachable(t, v, p); } else if (m->heap->status (jreferenceTarget (t, static_cast(m->heap->follow(*p)))) == Heap::Unreachable) { // target is unreachable referenceTargetUnreachable(t, v, p); } else { // both reference and target are reachable referenceTargetReachable(t, v, p); if (m->heap->status(*p) == Heap::Tenured) { // the reference is tenured, so we remove it from // m->weakReferences and later add it to // m->tenuredWeakReferences if (lastNewTenuredWeakReference == 0) { lastNewTenuredWeakReference = *p; } object reference = *p; *p = jreferenceVmNext(t, reference); jreferenceVmNext(t, reference) = firstNewTenuredWeakReference; firstNewTenuredWeakReference = reference; } else { p = &jreferenceVmNext(t, *p); } } } if (major) { { object unreachable = 0; for (object* p = &(m->tenuredFinalizers); *p;) { v->visit(p); if (m->heap->status(finalizerTarget(t, *p)) == Heap::Unreachable) { object finalizer = *p; *p = finalizerNext(t, finalizer); finalizerNext(t, finalizer) = unreachable; unreachable = finalizer; } else { p = &finalizerNext(t, *p); } } for (object* p = &(m->tenuredFinalizers); *p;) { // target is reachable v->visit(&finalizerTarget(t, *p)); p = &finalizerNext(t, *p); } for (object* p = &unreachable; *p;) { // target is unreachable - queue it up for finalization finalizerTargetUnreachable(t, v, p); } } for (object* p = &(m->tenuredWeakReferences); *p;) { if (m->heap->status(*p) == Heap::Unreachable) { // reference is unreachable referenceUnreachable(t, v, p); } else if (m->heap->status (jreferenceTarget (t, static_cast(m->heap->follow(*p)))) == Heap::Unreachable) { // target is unreachable referenceTargetUnreachable(t, v, p); } else { // both reference and target are reachable referenceTargetReachable(t, v, p); p = &jreferenceVmNext(t, *p); } } } if (lastNewTenuredFinalizer) { finalizerNext(t, lastNewTenuredFinalizer) = m->tenuredFinalizers; m->tenuredFinalizers = firstNewTenuredFinalizer; } if (lastNewTenuredWeakReference) { jreferenceVmNext(t, lastNewTenuredWeakReference) = m->tenuredWeakReferences; m->tenuredWeakReferences = firstNewTenuredWeakReference; } for (Reference* r = m->jniReferences; r; r = r->next) { if (r->weak) { if (m->heap->status(r->target) == Heap::Unreachable) { r->target = 0; } else { v->visit(&(r->target)); } } } } void postCollect(Thread* t) { #ifdef VM_STRESS t->m->heap->free(t->defaultHeap, ThreadHeapSizeInBytes); t->defaultHeap = static_cast (t->m->heap->allocate(ThreadHeapSizeInBytes)); memset(t->defaultHeap, 0, ThreadHeapSizeInBytes); #endif if (t->heap == t->defaultHeap) { memset(t->defaultHeap, 0, t->heapIndex * BytesPerWord); } else { memset(t->defaultHeap, 0, ThreadHeapSizeInBytes); t->heap = t->defaultHeap; } t->heapOffset = 0; if (t->m->heap->limitExceeded()) { // if we're out of memory, pretend the thread-local heap is // already full so we don't make things worse: t->heapIndex = ThreadHeapSizeInWords; } else { t->heapIndex = 0; } if (t->flags & Thread::UseBackupHeapFlag) { memset(t->backupHeap, 0, ThreadBackupHeapSizeInBytes); t->flags &= ~Thread::UseBackupHeapFlag; t->backupHeapIndex = 0; } for (Thread* c = t->child; c; c = c->peer) { postCollect(c); } } uint64_t invoke(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments) { object m = *reinterpret_cast(arguments[0]); object o = *reinterpret_cast(arguments[1]); t->m->processor->invoke(t, m, o); return 1; } void finalizeObject(Thread* t, object o, const char* name) { for (object c = objectClass(t, o); c; c = classSuper(t, c)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, classMethodTable(t, c)); ++i) { object m = arrayBody(t, classMethodTable(t, c), i); if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast(name), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, m), 0)) == 0 and vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("()V"), &byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, m), 0)) == 0) { PROTECT(t, m); PROTECT(t, o); uintptr_t arguments[] = { reinterpret_cast(&m), reinterpret_cast(&o) }; run(t, invoke, arguments); t->exception = 0; return; } } } abort(t); } unsigned readByte(AbstractStream& s, unsigned* value) { if (*value == NoByte) { return s.read1(); } else { unsigned r = *value; *value = NoByte; return r; } } object parseUtf8NonAscii(Thread* t, AbstractStream& s, object bytesSoFar, unsigned byteCount, unsigned sourceIndex, unsigned byteA, unsigned byteB) { PROTECT(t, bytesSoFar); unsigned length = byteArrayLength(t, bytesSoFar) - 1; object value = makeCharArray(t, length + 1); unsigned vi = 0; for (; vi < byteCount; ++vi) { charArrayBody(t, value, vi) = byteArrayBody(t, bytesSoFar, vi); } for (unsigned si = sourceIndex; si < length; ++si) { unsigned a = readByte(s, &byteA); if (a & 0x80) { if (a & 0x20) { // 3 bytes si += 2; assert(t, si < length); unsigned b = readByte(s, &byteB); unsigned c = s.read1(); charArrayBody(t, value, vi++) = ((a & 0xf) << 12) | ((b & 0x3f) << 6) | (c & 0x3f); } else { // 2 bytes ++ si; assert(t, si < length); unsigned b = readByte(s, &byteB); if (a == 0xC0 and b == 0x80) { charArrayBody(t, value, vi++) = 0; } else { charArrayBody(t, value, vi++) = ((a & 0x1f) << 6) | (b & 0x3f); } } } else { charArrayBody(t, value, vi++) = a; } } if (vi < length) { PROTECT(t, value); object v = makeCharArray(t, vi + 1); memcpy(&charArrayBody(t, v, 0), &charArrayBody(t, value, 0), vi * 2); value = v; } return value; } object parseUtf8(Thread* t, AbstractStream& s, unsigned length) { object value = makeByteArray(t, length + 1); unsigned vi = 0; for (unsigned si = 0; si < length; ++si) { unsigned a = s.read1(); if (a & 0x80) { if (a & 0x20) { // 3 bytes return parseUtf8NonAscii(t, s, value, vi, si, a, NoByte); } else { // 2 bytes unsigned b = s.read1(); if (a == 0xC0 and b == 0x80) { ++ si; assert(t, si < length); byteArrayBody(t, value, vi++) = 0; } else { return parseUtf8NonAscii(t, s, value, vi, si, a, b); } } } else { byteArrayBody(t, value, vi++) = a; } } if (vi < length) { PROTECT(t, value); object v = makeByteArray(t, vi + 1); memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, v, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, value, 0), vi); value = v; } return value; } object makeByteArray(Thread* t, Stream& s, unsigned length) { object value = makeByteArray(t, length + 1); s.read(reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, value, 0)), length); return value; } void removeByteArray(Thread* t, object o) { hashMapRemove (t, root(t, Machine::ByteArrayMap), o, byteArrayHash, objectEqual); } object internByteArray(Thread* t, object array) { PROTECT(t, array); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->referenceLock); object n = hashMapFindNode (t, root(t, Machine::ByteArrayMap), array, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); if (n) { return jreferenceTarget(t, tripleFirst(t, n)); } else { hashMapInsert(t, root(t, Machine::ByteArrayMap), array, 0, byteArrayHash); addFinalizer(t, array, removeByteArray); return array; } } unsigned parsePoolEntry(Thread* t, Stream& s, uint32_t* index, object pool, unsigned i) { PROTECT(t, pool); s.setPosition(index[i]); switch (s.read1()) { case CONSTANT_Integer: case CONSTANT_Float: { uint32_t v = s.read4(); singletonValue(t, pool, i) = v; if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " consts[%d] = int/float 0x%x\n", i, v); } } return 1; case CONSTANT_Long: case CONSTANT_Double: { uint64_t v = s.read8(); memcpy(&singletonValue(t, pool, i), &v, 8); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " consts[%d] = long/double \n", i); } } return 2; case CONSTANT_Utf8: { if (singletonObject(t, pool, i) == 0) { object value = internByteArray(t, makeByteArray(t, s, s.read2())); set(t, pool, SingletonBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " consts[%d] = utf8 %s\n", i, &byteArrayBody(t, value, 0)); } } } return 1; case CONSTANT_Class: { if (singletonObject(t, pool, i) == 0) { unsigned si = s.read2() - 1; parsePoolEntry(t, s, index, pool, si); object value = makeReference(t, 0, singletonObject(t, pool, si), 0); set(t, pool, SingletonBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " consts[%d] = class \n", i); } } } return 1; case CONSTANT_String: { if (singletonObject(t, pool, i) == 0) { unsigned si = s.read2() - 1; parsePoolEntry(t, s, index, pool, si); object value = parseUtf8(t, singletonObject(t, pool, si)); value = t->m->classpath->makeString (t, value, 0, fieldAtOffset(value, BytesPerWord) - 1); value = intern(t, value); set(t, pool, SingletonBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " consts[%d] = string \n", i); } } } return 1; case CONSTANT_NameAndType: { if (singletonObject(t, pool, i) == 0) { unsigned ni = s.read2() - 1; unsigned ti = s.read2() - 1; parsePoolEntry(t, s, index, pool, ni); parsePoolEntry(t, s, index, pool, ti); object name = singletonObject(t, pool, ni); object type = singletonObject(t, pool, ti); object value = makePair(t, name, type); set(t, pool, SingletonBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " consts[%d] = nameAndType %s%s\n", i, &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, type, 0)); } } } return 1; case CONSTANT_Fieldref: case CONSTANT_Methodref: case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: { if (singletonObject(t, pool, i) == 0) { unsigned ci = s.read2() - 1; unsigned nti = s.read2() - 1; parsePoolEntry(t, s, index, pool, ci); parsePoolEntry(t, s, index, pool, nti); object class_ = referenceName(t, singletonObject(t, pool, ci)); object nameAndType = singletonObject(t, pool, nti); object value = makeReference (t, class_, pairFirst(t, nameAndType), pairSecond(t, nameAndType)); set(t, pool, SingletonBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " consts[%d] = method %s.%s%s\n", i, &byteArrayBody(t, class_, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, pairFirst(t, nameAndType), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, pairSecond(t, nameAndType), 0)); } } } return 1; default: abort(t); } } object parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s) { unsigned count = s.read2() - 1; object pool = makeSingletonOfSize(t, count + poolMaskSize(count)); PROTECT(t, pool); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " const pool entries %d\n", count); } if (count) { uint32_t* index = static_cast(t->m->heap->allocate(count * 4)); THREAD_RESOURCE2(t, uint32_t*, index, unsigned, count, t->m->heap->free(index, count * 4)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { index[i] = s.position(); switch (s.read1()) { case CONSTANT_Class: case CONSTANT_String: singletonMarkObject(t, pool, i); s.skip(2); break; case CONSTANT_Integer: s.skip(4); break; case CONSTANT_Float: singletonSetBit(t, pool, count, i); s.skip(4); break; case CONSTANT_NameAndType: case CONSTANT_Fieldref: case CONSTANT_Methodref: case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: singletonMarkObject(t, pool, i); s.skip(4); break; case CONSTANT_Long: s.skip(8); ++ i; break; case CONSTANT_Double: singletonSetBit(t, pool, count, i); singletonSetBit(t, pool, count, i + 1); s.skip(8); ++ i; break; case CONSTANT_Utf8: singletonMarkObject(t, pool, i); s.skip(s.read2()); break; default: abort(t); } } unsigned end = s.position(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count;) { i += parsePoolEntry(t, s, index, pool, i); } s.setPosition(end); } return pool; } void addInterfaces(Thread* t, object class_, object map) { object table = classInterfaceTable(t, class_); if (table) { unsigned increment = 2; if (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) { increment = 1; } PROTECT(t, map); PROTECT(t, table); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, table); i += increment) { object interface = arrayBody(t, table, i); object name = className(t, interface); hashMapInsertMaybe(t, map, name, interface, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); } } } object getClassAddendum(Thread* t, object class_, object pool) { object addendum = classAddendum(t, class_); if (addendum == 0) { PROTECT(t, class_); addendum = makeClassAddendum(t, pool, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); set(t, class_, ClassAddendum, addendum); } return addendum; } void parseInterfaceTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool, Machine::Type throwType) { PROTECT(t, class_); PROTECT(t, pool); object map = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0); PROTECT(t, map); if (classSuper(t, class_)) { addInterfaces(t, classSuper(t, class_), map); } unsigned count = s.read2(); object table = 0; PROTECT(t, table); if (count) { table = makeArray(t, count); object addendum = getClassAddendum(t, class_, pool); set(t, addendum, ClassAddendumInterfaceTable, table); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { object name = referenceName(t, singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1)); PROTECT(t, name); object interface = resolveClass (t, classLoader(t, class_), name, true, throwType); PROTECT(t, interface); set(t, table, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), interface); hashMapInsertMaybe(t, map, name, interface, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); addInterfaces(t, interface, map); } object interfaceTable = 0; if (hashMapSize(t, map)) { unsigned length = hashMapSize(t, map); if ((classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) == 0) { length *= 2; } interfaceTable = makeArray(t, length); PROTECT(t, interfaceTable); unsigned i = 0; for (HashMapIterator it(t, map); it.hasMore();) { object interface = tripleSecond(t, it.next()); set(t, interfaceTable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), interface); ++ i; if ((classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) == 0) { if (classVirtualTable(t, interface)) { // we'll fill in this table in parseMethodTable(): object vtable = makeArray (t, arrayLength(t, classVirtualTable(t, interface))); set(t, interfaceTable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), vtable); } ++i; } } } set(t, class_, ClassInterfaceTable, interfaceTable); } void parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool) { PROTECT(t, class_); PROTECT(t, pool); unsigned memberOffset = BytesPerWord; if (classSuper(t, class_)) { memberOffset = classFixedSize(t, classSuper(t, class_)); } unsigned count = s.read2(); if (count) { unsigned staticOffset = BytesPerWord * 3; unsigned staticCount = 0; object fieldTable = makeArray(t, count); PROTECT(t, fieldTable); object staticValueTable = makeIntArray(t, count); PROTECT(t, staticValueTable); object addendum = 0; PROTECT(t, addendum); THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, uint8_t, staticTypes, count); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { unsigned flags = s.read2(); unsigned name = s.read2(); unsigned spec = s.read2(); unsigned value = 0; addendum = 0; unsigned code = fieldCode (t, byteArrayBody(t, singletonObject(t, pool, spec - 1), 0)); unsigned attributeCount = s.read2(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) { object name = singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1); unsigned length = s.read4(); if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("ConstantValue"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { value = s.read2(); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("Signature"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { if (addendum == 0) { addendum = makeFieldAddendum(t, pool, 0, 0); } set(t, addendum, AddendumSignature, singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1)); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast ("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { if (addendum == 0) { addendum = makeFieldAddendum(t, pool, 0, 0); } object body = makeByteArray(t, length); s.read(reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, body, 0)), length); set(t, addendum, AddendumAnnotationTable, body); } else { s.skip(length); } } object field = makeField (t, 0, // vm flags code, flags, 0, // offset 0, // native ID singletonObject(t, pool, name - 1), singletonObject(t, pool, spec - 1), addendum, class_); unsigned size = fieldSize(t, code); if (flags & ACC_STATIC) { while (staticOffset % size) { ++ staticOffset; } fieldOffset(t, field) = staticOffset; staticOffset += size; intArrayBody(t, staticValueTable, staticCount) = value; RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(staticTypes)[staticCount++] = code; } else { if (flags & ACC_FINAL) { classVmFlags(t, class_) |= HasFinalMemberFlag; } while (memberOffset % size) { ++ memberOffset; } fieldOffset(t, field) = memberOffset; memberOffset += size; } set(t, fieldTable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), field); } set(t, class_, ClassFieldTable, fieldTable); if (staticCount) { unsigned footprint = ceilingDivide(staticOffset - (BytesPerWord * 2), BytesPerWord); object staticTable = makeSingletonOfSize(t, footprint); uint8_t* body = reinterpret_cast (&singletonBody(t, staticTable, 0)); memcpy(body, &class_, BytesPerWord); singletonMarkObject(t, staticTable, 0); for (unsigned i = 0, offset = BytesPerWord; i < staticCount; ++i) { unsigned size = fieldSize(t, RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(staticTypes)[i]); while (offset % size) { ++ offset; } unsigned value = intArrayBody(t, staticValueTable, i); if (value) { switch (RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(staticTypes)[i]) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: body[offset] = singletonValue(t, pool, value - 1); break; case CharField: case ShortField: *reinterpret_cast(body + offset) = singletonValue(t, pool, value - 1); break; case IntField: case FloatField: *reinterpret_cast(body + offset) = singletonValue(t, pool, value - 1); break; case LongField: case DoubleField: memcpy(body + offset, &singletonValue(t, pool, value - 1), 8); break; case ObjectField: memcpy(body + offset, &singletonObject(t, pool, value - 1), BytesPerWord); break; default: abort(t); } } if (RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(staticTypes)[i] == ObjectField) { singletonMarkObject(t, staticTable, offset / BytesPerWord); } offset += size; } set(t, class_, ClassStaticTable, staticTable); } } classFixedSize(t, class_) = pad(memberOffset); if (classSuper(t, class_) and memberOffset == classFixedSize(t, classSuper(t, class_))) { set(t, class_, ClassObjectMask, classObjectMask(t, classSuper(t, class_))); } else { object mask = makeIntArray (t, ceilingDivide(classFixedSize(t, class_), 32 * BytesPerWord)); intArrayBody(t, mask, 0) = 1; object superMask = 0; if (classSuper(t, class_)) { superMask = classObjectMask(t, classSuper(t, class_)); if (superMask) { memcpy(&intArrayBody(t, mask, 0), &intArrayBody(t, superMask, 0), ceilingDivide(classFixedSize(t, classSuper(t, class_)), 32 * BytesPerWord) * 4); } } bool sawReferenceField = false; object fieldTable = classFieldTable(t, class_); if (fieldTable) { for (int i = arrayLength(t, fieldTable) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { object field = arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i); if ((fieldFlags(t, field) & ACC_STATIC) == 0 and fieldCode(t, field) == ObjectField) { unsigned index = fieldOffset(t, field) / BytesPerWord; intArrayBody(t, mask, (index / 32)) |= 1 << (index % 32); sawReferenceField = true; } } } if (superMask or sawReferenceField) { set(t, class_, ClassObjectMask, mask); } } } uint16_t read16(uint8_t* code, unsigned& ip) { uint16_t a = code[ip++]; uint16_t b = code[ip++]; return (a << 8) | b; } uint32_t read32(uint8_t* code, unsigned& ip) { uint32_t b = code[ip++]; uint32_t a = code[ip++]; uint32_t c = code[ip++]; uint32_t d = code[ip++]; return (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d; } void disassembleCode(const char* prefix, uint8_t* code, unsigned length) { unsigned ip = 0; while(ip < length) { unsigned instr; fprintf(stderr, "%s%x:\t", prefix, ip); switch (instr = code[ip++]) { case aaload: fprintf(stderr, "aaload\n"); break; case aastore: fprintf(stderr, "aastore\n"); break; case aconst_null: fprintf(stderr, "aconst_null\n"); break; case aload: fprintf(stderr, "aload %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case aload_0: fprintf(stderr, "aload_0\n"); break; case aload_1: fprintf(stderr, "aload_1\n"); break; case aload_2: fprintf(stderr, "aload_2\n"); break; case aload_3: fprintf(stderr, "aload_3\n"); break; case anewarray: fprintf(stderr, "anewarray %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case areturn: fprintf(stderr, "areturn\n"); break; case arraylength: fprintf(stderr, "arraylength\n"); break; case astore: fprintf(stderr, "astore %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case astore_0: fprintf(stderr, "astore_0\n"); break; case astore_1: fprintf(stderr, "astore_1\n"); break; case astore_2: fprintf(stderr, "astore_2\n"); break; case astore_3: fprintf(stderr, "astore_3\n"); break; case athrow: fprintf(stderr, "athrow\n"); break; case baload: fprintf(stderr, "baload\n"); break; case bastore: fprintf(stderr, "bastore\n"); break; case bipush: fprintf(stderr, "bipush %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case caload: fprintf(stderr, "caload\n"); break; case castore: fprintf(stderr, "castore\n"); break; case checkcast: fprintf(stderr, "checkcast %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case d2f: fprintf(stderr, "d2f\n"); break; case d2i: fprintf(stderr, "d2i\n"); break; case d2l: fprintf(stderr, "d2l\n"); break; case dadd: fprintf(stderr, "dadd\n"); break; case daload: fprintf(stderr, "daload\n"); break; case dastore: fprintf(stderr, "dastore\n"); break; case dcmpg: fprintf(stderr, "dcmpg\n"); break; case dcmpl: fprintf(stderr, "dcmpl\n"); break; case dconst_0: fprintf(stderr, "dconst_0\n"); break; case dconst_1: fprintf(stderr, "dconst_1\n"); break; case ddiv: fprintf(stderr, "ddiv\n"); break; case dmul: fprintf(stderr, "dmul\n"); break; case dneg: fprintf(stderr, "dneg\n"); break; case vm::drem: fprintf(stderr, "drem\n"); break; case dsub: fprintf(stderr, "dsub\n"); break; case dup: fprintf(stderr, "dup\n"); break; case dup_x1: fprintf(stderr, "dup_x1\n"); break; case dup_x2: fprintf(stderr, "dup_x2\n"); break; case dup2: fprintf(stderr, "dup2\n"); break; case dup2_x1: fprintf(stderr, "dup2_x1\n"); break; case dup2_x2: fprintf(stderr, "dup2_x2\n"); break; case f2d: fprintf(stderr, "f2d\n"); break; case f2i: fprintf(stderr, "f2i\n"); break; case f2l: fprintf(stderr, "f2l\n"); break; case fadd: fprintf(stderr, "fadd\n"); break; case faload: fprintf(stderr, "faload\n"); break; case fastore: fprintf(stderr, "fastore\n"); break; case fcmpg: fprintf(stderr, "fcmpg\n"); break; case fcmpl: fprintf(stderr, "fcmpl\n"); break; case fconst_0: fprintf(stderr, "fconst_0\n"); break; case fconst_1: fprintf(stderr, "fconst_1\n"); break; case fconst_2: fprintf(stderr, "fconst_2\n"); break; case fdiv: fprintf(stderr, "fdiv\n"); break; case fmul: fprintf(stderr, "fmul\n"); break; case fneg: fprintf(stderr, "fneg\n"); break; case frem: fprintf(stderr, "frem\n"); break; case fsub: fprintf(stderr, "fsub\n"); break; case getfield: fprintf(stderr, "getfield %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case getstatic: fprintf(stderr, "getstatic %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case goto_: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "goto %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case goto_w: { int32_t offset = read32(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "goto_w %08x\n", offset + ip - 5); } break; case i2b: fprintf(stderr, "i2b\n"); break; case i2c: fprintf(stderr, "i2c\n"); break; case i2d: fprintf(stderr, "i2d\n"); break; case i2f: fprintf(stderr, "i2f\n"); break; case i2l: fprintf(stderr, "i2l\n"); break; case i2s: fprintf(stderr, "i2s\n"); break; case iadd: fprintf(stderr, "iadd\n"); break; case iaload: fprintf(stderr, "iaload\n"); break; case iand: fprintf(stderr, "iand\n"); break; case iastore: fprintf(stderr, "iastore\n"); break; case iconst_m1: fprintf(stderr, "iconst_m1\n"); break; case iconst_0: fprintf(stderr, "iconst_0\n"); break; case iconst_1: fprintf(stderr, "iconst_1\n"); break; case iconst_2: fprintf(stderr, "iconst_2\n"); break; case iconst_3: fprintf(stderr, "iconst_3\n"); break; case iconst_4: fprintf(stderr, "iconst_4\n"); break; case iconst_5: fprintf(stderr, "iconst_5\n"); break; case idiv: fprintf(stderr, "idiv\n"); break; case if_acmpeq: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "if_acmpeq %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case if_acmpne: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "if_acmpne %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case if_icmpeq: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "if_icmpeq %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case if_icmpne: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "if_icmpne %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case if_icmpgt: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "if_icmpgt %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case if_icmpge: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "if_icmpge %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case if_icmplt: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "if_icmplt %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case if_icmple: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "if_icmple %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case ifeq: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "ifeq %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case ifne: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "ifne %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case ifgt: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "ifgt %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case ifge: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "ifge %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case iflt: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "iflt %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case ifle: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "ifle %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case ifnonnull: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "ifnonnull %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case ifnull: { int16_t offset = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "ifnull %04x\n", offset + ip - 3); } break; case iinc: { uint8_t a = code[ip++]; uint8_t b = code[ip++]; fprintf(stderr, "iinc %02x %02x\n", a, b); } break; case iload: fprintf(stderr, "iload %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case fload: fprintf(stderr, "fload %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case iload_0: fprintf(stderr, "iload_0\n"); break; case fload_0: fprintf(stderr, "fload_0\n"); break; case iload_1: fprintf(stderr, "iload_1\n"); break; case fload_1: fprintf(stderr, "fload_1\n"); break; case iload_2: fprintf(stderr, "iload_2\n"); break; case fload_2: fprintf(stderr, "fload_2\n"); break; case iload_3: fprintf(stderr, "iload_3\n"); break; case fload_3: fprintf(stderr, "fload_3\n"); break; case imul: fprintf(stderr, "imul\n"); break; case ineg: fprintf(stderr, "ineg\n"); break; case instanceof: fprintf(stderr, "instanceof %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case invokeinterface: fprintf(stderr, "invokeinterface %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case invokespecial: fprintf(stderr, "invokespecial %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case invokestatic: fprintf(stderr, "invokestatic %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case invokevirtual: fprintf(stderr, "invokevirtual %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case ior: fprintf(stderr, "ior\n"); break; case irem: fprintf(stderr, "irem\n"); break; case ireturn: fprintf(stderr, "ireturn\n"); break; case freturn: fprintf(stderr, "freturn\n"); break; case ishl: fprintf(stderr, "ishl\n"); break; case ishr: fprintf(stderr, "ishr\n"); break; case istore: fprintf(stderr, "istore %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case fstore: fprintf(stderr, "fstore %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case istore_0: fprintf(stderr, "istore_0\n"); break; case fstore_0: fprintf(stderr, "fstore_0\n"); break; case istore_1: fprintf(stderr, "istore_1\n"); break; case fstore_1: fprintf(stderr, "fstore_1\n"); break; case istore_2: fprintf(stderr, "istore_2\n"); break; case fstore_2: fprintf(stderr, "fstore_2\n"); break; case istore_3: fprintf(stderr, "istore_3\n"); break; case fstore_3: fprintf(stderr, "fstore_3\n"); break; case isub: fprintf(stderr, "isub\n"); break; case iushr: fprintf(stderr, "iushr\n"); break; case ixor: fprintf(stderr, "ixor\n"); break; case jsr: fprintf(stderr, "jsr %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case jsr_w: fprintf(stderr, "jsr_w %08x\n", read32(code, ip)); break; case l2d: fprintf(stderr, "l2d\n"); break; case l2f: fprintf(stderr, "l2f\n"); break; case l2i: fprintf(stderr, "l2i\n"); break; case ladd: fprintf(stderr, "ladd\n"); break; case laload: fprintf(stderr, "laload\n"); break; case land: fprintf(stderr, "land\n"); break; case lastore: fprintf(stderr, "lastore\n"); break; case lcmp: fprintf(stderr, "lcmp\n"); break; case lconst_0: fprintf(stderr, "lconst_0\n"); break; case lconst_1: fprintf(stderr, "lconst_1\n"); break; case ldc: fprintf(stderr, "ldc %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case ldc_w: fprintf(stderr, "ldc_w %08x\n", read32(code, ip)); break; case ldc2_w: fprintf(stderr, "ldc2_w %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case ldiv_: fprintf(stderr, "ldiv_\n"); break; case lload: fprintf(stderr, "lload %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case dload: fprintf(stderr, "dload %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case lload_0: fprintf(stderr, "lload_0\n"); break; case dload_0: fprintf(stderr, "dload_0\n"); break; case lload_1: fprintf(stderr, "lload_1\n"); break; case dload_1: fprintf(stderr, "dload_1\n"); break; case lload_2: fprintf(stderr, "lload_2\n"); break; case dload_2: fprintf(stderr, "dload_2\n"); break; case lload_3: fprintf(stderr, "lload_3\n"); break; case dload_3: fprintf(stderr, "dload_3\n"); break; case lmul: fprintf(stderr, "lmul\n"); break; case lneg: fprintf(stderr, "lneg\n"); break; case lookupswitch: { int32_t default_ = read32(code, ip); int32_t pairCount = read32(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "lookupswitch default: %d pairCount: %d\n", default_, pairCount); for (int i = 0; i < pairCount; i++) { int32_t k = read32(code, ip); int32_t d = read32(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "%s key: %02x dest: %2x\n", prefix, k, d); } } break; case lor: fprintf(stderr, "lor\n"); break; case lrem: fprintf(stderr, "lrem\n"); break; case lreturn: fprintf(stderr, "lreturn\n"); break; case dreturn: fprintf(stderr, "dreturn\n"); break; case lshl: fprintf(stderr, "lshl\n"); break; case lshr: fprintf(stderr, "lshr\n"); break; case lstore: fprintf(stderr, "lstore %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case dstore: fprintf(stderr, "dstore %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case lstore_0: fprintf(stderr, "lstore_0\n"); break; case dstore_0: fprintf(stderr, "dstore_0\n"); break; case lstore_1: fprintf(stderr, "lstore_1\n"); break; case dstore_1: fprintf(stderr, "dstore_1\n"); break; case lstore_2: fprintf(stderr, "lstore_2\n"); break; case dstore_2: fprintf(stderr, "dstore_2\n"); break; case lstore_3: fprintf(stderr, "lstore_3\n"); break; case dstore_3: fprintf(stderr, "dstore_3\n"); break; case lsub: fprintf(stderr, "lsub\n"); break; case lushr: fprintf(stderr, "lushr\n"); break; case lxor: fprintf(stderr, "lxor\n"); break; case monitorenter: fprintf(stderr, "monitorenter\n"); break; case monitorexit: fprintf(stderr, "monitorexit\n"); break; case multianewarray: { unsigned type = read16(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "multianewarray %04x %02x\n", type, code[ip++]); } break; case new_: fprintf(stderr, "new %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case newarray: fprintf(stderr, "newarray %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case nop: fprintf(stderr, "nop\n"); break; case pop_: fprintf(stderr, "pop\n"); break; case pop2: fprintf(stderr, "pop2\n"); break; case putfield: fprintf(stderr, "putfield %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case putstatic: fprintf(stderr, "putstatic %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case ret: fprintf(stderr, "ret %02x\n", code[ip++]); break; case return_: fprintf(stderr, "return_\n"); break; case saload: fprintf(stderr, "saload\n"); break; case sastore: fprintf(stderr, "sastore\n"); break; case sipush: fprintf(stderr, "sipush %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case swap: fprintf(stderr, "swap\n"); break; case tableswitch: { int32_t default_ = read32(code, ip); int32_t bottom = read32(code, ip); int32_t top = read32(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "tableswitch default: %d bottom: %d top: %d\n", default_, bottom, top); for (int i = 0; i < top - bottom + 1; i++) { int32_t d = read32(code, ip); fprintf(stderr, "%s key: %d dest: %2x\n", prefix, i + bottom, d); } } break; case wide: { switch (code[ip++]) { case aload: fprintf(stderr, "wide aload %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case astore: fprintf(stderr, "wide astore %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case iinc: fprintf(stderr, "wide iinc %04x %04x\n", read16(code, ip), read16(code, ip)); break; case iload: fprintf(stderr, "wide iload %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case istore: fprintf(stderr, "wide istore %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case lload: fprintf(stderr, "wide lload %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case lstore: fprintf(stderr, "wide lstore %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; case ret: fprintf(stderr, "wide ret %04x\n", read16(code, ip)); break; default: { fprintf(stderr, "unknown wide instruction %02x %04x\n", instr, read16(code, ip)); } } } break; default: { fprintf(stderr, "unknown instruction %02x\n", instr); } } } } object parseCode(Thread* t, Stream& s, object pool) { PROTECT(t, pool); unsigned maxStack = s.read2(); unsigned maxLocals = s.read2(); unsigned length = s.read4(); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " code: maxStack %d maxLocals %d length %d\n", maxStack, maxLocals, length); } object code = makeCode(t, pool, 0, 0, 0, 0, maxStack, maxLocals, length); s.read(&codeBody(t, code, 0), length); PROTECT(t, code); if(DebugClassReader) { disassembleCode(" ", &codeBody(t, code, 0), length); } unsigned ehtLength = s.read2(); if (ehtLength) { object eht = makeExceptionHandlerTable(t, ehtLength); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ehtLength; ++i) { unsigned start = s.read2(); unsigned end = s.read2(); unsigned ip = s.read2(); unsigned catchType = s.read2(); exceptionHandlerTableBody(t, eht, i) = exceptionHandler (start, end, ip, catchType); } set(t, code, CodeExceptionHandlerTable, eht); } unsigned attributeCount = s.read2(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) { object name = singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1); unsigned length = s.read4(); if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("LineNumberTable"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { unsigned lntLength = s.read2(); object lnt = makeLineNumberTable(t, lntLength); for (unsigned i = 0; i < lntLength; ++i) { unsigned ip = s.read2(); unsigned line = s.read2(); lineNumberTableBody(t, lnt, i) = lineNumber(ip, line); } set(t, code, CodeLineNumberTable, lnt); } else { s.skip(length); } } return code; } object addInterfaceMethods(Thread* t, object class_, object virtualMap, unsigned* virtualCount, bool makeList) { object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, class_); if (itable) { PROTECT(t, class_); PROTECT(t, virtualMap); PROTECT(t, itable); object list = 0; PROTECT(t, list); object method = 0; PROTECT(t, method); object vtable = 0; PROTECT(t, vtable); unsigned stride = (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) ? 1 : 2; for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += stride) { vtable = classVirtualTable(t, arrayBody(t, itable, i)); if (vtable) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < arrayLength(t, vtable); ++j) { method = arrayBody(t, vtable, j); object n = hashMapFindNode (t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); if (n == 0) { method = makeMethod (t, methodVmFlags(t, method), methodReturnCode(t, method), methodParameterCount(t, method), methodParameterFootprint(t, method), methodFlags(t, method), (*virtualCount)++, 0, 0, methodName(t, method), methodSpec(t, method), 0, class_, 0); hashMapInsert(t, virtualMap, method, method, methodHash); if (makeList) { if (list == 0) { list = vm::makeList(t, 0, 0, 0); } listAppend(t, list, method); } } } } } return list; } return 0; } void parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool) { PROTECT(t, class_); PROTECT(t, pool); object virtualMap = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0); PROTECT(t, virtualMap); unsigned virtualCount = 0; unsigned declaredVirtualCount = 0; object superVirtualTable = 0; PROTECT(t, superVirtualTable); if (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) { addInterfaceMethods(t, class_, virtualMap, &virtualCount, false); } else { if (classSuper(t, class_)) { superVirtualTable = classVirtualTable(t, classSuper(t, class_)); } if (superVirtualTable) { virtualCount = arrayLength(t, superVirtualTable); for (unsigned i = 0; i < virtualCount; ++i) { object method = arrayBody(t, superVirtualTable, i); hashMapInsert(t, virtualMap, method, method, methodHash); } } } object newVirtuals = makeList(t, 0, 0, 0); PROTECT(t, newVirtuals); unsigned count = s.read2(); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " method count %d\n", count); } if (count) { object methodTable = makeArray(t, count); PROTECT(t, methodTable); object addendum = 0; PROTECT(t, addendum); object code = 0; PROTECT(t, code); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { unsigned flags = s.read2(); unsigned name = s.read2(); unsigned spec = s.read2(); if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " method flags %d name %d spec %d '%s%s'\n", flags, name, spec, &byteArrayBody(t, singletonObject(t, pool, name - 1), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, singletonObject(t, pool, spec - 1), 0)); } addendum = 0; code = 0; unsigned attributeCount = s.read2(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) { object attributeName = singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1); unsigned length = s.read4(); if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("Code"), &byteArrayBody(t, attributeName, 0)) == 0) { code = parseCode(t, s, pool); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("Exceptions"), &byteArrayBody(t, attributeName, 0)) == 0) { if (addendum == 0) { addendum = makeMethodAddendum(t, pool, 0, 0, 0, 0); } unsigned exceptionCount = s.read2(); object body = makeShortArray(t, exceptionCount); for (unsigned i = 0; i < exceptionCount; ++i) { shortArrayBody(t, body, i) = s.read2(); } set(t, addendum, MethodAddendumExceptionTable, body); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast ("AnnotationDefault"), &byteArrayBody(t, attributeName, 0)) == 0) { if (addendum == 0) { addendum = makeMethodAddendum(t, pool, 0, 0, 0, 0); } object body = makeByteArray(t, length); s.read(reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, body, 0)), length); set(t, addendum, MethodAddendumAnnotationDefault, body); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("Signature"), &byteArrayBody(t, attributeName, 0)) == 0) { if (addendum == 0) { addendum = makeMethodAddendum(t, pool, 0, 0, 0, 0); } set(t, addendum, AddendumSignature, singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1)); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast ("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), &byteArrayBody(t, attributeName, 0)) == 0) { if (addendum == 0) { addendum = makeMethodAddendum(t, pool, 0, 0, 0, 0); } object body = makeByteArray(t, length); s.read(reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, body, 0)), length); set(t, addendum, AddendumAnnotationTable, body); } else { s.skip(length); } } const char* specString = reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, singletonObject(t, pool, spec - 1), 0)); unsigned parameterCount; unsigned returnCode; scanMethodSpec(t, specString, ¶meterCount, &returnCode); object method = t->m->processor->makeMethod (t, 0, // vm flags returnCode, parameterCount, parameterFootprint(t, specString, flags & ACC_STATIC), flags, 0, // offset singletonObject(t, pool, name - 1), singletonObject(t, pool, spec - 1), addendum, class_, code); PROTECT(t, method); if (methodVirtual(t, method)) { ++ declaredVirtualCount; object p = hashMapFindNode (t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); if (p) { methodOffset(t, method) = methodOffset(t, tripleFirst(t, p)); set(t, p, TripleSecond, method); } else { methodOffset(t, method) = virtualCount++; listAppend(t, newVirtuals, method); hashMapInsert(t, virtualMap, method, method, methodHash); } if (UNLIKELY((classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) == 0 and vm::strcmp (reinterpret_cast("finalize"), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)) == 0 and vm::strcmp (reinterpret_cast("()V"), &byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)) == 0 and (not emptyMethod(t, method)))) { classVmFlags(t, class_) |= HasFinalizerFlag; } } else { methodOffset(t, method) = i; if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast(""), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)) == 0) { methodVmFlags(t, method) |= ClassInitFlag; classVmFlags(t, class_) |= NeedInitFlag; } else if (vm::strcmp (reinterpret_cast(""), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)) == 0) { methodVmFlags(t, method) |= ConstructorFlag; } } set(t, methodTable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), method); } set(t, class_, ClassMethodTable, methodTable); } object abstractVirtuals; if (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) { abstractVirtuals = 0; } else { abstractVirtuals = addInterfaceMethods (t, class_, virtualMap, &virtualCount, true); } PROTECT(t, abstractVirtuals); bool populateInterfaceVtables = false; if (declaredVirtualCount == 0 and abstractVirtuals == 0 and (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) == 0) { if (classSuper(t, class_)) { // inherit virtual table from superclass set(t, class_, ClassVirtualTable, superVirtualTable); if (classInterfaceTable(t, classSuper(t, class_)) and arrayLength(t, classInterfaceTable(t, class_)) == arrayLength (t, classInterfaceTable(t, classSuper(t, class_)))) { // inherit interface table from superclass set(t, class_, ClassInterfaceTable, classInterfaceTable(t, classSuper(t, class_))); } else { populateInterfaceVtables = true; } } else { // apparently, Object does not have any virtual methods. We // give it a vtable anyway so code doesn't break elsewhere. object vtable = makeArray(t, 0); set(t, class_, ClassVirtualTable, vtable); } } else if (virtualCount) { // generate class vtable object vtable = makeArray(t, virtualCount); unsigned i = 0; if (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) { PROTECT(t, vtable); for (HashMapIterator it(t, virtualMap); it.hasMore();) { object method = tripleFirst(t, it.next()); assert(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, methodOffset(t, method)) == 0); set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + (methodOffset(t, method) * BytesPerWord), method); ++ i; } } else { populateInterfaceVtables = true; if (superVirtualTable) { for (; i < arrayLength(t, superVirtualTable); ++i) { object method = arrayBody(t, superVirtualTable, i); method = hashMapFind(t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), method); } } for (object p = listFront(t, newVirtuals); p; p = pairSecond(t, p)) { set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), pairFirst(t, p)); ++ i; } if (abstractVirtuals) { PROTECT(t, vtable); object addendum = getClassAddendum(t, class_, pool); set(t, addendum, ClassAddendumMethodTable, classMethodTable(t, class_)); unsigned oldLength = classMethodTable(t, class_) ? arrayLength(t, classMethodTable(t, class_)) : 0; object newMethodTable = makeArray (t, oldLength + listSize(t, abstractVirtuals)); if (oldLength) { memcpy(&arrayBody(t, newMethodTable, 0), &arrayBody(t, classMethodTable(t, class_), 0), oldLength * sizeof(object)); } mark(t, newMethodTable, ArrayBody, oldLength); unsigned mti = oldLength; for (object p = listFront(t, abstractVirtuals); p; p = pairSecond(t, p)) { set(t, newMethodTable, ArrayBody + ((mti++) * BytesPerWord), pairFirst(t, p)); set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + ((i++) * BytesPerWord), pairFirst(t, p)); } assert(t, arrayLength(t, newMethodTable) == mti); set(t, class_, ClassMethodTable, newMethodTable); } } assert(t, arrayLength(t, vtable) == i); set(t, class_, ClassVirtualTable, vtable); } if (populateInterfaceVtables) { // generate interface vtables object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, class_); if (itable) { PROTECT(t, itable); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += 2) { object ivtable = classVirtualTable(t, arrayBody(t, itable, i)); if (ivtable) { object vtable = arrayBody(t, itable, i + 1); for (unsigned j = 0; j < arrayLength(t, ivtable); ++j) { object method = arrayBody(t, ivtable, j); method = hashMapFind (t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); assert(t, method); set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + (j * BytesPerWord), method); } } } } } } void parseAttributeTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool) { PROTECT(t, class_); PROTECT(t, pool); unsigned attributeCount = s.read2(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) { object name = singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1); unsigned length = s.read4(); if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("SourceFile"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { set(t, class_, ClassSourceFile, singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1)); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("Signature"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { object addendum = getClassAddendum(t, class_, pool); set(t, addendum, AddendumSignature, singletonObject(t, pool, s.read2() - 1)); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast("InnerClasses"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { unsigned innerClassCount = s.read2(); object table = makeArray(t, innerClassCount); PROTECT(t, table); for (unsigned i = 0; i < innerClassCount; ++i) { int16_t inner = s.read2(); int16_t outer = s.read2(); int16_t name = s.read2(); int16_t flags = s.read2(); object reference = makeInnerClassReference (t, inner ? referenceName(t, singletonObject(t, pool, inner - 1)) : 0, outer ? referenceName(t, singletonObject(t, pool, outer - 1)) : 0, name ? singletonObject(t, pool, name - 1) : 0, flags); set(t, table, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), reference); if (0 == strcmp (&byteArrayBody(t, className(t, class_), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, innerClassReferenceInner(t, reference), 0))) { classFlags(t, class_) = flags; } } object addendum = getClassAddendum(t, class_, pool); set(t, addendum, ClassAddendumInnerClassTable, table); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast ("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { object body = makeByteArray(t, length); PROTECT(t, body); s.read(reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, body, 0)), length); object addendum = getClassAddendum(t, class_, pool); set(t, addendum, AddendumAnnotationTable, body); } else if (vm::strcmp(reinterpret_cast ("EnclosingMethod"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { int16_t enclosingClass = s.read2(); int16_t enclosingMethod = s.read2(); object addendum = getClassAddendum(t, class_, pool); set(t, addendum, ClassAddendumEnclosingClass, referenceName(t, singletonObject(t, pool, enclosingClass - 1))); set(t, addendum, ClassAddendumEnclosingMethod, enclosingMethod ? singletonObject(t, pool, enclosingMethod - 1) : 0); } else { s.skip(length); } } } void updateClassTables(Thread* t, object newClass, object oldClass) { object fieldTable = classFieldTable(t, newClass); if (fieldTable) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, fieldTable); ++i) { set(t, arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i), FieldClass, newClass); } } object staticTable = classStaticTable(t, newClass); if (staticTable) { set(t, staticTable, SingletonBody, newClass); } if (classFlags(t, newClass) & ACC_INTERFACE) { object virtualTable = classVirtualTable(t, newClass); if (virtualTable) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, virtualTable); ++i) { if (methodClass(t, arrayBody(t, virtualTable, i)) == oldClass) { set(t, arrayBody(t, virtualTable, i), MethodClass, newClass); } } } } object methodTable = classMethodTable(t, newClass); if (methodTable) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, methodTable); ++i) { set(t, arrayBody(t, methodTable, i), MethodClass, newClass); } } } void updateBootstrapClass(Thread* t, object bootstrapClass, object class_) { expect(t, bootstrapClass != class_); // verify that the classes have the same layout expect(t, classSuper(t, bootstrapClass) == classSuper(t, class_)); expect(t, classFixedSize(t, bootstrapClass) >= classFixedSize(t, class_)); expect(t, (classVmFlags(t, class_) & HasFinalizerFlag) == 0); PROTECT(t, bootstrapClass); PROTECT(t, class_); ENTER(t, Thread::ExclusiveState); classVmFlags(t, bootstrapClass) &= ~BootstrapFlag; classVmFlags(t, bootstrapClass) |= classVmFlags(t, class_); classFlags(t, bootstrapClass) |= classFlags(t, class_); set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassSuper, classSuper(t, class_)); set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassInterfaceTable, classInterfaceTable(t, class_)); set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassVirtualTable, classVirtualTable(t, class_)); set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassFieldTable, classFieldTable(t, class_)); set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassMethodTable, classMethodTable(t, class_)); set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassStaticTable, classStaticTable(t, class_)); set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassAddendum, classAddendum(t, class_)); updateClassTables(t, bootstrapClass, class_); } object makeArrayClass(Thread* t, object loader, unsigned dimensions, object spec, object elementClass) { if (classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JobjectType)) & BootstrapFlag) { PROTECT(t, loader); PROTECT(t, spec); PROTECT(t, elementClass); // Load java.lang.Object if present so we can use its vtable, but // don't throw an exception if we can't find it. This way, we // avoid infinite recursion due to trying to create an array to // make a stack trace for a ClassNotFoundException. resolveSystemClass (t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), className(t, type(t, Machine::JobjectType)), false); } object vtable = classVirtualTable(t, type(t, Machine::JobjectType)); object c = t->m->processor->makeClass (t, 0, 0, 2 * BytesPerWord, BytesPerWord, dimensions, classObjectMask(t, type(t, Machine::ArrayType)), spec, 0, type(t, Machine::JobjectType), root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable), vtable, 0, 0, 0, elementClass, loader, arrayLength(t, vtable)); PROTECT(t, c); t->m->processor->initVtable(t, c); return c; } void saveLoadedClass(Thread* t, object loader, object c) { PROTECT(t, loader); PROTECT(t, c); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock); if (classLoaderMap(t, loader) == 0) { object map = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0); set(t, loader, ClassLoaderMap, map); } hashMapInsert (t, classLoaderMap(t, loader), className(t, c), c, byteArrayHash); } object makeArrayClass(Thread* t, object loader, object spec, bool throw_, Machine::Type throwType) { PROTECT(t, loader); PROTECT(t, spec); const char* s = reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)); const char* start = s; unsigned dimensions = 0; for (; *s == '['; ++s) ++ dimensions; object elementSpec; switch (*s) { case 'L': { ++ s; const char* elementSpecStart = s; while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; elementSpec = makeByteArray(t, s - elementSpecStart + 1); memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, spec, elementSpecStart - start), s - elementSpecStart); byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, s - elementSpecStart) = 0; } break; default: if (dimensions > 1) { char c = *s; elementSpec = makeByteArray(t, 3); byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 0) = '['; byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 1) = c; byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 2) = 0; -- dimensions; } else { abort(t); } } object elementClass = hashMapFind (t, root(t, Machine::BootstrapClassMap), elementSpec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); if (elementClass == 0) { elementClass = resolveClass(t, loader, elementSpec, throw_, throwType); if (elementClass == 0) return 0; } PROTECT(t, elementClass); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock); object class_ = findLoadedClass(t, classLoader(t, elementClass), spec); if (class_) { return class_; } class_ = makeArrayClass (t, classLoader(t, elementClass), dimensions, spec, elementClass); PROTECT(t, class_); saveLoadedClass(t, classLoader(t, elementClass), class_); return class_; } object resolveArrayClass(Thread* t, object loader, object spec, bool throw_, Machine::Type throwType) { object c = hashMapFind (t, root(t, Machine::BootstrapClassMap), spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); if (c) { set(t, c, ClassVirtualTable, classVirtualTable(t, type(t, Machine::JobjectType))); return c; } else { PROTECT(t, loader); PROTECT(t, spec); c = findLoadedClass(t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), spec); if (c) { return c; } else { return makeArrayClass(t, loader, spec, throw_, throwType); } } } void removeMonitor(Thread* t, object o) { unsigned hash; if (DebugMonitors) { hash = objectHash(t, o); } object m = hashMapRemove (t, root(t, Machine::MonitorMap), o, objectHash, objectEqual); if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "dispose monitor %p for object %x\n", m, hash); } } void removeString(Thread* t, object o) { hashMapRemove(t, root(t, Machine::StringMap), o, stringHash, objectEqual); } void bootClass(Thread* t, Machine::Type type, int superType, uint32_t objectMask, unsigned fixedSize, unsigned arrayElementSize, unsigned vtableLength) { object super = (superType >= 0 ? vm::type(t, static_cast(superType)) : 0); object mask; if (objectMask) { if (super and classObjectMask(t, super) and intArrayBody(t, classObjectMask(t, super), 0) == static_cast(objectMask)) { mask = classObjectMask (t, vm::type(t, static_cast(superType))); } else { mask = makeIntArray(t, 1); intArrayBody(t, mask, 0) = objectMask; } } else { mask = 0; } super = (superType >= 0 ? vm::type(t, static_cast(superType)) : 0); object class_ = t->m->processor->makeClass (t, 0, BootstrapFlag, fixedSize, arrayElementSize, arrayElementSize ? 1 : 0, mask, 0, 0, super, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), vtableLength); setType(t, type, class_); } void bootJavaClass(Thread* t, Machine::Type type, int superType, const char* name, int vtableLength, object bootMethod) { PROTECT(t, bootMethod); object n = makeByteArray(t, name); PROTECT(t, n); object class_ = vm::type(t, type); PROTECT(t, class_); set(t, class_, ClassName, n); object vtable; if (vtableLength >= 0) { vtable = makeArray(t, vtableLength); for (int i = 0; i < vtableLength; ++ i) { arrayBody(t, vtable, i) = bootMethod; } } else { vtable = classVirtualTable (t, vm::type(t, static_cast(superType))); } set(t, class_, ClassVirtualTable, vtable); t->m->processor->initVtable(t, class_); hashMapInsert (t, root(t, Machine::BootstrapClassMap), n, class_, byteArrayHash); } void nameClass(Thread* t, Machine::Type type, const char* name) { object n = makeByteArray(t, name); set(t, arrayBody(t, t->m->types, type), ClassName, n); } void makeArrayInterfaceTable(Thread* t) { object interfaceTable = makeArray(t, 4); set(t, interfaceTable, ArrayBody, type (t, Machine::SerializableType)); set(t, interfaceTable, ArrayBody + (2 * BytesPerWord), type(t, Machine::CloneableType)); setRoot(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable, interfaceTable); } void boot(Thread* t) { Machine* m = t->m; m->unsafe = true; m->roots = allocate(t, pad((Machine::RootCount + 2) * BytesPerWord), true); arrayLength(t, m->roots) = Machine::RootCount; setRoot(t, Machine::BootLoader, allocate(t, FixedSizeOfSystemClassLoader, true)); setRoot(t, Machine::AppLoader, allocate(t, FixedSizeOfSystemClassLoader, true)); m->types = allocate(t, pad((TypeCount + 2) * BytesPerWord), true); arrayLength(t, m->types) = TypeCount; #include "type-initializations.cpp" object arrayClass = type(t, Machine::ArrayType); set(t, m->types, 0, arrayClass); set(t, m->roots, 0, arrayClass); object loaderClass = type(t, Machine::SystemClassLoaderType); set(t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), 0, loaderClass); set(t, root(t, Machine::AppLoader), 0, loaderClass); object objectClass = type(t, Machine::JobjectType); object classClass = type(t, Machine::ClassType); set(t, classClass, 0, classClass); set(t, classClass, ClassSuper, objectClass); object intArrayClass = type(t, Machine::IntArrayType); set(t, intArrayClass, 0, classClass); set(t, intArrayClass, ClassSuper, objectClass); m->unsafe = false; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::SingletonType)) |= SingletonFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::ContinuationType)) |= ContinuationFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JreferenceType)) |= ReferenceFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::WeakReferenceType)) |= ReferenceFlag | WeakReferenceFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::SoftReferenceType)) |= ReferenceFlag | WeakReferenceFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::PhantomReferenceType)) |= ReferenceFlag | WeakReferenceFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JbooleanType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JbyteType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JcharType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JshortType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JintType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JlongType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JfloatType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JdoubleType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; classVmFlags(t, type(t, Machine::JvoidType)) |= PrimitiveFlag; set(t, type(t, Machine::BooleanArrayType), ClassStaticTable, type(t, Machine::JbooleanType)); set(t, type(t, Machine::ByteArrayType), ClassStaticTable, type(t, Machine::JbyteType)); set(t, type(t, Machine::CharArrayType), ClassStaticTable, type(t, Machine::JcharType)); set(t, type(t, Machine::ShortArrayType), ClassStaticTable, type(t, Machine::JshortType)); set(t, type(t, Machine::IntArrayType), ClassStaticTable, type(t, Machine::JintType)); set(t, type(t, Machine::LongArrayType), ClassStaticTable, type(t, Machine::JlongType)); set(t, type(t, Machine::FloatArrayType), ClassStaticTable, type(t, Machine::JfloatType)); set(t, type(t, Machine::DoubleArrayType), ClassStaticTable, type(t, Machine::JdoubleType)); { object map = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0); set(t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), ClassLoaderMap, map); } systemClassLoaderFinder(t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader)) = m->bootFinder; { object map = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0); set(t, root(t, Machine::AppLoader), ClassLoaderMap, map); } systemClassLoaderFinder(t, root(t, Machine::AppLoader)) = m->appFinder; set(t, root(t, Machine::AppLoader), ClassLoaderParent, root(t, Machine::BootLoader)); setRoot(t, Machine::BootstrapClassMap, makeHashMap(t, 0, 0)); setRoot(t, Machine::StringMap, makeWeakHashMap(t, 0, 0)); makeArrayInterfaceTable(t); set(t, type(t, Machine::BooleanArrayType), ClassInterfaceTable, root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable)); set(t, type(t, Machine::ByteArrayType), ClassInterfaceTable, root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable)); set(t, type(t, Machine::CharArrayType), ClassInterfaceTable, root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable)); set(t, type(t, Machine::ShortArrayType), ClassInterfaceTable, root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable)); set(t, type(t, Machine::IntArrayType), ClassInterfaceTable, root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable)); set(t, type(t, Machine::LongArrayType), ClassInterfaceTable, root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable)); set(t, type(t, Machine::FloatArrayType), ClassInterfaceTable, root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable)); set(t, type(t, Machine::DoubleArrayType), ClassInterfaceTable, root(t, Machine::ArrayInterfaceTable)); m->processor->boot(t, 0, 0); { object bootCode = makeCode(t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); codeBody(t, bootCode, 0) = impdep1; object bootMethod = makeMethod (t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, bootCode); PROTECT(t, bootMethod); #include "type-java-initializations.cpp" //#ifdef AVIAN_HEAPDUMP # include "type-name-initializations.cpp" //#endif } } class HeapClient: public Heap::Client { public: HeapClient(Machine* m): m(m) { } virtual void visitRoots(Heap::Visitor* v) { ::visitRoots(m, v); postVisit(m->rootThread, v); } virtual void collect(void* context, Heap::CollectionType type) { collect(static_cast(context), type); } virtual bool isFixed(void* p) { return objectFixed(m->rootThread, static_cast(p)); } virtual unsigned sizeInWords(void* p) { Thread* t = m->rootThread; object o = static_cast(m->heap->follow(maskAlignedPointer(p))); unsigned n = baseSize(t, o, static_cast (m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, o)))); if (objectExtended(t, o)) { ++ n; } return n; } virtual unsigned copiedSizeInWords(void* p) { Thread* t = m->rootThread; object o = static_cast(m->heap->follow(maskAlignedPointer(p))); assert(t, not objectFixed(t, o)); unsigned n = baseSize(t, o, static_cast (m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, o)))); if (objectExtended(t, o) or hashTaken(t, o)) { ++ n; } return n; } virtual void copy(void* srcp, void* dstp) { Thread* t = m->rootThread; object src = static_cast(m->heap->follow(maskAlignedPointer(srcp))); assert(t, not objectFixed(t, src)); object class_ = static_cast (m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, src))); unsigned base = baseSize(t, src, class_); unsigned n = extendedSize(t, src, base); object dst = static_cast(dstp); memcpy(dst, src, n * BytesPerWord); if (hashTaken(t, src)) { alias(dst, 0) &= PointerMask; alias(dst, 0) |= ExtendedMark; extendedWord(t, dst, base) = takeHash(t, src); } } virtual void walk(void* p, Heap::Walker* w) { object o = static_cast(m->heap->follow(maskAlignedPointer(p))); ::walk(m->rootThread, w, o, 0); } void dispose() { m->heap->free(this, sizeof(*this)); } private: Machine* m; }; void doCollect(Thread* t, Heap::CollectionType type, int pendingAllocation) { expect(t, not t->m->collecting); t->m->collecting = true; THREAD_RESOURCE0(t, t->m->collecting = false); #ifdef VM_STRESS bool stress = (t->flags & Thread::StressFlag) != 0; if (not stress) atomicOr(&(t->flags), Thread::StressFlag); #endif Machine* m = t->m; m->unsafe = true; m->heap->collect(type, footprint(m->rootThread), pendingAllocation - (t->m->heapPoolIndex * ThreadHeapSizeInWords)); m->unsafe = false; postCollect(m->rootThread); killZombies(t, m->rootThread); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m->heapPoolIndex; ++i) { m->heap->free(m->heapPool[i], ThreadHeapSizeInBytes); } m->heapPoolIndex = 0; if (m->heap->limitExceeded()) { // if we're out of memory, disallow further allocations of fixed // objects: m->fixedFootprint = FixedFootprintThresholdInBytes; } else { m->fixedFootprint = 0; } #ifdef VM_STRESS if (not stress) atomicAnd(&(t->flags), ~Thread::StressFlag); #endif object finalizeQueue = t->m->finalizeQueue; t->m->finalizeQueue = 0; for (; finalizeQueue; finalizeQueue = finalizerNext(t, finalizeQueue)) { void (*function)(Thread*, object); memcpy(&function, &finalizerFinalize(t, finalizeQueue), BytesPerWord); function(t, finalizerTarget(t, finalizeQueue)); } if ((root(t, Machine::ObjectsToFinalize) or root(t, Machine::ObjectsToClean)) and m->finalizeThread == 0 and t->state != Thread::ExitState) { m->finalizeThread = m->processor->makeThread (m, root(t, Machine::FinalizerThread), m->rootThread); addThread(t, m->finalizeThread); if (not startThread(t, m->finalizeThread)) { removeThread(t, m->finalizeThread); m->finalizeThread = 0; } } } uint64_t invokeLoadClass(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments) { object method = reinterpret_cast(arguments[0]); object loader = reinterpret_cast(arguments[1]); object specString = reinterpret_cast(arguments[2]); return reinterpret_cast (t->m->processor->invoke(t, method, loader, specString)); } bool isInitializing(Thread* t, object c) { for (Thread::ClassInitStack* s = t->classInitStack; s; s = s->next) { if (s->class_ == c) { return true; } } return false; } object findInTable(Thread* t, object table, object name, object spec, object& (*getName)(Thread*, object), object& (*getSpec)(Thread*, object)) { if (table) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, table); ++i) { object o = arrayBody(t, table, i); if (vm::strcmp(&byteArrayBody(t, getName(t, o), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0 and vm::strcmp(&byteArrayBody(t, getSpec(t, o), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)) == 0) { return o; } } // fprintf(stderr, "%s %s not in\n", // &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0), // &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)); // for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, table); ++i) { // object o = arrayBody(t, table, i); // fprintf(stderr, "\t%s %s\n", // &byteArrayBody(t, getName(t, o), 0), // &byteArrayBody(t, getSpec(t, o), 0)); // } } return 0; } } // namespace namespace vm { Machine::Machine(System* system, Heap* heap, Finder* bootFinder, Finder* appFinder, Processor* processor, Classpath* classpath, const char** properties, unsigned propertyCount, const char** arguments, unsigned argumentCount, unsigned stackSizeInBytes): vtable(&javaVMVTable), system(system), heapClient(new (heap->allocate(sizeof(HeapClient))) HeapClient(this)), heap(heap), bootFinder(bootFinder), appFinder(appFinder), processor(processor), classpath(classpath), rootThread(0), exclusive(0), finalizeThread(0), jniReferences(0), properties(properties), propertyCount(propertyCount), arguments(arguments), argumentCount(argumentCount), threadCount(0), activeCount(0), liveCount(0), daemonCount(0), fixedFootprint(0), stackSizeInBytes(stackSizeInBytes), localThread(0), stateLock(0), heapLock(0), classLock(0), referenceLock(0), shutdownLock(0), libraries(0), errorLog(0), bootimage(0), types(0), roots(0), finalizers(0), tenuredFinalizers(0), finalizeQueue(0), weakReferences(0), tenuredWeakReferences(0), unsafe(false), collecting(false), triedBuiltinOnLoad(false), dumpedHeapOnOOM(false), alive(true), heapPoolIndex(0) { heap->setClient(heapClient); populateJNITables(&javaVMVTable, &jniEnvVTable); const char* bootstrapProperty = findProperty(this, BOOTSTRAP_PROPERTY); const char* bootstrapPropertyDup = bootstrapProperty ? strdup(bootstrapProperty) : 0; const char* bootstrapPropertyEnd = bootstrapPropertyDup + (bootstrapPropertyDup ? strlen(bootstrapPropertyDup) : 0); char* codeLibraryName = (char*)bootstrapPropertyDup; char* codeLibraryNameEnd = 0; if (codeLibraryName && (codeLibraryNameEnd = strchr(codeLibraryName, system->pathSeparator()))) *codeLibraryNameEnd = 0; if (not system->success(system->make(&localThread)) or not system->success(system->make(&stateLock)) or not system->success(system->make(&heapLock)) or not system->success(system->make(&classLock)) or not system->success(system->make(&referenceLock)) or not system->success(system->make(&shutdownLock)) or not system->success (system->load(&libraries, bootstrapPropertyDup))) { system->abort(); } System::Library* additionalLibrary = 0; while (codeLibraryNameEnd && codeLibraryNameEnd + 1 < bootstrapPropertyEnd) { codeLibraryName = codeLibraryNameEnd + 1; codeLibraryNameEnd = strchr(codeLibraryName, system->pathSeparator()); if (codeLibraryNameEnd) *codeLibraryNameEnd = 0; if (!system->success(system->load(&additionalLibrary, codeLibraryName))) system->abort(); libraries->setNext(additionalLibrary); } if(bootstrapPropertyDup) free((void*)bootstrapPropertyDup); } void Machine::dispose() { localThread->dispose(); stateLock->dispose(); heapLock->dispose(); classLock->dispose(); referenceLock->dispose(); shutdownLock->dispose(); if (libraries) { libraries->disposeAll(); } for (Reference* r = jniReferences; r;) { Reference* tmp = r; r = r->next; heap->free(tmp, sizeof(*tmp)); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < heapPoolIndex; ++i) { heap->free(heapPool[i], ThreadHeapSizeInBytes); } if (bootimage) { heap->free(bootimage, bootimageSize); } heap->free(arguments, sizeof(const char*) * argumentCount); heap->free(properties, sizeof(const char*) * propertyCount); static_cast(heapClient)->dispose(); heap->free(this, sizeof(*this)); } Thread::Thread(Machine* m, object javaThread, Thread* parent): vtable(&(m->jniEnvVTable)), m(m), parent(parent), peer(0), child(0), waitNext(0), state(NoState), criticalLevel(0), systemThread(0), lock(0), javaThread(javaThread), exception(0), heapIndex(0), heapOffset(0), protector(0), classInitStack(0), runnable(this), defaultHeap(static_cast (m->heap->allocate(ThreadHeapSizeInBytes))), heap(defaultHeap), backupHeapIndex(0), flags(ActiveFlag) { } void Thread::init() { memset(defaultHeap, 0, ThreadHeapSizeInBytes); memset(backupHeap, 0, ThreadBackupHeapSizeInBytes); if (parent == 0) { assert(this, m->rootThread == 0); assert(this, javaThread == 0); m->rootThread = this; m->unsafe = true; if (not m->system->success(m->system->attach(&runnable))) { abort(this); } BootImage* image = 0; uint8_t* code = 0; const char* imageFunctionName = findProperty(m, "avian.bootimage"); if (imageFunctionName) { bool lzma = strncmp("lzma:", imageFunctionName, 5) == 0; const char* symbolName = lzma ? imageFunctionName + 5 : imageFunctionName; void* imagep = m->libraries->resolve(symbolName); if (imagep) { uint8_t* (*imageFunction)(unsigned*); memcpy(&imageFunction, &imagep, BytesPerWord); unsigned size; uint8_t* imageBytes = imageFunction(&size); if (lzma) { #ifdef AVIAN_USE_LZMA m->bootimage = image = reinterpret_cast (decodeLZMA (m->system, m->heap, imageBytes, size, &(m->bootimageSize))); #else abort(this); #endif } else { image = reinterpret_cast(imageBytes); } const char* codeFunctionName = findProperty(m, "avian.codeimage"); if (codeFunctionName) { void* codep = m->libraries->resolve(codeFunctionName); if (codep) { uint8_t* (*codeFunction)(unsigned*); memcpy(&codeFunction, &codep, BytesPerWord); code = codeFunction(&size); } } } } m->unsafe = false; enter(this, ActiveState); if (image and code) { m->processor->boot(this, image, code); makeArrayInterfaceTable(this); } else { boot(this); } setRoot(this, Machine::ByteArrayMap, makeWeakHashMap(this, 0, 0)); setRoot(this, Machine::MonitorMap, makeWeakHashMap(this, 0, 0)); setRoot(this, Machine::ClassRuntimeDataTable, makeVector(this, 0, 0)); setRoot(this, Machine::MethodRuntimeDataTable, makeVector(this, 0, 0)); setRoot(this, Machine::JNIMethodTable, makeVector(this, 0, 0)); setRoot(this, Machine::JNIFieldTable, makeVector(this, 0, 0)); m->localThread->set(this); } expect(this, m->system->success(m->system->make(&lock))); } void Thread::exit() { if (state != Thread::ExitState and state != Thread::ZombieState) { enter(this, Thread::ExclusiveState); if (m->liveCount == 1) { turnOffTheLights(this); } else { threadPeer(this, javaThread) = 0; enter(this, Thread::ZombieState); } } } void Thread::dispose() { if (lock) { lock->dispose(); } if (systemThread) { systemThread->dispose(); } -- m->threadCount; m->heap->free(defaultHeap, ThreadHeapSizeInBytes); m->processor->dispose(this); } void shutDown(Thread* t) { ACQUIRE(t, t->m->shutdownLock); object hooks = root(t, Machine::ShutdownHooks); PROTECT(t, hooks); setRoot(t, Machine::ShutdownHooks, 0); t->m->classpath->shutDown(t); object h = hooks; PROTECT(t, h); for (; h; h = pairSecond(t, h)) { startThread(t, pairFirst(t, h)); } // wait for hooks to exit h = hooks; for (; h; h = pairSecond(t, h)) { while (true) { Thread* ht = reinterpret_cast(threadPeer(t, pairFirst(t, h))); { ACQUIRE(t, t->m->stateLock); if (ht == 0 or ht->state == Thread::ZombieState or ht->state == Thread::JoinedState) { break; } else { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); t->m->stateLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } } } } // tell finalize thread to exit and wait for it to do so { ACQUIRE(t, t->m->stateLock); Thread* finalizeThread = t->m->finalizeThread; if (finalizeThread) { t->m->finalizeThread = 0; t->m->stateLock->notifyAll(t->systemThread); while (finalizeThread->state != Thread::ZombieState and finalizeThread->state != Thread::JoinedState) { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); t->m->stateLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } } } // interrupt daemon threads and tell them to die // todo: be more aggressive about killing daemon threads, e.g. at // any GC point, not just at waits/sleeps { ACQUIRE(t, t->m->stateLock); t->m->alive = false; visitAll(t, t->m->rootThread, interruptDaemon); } } void enter(Thread* t, Thread::State s) { stress(t); if (s == t->state) return; if (t->state == Thread::ExitState) { // once in exit state, we stay that way return; } #ifdef USE_ATOMIC_OPERATIONS # define INCREMENT atomicIncrement # define ACQUIRE_LOCK ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->stateLock) # define STORE_LOAD_MEMORY_BARRIER storeLoadMemoryBarrier() #else # define INCREMENT(pointer, value) *(pointer) += value; # define ACQUIRE_LOCK # define STORE_LOAD_MEMORY_BARRIER ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->stateLock); #endif // not USE_ATOMIC_OPERATIONS switch (s) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { ACQUIRE_LOCK; while (t->m->exclusive) { // another thread got here first. ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); t->m->stateLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } switch (t->state) { case Thread::ActiveState: break; case Thread::IdleState: { INCREMENT(&(t->m->activeCount), 1); } break; default: abort(t); } t->state = Thread::ExclusiveState; t->m->exclusive = t; STORE_LOAD_MEMORY_BARRIER; while (t->m->activeCount > 1) { t->m->stateLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } } break; case Thread::IdleState: if (LIKELY(t->state == Thread::ActiveState)) { // fast path assert(t, t->m->activeCount > 0); INCREMENT(&(t->m->activeCount), -1); t->state = s; if (t->m->exclusive) { ACQUIRE_LOCK; t->m->stateLock->notifyAll(t->systemThread); } break; } else { // fall through to slow path } case Thread::ZombieState: { ACQUIRE_LOCK; switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->m->exclusive == t); t->m->exclusive = 0; } break; case Thread::ActiveState: break; default: abort(t); } assert(t, t->m->activeCount > 0); INCREMENT(&(t->m->activeCount), -1); if (s == Thread::ZombieState) { assert(t, t->m->liveCount > 0); -- t->m->liveCount; if (t->flags & Thread::DaemonFlag) { -- t->m->daemonCount; } } t->state = s; t->m->stateLock->notifyAll(t->systemThread); } break; case Thread::ActiveState: if (LIKELY(t->state == Thread::IdleState and t->m->exclusive == 0)) { // fast path INCREMENT(&(t->m->activeCount), 1); t->state = s; if (t->m->exclusive) { // another thread has entered the exclusive state, so we // return to idle and use the slow path to become active enter(t, Thread::IdleState); } else { break; } } { ACQUIRE_LOCK; switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->m->exclusive == t); t->state = s; t->m->exclusive = 0; t->m->stateLock->notifyAll(t->systemThread); } break; case Thread::NoState: case Thread::IdleState: { while (t->m->exclusive) { t->m->stateLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } INCREMENT(&(t->m->activeCount), 1); if (t->state == Thread::NoState) { ++ t->m->liveCount; ++ t->m->threadCount; } t->state = s; } break; default: abort(t); } } break; case Thread::ExitState: { ACQUIRE_LOCK; switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->m->exclusive == t); // exit state should also be exclusive, so don't set exclusive = 0 t->m->stateLock->notifyAll(t->systemThread); } break; case Thread::ActiveState: break; default: abort(t); } assert(t, t->m->activeCount > 0); INCREMENT(&(t->m->activeCount), -1); t->state = s; while (t->m->liveCount - t->m->daemonCount > 1) { t->m->stateLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } } break; default: abort(t); } } object allocate2(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes, bool objectMask) { return allocate3 (t, t->m->heap, ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) > ThreadHeapSizeInWords ? Machine::FixedAllocation : Machine::MovableAllocation, sizeInBytes, objectMask); } object allocate3(Thread* t, Allocator* allocator, Machine::AllocationType type, unsigned sizeInBytes, bool objectMask) { expect(t, t->criticalLevel == 0); if (UNLIKELY(t->flags & Thread::UseBackupHeapFlag)) { expect(t, t->backupHeapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) <= ThreadBackupHeapSizeInWords); object o = reinterpret_cast(t->backupHeap + t->backupHeapIndex); t->backupHeapIndex += ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord); fieldAtOffset(o, 0) = 0; return o; } else if (UNLIKELY(t->flags & Thread::TracingFlag)) { expect(t, t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) <= ThreadHeapSizeInWords); return allocateSmall(t, sizeInBytes); } ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->stateLock); while (t->m->exclusive and t->m->exclusive != t) { // another thread wants to enter the exclusive state, either for a // collection or some other reason. We give it a chance here. ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); while (t->m->exclusive) { t->m->stateLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } } do { switch (type) { case Machine::MovableAllocation: if (t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) > ThreadHeapSizeInWords) { t->heap = 0; if ((not t->m->heap->limitExceeded()) and t->m->heapPoolIndex < ThreadHeapPoolSize) { t->heap = static_cast (t->m->heap->tryAllocate(ThreadHeapSizeInBytes)); if (t->heap) { memset(t->heap, 0, ThreadHeapSizeInBytes); t->m->heapPool[t->m->heapPoolIndex++] = t->heap; t->heapOffset += t->heapIndex; t->heapIndex = 0; } } } break; case Machine::FixedAllocation: if (t->m->fixedFootprint + sizeInBytes > FixedFootprintThresholdInBytes) { t->heap = 0; } break; case Machine::ImmortalAllocation: break; } int pendingAllocation = t->m->heap->fixedFootprint (ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord), objectMask); if (t->heap == 0 or t->m->heap->limitExceeded(pendingAllocation)) { // fprintf(stderr, "gc"); // vmPrintTrace(t); collect(t, Heap::MinorCollection, pendingAllocation); } if (t->m->heap->limitExceeded(pendingAllocation)) { throw_(t, root(t, Machine::OutOfMemoryError)); } } while (type == Machine::MovableAllocation and t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) > ThreadHeapSizeInWords); switch (type) { case Machine::MovableAllocation: { return allocateSmall(t, sizeInBytes); } case Machine::FixedAllocation: { object o = static_cast (t->m->heap->allocateFixed (allocator, ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord), objectMask)); memset(o, 0, sizeInBytes); alias(o, 0) = FixedMark; t->m->fixedFootprint += t->m->heap->fixedFootprint (ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord), objectMask); return o; } case Machine::ImmortalAllocation: { object o = static_cast (t->m->heap->allocateImmortalFixed (allocator, ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord), objectMask)); memset(o, 0, sizeInBytes); alias(o, 0) = FixedMark; return o; } default: abort(t); } } void collect(Thread* t, Heap::CollectionType type, int pendingAllocation) { ENTER(t, Thread::ExclusiveState); unsigned pending = pendingAllocation - (t->m->heapPoolIndex * ThreadHeapSizeInWords); if (t->m->heap->limitExceeded(pending)) { type = Heap::MajorCollection; } doCollect(t, type, pendingAllocation); if (t->m->heap->limitExceeded(pending)) { // try once more, giving the heap a chance to squeeze everything // into the smallest possible space: doCollect(t, Heap::MajorCollection, pendingAllocation); } } object makeNewGeneral(Thread* t, object class_) { assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState); PROTECT(t, class_); object instance = makeNew(t, class_); PROTECT(t, instance); if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & WeakReferenceFlag) { ACQUIRE(t, t->m->referenceLock); jreferenceVmNext(t, instance) = t->m->weakReferences; t->m->weakReferences = instance; } if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & HasFinalizerFlag) { addFinalizer(t, instance, 0); } return instance; } void popResources(Thread* t) { while (t->resource != t->checkpoint->resource) { Thread::Resource* r = t->resource; t->resource = r->next; r->release(); } t->protector = t->checkpoint->protector; } object makeByteArrayV(Thread* t, const char* format, va_list a, int size) { THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, char, buffer, size); int r = vm::vsnprintf(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer), size - 1, format, a); if (r >= 0 and r < size - 1) { object s = makeByteArray(t, strlen(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer)) + 1); memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, s, 0), RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer), byteArrayLength(t, s)); return s; } else { return 0; } } object makeByteArray(Thread* t, const char* format, ...) { int size = 256; while (true) { va_list a; va_start(a, format); object s = makeByteArrayV(t, format, a, size); va_end(a); if (s) { return s; } else { size *= 2; } } } object makeString(Thread* t, const char* format, ...) { int size = 256; while (true) { va_list a; va_start(a, format); object s = makeByteArrayV(t, format, a, size); va_end(a); if (s) { return t->m->classpath->makeString(t, s, 0, byteArrayLength(t, s) - 1); } else { size *= 2; } } } int stringUTFLength(Thread* t, object string, unsigned start, unsigned length) { unsigned result = 0; if (length) { object data = stringData(t, string); if (objectClass(t, data) == type(t, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { result = length; } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { uint16_t c = charArrayBody (t, data, stringOffset(t, string) + start + i); if (c == 0) result += 1; // null char (was 2 bytes in Java) else if (c < 0x80) result += 1; // ASCII char else if (c < 0x800) result += 2; // two-byte char else result += 3; // three-byte char } } } return result; } void stringChars(Thread* t, object string, unsigned start, unsigned length, char* chars) { if (length) { object data = stringData(t, string); if (objectClass(t, data) == type(t, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { memcpy(chars, &byteArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, string) + start), length); } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { chars[i] = charArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, string) + start + i); } } } chars[length] = 0; } void stringChars(Thread* t, object string, unsigned start, unsigned length, uint16_t* chars) { if (length) { object data = stringData(t, string); if (objectClass(t, data) == type(t, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { chars[i] = byteArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, string) + start + i); } } else { memcpy(chars, &charArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, string) + start), length * sizeof(uint16_t)); } } chars[length] = 0; } void stringUTFChars(Thread* t, object string, unsigned start, unsigned length, char* chars, unsigned charsLength UNUSED) { assert(t, static_cast (stringUTFLength(t, string, start, length)) == charsLength); object data = stringData(t, string); if (objectClass(t, data) == type(t, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { memcpy(chars, &byteArrayBody(t, data, stringOffset(t, string) + start), length); chars[length] = 0; } else { int j = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { uint16_t c = charArrayBody (t, data, stringOffset(t, string) + start + i); if(!c) { // null char chars[j++] = 0; } else if (c < 0x80) { // ASCII char chars[j++] = static_cast(c); } else if (c < 0x800) { // two-byte char chars[j++] = static_cast(0x0c0 | (c >> 6)); chars[j++] = static_cast(0x080 | (c & 0x03f)); } else { // three-byte char chars[j++] = static_cast(0x0e0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0f)); chars[j++] = static_cast(0x080 | ((c >> 6) & 0x03f)); chars[j++] = static_cast(0x080 | (c & 0x03f)); } } chars[j] = 0; } } uint64_t resolveBootstrap(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments) { object name = reinterpret_cast(arguments[0]); resolveSystemClass(t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), name); return 1; } bool isAssignableFrom(Thread* t, object a, object b) { assert(t, a); assert(t, b); if (a == b) return true; if (classFlags(t, a) & ACC_INTERFACE) { if (classVmFlags(t, b) & BootstrapFlag) { uintptr_t arguments[] = { reinterpret_cast(className(t, b)) }; if (run(t, resolveBootstrap, arguments) == 0) { t->exception = 0; return false; } } object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, b); if (itable) { unsigned stride = (classFlags(t, b) & ACC_INTERFACE) ? 1 : 2; for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += stride) { if (arrayBody(t, itable, i) == a) { return true; } } } } else if (classArrayDimensions(t, a)) { if (classArrayDimensions(t, b)) { return isAssignableFrom (t, classStaticTable(t, a), classStaticTable(t, b)); } } else if ((classVmFlags(t, a) & PrimitiveFlag) == (classVmFlags(t, b) & PrimitiveFlag)) { for (; b; b = classSuper(t, b)) { if (b == a) { return true; } } } return false; } bool instanceOf(Thread* t, object class_, object o) { if (o == 0) { return false; } else { return isAssignableFrom(t, class_, objectClass(t, o)); } } object classInitializer(Thread* t, object class_) { if (classMethodTable(t, class_)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, classMethodTable(t, class_)); ++i) { object o = arrayBody(t, classMethodTable(t, class_), i); if (methodVmFlags(t, o) & ClassInitFlag) { return o; } } } return 0; } unsigned fieldCode(Thread* t, unsigned javaCode) { switch (javaCode) { case 'B': return ByteField; case 'C': return CharField; case 'D': return DoubleField; case 'F': return FloatField; case 'I': return IntField; case 'J': return LongField; case 'S': return ShortField; case 'V': return VoidField; case 'Z': return BooleanField; case 'L': case '[': return ObjectField; default: abort(t); } } unsigned fieldType(Thread* t, unsigned code) { switch (code) { case VoidField: return VOID_TYPE; case ByteField: case BooleanField: return INT8_TYPE; case CharField: case ShortField: return INT16_TYPE; case DoubleField: return DOUBLE_TYPE; case FloatField: return FLOAT_TYPE; case IntField: return INT32_TYPE; case LongField: return INT64_TYPE; case ObjectField: return POINTER_TYPE; default: abort(t); } } unsigned primitiveSize(Thread* t, unsigned code) { switch (code) { case VoidField: return 0; case ByteField: case BooleanField: return 1; case CharField: case ShortField: return 2; case FloatField: case IntField: return 4; case DoubleField: case LongField: return 8; default: abort(t); } } object parseClass(Thread* t, object loader, const uint8_t* data, unsigned size, Machine::Type throwType) { PROTECT(t, loader); class Client: public Stream::Client { public: Client(Thread* t): t(t) { } virtual void NO_RETURN handleError() { abort(t); } private: Thread* t; } client(t); Stream s(&client, data, size); uint32_t magic = s.read4(); expect(t, magic == 0xCAFEBABE); unsigned minorVer = s.read2(); // minor version unsigned majorVer = s.read2(); // major version if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, "read class (minor %d major %d)\n", minorVer, majorVer); } object pool = parsePool(t, s); PROTECT(t, pool); unsigned flags = s.read2(); unsigned name = s.read2(); object class_ = makeClass(t, flags, 0, // VM flags 0, // fixed size 0, // array size 0, // array dimensions 0, // runtime data index 0, // object mask referenceName (t, singletonObject(t, pool, name - 1)), 0, // source file 0, // super 0, // interfaces 0, // vtable 0, // fields 0, // methods 0, // addendum 0, // static table loader, 0, // source 0);// vtable length PROTECT(t, class_); unsigned super = s.read2(); if (super) { object sc = resolveClass (t, loader, referenceName(t, singletonObject(t, pool, super - 1)), true, throwType); set(t, class_, ClassSuper, sc); classVmFlags(t, class_) |= (classVmFlags(t, sc) & (ReferenceFlag | WeakReferenceFlag | HasFinalizerFlag | NeedInitFlag)); } if(DebugClassReader) { fprintf(stderr, " flags %d name %d super %d\n", flags, name, super); } parseInterfaceTable(t, s, class_, pool, throwType); parseFieldTable(t, s, class_, pool); parseMethodTable(t, s, class_, pool); parseAttributeTable(t, s, class_, pool); object vtable = classVirtualTable(t, class_); unsigned vtableLength = (vtable ? arrayLength(t, vtable) : 0); object real = t->m->processor->makeClass (t, classFlags(t, class_), classVmFlags(t, class_), classFixedSize(t, class_), classArrayElementSize(t, class_), classArrayDimensions(t, class_), classObjectMask(t, class_), className(t, class_), classSourceFile(t, class_), classSuper(t, class_), classInterfaceTable(t, class_), classVirtualTable(t, class_), classFieldTable(t, class_), classMethodTable(t, class_), classAddendum(t, class_), classStaticTable(t, class_), classLoader(t, class_), vtableLength); PROTECT(t, real); t->m->processor->initVtable(t, real); updateClassTables(t, real, class_); if (root(t, Machine::PoolMap)) { object bootstrapClass = hashMapFind (t, root(t, Machine::BootstrapClassMap), className(t, class_), byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); hashMapInsert (t, root(t, Machine::PoolMap), bootstrapClass ? bootstrapClass : real, pool, objectHash); } return real; } uint64_t runParseClass(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments) { object loader = reinterpret_cast(arguments[0]); System::Region* region = reinterpret_cast(arguments[1]); Machine::Type throwType = static_cast(arguments[2]); return reinterpret_cast (parseClass(t, loader, region->start(), region->length(), throwType)); } object resolveSystemClass(Thread* t, object loader, object spec, bool throw_, Machine::Type throwType) { PROTECT(t, loader); PROTECT(t, spec); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock); object class_ = hashMapFind (t, classLoaderMap(t, loader), spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); if (class_ == 0) { PROTECT(t, class_); if (classLoaderParent(t, loader)) { class_ = resolveSystemClass (t, classLoaderParent(t, loader), spec, false); if (class_) { return class_; } } if (byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0) == '[') { class_ = resolveArrayClass(t, loader, spec, throw_, throwType); } else { THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, char, file, byteArrayLength(t, spec) + 6); memcpy(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(file), &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0), byteArrayLength(t, spec) - 1); memcpy(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(file) + byteArrayLength(t, spec) - 1, ".class", 7); System::Region* region = static_cast (systemClassLoaderFinder(t, loader))->find (RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(file)); if (region) { if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "parsing %s\n", &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)); } { THREAD_RESOURCE(t, System::Region*, region, region->dispose()); uintptr_t arguments[] = { reinterpret_cast(loader), reinterpret_cast(region), static_cast(throwType) }; // parse class file class_ = reinterpret_cast (runRaw(t, runParseClass, arguments)); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) { if (throw_) { object e = t->exception; t->exception = 0; vm::throw_(t, e); } else { t->exception = 0; return 0; } } } if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "done parsing %s: %p\n", &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0), class_); } { const char* source = static_cast (systemClassLoaderFinder(t, loader))->sourceUrl (RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(file)); if (source) { unsigned length = strlen(source); object array = makeByteArray(t, length + 1); memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, array, 0), source, length); array = internByteArray(t, array); set(t, class_, ClassSource, array); } } object bootstrapClass = hashMapFind (t, root(t, Machine::BootstrapClassMap), spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); if (bootstrapClass) { PROTECT(t, bootstrapClass); updateBootstrapClass(t, bootstrapClass, class_); class_ = bootstrapClass; } } } if (class_) { hashMapInsert(t, classLoaderMap(t, loader), spec, class_, byteArrayHash); t->m->classpath->updatePackageMap(t, class_); } else if (throw_) { throwNew(t, throwType, "%s", &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)); } } return class_; } object findLoadedClass(Thread* t, object loader, object spec) { PROTECT(t, loader); PROTECT(t, spec); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock); return classLoaderMap(t, loader) ? hashMapFind (t, classLoaderMap(t, loader), spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual) : 0; } object resolveClass(Thread* t, object loader, object spec, bool throw_, Machine::Type throwType) { if (objectClass(t, loader) == type(t, Machine::SystemClassLoaderType)) { return resolveSystemClass(t, loader, spec, throw_, throwType); } else { PROTECT(t, loader); PROTECT(t, spec); object c = findLoadedClass(t, loader, spec); if (c) { return c; } if (byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0) == '[') { c = resolveArrayClass(t, loader, spec, throw_, throwType); } else { if (root(t, Machine::LoadClassMethod) == 0) { object m = resolveMethod (t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), "java/lang/ClassLoader", "loadClass", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;"); if (m) { setRoot(t, Machine::LoadClassMethod, m); object classLoaderClass = type(t, Machine::ClassLoaderType); if (classVmFlags(t, classLoaderClass) & BootstrapFlag) { resolveSystemClass (t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), vm::className(t, classLoaderClass)); } } } object method = findVirtualMethod (t, root(t, Machine::LoadClassMethod), objectClass(t, loader)); PROTECT(t, method); THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, char, s, byteArrayLength(t, spec)); replace('/', '.', RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(s), reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0))); object specString = makeString(t, "%s", RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(s)); PROTECT(t, specString); uintptr_t arguments[] = { reinterpret_cast(method), reinterpret_cast(loader), reinterpret_cast(specString) }; object jc = reinterpret_cast (runRaw(t, invokeLoadClass, arguments)); if (LIKELY(jc)) { c = jclassVmClass(t, jc); } else if (t->exception) { if (throw_) { object e = type(t, throwType) == objectClass(t, t->exception) ? t->exception : makeThrowable(t, throwType, specString, 0, t->exception); t->exception = 0; vm::throw_(t, e); } else { t->exception = 0; } } } if (LIKELY(c)) { PROTECT(t, c); saveLoadedClass(t, loader, c); } else if (throw_) { throwNew(t, throwType, "%s", &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)); } return c; } } object resolveMethod(Thread* t, object class_, const char* methodName, const char* methodSpec) { PROTECT(t, class_); object name = makeByteArray(t, methodName); PROTECT(t, name); object spec = makeByteArray(t, methodSpec); object method = findMethodInClass(t, class_, name, spec); if (method == 0) { throwNew(t, Machine::NoSuchMethodErrorType, "%s %s not found in %s", methodName, methodSpec, &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, class_), 0)); } else { return method; } } object resolveField(Thread* t, object class_, const char* fieldName, const char* fieldSpec) { PROTECT(t, class_); object name = makeByteArray(t, fieldName); PROTECT(t, name); object spec = makeByteArray(t, fieldSpec); PROTECT(t, spec); object field = findInInterfaces(t, class_, name, spec, findFieldInClass); object c = class_; PROTECT(t, c); for (; c != 0 and field == 0; c = classSuper(t, c)) { field = findFieldInClass(t, c, name, spec); } if (field == 0) { throwNew(t, Machine::NoSuchFieldErrorType, "%s %s not found in %s", fieldName, fieldSpec, &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, class_), 0)); } else { return field; } } bool classNeedsInit(Thread* t, object c) { if (classVmFlags(t, c) & NeedInitFlag) { if (classVmFlags(t, c) & InitFlag) { // the class is currently being initialized. If this the thread // which is initializing it, we should not try to initialize it // recursively. Otherwise, we must wait for the responsible // thread to finish. for (Thread::ClassInitStack* s = t->classInitStack; s; s = s->next) { if (s->class_ == c) { return false; } } } return true; } else { return false; } } bool preInitClass(Thread* t, object c) { int flags = classVmFlags(t, c); loadMemoryBarrier(); if (flags & NeedInitFlag) { PROTECT(t, c); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock); if (classVmFlags(t, c) & NeedInitFlag) { if (classVmFlags(t, c) & InitFlag) { // If the class is currently being initialized and this the thread // which is initializing it, we should not try to initialize it // recursively. if (isInitializing(t, c)) { return false; } // some other thread is on the job - wait for it to finish. while (classVmFlags(t, c) & InitFlag) { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); t->m->classLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } } else if (classVmFlags(t, c) & InitErrorFlag) { throwNew(t, Machine::NoClassDefFoundErrorType, "%s", &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, c), 0)); } else { classVmFlags(t, c) |= InitFlag; return true; } } } return false; } void postInitClass(Thread* t, object c) { PROTECT(t, c); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock); if (t->exception) { classVmFlags(t, c) |= NeedInitFlag | InitErrorFlag; classVmFlags(t, c) &= ~InitFlag; object exception = t->exception; t->exception = 0; throwNew(t, Machine::ExceptionInInitializerErrorType, static_cast(0), 0, exception); } else { classVmFlags(t, c) &= ~(NeedInitFlag | InitFlag); } t->m->classLock->notifyAll(t->systemThread); } void initClass(Thread* t, object c) { PROTECT(t, c); object super = classSuper(t, c); if (super) { initClass(t, super); } if (preInitClass(t, c)) { OBJECT_RESOURCE(t, c, postInitClass(t, c)); object initializer = classInitializer(t, c); if (initializer) { Thread::ClassInitStack stack(t, c); t->m->processor->invoke(t, initializer, 0); } } } object resolveObjectArrayClass(Thread* t, object loader, object elementClass) { PROTECT(t, loader); PROTECT(t, elementClass); { object arrayClass = classRuntimeDataArrayClass (t, getClassRuntimeData(t, elementClass)); if (arrayClass) { return arrayClass; } } object elementSpec = className(t, elementClass); PROTECT(t, elementSpec); object spec; if (byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 0) == '[') { spec = makeByteArray(t, byteArrayLength(t, elementSpec) + 1); byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0) = '['; memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, spec, 1), &byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 0), byteArrayLength(t, elementSpec)); } else { spec = makeByteArray(t, byteArrayLength(t, elementSpec) + 3); byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0) = '['; byteArrayBody(t, spec, 1) = 'L'; memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, spec, 2), &byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 0), byteArrayLength(t, elementSpec) - 1); byteArrayBody(t, spec, byteArrayLength(t, elementSpec) + 1) = ';'; byteArrayBody(t, spec, byteArrayLength(t, elementSpec) + 2) = 0; } object arrayClass = resolveClass(t, loader, spec); set(t, getClassRuntimeData(t, elementClass), ClassRuntimeDataArrayClass, arrayClass); return arrayClass; } object makeObjectArray(Thread* t, object elementClass, unsigned count) { object arrayClass = resolveObjectArrayClass (t, classLoader(t, elementClass), elementClass); PROTECT(t, arrayClass); object array = makeArray(t, count); setObjectClass(t, array, arrayClass); return array; } object findFieldInClass(Thread* t, object class_, object name, object spec) { return findInTable (t, classFieldTable(t, class_), name, spec, fieldName, fieldSpec); } object findMethodInClass(Thread* t, object class_, object name, object spec) { return findInTable (t, classMethodTable(t, class_), name, spec, methodName, methodSpec); } object findInHierarchyOrNull(Thread* t, object class_, object name, object spec, object (*find)(Thread*, object, object, object)) { object originalClass = class_; object o = 0; if ((classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) and classVirtualTable(t, class_)) { o = findInTable (t, classVirtualTable(t, class_), name, spec, methodName, methodSpec); } if (o == 0) { for (; o == 0 and class_; class_ = classSuper(t, class_)) { o = find(t, class_, name, spec); } if (o == 0 and find == findFieldInClass) { o = findInInterfaces(t, originalClass, name, spec, find); } } return o; } unsigned parameterFootprint(Thread* t, const char* s, bool static_) { unsigned footprint = 0; for (MethodSpecIterator it(t, s); it.hasNext();) { switch (*it.next()) { case 'J': case 'D': footprint += 2; break; default: ++ footprint; break; } } if (not static_) { ++ footprint; } return footprint; } void addFinalizer(Thread* t, object target, void (*finalize)(Thread*, object)) { PROTECT(t, target); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->referenceLock); void* function; memcpy(&function, &finalize, BytesPerWord); object f = makeFinalizer(t, 0, function, 0, 0, 0); finalizerTarget(t, f) = target; finalizerNext(t, f) = t->m->finalizers; t->m->finalizers = f; } object objectMonitor(Thread* t, object o, bool createNew) { assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState); object m = hashMapFind (t, root(t, Machine::MonitorMap), o, objectHash, objectEqual); if (m) { if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "found monitor %p for object %x\n", m, objectHash(t, o)); } return m; } else if (createNew) { PROTECT(t, o); PROTECT(t, m); { ENTER(t, Thread::ExclusiveState); m = hashMapFind (t, root(t, Machine::MonitorMap), o, objectHash, objectEqual); if (m) { if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "found monitor %p for object %x\n", m, objectHash(t, o)); } return m; } object head = makeMonitorNode(t, 0, 0); m = makeMonitor(t, 0, 0, 0, head, head, 0); if (DebugMonitors) { fprintf(stderr, "made monitor %p for object %x\n", m, objectHash(t, o)); } hashMapInsert(t, root(t, Machine::MonitorMap), o, m, objectHash); addFinalizer(t, o, removeMonitor); } return m; } else { return 0; } } object intern(Thread* t, object s) { PROTECT(t, s); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->referenceLock); object n = hashMapFindNode (t, root(t, Machine::StringMap), s, stringHash, stringEqual); if (n) { return jreferenceTarget(t, tripleFirst(t, n)); } else { hashMapInsert(t, root(t, Machine::StringMap), s, 0, stringHash); addFinalizer(t, s, removeString); return s; } } void walk(Thread* t, Heap::Walker* w, object o, unsigned start) { object class_ = static_cast(t->m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, o))); object objectMask = static_cast (t->m->heap->follow(classObjectMask(t, class_))); bool more = true; if (objectMask) { unsigned fixedSize = classFixedSize(t, class_); unsigned arrayElementSize = classArrayElementSize(t, class_); unsigned arrayLength = (arrayElementSize ? fieldAtOffset(o, fixedSize - BytesPerWord) : 0); THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, uint32_t, mask, intArrayLength(t, objectMask)); memcpy(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(mask), &intArrayBody(t, objectMask, 0), intArrayLength(t, objectMask) * 4); more = ::walk(t, w, RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(mask), fixedSize, arrayElementSize, arrayLength, start); } else if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & SingletonFlag) { unsigned length = singletonLength(t, o); if (length) { more = ::walk(t, w, singletonMask(t, o), (singletonCount(t, o) + 2) * BytesPerWord, 0, 0, start); } else if (start == 0) { more = w->visit(0); } } else if (start == 0) { more = w->visit(0); } if (more and classVmFlags(t, class_) & ContinuationFlag) { t->m->processor->walkContinuationBody(t, w, o, start); } } int walkNext(Thread* t, object o, int previous) { class Walker: public Heap::Walker { public: Walker(): value(-1) { } bool visit(unsigned offset) { value = offset; return false; } int value; } walker; walk(t, &walker, o, previous + 1); return walker.value; } void visitRoots(Machine* m, Heap::Visitor* v) { v->visit(&(m->types)); v->visit(&(m->roots)); for (Thread* t = m->rootThread; t; t = t->peer) { ::visitRoots(t, v); } for (Reference* r = m->jniReferences; r; r = r->next) { if (not r->weak) { v->visit(&(r->target)); } } } void logTrace(FILE* f, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, fmt); #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS const unsigned length = _vscprintf(fmt, a); #else const unsigned length = vsnprintf(0, 0, fmt, a); #endif va_end(a); RUNTIME_ARRAY(char, buffer, length + 1); va_start(a, fmt); vsnprintf(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer), length + 1, fmt, a); va_end(a); RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer)[length] = 0; ::fprintf(f, "%s", RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer)); #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS ::OutputDebugStringA(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(buffer)); #endif } void printTrace(Thread* t, object exception) { if (exception == 0) { exception = makeThrowable(t, Machine::NullPointerExceptionType); } for (object e = exception; e; e = throwableCause(t, e)) { if (e != exception) { logTrace(errorLog(t), "caused by: "); } logTrace(errorLog(t), "%s", &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, objectClass(t, e)), 0)); if (throwableMessage(t, e)) { object m = throwableMessage(t, e); THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, char, message, stringLength(t, m) + 1); stringChars(t, m, RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(message)); logTrace(errorLog(t), ": %s\n", RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(message)); } else { logTrace(errorLog(t), "\n"); } object trace = throwableTrace(t, e); if (trace) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < objectArrayLength(t, trace); ++i) { object e = objectArrayBody(t, trace, i); const int8_t* class_ = &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, methodClass(t, traceElementMethod(t, e))), 0); const int8_t* method = &byteArrayBody (t, methodName(t, traceElementMethod(t, e)), 0); int line = t->m->processor->lineNumber (t, traceElementMethod(t, e), traceElementIp(t, e)); logTrace(errorLog(t), " at %s.%s ", class_, method); switch (line) { case NativeLine: logTrace(errorLog(t), "(native)\n"); break; case UnknownLine: logTrace(errorLog(t), "(unknown line)\n"); break; default: logTrace(errorLog(t), "(line %d)\n", line); } } } if (e == throwableCause(t, e)) { break; } } ::fflush(errorLog(t)); } object makeTrace(Thread* t, Processor::StackWalker* walker) { class Visitor: public Processor::StackVisitor { public: Visitor(Thread* t): t(t), trace(0), index(0), protector(t, &trace) { } virtual bool visit(Processor::StackWalker* walker) { if (trace == 0) { trace = makeObjectArray(t, walker->count()); assert(t, trace); } object e = makeTraceElement(t, walker->method(), walker->ip()); assert(t, index < objectArrayLength(t, trace)); set(t, trace, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), e); ++ index; return true; } Thread* t; object trace; unsigned index; Thread::SingleProtector protector; } v(t); walker->walk(&v); return v.trace ? v.trace : makeObjectArray(t, 0); } object makeTrace(Thread* t, Thread* target) { class Visitor: public Processor::StackVisitor { public: Visitor(Thread* t): t(t), trace(0) { } virtual bool visit(Processor::StackWalker* walker) { trace = vm::makeTrace(t, walker); return false; } Thread* t; object trace; } v(t); t->m->processor->walkStack(target, &v); return v.trace ? v.trace : makeObjectArray(t, 0); } void runFinalizeThread(Thread* t) { object finalizeList = 0; PROTECT(t, finalizeList); object cleanList = 0; PROTECT(t, cleanList); while (true) { { ACQUIRE(t, t->m->stateLock); while (t->m->finalizeThread and root(t, Machine::ObjectsToFinalize) == 0 and root(t, Machine::ObjectsToClean) == 0) { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); t->m->stateLock->wait(t->systemThread, 0); } if (t->m->finalizeThread == 0) { return; } else { finalizeList = root(t, Machine::ObjectsToFinalize); setRoot(t, Machine::ObjectsToFinalize, 0); cleanList = root(t, Machine::ObjectsToClean); setRoot(t, Machine::ObjectsToClean, 0); } } for (; finalizeList; finalizeList = finalizerQueueNext(t, finalizeList)) { finalizeObject(t, finalizerQueueTarget(t, finalizeList), "finalize"); } for (; cleanList; cleanList = cleanerQueueNext(t, cleanList)) { finalizeObject(t, cleanList, "clean"); } } } object parseUtf8(Thread* t, const char* data, unsigned length) { class Client: public Stream::Client { public: Client(Thread* t): t(t) { } virtual void handleError() { // vm::abort(t); } private: Thread* t; } client(t); Stream s(&client, reinterpret_cast(data), length); return ::parseUtf8(t, s, length); } object parseUtf8(Thread* t, object array) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < byteArrayLength(t, array) - 1; ++i) { if (byteArrayBody(t, array, i) & 0x80) { goto slow_path; } } return array; slow_path: class Client: public Stream::Client { public: Client(Thread* t): t(t) { } virtual void handleError() { // vm::abort(t); } private: Thread* t; } client(t); class MyStream: public AbstractStream { public: class MyProtector: public Thread::Protector { public: MyProtector(Thread* t, MyStream* s): Protector(t), s(s) { } virtual void visit(Heap::Visitor* v) { v->visit(&(s->array)); } MyStream* s; }; MyStream(Thread* t, Client* client, object array): AbstractStream(client, byteArrayLength(t, array) - 1), array(array), protector(t, this) { } virtual void copy(uint8_t* dst, unsigned offset, unsigned size) { memcpy(dst, &byteArrayBody(protector.t, array, offset), size); } object array; MyProtector protector; } s(t, &client, array); return ::parseUtf8(t, s, byteArrayLength(t, array) - 1); } object getCaller(Thread* t, unsigned target, bool skipMethodInvoke) { class Visitor: public Processor::StackVisitor { public: Visitor(Thread* t, unsigned target, bool skipMethodInvoke): t(t), method(0), count(0), target(target), skipMethodInvoke(skipMethodInvoke) { } virtual bool visit(Processor::StackWalker* walker) { if (skipMethodInvoke and methodClass (t, walker->method()) == type(t, Machine::JmethodType) and strcmp (&byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, walker->method()), 0), reinterpret_cast("invoke")) == 0) { return true; } if (count == target) { method = walker->method(); return false; } else { ++ count; return true; } } Thread* t; object method; unsigned count; unsigned target; bool skipMethodInvoke; } v(t, target, skipMethodInvoke); t->m->processor->walkStack(t, &v); return v.method; } object defineClass(Thread* t, object loader, const uint8_t* buffer, unsigned length) { PROTECT(t, loader); object c = parseClass(t, loader, buffer, length); // char name[byteArrayLength(t, className(t, c))]; // memcpy(name, &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, c), 0), // byteArrayLength(t, className(t, c))); // replace('/', '-', name); // const unsigned BufferSize = 1024; // char path[BufferSize]; // snprintf(path, BufferSize, "/tmp/avian-define-class/%s.class", name); // FILE* file = fopen(path, "wb"); // if (file) { // fwrite(buffer, length, 1, file); // fclose(file); // } PROTECT(t, c); saveLoadedClass(t, loader, c); return c; } void populateMultiArray(Thread* t, object array, int32_t* counts, unsigned index, unsigned dimensions) { if (index + 1 == dimensions or counts[index] == 0) { return; } PROTECT(t, array); object spec = className(t, objectClass(t, array)); PROTECT(t, spec); object elementSpec = makeByteArray(t, byteArrayLength(t, spec) - 1); memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 1), byteArrayLength(t, spec) - 1); object class_ = resolveClass (t, classLoader(t, objectClass(t, array)), elementSpec); PROTECT(t, class_); for (int32_t i = 0; i < counts[index]; ++i) { object a = makeArray (t, ceilingDivide (counts[index + 1] * classArrayElementSize(t, class_), BytesPerWord)); arrayLength(t, a) = counts[index + 1]; setObjectClass(t, a, class_); set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), a); populateMultiArray(t, a, counts, index + 1, dimensions); } } void noop() { } #include "type-constructors.cpp" } // namespace vm // for debugging JNIEXPORT void vmfPrintTrace(Thread* t, FILE* out) { class Visitor: public Processor::StackVisitor { public: Visitor(Thread* t, FILE* out): t(t), out(out) { } virtual bool visit(Processor::StackWalker* walker) { const int8_t* class_ = &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, methodClass(t, walker->method())), 0); const int8_t* method = &byteArrayBody (t, methodName(t, walker->method()), 0); int line = t->m->processor->lineNumber (t, walker->method(), walker->ip()); fprintf(out, " at %s.%s ", class_, method); switch (line) { case NativeLine: fprintf(out, "(native)\n"); break; case UnknownLine: fprintf(out, "(unknown line)\n"); break; default: fprintf(out, "(line %d)\n", line); } return true; } Thread* t; FILE* out; } v(t, out); fprintf(out, "debug trace for thread %p\n", t); t->m->processor->walkStack(t, &v); fflush(out); } JNIEXPORT void vmPrintTrace(Thread* t) { vmfPrintTrace(t, stderr); } // also for debugging JNIEXPORT void* vmAddressFromLine(Thread* t, object m, unsigned line) { object code = methodCode(t, m); printf("code: %p\n", code); object lnt = codeLineNumberTable(t, code); printf("lnt: %p\n", lnt); if (lnt) { unsigned last = 0; unsigned bottom = 0; unsigned top = lineNumberTableLength(t, lnt); for(unsigned i = bottom; i < top; i++) { uint64_t ln = lineNumberTableBody(t, lnt, i); if(lineNumberLine(ln) == line) return reinterpret_cast(lineNumberIp(ln)); else if(lineNumberLine(ln) > line) return reinterpret_cast(last); last = lineNumberIp(ln); } } return 0; }