{ "fixedLeg": { "fixedRatePayer": "Bank A", "notional": { "pennies": 2500000000, "currency": "USD" }, "paymentFrequency": "SemiAnnual", "effectiveDate": "2016-03-11", "effectiveDateAdjustment": null, "terminationDate": "2026-03-11", "terminationDateAdjustment": null, "fixedRate": { "ratioUnit": { "value": "0.01676" } }, "dayCountBasisDay": "D30", "dayCountBasisYear": "Y360", "rollConvention": "ModifiedFollowing", "dayInMonth": 10, "paymentRule": "InArrears", "paymentDelay": 0, "paymentCalendar": "London", "interestPeriodAdjustment": "Adjusted" }, "floatingLeg": { "floatingRatePayer": "Bank B", "notional": { "pennies": 2500000000, "currency": "USD" }, "paymentFrequency": "Quarterly", "effectiveDate": "2016-03-11", "effectiveDateAdjustment": null, "terminationDate": "2026-03-11", "terminationDateAdjustment": null, "dayCountBasisDay": "D30", "dayCountBasisYear": "Y360", "rollConvention": "ModifiedFollowing", "fixingRollConvention": "ModifiedFollowing", "dayInMonth": 10, "resetDayInMonth": 10, "paymentRule": "InArrears", "paymentDelay": 0, "paymentCalendar": [ "London" ], "interestPeriodAdjustment": "Adjusted", "fixingPeriod": "TWODAYS", "resetRule": "InAdvance", "fixingsPerPayment": "Quarterly", "fixingCalendar": [ "NewYork" ], "index": "ICE LIBOR", "indexSource": "Rates Service Provider", "indexTenor": { "name": "3M" } }, "calculation": { "expression": "( fixedLeg.notional.pennies * (fixedLeg.fixedRate.ratioUnit.value)) -(floatingLeg.notional.pennies * (calculation.fixingSchedule.get(context.getDate('currentDate')).rate.ratioUnit.value))", "floatingLegPaymentSchedule": { }, "fixedLegPaymentSchedule": { } }, "common": { "baseCurrency": "EUR", "eligibleCurrency": "EUR", "eligibleCreditSupport": "Cash in an Eligible Currency", "independentAmounts": { "pennies": 0, "currency": "EUR" }, "threshold": { "pennies": 0, "currency": "EUR" }, "minimumTransferAmount": { "pennies": 25000000, "currency": "EUR" }, "rounding": { "pennies": 1000000, "currency": "EUR" }, "valuationDate": "Every Local Business Day", "notificationTime": "2:00pm London", "resolutionTime": "2:00pm London time on the first LocalBusiness Day following the date on which the notice is given ", "interestRate": { "oracle": "Rates Service Provider", "tenor": { "name": "6M" }, "ratioUnit": null, "name": "EONIA" }, "addressForTransfers": "", "exposure": {}, "localBusinessDay": [ "London" , "NewYork" ], "dailyInterestAmount": "(CashAmount * InterestRate ) / (fixedLeg.notional.currency.currencyCode.equals('GBP')) ? 365 : 360", "tradeID": "tradeXXX", "hashLegalDocs": "put hash here" }, "notary": "Bank A" }