Node configuration ================== File location ------------- The Corda all-in-one ``corda.jar`` file is generated by the ``gradle buildCordaJAR`` task and defaults to reading configuration from a ``node.conf`` file in the present working directory. This behaviour can be overidden using the ``--config-file`` command line option to target configuration files with different names, or different file location (relative paths are relative to the current working directory). Also, the ``--base-directory`` command line option alters the Corda node workspace location and if specified a ``node.conf`` configuration file is then expected in the root of the workspace. The configuration file templates used for the ``gradle deployNodes`` task are to be found in the ``/config/dev`` folder. Also note that there is a basic set of defaults loaded from the built in resource file ``/node/src/main/resources/reference.conf`` of the ``:node`` gradle module. All properties in this can be overidden in the file configuration and for rarely changed properties this defaulting allows the property to be excluded from the configuration file. Format ------ The Corda configuration file uses the HOCON format which is superset of JSON. It has several features which makes it very useful as a configuration format. Please visit their `page `_ for further details. Examples -------- General node configuration file for hosting the IRSDemo services. .. literalinclude:: example-code/src/main/resources/example-node.conf :language: javascript Simple Notary configuration file. .. parsed-literal:: myLegalName : "O=Notary Service,OU=corda,L=London,C=GB" keyStorePassword : "cordacadevpass" trustStorePassword : "trustpass" p2pAddress : "localhost:12345" rpcAddress : "localhost:12346" webAddress : "localhost:12347" notary : { validating : false } useHTTPS : false devMode : true compatibilityZoneURL : "" Fields ------ The available config fields are listed below. ``baseDirectory`` is available as a substitution value, containing the absolute path to the node's base directory. :myLegalName: The legal identity of the node acts as a human readable alias to the node's public key and several demos use this to lookup the NodeInfo. :keyStorePassword: The password to unlock the KeyStore file (``/certificates/sslkeystore.jks``) containing the node certificate and private key. .. note:: This is the non-secret value for the development certificates automatically generated during the first node run. Longer term these keys will be managed in secure hardware devices. :trustStorePassword: The password to unlock the Trust store file (``/certificates/truststore.jks``) containing the Corda network root certificate. This is the non-secret value for the development certificates automatically generated during the first node run. .. note:: Longer term these keys will be managed in secure hardware devices. :database: Database configuration: :initDatabase: Boolean on whether to initialise the database or just validate the schema. Defaults to true. :serverNameTablePrefix: Prefix string to apply to all the database tables. The default is no prefix. :transactionIsolationLevel: Transaction isolation level as defined by the ``TRANSACTION_`` constants in ``java.sql.Connection``, but without the "TRANSACTION_" prefix. Defaults to REPEATABLE_READ. :dataSourceProperties: This section is used to configure the jdbc connection and database driver used for the nodes persistence. Currently the defaults in ``/node/src/main/resources/reference.conf`` are as shown in the first example. This is currently the only configuration that has been tested, although in the future full support for other storage layers will be validated. :messagingServerAddress: The address of the ArtemisMQ broker instance. If not provided the node will run one locally. :p2pAddress: The host and port on which the node is available for protocol operations over ArtemisMQ. .. note:: In practice the ArtemisMQ messaging services bind to all local addresses on the specified port. However, note that the host is the included as the advertised entry in the NetworkMapService. As a result the value listed here must be externally accessible when running nodes across a cluster of machines. If the provided host is unreachable, the node will try to auto-discover its public one. :rpcAddress: The address of the RPC system on which RPC requests can be made to the node. If not provided then the node will run without RPC. :webAddress: The host and port on which the webserver will listen if it is started. This is not used by the node itself. .. note:: If HTTPS is enabled then the browser security checks will require that the accessing url host name is one of either the machine name, fully qualified machine name, or server IP address to line up with the Subject Alternative Names contained within the development certificates. This is addition to requiring the ``/config/dev/corda_dev_ca.cer`` root certificate be installed as a Trusted CA. .. note:: The driver will not automatically create a webserver instance, but the Cordformation will. If this field is present the web server will start. :notary: Optional configuration object which if present configures the node to run as a notary. If part of a Raft or BFT SMaRt cluster then specify ``raft`` or ``bftSMaRt`` respectively as described below. If a single node notary then omit both. :validating: Boolean to determine whether the notary is a validating or non-validating one. :raft: If part of a distributed Raft cluster specify this config object, with the following settings: :nodeAddress: The host and port to which to bind the embedded Raft server. Note that the Raft cluster uses a separate transport layer for communication that does not integrate with ArtemisMQ messaging services. :clusterAddresses: List of Raft cluster member addresses used to join the cluster. At least one of the specified members must be active and be able to communicate with the cluster leader for joining. If empty, a new cluster will be bootstrapped. :bftSMaRt: If part of a distributed BFT-SMaRt cluster specify this config object, with the following settings: :replicaId: The zero-based index of the current replica. All replicas must specify a unique replica id. :clusterAddresses: List of all BFT-SMaRt cluster member addresses. :custom: If `true`, will load and install a notary service from a CorDapp. See :doc:`tutorial-custom-notary`. Only one of ``raft``, ``bftSMaRt`` or ``custom`` configuration values may be specified. :useHTTPS: If false the node's web server will be plain HTTP. If true the node will use the same certificate and private key from the ``/certificates/sslkeystore.jks`` file as the ArtemisMQ port for HTTPS. If HTTPS is enabled then unencrypted HTTP traffic to the node's **webAddress** port is not supported. :rpcUsers: A list of users who are authorised to access the RPC system. Each user in the list is a config object with the following fields: :username: Username consisting only of word characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _) :password: The password :permissions: A list of permission strings which RPC methods can use to control access If this field is absent or an empty list then RPC is effectively locked down. Alternatively, if it contains the string ``ALL`` then the user is permitted to use *any* RPC method. This value is intended for administrator users and for developers. :devMode: This flag sets the node to run in development mode. On startup, if the keystore ``/certificates/sslkeystore.jks`` does not exist, a developer keystore will be used if ``devMode`` is true. The node will exit if ``devMode`` is false and the keystore does not exist. ``devMode`` also turns on background checking of flow checkpoints to shake out any bugs in the checkpointing process. :detectPublicIp: This flag toggles the auto IP detection behaviour, it is enabled by default. On startup the node will attempt to discover its externally visible IP address first by looking for any public addresses on its network interfaces, and then by sending an IP discovery request to the network map service. Set to ``false`` to disable. :compatibilityZoneURL: The root address of Corda compatibility zone network management services, it is used by the Corda node to register with the network and obtain Corda node certificate, (See :doc:`permissioning` for more information.) and also used by the node to obtain network map information. :jvmArgs: An optional list of JVM args, as strings, which replace those inherited from the command line when launching via ``corda.jar`` only. e.g. ``jvmArgs = [ "-Xmx220m", "-Xms220m", "-XX:+UseG1GC" ]`` :systemProperties: An optional map of additional system properties to be set when launching via ``corda.jar`` only. Keys and values of the map should be strings. e.g. ``systemProperties = { = FooBar }`` :jarDirs: An optional list of file system directories containing JARs to include in the classpath when launching via ``corda.jar`` only. Each should be a string. Only the JARs in the directories are added, not the directories themselves. This is useful for including JDBC drivers and the like. e.g. ``jarDirs = [ 'lib' ]`` :sshd: If provided, node will start internal SSH server which will provide a management shell. It uses the same credentials and permissions as RPC subsystem. It has one required parameter. :port: - the port to start SSH server on