Client RPC API TutorialΒΆ
In this tutorial we will build a simple command line utility that connects to a node, creates some Cash transactions and meanwhile dumps the transaction graph to the standard output. We will then put some simple visualisation on top. For an explanation on how the RPC works see Client RPC.
We start off by connecting to the node itself. For the purposes of the tutorial we will use the Driver to start up a notary and a node that issues/exits and moves Cash around for herself. To authenticate we will use the certificates of the nodes directly.
Note how we configure the node to create a user that has permission to start the CashProtocol.
enum class PrintOrVisualise {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
if (args.size < 1) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Usage: <binary> [Print|Visualise]")
val printOrVisualise = PrintOrVisualise.valueOf(args[0])
val baseDirectory = Paths.get("build/rpc-api-tutorial")
val user = User("user", "password", permissions = setOf(startProtocolPermission<CashProtocol>()))
driver(driverDirectory = baseDirectory) {
startNode("Notary", advertisedServices = setOf(ServiceInfo(ValidatingNotaryService.type)))
val node = startNode("Alice", rpcUsers = listOf(user)).get()
val sslConfig = object : NodeSSLConfiguration {
override val certificatesPath = baseDirectory / "Alice" / "certificates"
override val keyStorePassword = "cordacadevpass"
override val trustStorePassword = "trustpass"
Now we can connect to the node itself using a valid RPC login. We login using the configured user.
val client = CordaRPCClient(FullNodeConfiguration(node.config).artemisAddress, sslConfig)
client.start("user", "password")
val proxy = client.proxy()
thread {
We start generating transactions in a different thread (generateTransactions
to be defined later) using proxy
, which exposes the full RPC interface of the node:
* Returns a pair of currently in-progress state machine infos and an observable of future state machine adds/removes.
fun stateMachinesAndUpdates(): Pair<List<StateMachineInfo>, Observable<StateMachineUpdate>>
* Returns a pair of head states in the vault and an observable of future updates to the vault.
fun vaultAndUpdates(): Pair<List<StateAndRef<ContractState>>, Observable<Vault.Update>>
* Returns a pair of all recorded transactions and an observable of future recorded ones.
fun verifiedTransactions(): Pair<List<SignedTransaction>, Observable<SignedTransaction>>
* Returns a snapshot list of existing state machine id - recorded transaction hash mappings, and a stream of future
* such mappings as well.
fun stateMachineRecordedTransactionMapping(): Pair<List<StateMachineTransactionMapping>, Observable<StateMachineTransactionMapping>>
* Returns all parties currently visible on the network with their advertised services and an observable of future updates to the network.
fun networkMapUpdates(): Pair<List<NodeInfo>, Observable<NetworkMapCache.MapChange>>
* Start the given protocol with the given arguments, returning an [Observable] with a single observation of the
* result of running the protocol.
fun <T: Any> startProtocolDynamic(logicType: Class<out ProtocolLogic<T>>, vararg args: Any?): ProtocolHandle<T>
* Returns Node's identity, assuming this will not change while the node is running.
fun nodeIdentity(): NodeInfo
* Add note(s) to an existing Vault transaction
fun addVaultTransactionNote(txnId: SecureHash, txnNote: String)
* Retrieve existing note(s) for a given Vault transaction
fun getVaultTransactionNotes(txnId: SecureHash): Iterable<String>
The one we need in order to dump the transaction graph is verifiedTransactions
. The type signature tells us that the
RPC will return a list of transactions and an Observable stream. This is a general pattern, we query some data and the
node will return the current snapshot and future updates done to it.
val (transactions: List<SignedTransaction>, futureTransactions: Observable<SignedTransaction>) = proxy.verifiedTransactions()
The graph will be defined by nodes and edges between them. Each node represents a transaction and edges represent
output-input relations. For now let’s just print NODE <txhash>
for the former and EDGE <txhash> <txhash>
for the
when (printOrVisualise) {
PrintOrVisualise.Print -> {
futureTransactions.startWith(transactions).subscribe { transaction ->
println("NODE ${}")
transaction.tx.inputs.forEach { input ->
println("EDGE ${input.txhash} ${}")
Now we just need to create the transactions themselves!
fun generateTransactions(proxy: CordaRPCOps) {
var ownedQuantity = proxy.vaultAndUpdates().first.fold(0L) { sum, state ->
sum + ( as Cash.State).amount.quantity
val issueRef = OpaqueBytes.of(0)
val notary = proxy.networkMapUpdates().first.first { it.advertisedServices.any { } }.notaryIdentity
val me = proxy.nodeIdentity().legalIdentity
val meAndRef = PartyAndReference(me, issueRef)
while (true) {
val random = SplittableRandom()
val n = random.nextDouble()
if (ownedQuantity > 10000 && n > 0.8) {
val quantity = Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % 2000
proxy.startProtocol(::CashProtocol, CashCommand.ExitCash(Amount(quantity, USD), issueRef))
ownedQuantity -= quantity
} else if (ownedQuantity > 1000 && n < 0.7) {
val quantity = Math.abs(random.nextLong() % Math.min(ownedQuantity, 2000))
proxy.startProtocol(::CashProtocol, CashCommand.PayCash(Amount(quantity, Issued(meAndRef, USD)), me))
} else {
val quantity = Math.abs(random.nextLong() % 1000)
proxy.startProtocol(::CashProtocol, CashCommand.IssueCash(Amount(quantity, USD), issueRef, me, notary))
ownedQuantity += quantity
We utilise several RPC functions here to query things like the notaries in the node cluster or our own vault.
Then in a loop we generate randomly either an Issue, a Pay or an Exit transaction.
The RPC we need to initiate a Cash transaction is startProtocolDynamic
which may start an arbitrary protocol, given sufficient permissions to do so. We won’t use this function directly, but rather a type-safe wrapper around it startProtocol
that type-checks the arguments for us.
Finally we have everything in place: we start a couple of nodes, connect to them, and start creating transactions while listening on successfully created ones, which are dumped to the console. We just need to run it!:
# Build the example ./gradlew docs/source/example-code:installDist # Start it ./docs/source/example-code/build/install/docs/source/example-code/bin/client-rpc-tutorial Print
Now let’s try to visualise the transaction graph. We will use a graph drawing library called graphstream
PrintOrVisualise.Visualise -> {
val graph = MultiGraph("transactions")
transactions.forEach { transaction ->
transactions.forEach { transaction ->
transaction.tx.inputs.forEach { ref ->
graph.addEdge<Edge>("$ref", "${ref.txhash}", "${}")
futureTransactions.subscribe { transaction ->
transaction.tx.inputs.forEach { ref ->
graph.addEdge<Edge>("$ref", "${ref.txhash}", "${}")
If we run the client with Visualise
we should see a simple random graph being drawn as new transactions are being created.