#include "compiler2.h" #include "assembler.h" using namespace vm; namespace { class Context; class MyOperand; class ConstantValue; class AddressValue; class RegisterValue; class MemoryValue; class Event; enum SyncType { SyncForCall, SyncForJump }; class Value { public: virtual ~Value() { } virtual bool equals(Value*) { return false; } virtual bool equals(RegisterValue*) { return false; } virtual void preserve(Context*) { } virtual void acquire(Context*, MyOperand*) { } virtual void release(Context*, MyOperand*) { } virtual RegisterValue* toRegister(Context*, unsigned size) = 0; virtual void asAssemblerOperand(Context*, OperandType* type, Assembler::Operand** operand) = 0; }; class MyOperand: public Compiler::Operand { public: MyOperand(unsigned size, Value* value): size(size), event(0), value(value), target(0), index(0), next(0) { } unsigned size; Event* event; Value* value; Value* target; unsigned index; MyOperand* next; }; class State { public: State(State* s): stack(s ? s->stack : 0), next(s) { } MyOperand* stack; State* next; }; class LogicalInstruction { public: unsigned visits; Event* firstEvent; Event* lastEvent; unsigned machineOffset; int predecessor; }; class RegisterElement { public: bool reserved; MyOperand* operand; }; class ConstantPoolNode { public: ConstantPoolNode(Promise* promise): promise(promise), next(0) { } Promise* promise; ConstantPoolNode* next; }; class Junction { public: Junction(unsigned logicalIp, Junction* next): logicalIp(logicalIp), next(next) { } unsigned logicalIp; Junction* next; }; class Context { public: Context(System* system, Assembler* assembler, Zone* zone): system(system), assembler(assembler), zone(zone), logicalIp(-1), state(new (zone->allocate(sizeof(State))) State(0)), event(0), logicalCode(0), logicalCodeLength(0), stackOffset(0), registers(static_cast (zone->allocate (sizeof(RegisterElement) * assembler->registerCount()))), firstConstant(0), lastConstant(0), constantCount(0), junctions(0), machineCode(0) { memset(registers, 0, sizeof(RegisterElement) * assembler->registerCount()); registers[assembler->base()].reserved = true; registers[assembler->stack()].reserved = true; registers[assembler->thread()].reserved = true; } System* system; Assembler* assembler; Zone* zone; int logicalIp; State* state; Event* event; LogicalInstruction* logicalCode; unsigned logicalCodeLength; unsigned stackOffset; RegisterElement* registers; ConstantPoolNode* firstConstant; ConstantPoolNode* lastConstant; unsigned constantCount; Junction* junctions; uint8_t* machineCode; }; inline void NO_RETURN abort(Context* c) { abort(c->system); } #ifndef NDEBUG inline void assert(Context* c, bool v) { assert(c->system, v); } #endif // not NDEBUG inline void expect(Context* c, bool v) { expect(c->system, v); } void apply(Context* c, UnaryOperation op, unsigned size, Value* a) { OperandType type; Assembler::Operand* operand; a->asAssemblerOperand(c, &type, &operand); c->assembler->apply(op, size, type, operand); } void apply(Context* c, BinaryOperation op, unsigned size, Value* a, Value* b) { OperandType aType; Assembler::Operand* aOperand; a->asAssemblerOperand(c, &aType, &aOperand); OperandType bType; Assembler::Operand* bOperand; b->asAssemblerOperand(c, &bType, &bOperand); c->assembler->apply(op, size, aType, aOperand, bType, bOperand); } class PoolPromise: public Promise { public: PoolPromise(Context* c, int key): c(c), key(key) { } virtual int64_t value() { if (resolved()) { return reinterpret_cast (c->machineCode + c->assembler->length() + key); } abort(c); } virtual bool resolved() { return c->machineCode != 0; } Context* c; int key; }; class CodePromise: public Promise { public: CodePromise(Context* c, CodePromise* next): c(c), offset(-1), next(next) { } virtual int64_t value() { if (resolved()) { return reinterpret_cast(c->machineCode + offset); } abort(c); } virtual bool resolved() { return c->machineCode != 0 and offset >= 0; } Context* c; int offset; CodePromise* next; }; class IpPromise: public Promise { public: IpPromise(Context* c, int logicalIp): c(c), logicalIp(logicalIp) { } virtual int64_t value() { if (resolved()) { return reinterpret_cast (c->machineCode + c->logicalCode[logicalIp].machineOffset); } abort(c); } virtual bool resolved() { return c->machineCode != 0; } Context* c; int logicalIp; }; RegisterValue* freeRegister(Context* c, unsigned size); class ConstantValue: public Value { public: ConstantValue(Promise* value): value(value) { } virtual RegisterValue* toRegister(Context* c, unsigned size); virtual void asAssemblerOperand(Context*, OperandType* type, Assembler::Operand** operand) { *type = Constant; *operand = &value; } Assembler::Constant value; }; ConstantValue* constant(Context* c, Promise* value) { return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(ConstantValue))) ConstantValue(value); } ConstantValue* constant(Context* c, int64_t value) { return constant(c, new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(ResolvedPromise))) ResolvedPromise(value)); } class AddressValue: public Value { public: AddressValue(Promise* address): address(address) { } virtual RegisterValue* toRegister(Context* c, unsigned size); virtual void asAssemblerOperand(Context*, OperandType* type, Assembler::Operand** operand) { *type = Address; *operand = &address; } Assembler::Address address; }; AddressValue* address(Context* c, Promise* address) { return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(AddressValue))) AddressValue(address); } void preserve(Context* c, int reg); class RegisterValue: public Value { public: RegisterValue(int low, int high): register_(low, high) { } virtual bool equals(Value* o) { return o->equals(this); } virtual bool equals(RegisterValue* o) { return o->register_.low == register_.low and o->register_.high == register_.high; } virtual void preserve(Context* c) { ::preserve(c, register_.low); if (register_.high >= 0) ::preserve(c, register_.high); } virtual void acquire(Context* c, MyOperand* a) { preserve(c); c->registers[register_.low].operand = a; if (register_.high >= 0) c->registers[register_.high].operand = a; } virtual void release(Context* c, MyOperand* a UNUSED) { assert(c, a == c->registers[register_.low].operand); c->registers[register_.low].operand = 0; if (register_.high >= 0) c->registers[register_.high].operand = 0; } virtual RegisterValue* toRegister(Context*, unsigned) { return this; } virtual void asAssemblerOperand(Context*, OperandType* type, Assembler::Operand** operand) { *type = Register; *operand = ®ister_; } Assembler::Register register_; }; RegisterValue* register_(Context* c, int low, int high = NoRegister) { return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(RegisterValue))) RegisterValue(low, high); } class MemoryValue: public Value { public: MemoryValue(int base, int offset, int index, unsigned scale, TraceHandler* traceHandler): value(base, offset, index, scale, traceHandler) { } virtual RegisterValue* toRegister(Context* c, unsigned size) { RegisterValue* v = freeRegister(c, size); apply(c, Move, size, this, v); return v; } virtual int base(Context*) { return value.base; } virtual int index(Context*) { return value.index; } virtual void asAssemblerOperand(Context* c, OperandType* type, Assembler::Operand** operand) { value.base = base(c); value.index = index(c); *type = Memory; *operand = &value; } Assembler::Memory value; }; MemoryValue* memory(Context* c, int base, int offset, int index, unsigned scale, TraceHandler* traceHandler) { return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(MemoryValue))) MemoryValue(base, offset, index, scale, traceHandler); } int toRegister(Context* c, MyOperand* a) { assert(c, a->size == BytesPerWord); return a->value->toRegister(c, a->size)->register_.low; } class AbstractMemoryValue: public MemoryValue { public: AbstractMemoryValue(MyOperand* base, int offset, MyOperand* index, unsigned scale, TraceHandler* traceHandler): MemoryValue(NoRegister, offset, NoRegister, scale, traceHandler), base_(base), index_(index) { } virtual int base(Context* c) { return ::toRegister(c, base_); } virtual int index(Context* c) { return index_ ? ::toRegister(c, base_) : NoRegister; } MyOperand* base_; MyOperand* index_; }; AbstractMemoryValue* memory(Context* c, MyOperand* base, int offset, MyOperand* index, unsigned scale, TraceHandler* traceHandler) { return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(AbstractMemoryValue))) AbstractMemoryValue(base, offset, index, scale, traceHandler); } class Event { public: Event(Context* c): next(0), stack(c->state->stack), promises(0) { if (c->event) { c->event->next = this; } if (c->logicalCode[c->logicalIp].firstEvent == 0) { c->logicalCode[c->logicalIp].firstEvent = this; } c->event = this; } Event(Event* next): next(next) { } virtual ~Event() { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* value) = 0; virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) = 0; virtual void compile(Context* c) = 0; Event* next; MyOperand* stack; CodePromise* promises; }; class ArgumentEvent: public Event { public: ArgumentEvent(Context* c, MyOperand* a, unsigned index): Event(c), a(a), index(index) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == a); if (index < c->assembler->argumentRegisterCount()) { return register_(c, c->assembler->argumentRegister(index)); } else { return memory(c, c->assembler->base(), (v->index + c->stackOffset) * BytesPerWord, NoRegister, 0, 0); } } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == a); a = new_; new_->target = old->target; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { a->value->release(c, a); a->target->preserve(c); if (not a->target->equals(a->value)) { apply(c, Move, a->size, a->value, a->target); } } MyOperand* a; unsigned index; }; void appendArgument(Context* c, MyOperand* value, unsigned index) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(ArgumentEvent))) ArgumentEvent(c, value, index); } class ReturnEvent: public Event { public: ReturnEvent(Context* c, MyOperand* a): Event(c), a(a) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == a); return register_(c, c->assembler->returnLow(), c->assembler->returnHigh()); } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == a); a = new_; a->target = old->target; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { a->value->release(c, a); if (not a->target->equals(a->value)) { apply(c, Move, a->size, a->value, a->target); } c->assembler->apply(Return); } MyOperand* a; }; void appendReturn(Context* c, MyOperand* value) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(ReturnEvent))) ReturnEvent(c, value); } class SyncForCallEvent: public Event { public: SyncForCallEvent(Context* c, MyOperand* src, MyOperand* dst): Event(c), src(src), dst(dst) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == src); return memory(c, c->assembler->base(), (v->index + c->stackOffset) * BytesPerWord, NoRegister, 0, 0); } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == src); src = new_; src->target = old->target; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { src->value->release(c, src); if (not src->target->equals(src->value)) { apply(c, Move, src->size, src->value, src->target); } } MyOperand* src; MyOperand* dst; }; void appendSyncForCall(Context* c, MyOperand* src, MyOperand* dst) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(SyncForCallEvent))) SyncForCallEvent(c, src, dst); } class SyncForJumpEvent: public Event { public: SyncForJumpEvent(Context* c, MyOperand* src, MyOperand* dst): Event(c), src(src), dst(dst) { } SyncForJumpEvent(Event* next, MyOperand* src, MyOperand* dst): Event(next), src(src), dst(dst) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == src); if (BytesPerWord == 4 and v->size == 8) { return register_(c, c->assembler->stackSyncRegister(v->index), c->assembler->stackSyncRegister(v->index + 4)); } else { return register_(c, c->assembler->stackSyncRegister(v->index)); } } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == src); src = new_; src->target = old->target; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { src->value->release(c, src); src->target->acquire(c, dst); if (not src->target->equals(src->value)) { apply(c, Move, src->size, src->value, src->target); } dst->value = src->target; } MyOperand* src; MyOperand* dst; }; void appendSyncForJump(Context* c, MyOperand* src, MyOperand* dst) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(SyncForJumpEvent))) SyncForJumpEvent(c, src, dst); } class CallEvent: public Event { public: CallEvent(Context* c, MyOperand* address, void* indirection, unsigned flags, TraceHandler* traceHandler, MyOperand* result, unsigned stackOffset): Event(c), address(address), indirection(indirection), flags(flags), traceHandler(traceHandler), result(result), stackOffset(stackOffset) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == address); if (indirection) { return register_ (c, c->assembler->returnLow(), c->assembler->returnHigh()); } else { return 0; } } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == address); address = new_; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { address->value->release(c, address); if (result->event) { result->value = register_ (c, c->assembler->returnLow(), c->assembler->returnHigh()); result->value->acquire(c, result); } apply(c, LoadAddress, BytesPerWord, register_(c, c->assembler->stack()), memory(c, c->assembler->base(), stackOffset * BytesPerWord, NoRegister, 0, 0)); if (indirection) { if (not address->target->equals(address->value)) { apply(c, Move, address->size, address->value, address->target); } apply(c, Call, BytesPerWord, constant(c, reinterpret_cast(indirection))); } else { apply(c, Call, address->size, address->value); } } MyOperand* address; void* indirection; unsigned flags; TraceHandler* traceHandler; MyOperand* result; unsigned stackOffset; }; void appendCall(Context* c, MyOperand* address, void* indirection, unsigned flags, TraceHandler* traceHandler, MyOperand* result, unsigned stackOffset) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(CallEvent))) CallEvent(c, address, indirection, flags, traceHandler, result, stackOffset); } int freeRegister(Context* c) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < c->assembler->registerCount(); ++i) { if ((not c->registers[i].reserved) and c->registers[i].operand == 0) { return i; } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < c->assembler->registerCount(); ++i) { if (not c->registers[i].reserved) { return i; } } abort(c); } RegisterValue* freeRegister(Context* c, unsigned size) { if (BytesPerWord == 4 and size == 8) { return register_(c, freeRegister(c), freeRegister(c)); } else { return register_(c, freeRegister(c)); } } class MoveEvent: public Event { public: MoveEvent(Context* c, BinaryOperation type, MyOperand* src, MyOperand* dst): Event(c), type(type), src(src), dst(dst) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == src); return v->event->target(c, dst); } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == src); src = new_; src->target = old->target; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { if (src->target == 0) { src->target = freeRegister(c, src->size); } src->value->release(c, src); src->target->acquire(c, dst); apply(c, type, src->size, src->value, src->target); dst->value = src->target; } BinaryOperation type; MyOperand* src; MyOperand* dst; }; void appendMove(Context* c, BinaryOperation type, MyOperand* src, MyOperand* dst) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(MoveEvent))) MoveEvent(c, type, src, dst); } class CompareEvent: public Event { public: CompareEvent(Context* c, MyOperand* a, MyOperand* b): Event(c), a(a), b(b) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == a or v == b); return 0; } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { if (old == a) { a = new_; a->target = old->target; } else { assert(c, old == b); b = new_; b->target = old->target; } } virtual void compile(Context* c) { a->value->release(c, a); b->value->release(c, b); apply(c, Compare, a->size, a->value, b->value); } MyOperand* a; MyOperand* b; }; void appendCompare(Context* c, MyOperand* a, MyOperand* b) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(CompareEvent))) CompareEvent(c, a, b); } class BranchEvent: public Event { public: BranchEvent(Context* c, UnaryOperation type, MyOperand* address): Event(c), type(type), address(address) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == address); return 0; } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == address); address = new_; address->target = old->target; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { address->value->release(c, address); apply(c, type, address->size, address->value); } UnaryOperation type; MyOperand* address; }; void appendBranch(Context* c, UnaryOperation type, MyOperand* address) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(BranchEvent))) BranchEvent(c, type, address); } class JumpEvent: public Event { public: JumpEvent(Context* c, MyOperand* address): Event(c), address(address) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == address); return 0; } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == address); address = new_; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { address->value->release(c, address); apply(c, Jump, address->size, address->value); } MyOperand* address; unsigned stackOffset; bool alignCall; TraceHandler* traceHandler; }; void appendJump(Context* c, MyOperand* address) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(BranchEvent))) JumpEvent(c, address); } class CombineEvent: public Event { public: CombineEvent(Context* c, BinaryOperation type, MyOperand* a, MyOperand* b, MyOperand* result): Event(c), type(type), a(a), b(b), result(result) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { Assembler::Register ar(NoRegister); Assembler::Register br(NoRegister); c->assembler->getTargets(type, v->size, &ar, &br); if (v == a) { if (ar.low == NoRegister) { return 0; } else { return register_(c, ar.low, ar.high); } } else { assert(c, v == b); if (br.low == NoRegister) { return result->event->target(c, result); } else { return register_(c, br.low, br.high); } } } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { if (old == a) { a = new_; a->target = old->target; } else { assert(c, old == b); b = new_; b->target = old->target; } } virtual void compile(Context* c) { a->value->release(c, a); b->value->release(c, b); b->value->acquire(c, result); if (a->target and not a->target->equals(a->value)) { apply(c, Move, a->size, a->value, a->target); } if (b->target and not b->target->equals(b->value)) { apply(c, Move, b->size, b->value, b->target); } apply(c, type, a->size, a->value, b->value); result->value = b->value; } BinaryOperation type; MyOperand* a; MyOperand* b; MyOperand* result; }; void appendCombine(Context* c, BinaryOperation type, MyOperand* a, MyOperand* b, MyOperand* result) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(CombineEvent))) CombineEvent(c, type, a, b, result); } class TranslateEvent: public Event { public: TranslateEvent(Context* c, UnaryOperation type, MyOperand* a, MyOperand* result): Event(c), type(type), a(a), result(result) { } virtual Value* target(Context* c, MyOperand* v) { assert(c, v == a); Assembler::Register r(NoRegister); c->assembler->getTargets(type, v->size, &r); if (r.low == NoRegister) { return result->event->target(c, result); } else { return register_(c, r.low, r.high); } } virtual void replace(Context* c, MyOperand* old, MyOperand* new_) { assert(c, old == a); a = new_; a->target = old->target; } virtual void compile(Context* c) { result->value->acquire(c, result); apply(c, type, a->size, a->value); result->value = a->value; } UnaryOperation type; MyOperand* a; MyOperand* result; }; void appendTranslate(Context* c, UnaryOperation type, MyOperand* a, MyOperand* result) { new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(TranslateEvent))) TranslateEvent(c, type, a, result); } RegisterValue* ConstantValue::toRegister(Context* c, unsigned size) { RegisterValue* v = freeRegister(c, size); apply(c, Move, size, this, v); return v; } RegisterValue* AddressValue::toRegister(Context* c, unsigned size) { RegisterValue* v = freeRegister(c, size); apply(c, Move, size, this, v); return v; } void preserve(Context* c, int reg) { MyOperand* a = c->registers[reg].operand; if (a) { MemoryValue* dst = memory (c, c->assembler->base(), (a->index + c->stackOffset) * BytesPerWord, -1, 0, 0); apply(c, Move, a->size, a->value, dst); a->value = dst; c->registers[reg].operand = 0; } } MyOperand* operand(Context* c, unsigned size, Value* value = 0) { return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(MyOperand))) MyOperand(size, value); } void pushState(Context* c) { c->state = new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(State))) State(c->state); } void popState(Context* c) { c->state = new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(State))) State(c->state->next); } void push(Context* c, MyOperand* o) { static_cast(o)->next = c->state->stack; c->state->stack = static_cast(o); } MyOperand* pop(Context* c) { MyOperand* o = c->state->stack; c->state->stack = o->next; return o; } void syncStack(Context* c, SyncType type) { MyOperand* top = 0; MyOperand* new_ = 0; for (MyOperand* old = c->state->stack; old; old = old->next) { MyOperand* n = operand(c, old->size, 0); if (new_) { new_->next = n; } else { top = n; } new_ = n; new_->index = old->index; if (type == SyncForCall) { appendSyncForCall(c, old, new_); } else { appendSyncForJump(c, old, new_); } } c->state->stack = top; } void updateJunctions(Context* c) { for (Junction* j = c->junctions; j; j = j->next) { LogicalInstruction* i = c->logicalCode + j->logicalIp; if (i->predecessor >= 0) { LogicalInstruction* p = c->logicalCode + i->predecessor; MyOperand* new_ = 0; for (MyOperand* old = i->firstEvent->stack; old; old = old->next) { MyOperand* n = operand(c, old->size, 0); if (new_) new_->next = n; new_ = n; new_->index = old->index; if (old->event) { old->event->replace(c, old, new_); } p->lastEvent = p->lastEvent->next = new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(SyncForJumpEvent))) SyncForJumpEvent(p->lastEvent->next, old, new_); } } } } void compile(Context* c) { for (Event* e = c->logicalCode[0].firstEvent; e; e = e->next) { e->compile(c); } } class MyCompiler: public Compiler { public: MyCompiler(System* s, Assembler* assembler, Zone* zone): c(s, assembler, zone) { } virtual void pushState() { ::pushState(&c); } virtual void popState() { ::pushState(&c); } virtual void init(unsigned logicalCodeLength, unsigned stackOffset) { c.logicalCodeLength = logicalCodeLength; c.stackOffset = stackOffset; c.logicalCode = static_cast (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(LogicalInstruction) * logicalCodeLength)); memset(c.logicalCode, 0, sizeof(LogicalInstruction) * logicalCodeLength); } virtual void visitLogicalIp(unsigned logicalIp) { if ((++ c.logicalCode[logicalIp].visits) == 1) { c.junctions = new (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(Junction))) Junction(logicalIp, c.junctions); } } virtual void startLogicalIp(unsigned logicalIp) { if (c.logicalIp >= 0) { c.logicalCode[c.logicalIp].lastEvent = c.event; } c.logicalIp = logicalIp; } virtual Promise* machineIp(unsigned logicalIp) { return new (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(IpPromise))) IpPromise(&c, logicalIp); } virtual Promise* poolAppend(intptr_t value) { return poolAppendPromise(new (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(ResolvedPromise))) ResolvedPromise(value)); } virtual Promise* poolAppendPromise(Promise* value) { Promise* p = new (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(PoolPromise))) PoolPromise(&c, c.constantCount); ConstantPoolNode* constant = new (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(ConstantPoolNode))) ConstantPoolNode(value); if (c.firstConstant) { c.lastConstant->next = constant; } else { c.firstConstant = constant; } c.lastConstant = constant; ++ c.constantCount; return p; } virtual Operand* constant(int64_t value) { return promiseConstant(new (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(ResolvedPromise))) ResolvedPromise(value)); } virtual Operand* constant8(int64_t value) { return promiseConstant8(new (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(ResolvedPromise))) ResolvedPromise(value)); } virtual Operand* promiseConstant(Promise* value) { return operand(&c, BytesPerWord, ::constant(&c, value)); } virtual Operand* promiseConstant8(Promise* value) { return operand(&c, 8, ::constant(&c, value)); } virtual Operand* address(Promise* address) { return operand(&c, BytesPerWord, ::address(&c, address)); } virtual Operand* memory(Operand* base, int displacement = 0, Operand* index = 0, unsigned scale = 1, TraceHandler* traceHandler = 0) { return operand (&c, BytesPerWord, ::memory (&c, static_cast(base), displacement, static_cast(index), scale, traceHandler)); } virtual Operand* stack() { return operand(&c, BytesPerWord, register_(&c, c.assembler->stack())); } virtual Operand* base() { return operand(&c, BytesPerWord, register_(&c, c.assembler->base())); } virtual Operand* thread() { return operand(&c, BytesPerWord, register_(&c, c.assembler->thread())); } virtual Operand* label() { return operand(&c, BytesPerWord, ::constant(&c, static_cast(0))); } Promise* machineIp() { return c.event->promises = new (c.zone->allocate(sizeof(CodePromise))) CodePromise(&c, c.event->promises); } virtual void mark(Operand* label) { static_cast(static_cast(label)->value)->value = machineIp(); } virtual void push(Operand* value) { ::push(&c, static_cast(value)); } virtual Operand* pop() { return ::pop(&c); } virtual void push(unsigned count) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) ::push(&c, 0); } virtual void pop(unsigned count) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) ::pop(&c); } virtual Operand* peek(unsigned index) { MyOperand* a = c.state->stack; for (; index; --index) a = a->next; return a; } virtual Operand* call(Operand* address, void* indirection, unsigned flags, TraceHandler* traceHandler, unsigned resultSize, unsigned argumentCount, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, argumentCount); unsigned footprint = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < argumentCount; ++i) { MyOperand* o = va_arg(a, MyOperand*); footprint += o->size; appendArgument(&c, o, i); } va_end(a); syncStack(&c, SyncForCall); unsigned stackOffset = c.stackOffset + c.state->stack->index + (footprint > c.assembler->argumentRegisterCount() ? footprint - c.assembler->argumentRegisterCount() : 0); MyOperand* result = operand(&c, resultSize, 0); appendCall(&c, static_cast(address), indirection, flags, traceHandler, result, stackOffset); return result; } virtual void return_(Operand* value) { appendReturn(&c, static_cast(value)); } virtual void store(Operand* src, Operand* dst) { appendMove(&c, Move, static_cast(src), static_cast(dst)); } virtual void store1(Operand* src, Operand* dst) { appendMove(&c, Store1, static_cast(src), static_cast(dst)); } virtual void store2(Operand* src, Operand* dst) { appendMove(&c, Store2, static_cast(src), static_cast(dst)); } virtual void store4(Operand* src, Operand* dst) { appendMove(&c, Store4, static_cast(src), static_cast(dst)); } virtual void store8(Operand* src, Operand* dst) { appendMove(&c, Store8, static_cast(src), static_cast(dst)); } virtual Operand* load(Operand* src) { MyOperand* dst = operand(&c, BytesPerWord); appendMove(&c, Move, static_cast(src), dst); return dst; } virtual Operand* load1(Operand* src) { MyOperand* dst = operand(&c, BytesPerWord); appendMove(&c, Load1, static_cast(src), dst); return dst; } virtual Operand* load2(Operand* src) { MyOperand* dst = operand(&c, BytesPerWord); appendMove(&c, Load2, static_cast(src), dst); return dst; } virtual Operand* load2z(Operand* src) { MyOperand* dst = operand(&c, BytesPerWord); appendMove(&c, Load2z, static_cast(src), dst); return dst; } virtual Operand* load4(Operand* src) { MyOperand* dst = operand(&c, BytesPerWord); appendMove(&c, Load4, static_cast(src), dst); return dst; } virtual Operand* load8(Operand* src) { MyOperand* dst = operand(&c, 8); appendMove(&c, Load8, static_cast(src), dst); return dst; } virtual Operand* load4To8(Operand* src) { MyOperand* dst = operand(&c, 8); appendMove(&c, Load4To8, static_cast(src), dst); return dst; } virtual void cmp(Operand* a, Operand* b) { appendCompare(&c, static_cast(a), static_cast(b)); } virtual void jl(Operand* address) { syncStack(&c, SyncForJump); appendBranch(&c, JumpIfLess, static_cast(address)); } virtual void jg(Operand* address) { syncStack(&c, SyncForJump); appendBranch(&c, JumpIfGreater, static_cast(address)); } virtual void jle(Operand* address) { syncStack(&c, SyncForJump); appendBranch(&c, JumpIfLessOrEqual, static_cast(address)); } virtual void jge(Operand* address) { syncStack(&c, SyncForJump); appendBranch(&c, JumpIfGreaterOrEqual, static_cast(address)); } virtual void je(Operand* address) { syncStack(&c, SyncForJump); appendBranch(&c, JumpIfEqual, static_cast(address)); } virtual void jne(Operand* address) { syncStack(&c, SyncForJump); appendBranch(&c, JumpIfNotEqual, static_cast(address)); } virtual void jmp(Operand* address) { syncStack(&c, SyncForJump); appendJump(&c, static_cast(address)); } virtual Operand* add(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, Add, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* sub(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, Subtract, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* mul(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, Multiply, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* div(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, Divide, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* rem(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, Remainder, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* shl(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, ShiftLeft, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* shr(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, ShiftRight, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* ushr(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, UnsignedShiftRight, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* and_(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, And, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* or_(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, Or, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* xor_(Operand* a, Operand* b) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendCombine(&c, Xor, static_cast(a), static_cast(b), result); return result; } virtual Operand* neg(Operand* a) { MyOperand* result = operand(&c, static_cast(a)->size); appendTranslate(&c, Negate, static_cast(a), result); return result; } virtual unsigned compile() { updateJunctions(&c); ::compile(&c); return c.assembler->length(); } virtual unsigned poolSize() { return c.constantCount; } virtual void writeTo(uint8_t* dst) { c.machineCode = dst; c.assembler->writeTo(dst); int i = 0; for (ConstantPoolNode* n = c.firstConstant; n; n = n->next) { *reinterpret_cast(dst + c.assembler->length() + (i++)) = n->promise->value(); } } virtual void dispose() { // ignore } Context c; }; } // namespace namespace vm { Compiler* makeCompiler(System* system, Assembler* assembler, Zone* zone) { return new (zone->allocate(sizeof(MyCompiler))) MyCompiler(system, assembler, zone); } } // namespace vm