apply plugin: 'kotlin' apply plugin: 'us.kirchmeier.capsule' apply plugin: 'application' mainClassName = 'com.r3.corda.jmeter.Launcher' dependencies { compile project(':client:rpc') compile project(':perftestcordapp') // compile group: 'com.jcraft', name: 'jsch', version: '0.1.54' compile group: 'com.jcraft', name: 'jsch.agentproxy.core', version: '0.0.9' compile group: 'com.jcraft', name: 'jsch.agentproxy.sshagent', version: '0.0.9' compile group: 'com.jcraft', name: 'jsch.agentproxy.usocket-jna', version: '0.0.9' compile group: 'com.jcraft', name: 'jsch.agentproxy.pageant', version: '0.0.9' // Log4J: logging framework (with SLF4J bindings) compile "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:$log4j_version" compile "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:$log4j_version" // JMeter ext.jmVersion = "3.3" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_components', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_core', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_ftp', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_functions', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_http', version: "$jmVersion" compile group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_java', version: "$jmVersion" // 'compile' because we extend Java sampler. runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_jdbc', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_jms', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_junit', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_ldap', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_mail', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_mongodb', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_native', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_tcp', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter_config', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'ApacheJMeter', version: "$jmVersion" runtime group: 'org.apache.jmeter', name: 'jorphan', version: "$jmVersion" testCompile project(':test-utils') testCompile project(':node-driver') } // Run JMeter as server process/agent on current host. task(runServer, dependsOn: 'classes', type: JavaExec) { classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath main = 'com.r3.corda.jmeter.Launcher' def file = new File("$rootDir/build/search_paths.txt") file.createNewFile() file.text = "${project(':tools:jmeter').configurations.runtime.files.join(";")}" systemProperty "search_paths_file", file.toString() systemProperty "java.rmi.server.hostname", "" systemProperty "jmeter.home", sourceSets.main.resources.getSrcDirs().first().getPath() // If you want to debug: jvmArgs += "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" args+= [ "-p", sourceSets.main.resources.getSrcDirs().first().getPath()+"/", "-d", sourceSets.main.resources.getSrcDirs().first().getPath(), "-s" ] } // Just start ssh tunnels, without JMeter. task(runSsh, dependsOn: 'classes', type: JavaExec) { classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath main = 'com.r3.corda.jmeter.Ssh' if ( project.hasProperty("sshUser") ){ args+= "-XsshUser" args+= } if ( project.hasProperty("jmeterHosts") ) { args+= "-Xssh" args+= } standardInput = } // Use the driver to launch 2 local nodes and the notary running the perftestcordapp. // To use for development of samplers and flows locally. task(runDriver, dependsOn: 'classes', type: JavaExec) { classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath main = 'com.r3.corda.jmeter.StartLocalPerfCorDapp' standardInput = } // Run JMeter (by default the UI). // Extra args can be passed by setting jmeterArgs (e.g. -n to run in non-UI mode). // e.g. ./gradlew tools:jmeter:run -PjmeterArgs="['-n']" // ssh tunnels will be built from local host to remote hosts by specifying jmeterHosts // e.g. ./gradlew tools:jmeter:run -PjmeterHosts="['', '']" // Each host is paired with local host ports listed in remote_hosts of run { def file = new File("$rootDir/build/search_paths.txt") file.createNewFile() file.text = "${project(':tools:jmeter').configurations.runtime.files.join(";")}" systemProperty "search_paths_file", file.toString() systemProperty "java.rmi.server.hostname", "localhost" systemProperty "jmeter.home", sourceSets.main.resources.getSrcDirs().first().getPath() // If you want to debug: jvmArgs += "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" args+= [ "-p", sourceSets.main.resources.getSrcDirs().first().getPath()+"/", "-d", sourceSets.main.resources.getSrcDirs().first().getPath() ] if ( project.hasProperty("jmeterArgs") ) { args+= } if ( project.hasProperty("sshUser") ){ args+= "-XsshUser" args+= } if ( project.hasProperty("jmeterHosts") ) { args+= "-Xssh" args+= } } jar { manifest { attributes( 'Automatic-Module-Name': '', 'Main-Class': mainClassName ) } zip64 = true } // For building a runnable jar with no other dependencies for remote JMeter slave server, that has Corda code on classpath. // Run with: java -jar jmeter-corda-<version>.jar // No additional args required but will be passed if specified. task buildJMeterJAR(type: FatCapsule, dependsOn: 'jar') { applicationClass 'com.r3.corda.jmeter.Launcher' archiveName "jmeter-corda-${corda_release_version}.jar" applicationSource = files( project(':tools:jmeter').jar ) from 'NOTICE' // Copy CDDL notice from("$rootDir/tools/jmeter/build/resources/main") { include "log4j2.xml" include "*.properties" } capsuleManifest { applicationVersion = corda_release_version systemProperties['java.rmi.server.hostname'] = 'localhost' minJavaVersion = '1.8.0' minUpdateVersion['1.8'] = java8_minUpdateVersion // JVM configuration. Can be overridden on java command line. jvmArgs = ['-Xms512m', '-Xmx512m', '-XX:+UseG1GC'] } }