import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; public class Misc { private static class μClass { public int μField; public void μMethod(int i) { μField = i; } } private interface Bar { public int baz(); } private static abstract class Bim implements Bar { } private static class Baz extends Bim { public int baz() { return 42; } } private static class Static { static { staticRan = true; } public static void run() { } } private static boolean staticRan; private static int alpha; private static int beta; private static byte byte1, byte2, byte3; private static volatile int volatileStatic; private static volatile long volatileStaticLong; private final int NonStaticConstant = 42; private int gamma; private int pajama; private boolean boolean1; private boolean boolean2; private long time; private volatile int volatileMember; public Misc() { expect(! boolean1); expect(! boolean2); time = 0xffffffffffffffffL; expect(! boolean1); expect(! boolean2); } private String foo(String s) { return s; } public String bar(String s) { return s; } private static String baz(String s) { return s; } private static void expect(boolean v) { if (! v) throw new RuntimeException(); } private synchronized byte sync() { byte[] array = new byte[123]; return array[42]; } private static synchronized byte syncStatic(boolean throw_) { byte[] array = new byte[123]; if (throw_) { throw new RuntimeException(); } else { return array[42]; } } public String toString() { return super.toString(); } private static int zap() { return 42; } private static int zip() { return 5 + zap(); } private static int zup() { return zap() + 5; } private static class Foo { public int a; public int b; public int c; public int[] array; } private static int bar(int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c; } private static Object gimmeNull() { return null; } private static Object queryDefault(Object default_) { Object o = gimmeNull(); return (o == null ? default_ : o); } private static class Zam { public void bim() { } } private static class Zim { public Object zum() { return null; } } private static Zim zim = new Zim(); private static void zam() { Zam z; while ((z = (Zam) zim.zum()) != null) { z.bim(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { zam(); Bim bim = new Baz(); expect(bim.baz() == 42); expect(queryDefault(new Object()) != null); { Foo foo = new Foo(); int x = foo.a + foo.b + foo.c; bar(foo.a, foo.b, foo.c); } byte2 = 0; expect(byte2 == 0); boolean v = Boolean.valueOf("true"); ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().toString(); { Misc m = new Misc(); m.toString(); expect(m.NonStaticConstant == 42); expect(m.time == 0xffffffffffffffffL); long t = m.time; expect(t == 0xffffffffffffffffL); String s = "hello";;; baz(s); m.sync(); syncStatic(false); try { syncStatic(true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int d = alpha; beta = 42; alpha = 43; volatileStatic = 55; volatileStaticLong = 9L; int e = beta; int f = alpha; m.volatileMember = 23; m.gamma = 44; m.volatileMember = 27; expect(beta == 42); expect(alpha == 43); expect(m.gamma == 44); expect(volatileStatic == 55); expect(volatileStaticLong == 9L); expect(m.volatileMember == 27); } expect(zip() == 47); expect(zup() == 47); { Object a = new Object(); Object b = new Object(); expect(a != b); Object c = a; Object d = b; expect(c != d); c = (c == a) ? b : a; d = (d == a) ? b : a; expect(c != d); } { Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.array = new int[3]; foo.a = (foo.a + 1) % foo.array.length; } { boolean foo = false; boolean iconic = false; do { zap(); iconic = foo ? true : false; } while (foo); zap(); } { int x = 0; if (x == 0) { x = 1; do { int y = x; x = 1; } while (x != 1); } } System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString()); System.out.println('x'); System.out.println(true); System.out.println(42); System.out.println(123456789012345L); System.out.println(75.62); System.out.println(75.62d); System.out.println(new char[] { 'h', 'i' }); expect(! (((Object) new int[0]) instanceof Object[])); { μClass μInstance = new μClass(); μInstance.μMethod(8933); expect(μInstance.μField == 8933); } expect(new int[0] instanceof Cloneable); expect(new int[0] instanceof; expect(new Object[0] instanceof Cloneable); expect(new Object[0] instanceof; expect((Baz.class.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0); expect((Protected.class.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PUBLIC) == 0); try { int count = 0; boolean test = false, extraDir = false; ClassLoader loader = Misc.class.getClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> resources = loader.getResources("multi-classpath-test.txt"); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { ++count; String url = resources.nextElement().toString(); if (url.contains("extra-dir")) { extraDir = true; } else if (url.contains("test")) { test = true; } } expect(count == 2); expect(test); expect(extraDir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // as of this writing, we don't support URLs on Android, since it // pulls in a third-party library we don't include: if (! "".equals (System.getProperty("java.vendor.url"))) { expect(new URL("") .getHost().equals("")); } expect(java.util.Arrays.equals (new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 },"").getAddress())); expect(! staticRan);; expect(staticRan); expect(System.getProperty("java.class.path").equals (System.getProperties().get("java.class.path"))); expect(System.getProperty("path.separator").equals (System.getProperties().get("path.separator"))); expect(System.getProperty("user.dir").equals (System.getProperties().get("user.dir"))); expect(System.getProperty("").equals (System.getProperties().get(""))); System.setProperty("buzzy.buzzy.bim.bam", "dippy dopey flim flam"); expect(System.getProperty("buzzy.buzzy.bim.bam").equals (System.getProperties().get("buzzy.buzzy.bim.bam"))); expect(System.getProperty("buzzy.buzzy.bim.bam").equals ("dippy dopey flim flam")); System.getProperties().put("buzzy.buzzy.bim.bam", "yippy yappy yin yang"); expect(System.getProperty("buzzy.buzzy.bim.bam").equals (System.getProperties().get("buzzy.buzzy.bim.bam"))); expect(System.getProperty("buzzy.buzzy.bim.bam").equals ("yippy yappy yin yang")); // just test that it's there; don't care what it returns: Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); } protected class Protected { } }