/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include "sgx_tkey_exchange.h" #include "sgx_trts.h" #include "sgx_utils.h" #include "ecp_interface.h" #include "util.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "sgx_spinlock.h" #include "sgx_tkey_exchange_t.h" #include "simple_vector.h" #include "se_cdefs.h" // Add a version to tkey_exchange. SGX_ACCESS_VERSION(tkey_exchange, 1) #define ERROR_BREAK(sgx_status) if(SGX_SUCCESS!=sgx_status){break;} #define SAFE_FREE(ptr) {if (NULL != (ptr)) {free(ptr); (ptr)=NULL;}} #pragma pack(push, 1) // any call to sgx_ra_init will reset the input pubkey related ra_db_item_t.ra_state to ra_inited // only sgx_ra_get_ga can change ra_inited to ra_get_gaed // only sgx_ra_proc_msg2_trusted can change ra_get_gaed to ra_proc_msg2ed // sgx_ra_get_msg3_trusted and sgx_ra_get_keys will check ra_state whether to be ra_proc_msg2ed typedef enum _ra_state { ra_inited= 0, ra_get_gaed, ra_proc_msg2ed }ra_state; typedef struct _ra_db_item_t { sgx_ec256_public_t g_a; sgx_ec256_public_t g_b; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t vk_key; sgx_ec256_public_t sp_pubkey; sgx_ec256_private_t a; sgx_ps_sec_prop_desc_t ps_sec_prop; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t mk_key; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t sk_key; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t smk_key; sgx_quote_nonce_t quote_nonce; //to verify quote report data sgx_target_info_t qe_target; //to verify quote report ra_state state; sgx_spinlock_t item_lock; }ra_db_item_t; #pragma pack(pop) static simple_vector g_ra_db = {0, 0, NULL}; static sgx_spinlock_t g_ra_db_lock; extern "C" sgx_status_t sgx_ra_get_ga( sgx_ra_context_t context, sgx_ec256_public_t *g_a) { sgx_status_t se_ret; if(vector_size(&g_ra_db) <= context||!g_a) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ra_db_item_t* item = NULL; if(0 != vector_get(&g_ra_db, context, reinterpret_cast(&item)) || item == NULL ) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_state = NULL; sgx_ec256_public_t pub_key; sgx_ec256_private_t priv_key; memset(&pub_key, 0, sizeof(pub_key)); memset(&priv_key, 0, sizeof(priv_key)); sgx_spin_lock(&item->item_lock); do { //sgx_ra_init must have been called if (item->state != ra_inited) { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; break; } // ecc_state should be closed when exit. se_ret = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&ecc_state); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = sgx_ecc256_create_key_pair(&priv_key, &pub_key, ecc_state); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } memcpy(&item->a, &priv_key, sizeof(item->a)); memcpy(&item->g_a, &pub_key, sizeof(item->g_a)); memcpy(g_a, &pub_key, sizeof(sgx_ec256_public_t)); item->state = ra_get_gaed; //clear local private key to defense in depth memset_s(&priv_key,sizeof(priv_key),0,sizeof(sgx_ec256_private_t)); }while(0); sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); if(ecc_state!=NULL) sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return se_ret; } extern "C" sgx_status_t sgx_ra_proc_msg2_trusted( sgx_ra_context_t context, const sgx_ra_msg2_t *p_msg2, //(g_b||spid||quote_type|| KDF_ID ||sign_gb_ga||cmac||sig_rl_size||sig_rl) const sgx_target_info_t *p_qe_target, sgx_report_t *p_report, sgx_quote_nonce_t* p_nonce) { sgx_status_t se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; //p_msg2[in] p_qe_target[in] p_report[out] p_nonce[out] in EDL file if(vector_size(&g_ra_db) <= context || !p_msg2 || !p_qe_target || !p_report || !p_nonce) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ra_db_item_t* item = NULL; if(0 != vector_get(&g_ra_db, context, reinterpret_cast(&item)) || item == NULL ) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; sgx_ec256_private_t a; memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a)); // Create gb_ga sgx_ec256_public_t gb_ga[2]; sgx_ec256_public_t sp_pubkey; memset(&gb_ga[0], 0, sizeof(gb_ga)); sgx_spin_lock(&item->item_lock); //sgx_ra_get_ga must have been called if (item->state != ra_get_gaed) { sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; } memcpy(&a, &item->a, sizeof(a)); memcpy(&gb_ga[1], &item->g_a, sizeof(gb_ga[1])); memcpy(&sp_pubkey, &item->sp_pubkey, sizeof(sp_pubkey)); sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); memcpy(&gb_ga[0], &p_msg2->g_b, sizeof(gb_ga[0])); sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_state = NULL; // ecc_state need to be freed when exit. se_ret = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&ecc_state); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return se_ret; } sgx_ec256_dh_shared_t dh_key; memset(&dh_key, 0, sizeof(dh_key)); sgx_ec256_public_t* p_msg2_g_b = const_cast(&p_msg2->g_b); se_ret = sgx_ecc256_compute_shared_dhkey(&a, (sgx_ec256_public_t*)p_msg2_g_b, (sgx_ec256_dh_shared_t*)&dh_key, ecc_state); if(SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if (SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return se_ret; } // Verify signature of gb_ga uint8_t result; sgx_ec256_signature_t* p_msg2_sign_gb_ga = const_cast(&p_msg2->sign_gb_ga); se_ret = sgx_ecdsa_verify((uint8_t *)&gb_ga, sizeof(gb_ga), &sp_pubkey, p_msg2_sign_gb_ga, &result, ecc_state); if(SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if (SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return se_ret; } if(SGX_EC_VALID != result) { sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE; } sgx_ec_key_128bit_t smkey = {0}; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t skey = {0}; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t mkey = {0}; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t vkey = {0}; do { if (p_msg2->kdf_id == 0x0001) { se_ret = derive_key(&dh_key, "SMK", (uint32_t)(sizeof("SMK") -1), &smkey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } sgx_cmac_128bit_tag_t mac; uint32_t maced_size = offsetof(sgx_ra_msg2_t, mac); se_ret = sgx_rijndael128_cmac_msg(&smkey, (const uint8_t *)p_msg2, maced_size, &mac); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } //Check mac if(0 == consttime_memequal(mac, p_msg2->mac, sizeof(mac))) { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH; break; } se_ret = derive_key((sgx_ec256_dh_shared_t*)&dh_key, "SK", (uint32_t )(sizeof("SK") -1), &skey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = derive_key((sgx_ec256_dh_shared_t*)&dh_key, "MK", (uint32_t)(sizeof("MK") -1), &mkey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = derive_key((sgx_ec256_dh_shared_t*)&dh_key, "VK", (uint32_t)(sizeof("VK") -1), &vkey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) break; } } else { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_KDF_MISMATCH; break; } //create a random nonce se_ret =sgx_read_rand((uint8_t*)p_nonce, sizeof(sgx_quote_nonce_t)); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } sgx_spin_lock(&item->item_lock); //sgx_ra_get_ga must have been called if (item->state != ra_get_gaed) { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); break; } memcpy(&item->g_b, &p_msg2->g_b, sizeof(item->g_b)); memcpy(&item->smk_key, smkey, sizeof(item->smk_key)); memcpy(&item->sk_key, skey, sizeof(item->sk_key)); memcpy(&item->mk_key, mkey, sizeof(item->mk_key)); memcpy(&item->vk_key, vkey, sizeof(item->vk_key)); memcpy(&item->qe_target, p_qe_target, sizeof(sgx_target_info_t)); memcpy(&item->quote_nonce, p_nonce, sizeof(sgx_quote_nonce_t)); sgx_report_data_t report_data = {{0}}; se_static_assert(sizeof(sgx_report_data_t)>=sizeof(sgx_sha256_hash_t)); // H = SHA256(ga || gb || VK_CMAC) uint32_t sha256ed_size = offsetof(ra_db_item_t, sp_pubkey); //report_data is 512bits, H is 256bits. The H is in the lower 256 bits of report data while the higher 256 bits are all zeros. se_ret = sgx_sha256_msg((uint8_t *)&item->g_a, sha256ed_size, (sgx_sha256_hash_t *)&report_data); if(SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if (SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); break; } //REPORTDATA = H se_ret = sgx_create_report(p_qe_target, &report_data, p_report); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); break; } item->state = ra_proc_msg2ed; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); }while(0); memset_s(&dh_key, sizeof(dh_key), 0, sizeof(dh_key)); sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); memset_s(&a, sizeof(sgx_ec256_private_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec256_private_t)); memset_s(smkey, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(skey, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(mkey, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(vkey, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); return se_ret; } /* the caller is supposed to fill the quote field in emp_msg3 before calling * this function.*/ extern "C" sgx_status_t sgx_ra_get_msg3_trusted( sgx_ra_context_t context, uint32_t quote_size, sgx_report_t* qe_report, sgx_ra_msg3_t *emp_msg3, //(mac||g_a||ps_sec_prop||quote) uint32_t msg3_size) { if(vector_size(&g_ra_db) <= context ||!quote_size || !qe_report || !emp_msg3) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ra_db_item_t* item = NULL; if(0 != vector_get(&g_ra_db, context, reinterpret_cast(&item)) || item == NULL ) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; //check integer overflow of msg3_size and quote_size if (UINTPTR_MAX - reinterpret_cast(emp_msg3) < msg3_size || UINT32_MAX - quote_size < sizeof(sgx_ra_msg3_t) || sizeof(sgx_ra_msg3_t) + quote_size != msg3_size) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!sgx_is_outside_enclave(emp_msg3, msg3_size)) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; sgx_status_t se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; //verify qe report se_ret = sgx_verify_report(qe_report); if(se_ret != SGX_SUCCESS) { if (SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH != se_ret && SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return se_ret; } sgx_spin_lock(&item->item_lock); //sgx_ra_proc_msg2_trusted must have been called if (item->state != ra_proc_msg2ed) { sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; } //verify qe_report attributes and mr_enclave same as quoting enclave if( memcmp( &qe_report->body.attributes, &item->qe_target.attributes, sizeof(sgx_attributes_t)) || memcmp( &qe_report->body.mr_enclave, &item->qe_target.mr_enclave, sizeof(sgx_measurement_t)) ) { sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } sgx_ra_msg3_t msg3_except_quote_in; sgx_cmac_128bit_key_t smk_key; memcpy(&msg3_except_quote_in.g_a, &item->g_a, sizeof(msg3_except_quote_in.g_a)); memcpy(&msg3_except_quote_in.ps_sec_prop, &item->ps_sec_prop, sizeof(msg3_except_quote_in.ps_sec_prop)); memcpy(&smk_key, &item->smk_key, sizeof(smk_key)); sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); sgx_sha_state_handle_t sha_handle = NULL; sgx_cmac_state_handle_t cmac_handle = NULL; //SHA256(NONCE || emp_quote) sgx_sha256_hash_t hash = {0}; se_ret = sgx_sha256_init(&sha_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return se_ret; } if (NULL == sha_handle) { return SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } do { se_ret = sgx_sha256_update((uint8_t *)&item->quote_nonce, sizeof(item->quote_nonce), sha_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } //cmac M := ga || PS_SEC_PROP_DESC(all zero if unused) ||emp_quote sgx_cmac_128bit_tag_t mac; se_ret = sgx_cmac128_init(&smk_key, &cmac_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } if (NULL == cmac_handle) { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = sgx_cmac128_update((uint8_t*)&msg3_except_quote_in.g_a, sizeof(msg3_except_quote_in.g_a), cmac_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = sgx_cmac128_update((uint8_t*)&msg3_except_quote_in.ps_sec_prop, sizeof(msg3_except_quote_in.ps_sec_prop), cmac_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } // sha256 and cmac quote uint8_t quote_piece[32]; const uint8_t* emp_quote_piecemeal = emp_msg3->quote; uint32_t quote_piece_size = static_cast(sizeof(quote_piece)); while (emp_quote_piecemeal < emp_msg3->quote + quote_size) { //caculate size of one piece, the size of them are sizeof(quote_piece) except for the last one. if (static_cast(emp_msg3->quote + quote_size - emp_quote_piecemeal) < quote_piece_size) quote_piece_size = static_cast(emp_msg3->quote - emp_quote_piecemeal) + quote_size ; memcpy(quote_piece, emp_quote_piecemeal, quote_piece_size); se_ret = sgx_sha256_update(quote_piece, quote_piece_size, sha_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = sgx_cmac128_update(quote_piece, quote_piece_size, cmac_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } emp_quote_piecemeal += sizeof(quote_piece); } ERROR_BREAK(se_ret); //get sha256 hash value se_ret = sgx_sha256_get_hash(sha_handle, &hash); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } //get cmac value se_ret = sgx_cmac128_final(cmac_handle, &mac); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } //verify qe_report->body.report_data == SHA256(NONCE || emp_quote) if(0 != memcmp(&qe_report->body.report_data, &hash, sizeof(hash))) { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH; break; } memcpy(&msg3_except_quote_in.mac, mac, sizeof(mac)); memcpy(emp_msg3, &msg3_except_quote_in, offsetof(sgx_ra_msg3_t, quote)); se_ret = SGX_SUCCESS; }while(0); memset_s(&smk_key, sizeof(smk_key), 0, sizeof(smk_key)); (void)sgx_sha256_close(sha_handle); if(cmac_handle != NULL) sgx_cmac128_close(cmac_handle); return se_ret; } // TKE interface for isv enclaves sgx_status_t sgx_ra_init( const sgx_ec256_public_t *p_pub_key, int b_pse, sgx_ra_context_t *p_context) { int valid = 0; sgx_status_t ret = SGX_SUCCESS; sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_state = NULL; if(!p_pub_key || !p_context) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if(!sgx_is_within_enclave(p_pub_key, sizeof(sgx_ec256_public_t))) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ret = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&ecc_state); if(SGX_SUCCESS != ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != ret) ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return ret; } ret = sgx_ecc256_check_point((const sgx_ec256_public_t *)p_pub_key, ecc_state, &valid); if(SGX_SUCCESS != ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != ret) ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return ret; } if(!valid) { sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); //add new item to g_ra_db ra_db_item_t* new_item = (ra_db_item_t*)malloc(sizeof(ra_db_item_t)); if (!new_item) { return SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memset(new_item,0, sizeof(ra_db_item_t)); memcpy(&new_item->sp_pubkey, p_pub_key, sizeof(new_item->sp_pubkey)); if(b_pse) { //sgx_create_pse_session() must have been called ret = sgx_get_ps_sec_prop(&new_item->ps_sec_prop); if (ret!=SGX_SUCCESS) { SAFE_FREE(new_item); return ret; } } new_item->state = ra_inited; //find first empty slot in g_ra_db int first_empty = -1; ra_db_item_t* item = NULL; sgx_spin_lock(&g_ra_db_lock); uint32_t size = vector_size(&g_ra_db); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if(0 != vector_get(&g_ra_db, i, reinterpret_cast(&item))) { sgx_spin_unlock(&g_ra_db_lock); SAFE_FREE(new_item); return SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if(item == NULL) { first_empty = i; break; } } //if there is a empty slot, use it if (first_empty >= 0) { errno_t vret = vector_set(&g_ra_db, first_empty, new_item); UNUSED(vret); assert(vret == 0); *p_context = first_empty; } //if there are no empty slots, add a new item to g_ra_db else { if(size >= INT32_MAX) { //overflow sgx_spin_unlock(&g_ra_db_lock); SAFE_FREE(new_item); return SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if(0 != vector_push_back(&g_ra_db, new_item)) { sgx_spin_unlock(&g_ra_db_lock); SAFE_FREE(new_item); return SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } *p_context = size; } sgx_spin_unlock(&g_ra_db_lock); return SGX_SUCCESS; } // TKE interface for isv enclaves sgx_status_t sgx_ra_get_keys( sgx_ra_context_t context, sgx_ra_key_type_t type, sgx_ra_key_128_t *p_key) { if(vector_size(&g_ra_db) <= context || !p_key) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ra_db_item_t* item = NULL; if(0 != vector_get(&g_ra_db, context, reinterpret_cast(&item)) || item == NULL ) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if(!sgx_is_within_enclave(p_key, sizeof(sgx_ra_key_128_t))) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; sgx_status_t ret = SGX_SUCCESS; sgx_spin_lock(&item->item_lock); //sgx_ra_proc_msg2_trusted fill the keys, so keys are available after it's called. if (item->state != ra_proc_msg2ed) ret = SGX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; else if(SGX_RA_KEY_MK == type) memcpy(p_key, item->mk_key, sizeof(sgx_ra_key_128_t)); else if(SGX_RA_KEY_SK == type) memcpy(p_key, item->sk_key, sizeof(sgx_ra_key_128_t)); else ret = SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); return ret; } // TKE interface for isv enclaves sgx_status_t SGXAPI sgx_ra_close( sgx_ra_context_t context) { if(vector_size(&g_ra_db) <= context) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ra_db_item_t* item = NULL; if(0 != vector_get(&g_ra_db, context, reinterpret_cast(&item)) || item == NULL ) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; sgx_spin_lock(&g_ra_db_lock); //safe clear private key and RA key before free memory to defense in depth memset_s(&item->a,sizeof(item->a),0,sizeof(sgx_ec256_private_t)); memset_s(&item->vk_key,sizeof(item->vk_key),0,sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(&item->mk_key,sizeof(item->mk_key),0,sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(&item->sk_key,sizeof(item->sk_key),0,sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(&item->smk_key,sizeof(item->smk_key),0,sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); SAFE_FREE(item); vector_set(&g_ra_db, context, NULL); sgx_spin_unlock(&g_ra_db_lock); return SGX_SUCCESS; }