 * Gradle script plugin: Configure a module such that the Java and Kotlin
 * compilers use the deterministic rt.jar instead of the full JDK rt.jar.
apply plugin: 'kotlin'


def jdk8uDeterministic = project(':jdk8u-deterministic')

ext {
    jdkTask = jdk8uDeterministic.assemble
    deterministic_jdk_home = jdk8uDeterministic.jdk_home
    deterministic_rt_jar = jdk8uDeterministic.rt_jar

tasks.withType(AbstractCompile) {
    dependsOn jdkTask

    // This is a bit ugly, but Gradle isn't recognising the KotlinCompile task
    // as it does the built-in JavaCompile task.
    if (it.class.name.startsWith("org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile")) {
        kotlinOptions.jdkHome = deterministic_jdk_home

tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
    options.compilerArgs << '-bootclasspath' << deterministic_rt_jar