 * R3 Proprietary and Confidential
 * Copyright (c) 2018 R3 Limited.  All rights reserved.
 * The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to R3 and its suppliers and are protected by trade secret law.
 * Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.

apply plugin: 'org.jetbrains.dokka'
apply plugin: 'kotlin'

dependencies {
    compile rootProject

def internalPackagePrefixes(sourceDirs) {
    def prefixes = []
    // Kotlin allows packages to deviate from the directory structure, but let's assume they don't:
    sourceDirs.collect { sourceDir ->
        sourceDir.traverse(type: groovy.io.FileType.DIRECTORIES) {
            if (it.name == 'internal') {
                prefixes.add sourceDir.toPath().relativize(it.toPath()).toString().replace(File.separator, '.')

ext {
    // TODO: Add '../client/jfx/src/main/kotlin' and '../client/mock/src/main/kotlin' if we decide to make them into public API
    dokkaSourceDirs = files('../core/src/main/kotlin', '../client/rpc/src/main/kotlin', '../finance/src/main/kotlin', '../client/jackson/src/main/kotlin',
                            '../testing/test-utils/src/main/kotlin', '../testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin')
    internalPackagePrefixes = internalPackagePrefixes(dokkaSourceDirs)

dokka {
    outputDirectory = file("${rootProject.rootDir}/docs/build/html/api/kotlin")

task dokkaJavadoc(type: org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaTask) {
    outputFormat = "javadoc"
    outputDirectory = file("${rootProject.rootDir}/docs/build/html/api/javadoc")

[dokka, dokkaJavadoc].collect {
    it.configure {
        moduleName = 'corda'
        processConfigurations = ['compile']
        sourceDirs = dokkaSourceDirs
        includes = ['packages.md']
        jdkVersion = 8
        externalDocumentationLink {
            url = new URL("http://fasterxml.github.io/jackson-core/javadoc/2.8/")
        externalDocumentationLink {
            url = new URL("https://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/")
        externalDocumentationLink {
            url = new URL("http://www.bouncycastle.org/docs/docs1.5on/")
        internalPackagePrefixes.collect { packagePrefix ->
            packageOptions {
                prefix = packagePrefix
                suppress = true

task buildDocs(dependsOn: ['apidocs', 'makeDocs'])
task apidocs(dependsOn: ['dokka', 'dokkaJavadoc'])

task makeDocs(type: Exec, dependsOn: ['installDocsiteRequirements']) {
    // TODO: Non-msys Windows script
    commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'bash make-docsite.sh' // Windows
    commandLine 'bash', './make-docsite.sh' // Linux

task installDocsiteRequirements(type: Exec) {
    // TODO: Non-msys Windows script
    commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'bash install-docsite-requirements.sh' // Windows
    commandLine 'bash', './install-docsite-requirements.sh' // Linux

apidocs.shouldRunAfter makeDocs