import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class EnumSetTest { private enum SmallEnum { ONE, TWO, THREE } private enum LargerEnum { LARGEONE, LARGETWO, LARGETHREE, LARGEFOUR, LARGEFIVE, LARGESIX } public static void main(String[] args) { testAllOf(); testNoneOf(); testIterators(); testOf(); testCopyOf(); testComplimentOf(); } private static void testComplimentOf() { EnumSet<SmallEnum> one = EnumSet.of(SmallEnum.ONE, SmallEnum.THREE); EnumSet<SmallEnum> two = EnumSet.complementOf(one); assertElementInSet(SmallEnum.TWO, two); assertSize(1, two); } private static void testCopyOf() { EnumSet<SmallEnum> one = EnumSet.of(SmallEnum.ONE, SmallEnum.THREE); EnumSet<SmallEnum> two = EnumSet.copyOf(one); assertElementInSet(SmallEnum.ONE, two); assertElementInSet(SmallEnum.THREE, two); assertSize(2, two); } private static void testOf() { EnumSet<LargerEnum> set = EnumSet.of(LargerEnum.LARGEONE, LargerEnum.LARGEFIVE, LargerEnum.LARGETWO); assertElementInSet(LargerEnum.LARGEONE, set); assertElementInSet(LargerEnum.LARGEFIVE, set); assertElementInSet(LargerEnum.LARGETWO, set); assertSize(3, set); } private static void testAllOf() { EnumSet<SmallEnum> set = EnumSet.allOf(SmallEnum.class); for (SmallEnum current : SmallEnum.values()) { assertElementInSet(current, set); } assertSize(3, set); } private static void testNoneOf() { EnumSet<SmallEnum> set = EnumSet.noneOf(SmallEnum.class); assertSize(0, set); } private static void testIterators() { EnumSet<SmallEnum> set = EnumSet.allOf(SmallEnum.class); Iterator<SmallEnum> iterator = set.iterator(); boolean exceptionCaught = false; try { iterator.remove(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { exceptionCaught = true; } if (!exceptionCaught) { throw new RuntimeException("Calling remove() before next() should throw IllegalStateException"); } while (iterator.hasNext()) {; iterator.remove(); } assertSize(0, set); exceptionCaught = false; try {; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { exceptionCaught = true; } if (!exceptionCaught) { throw new RuntimeException("Calling next() when hasNext() == false should throw NoSuchElementException"); } } private static void assertElementInSet(Enum<?> element, EnumSet<?> set) { if (!set.contains(element)) { throw new RuntimeException("expected " + element + " in the set!"); } } private static void assertSize(int expectedSize, EnumSet<?> set) { if (set.size() != expectedSize) { throw new RuntimeException("expected the set to be size=" + expectedSize + ", actual=" + set.size()); } } }