/* Copyright (c) 2008, Avian Contributors Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for details. */ #include "heap.h" #include "system.h" #include "common.h" using namespace vm; namespace { // an object must survive TenureThreshold + 2 garbage collections // before being copied to gen2 (must be at least 1): const unsigned TenureThreshold = 3; const unsigned FixieTenureThreshold = TenureThreshold + 2; const unsigned Top = ~static_cast(0); const unsigned InitialGen2CapacityInBytes = 4 * 1024 * 1024; const unsigned InitialTenuredFixieCeilingInBytes = 4 * 1024 * 1024; const unsigned LowMemoryPaddingInBytes = 1024 * 1024; const bool Verbose = false; const bool Verbose2 = false; const bool Debug = false; const bool DebugFixies = false; #define ACQUIRE(x) MutexLock MAKE_NAME(monitorLock_) (x) class MutexLock { public: MutexLock(System::Mutex* m): m(m) { m->acquire(); } ~MutexLock() { m->release(); } private: System::Mutex* m; }; class Context; void NO_RETURN abort(Context*); #ifndef NDEBUG void assert(Context*, bool); #endif System* system(Context*); void* tryAllocate(Context* c, unsigned size); void free(Context* c, const void* p, unsigned size); inline void* get(void* o, unsigned offsetInWords) { return mask(cast(o, offsetInWords * BytesPerWord)); } inline void** getp(void* o, unsigned offsetInWords) { return &cast(o, offsetInWords * BytesPerWord); } inline void set(void** o, void* value) { *o = reinterpret_cast (reinterpret_cast(value) | (reinterpret_cast(*o) & (~PointerMask))); } inline void set(void* o, unsigned offsetInWords, void* value) { set(getp(o, offsetInWords), value); } class Segment { public: class Map { public: class Iterator { public: Map* map; unsigned index; unsigned limit; Iterator(Map* map, unsigned start, unsigned end): map(map) { assert(map->segment->context, map->bitsPerRecord == 1); assert(map->segment->context, map->segment); assert(map->segment->context, start <= map->segment->position()); if (end > map->segment->position()) end = map->segment->position(); index = map->indexOf(start); limit = map->indexOf(end); if ((end - start) % map->scale) ++ limit; } bool hasMore() { unsigned word = wordOf(index); unsigned bit = bitOf(index); unsigned wordLimit = wordOf(limit); unsigned bitLimit = bitOf(limit); for (; word <= wordLimit and (word < wordLimit or bit < bitLimit); ++word) { uintptr_t w = map->data()[word]; if (2) { for (; bit < BitsPerWord and (word < wordLimit or bit < bitLimit); ++bit) { if (w & (static_cast(1) << bit)) { index = ::indexOf(word, bit); // printf("hit at index %d\n", index); return true; } else { // printf("miss at index %d\n", indexOf(word, bit)); } } } bit = 0; } index = limit; return false; } unsigned next() { assert(map->segment->context, hasMore()); assert(map->segment->context, map->segment); return (index++) * map->scale; } }; Segment* segment; Map* child; unsigned bitsPerRecord; unsigned scale; bool clearNewData; Map(Segment* segment, unsigned bitsPerRecord, unsigned scale, Map* child, bool clearNewData): segment(segment), child(child), bitsPerRecord(bitsPerRecord), scale(scale), clearNewData(clearNewData) { } void init() { assert(segment->context, bitsPerRecord); assert(segment->context, scale); assert(segment->context, powerOfTwo(scale)); if (clearNewData) { memset(data(), 0, size() * BytesPerWord); } if (child) { child->init(); } } void replaceWith(Map* m) { assert(segment->context, bitsPerRecord == m->bitsPerRecord); assert(segment->context, scale == m->scale); m->segment = 0; if (child) child->replaceWith(m->child); } unsigned offset(unsigned capacity) { unsigned n = 0; if (child) n += child->footprint(capacity); return n; } unsigned offset() { return offset(segment->capacity()); } uintptr_t* data() { return segment->data + segment->capacity() + offset(); } unsigned size(unsigned capacity) { unsigned result = ceiling(ceiling(capacity, scale) * bitsPerRecord, BitsPerWord); assert(segment->context, result); return result; } unsigned size() { return size(max(segment->capacity(), 1)); } unsigned indexOf(unsigned segmentIndex) { return (segmentIndex / scale) * bitsPerRecord; } unsigned indexOf(void* p) { assert(segment->context, segment->almostContains(p)); assert(segment->context, segment->capacity()); return indexOf(segment->indexOf(p)); } void update(uintptr_t* newData, unsigned capacity) { assert(segment->context, capacity >= segment->capacity()); uintptr_t* p = newData + offset(capacity); if (segment->position()) { memcpy(p, data(), size(segment->position()) * BytesPerWord); } if (child) { child->update(newData, capacity); } } void clearBit(unsigned i) { assert(segment->context, wordOf(i) < size()); vm::clearBit(data(), i); } void setBit(unsigned i) { assert(segment->context, wordOf(i) < size()); vm::markBit(data(), i); } void clearOnlyIndex(unsigned index) { clearBits(data(), bitsPerRecord, index); } void clearOnly(unsigned segmentIndex) { clearOnlyIndex(indexOf(segmentIndex)); } void clearOnly(void* p) { clearOnlyIndex(indexOf(p)); } void clear(void* p) { clearOnly(p); if (child) child->clear(p); } void setOnlyIndex(unsigned index, unsigned v = 1) { setBits(data(), bitsPerRecord, index, v); } void setOnly(unsigned segmentIndex, unsigned v = 1) { setOnlyIndex(indexOf(segmentIndex), v); } void setOnly(void* p, unsigned v = 1) { setOnlyIndex(indexOf(p), v); } void set(void* p, unsigned v = 1) { setOnly(p, v); assert(segment->context, get(p) == v); if (child) child->set(p, v); } unsigned get(void* p) { return getBits(data(), bitsPerRecord, indexOf(p)); } unsigned footprint(unsigned capacity) { unsigned n = size(capacity); if (child) n += child->footprint(capacity); return n; } }; Context* context; uintptr_t* data; unsigned position_; unsigned capacity_; Map* map; Segment(Context* context, Map* map, unsigned desired, unsigned minimum): context(context), data(0), position_(0), capacity_(0), map(map) { if (desired) { assert(context, desired >= minimum); capacity_ = desired; while (data == 0) { data = static_cast (tryAllocate(context, (footprint(capacity_)) * BytesPerWord)); if (data == 0) { if (capacity_ > minimum) { capacity_ = avg(minimum, capacity_); if (capacity_ == 0) { break; } } else { abort(context); } } } if (map) { map->init(); } } } unsigned footprint(unsigned capacity) { return capacity + (map and capacity ? map->footprint(capacity) : 0); } unsigned capacity() { return capacity_; } unsigned position() { return position_; } unsigned remaining() { return capacity() - position(); } void replaceWith(Segment* s) { if (data) { free(context, data, (footprint(capacity())) * BytesPerWord); } data = s->data; s->data = 0; position_ = s->position_; s->position_ = 0; capacity_ = s->capacity_; s->capacity_ = 0; if (s->map) { if (map) { map->replaceWith(s->map); s->map = 0; } else { abort(context); } } else { assert(context, map == 0); } } bool contains(void* p) { return position() and p >= data and p < data + position(); } bool almostContains(void* p) { return contains(p) or p == data + position(); } void* get(unsigned offset) { assert(context, offset <= position()); return data + offset; } unsigned indexOf(void* p) { assert(context, almostContains(p)); return static_cast(p) - data; } void* allocate(unsigned size) { assert(context, size); assert(context, position() + size <= capacity()); void* p = data + position(); position_ += size; return p; } void dispose() { free(context, data, (footprint(capacity())) * BytesPerWord); data = 0; map = 0; } }; class Fixie { public: Fixie(unsigned size, bool hasMask, Fixie** handle, bool immortal): age(immortal ? FixieTenureThreshold + 1 : 0), hasMask(hasMask), marked(false), dirty(false), size(size) { memset(mask(), 0, maskSize(size, hasMask)); add(handle); if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "make fixie %p of size %d\n", this, totalSize()); } } bool immortal() { return age == FixieTenureThreshold + 1; } void add(Fixie** handle) { this->handle = handle; if (handle) { next = *handle; if (next) next->handle = &next; *handle = this; } else { next = 0; } } void remove() { if (handle) *handle = next; if (next) next->handle = handle; } void move(Fixie** handle) { if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "move fixie %p\n", this); } remove(); add(handle); } void** body() { return static_cast(static_cast(body_)); } uintptr_t* mask() { return body_ + size; } static unsigned maskSize(unsigned size, bool hasMask) { return hasMask * ceiling(size, BytesPerWord) * BytesPerWord; } static unsigned totalSize(unsigned size, bool hasMask) { return sizeof(Fixie) + (size * BytesPerWord) + maskSize(size, hasMask); } unsigned totalSize() { return totalSize(size, hasMask); } uint8_t age; bool hasMask; bool marked; bool dirty; unsigned size; Fixie* next; Fixie** handle; uintptr_t body_[0]; }; Fixie* fixie(void* body) { return static_cast(body) - 1; } void free(Context* c, Fixie** fixies); class Context { public: Context(System* system, unsigned limit): system(system), client(0), count(0), limit(limit), lowMemoryThreshold(limit / 2), lock(0), ageMap(&gen1, max(1, log(TenureThreshold)), 1, 0, false), gen1(this, &ageMap, 0, 0), nextAgeMap(&nextGen1, max(1, log(TenureThreshold)), 1, 0, false), nextGen1(this, &nextAgeMap, 0, 0), pointerMap(&gen2, 1, 1, 0, true), pageMap(&gen2, 1, LikelyPageSizeInBytes / BytesPerWord, &pointerMap, true), heapMap(&gen2, 1, pageMap.scale * 1024, &pageMap, true), gen2(this, &heapMap, 0, 0), nextPointerMap(&nextGen2, 1, 1, 0, true), nextPageMap(&nextGen2, 1, LikelyPageSizeInBytes / BytesPerWord, &nextPointerMap, true), nextHeapMap(&nextGen2, 1, nextPageMap.scale * 1024, &nextPageMap, true), nextGen2(this, &nextHeapMap, 0, 0), gen2Base(0), incomingFootprint(0), tenureFootprint(0), gen1Padding(0), tenurePadding(0), gen2Padding(0), fixieTenureFootprint(0), untenuredFixieFootprint(0), tenuredFixieFootprint(0), tenuredFixieCeiling(InitialTenuredFixieCeilingInBytes), mode(Heap::MinorCollection), fixies(0), tenuredFixies(0), dirtyTenuredFixies(0), markedFixies(0), visitedFixies(0), lastCollectionTime(system->now()), totalCollectionTime(0), totalTime(0) { if (not system->success(system->make(&lock))) { system->abort(); } } void dispose() { gen1.dispose(); nextGen1.dispose(); gen2.dispose(); nextGen2.dispose(); lock->dispose(); } void disposeFixies() { free(this, &tenuredFixies); free(this, &dirtyTenuredFixies); free(this, &fixies); } System* system; Heap::Client* client; unsigned count; unsigned limit; unsigned lowMemoryThreshold; System::Mutex* lock; Segment::Map ageMap; Segment gen1; Segment::Map nextAgeMap; Segment nextGen1; Segment::Map pointerMap; Segment::Map pageMap; Segment::Map heapMap; Segment gen2; Segment::Map nextPointerMap; Segment::Map nextPageMap; Segment::Map nextHeapMap; Segment nextGen2; unsigned gen2Base; unsigned incomingFootprint; unsigned tenureFootprint; unsigned gen1Padding; unsigned tenurePadding; unsigned gen2Padding; unsigned fixieTenureFootprint; unsigned untenuredFixieFootprint; unsigned tenuredFixieFootprint; unsigned tenuredFixieCeiling; Heap::CollectionType mode; Fixie* fixies; Fixie* tenuredFixies; Fixie* dirtyTenuredFixies; Fixie* markedFixies; Fixie* visitedFixies; int64_t lastCollectionTime; int64_t totalCollectionTime; int64_t totalTime; }; inline System* system(Context* c) { return c->system; } const char* segment(Context* c, void* p) { if (c->gen1.contains(p)) { return "gen1"; } else if (c->nextGen1.contains(p)) { return "nextGen1"; } else if (c->gen2.contains(p)) { return "gen2"; } else if (c->nextGen2.contains(p)) { return "nextGen2"; } else { return "none"; } } inline void NO_RETURN abort(Context* c) { abort(c->system); } #ifndef NDEBUG inline void assert(Context* c, bool v) { assert(c->system, v); } #endif inline unsigned minimumNextGen1Capacity(Context* c) { return c->gen1.position() - c->tenureFootprint + c->incomingFootprint + c->gen1Padding; } inline unsigned minimumNextGen2Capacity(Context* c) { return c->gen2.position() + c->tenureFootprint + c->tenurePadding + c->gen2Padding; } inline bool oversizedGen2(Context* c) { return c->gen2.capacity() > (InitialGen2CapacityInBytes / BytesPerWord) and c->gen2.position() < (c->gen2.capacity() / 4); } inline unsigned memoryNeeded(Context* c) { return c->count + ((c->gen1.footprint(minimumNextGen1Capacity(c)) + c->gen2.footprint(minimumNextGen2Capacity(c))) * BytesPerWord) + LowMemoryPaddingInBytes; } inline bool lowMemory(Context* c) { return memoryNeeded(c) > c->lowMemoryThreshold; } inline void initNextGen1(Context* c) { new (&(c->nextAgeMap)) Segment::Map (&(c->nextGen1), max(1, log(TenureThreshold)), 1, 0, false); unsigned minimum = minimumNextGen1Capacity(c); unsigned desired = minimum; new (&(c->nextGen1)) Segment(c, &(c->nextAgeMap), desired, minimum); if (Verbose2) { fprintf(stderr, "init nextGen1 to %d bytes\n", c->nextGen1.capacity() * BytesPerWord); } } inline void initNextGen2(Context* c) { new (&(c->nextPointerMap)) Segment::Map (&(c->nextGen2), 1, 1, 0, true); new (&(c->nextPageMap)) Segment::Map (&(c->nextGen2), 1, LikelyPageSizeInBytes / BytesPerWord, &(c->nextPointerMap), true); new (&(c->nextHeapMap)) Segment::Map (&(c->nextGen2), 1, c->pageMap.scale * 1024, &(c->nextPageMap), true); unsigned minimum = minimumNextGen2Capacity(c); unsigned desired = minimum; if (not (lowMemory(c) or oversizedGen2(c))) { desired *= 2; } if (desired < InitialGen2CapacityInBytes / BytesPerWord) { desired = InitialGen2CapacityInBytes / BytesPerWord; } new (&(c->nextGen2)) Segment(c, &(c->nextHeapMap), desired, minimum); if (Verbose2) { fprintf(stderr, "init nextGen2 to %d bytes\n", c->nextGen2.capacity() * BytesPerWord); } } inline bool fresh(Context* c, void* o) { return c->nextGen1.contains(o) or c->nextGen2.contains(o) or (c->gen2.contains(o) and c->gen2.indexOf(o) >= c->gen2Base); } inline bool wasCollected(Context* c, void* o) { return o and (not fresh(c, o)) and fresh(c, get(o, 0)); } inline void* follow(Context* c UNUSED, void* o) { assert(c, wasCollected(c, o)); return cast(o, 0); } inline void*& parent(Context* c UNUSED, void* o) { assert(c, wasCollected(c, o)); return cast(o, BytesPerWord); } inline uintptr_t* bitset(Context* c UNUSED, void* o) { assert(c, wasCollected(c, o)); return &cast(o, BytesPerWord * 2); } void free(Context* c, Fixie** fixies) { for (Fixie** p = fixies; *p;) { Fixie* f = *p; if (f->immortal()) { p = &(f->next); } else { *p = f->next; if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "free fixie %p\n", f); } free(c, f, f->totalSize()); } } } void sweepFixies(Context* c) { assert(c, c->markedFixies == 0); if (c->mode == Heap::MajorCollection) { free(c, &(c->tenuredFixies)); free(c, &(c->dirtyTenuredFixies)); c->tenuredFixieFootprint = 0; } free(c, &(c->fixies)); c->untenuredFixieFootprint = 0; for (Fixie** p = &(c->visitedFixies); *p;) { Fixie* f = *p; *p = f->next; if (not f->immortal()) { ++ f->age; if (f->age > FixieTenureThreshold) { f->age = FixieTenureThreshold; } else if (static_cast(f->age + 1) == FixieTenureThreshold) { c->fixieTenureFootprint += f->totalSize(); } } if (f->age >= FixieTenureThreshold) { if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "tenure fixie %p (dirty: %d)\n", f, f->dirty); } if (not f->immortal()) { c->tenuredFixieFootprint += f->totalSize(); } if (f->dirty) { f->move(&(c->dirtyTenuredFixies)); } else { f->move(&(c->tenuredFixies)); } } else { c->untenuredFixieFootprint += f->totalSize(); f->move(&(c->fixies)); } f->marked = false; } c->tenuredFixieCeiling = max (c->tenuredFixieFootprint * 2, InitialTenuredFixieCeilingInBytes); } inline void* copyTo(Context* c, Segment* s, void* o, unsigned size) { assert(c, s->remaining() >= size); void* dst = s->allocate(size); c->client->copy(o, dst); return dst; } void* copy2(Context* c, void* o) { unsigned size = c->client->copiedSizeInWords(o); if (c->gen2.contains(o)) { assert(c, c->mode == Heap::MajorCollection); return copyTo(c, &(c->nextGen2), o, size); } else if (c->gen1.contains(o)) { unsigned age = c->ageMap.get(o); if (age == TenureThreshold) { if (c->mode == Heap::MinorCollection) { assert(c, c->gen2.remaining() >= size); if (c->gen2Base == Top) { c->gen2Base = c->gen2.position(); } return copyTo(c, &(c->gen2), o, size); } else { return copyTo(c, &(c->nextGen2), o, size); } } else { o = copyTo(c, &(c->nextGen1), o, size); c->nextAgeMap.setOnly(o, age + 1); if (age + 1 == TenureThreshold) { c->tenureFootprint += size; } return o; } } else { assert(c, not c->nextGen1.contains(o)); assert(c, not c->nextGen2.contains(o)); o = copyTo(c, &(c->nextGen1), o, size); c->nextAgeMap.clear(o); return o; } } void* copy(Context* c, void* o) { void* r = copy2(c, o); if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, "copy %p (%s) to %p (%s)\n", o, segment(c, o), r, segment(c, r)); } // leave a pointer to the copy in the original cast(o, 0) = r; return r; } void* update3(Context* c, void* o, bool* needsVisit) { if (c->client->isFixed(o)) { Fixie* f = fixie(o); if ((not f->marked) and (c->mode == Heap::MajorCollection or f->age < FixieTenureThreshold)) { if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "mark fixie %p\n", f); } f->marked = true; f->move(&(c->markedFixies)); } *needsVisit = false; return o; } else if (wasCollected(c, o)) { *needsVisit = false; return follow(c, o); } else { *needsVisit = true; return copy(c, o); } } void* update2(Context* c, void* o, bool* needsVisit) { if (c->mode == Heap::MinorCollection and c->gen2.contains(o)) { *needsVisit = false; return o; } return update3(c, o, needsVisit); } void* update(Context* c, void** p, bool* needsVisit) { if (mask(*p) == 0) { *needsVisit = false; return 0; } return update2(c, mask(*p), needsVisit); } void markDirty(Context* c, Fixie* f) { if (not f->dirty) { f->dirty = true; f->move(&(c->dirtyTenuredFixies)); } } void markClean(Context* c, Fixie* f) { if (f->dirty) { f->dirty = false; f->move(&(c->tenuredFixies)); } } void updateHeapMap(Context* c, void* p, void* target, unsigned offset, void* result) { Segment* seg; Segment::Map* map; if (c->mode == Heap::MinorCollection) { seg = &(c->gen2); map = &(c->heapMap); } else { seg = &(c->nextGen2); map = &(c->nextHeapMap); } if (not (c->client->isFixed(result) and fixie(result)->age >= FixieTenureThreshold) and not seg->contains(result)) { if (target and c->client->isFixed(target)) { Fixie* f = fixie(target); assert(c, offset == 0 or f->hasMask); if (static_cast(f->age + 1) >= FixieTenureThreshold) { if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "dirty fixie %p at %d (%p)\n", f, offset, f->body() + offset); } markDirty(c, f); markBit(f->mask(), offset); } } else if (seg->contains(p)) { if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, "mark %p (%s) at %p (%s)\n", result, segment(c, result), p, segment(c, p)); } map->set(p); } } } void* update(Context* c, void** p, void* target, unsigned offset, bool* needsVisit) { if (mask(*p) == 0) { *needsVisit = false; return 0; } void* result = update2(c, mask(*p), needsVisit); if (result) { updateHeapMap(c, p, target, offset, result); } return result; } const uintptr_t BitsetExtensionBit = (static_cast(1) << (BitsPerWord - 1)); void bitsetInit(uintptr_t* p) { memset(p, 0, BytesPerWord); } void bitsetClear(uintptr_t* p, unsigned start, unsigned end) { if (end < BitsPerWord - 1) { // do nothing } else if (start < BitsPerWord - 1) { memset(p + 1, 0, (wordOf(end + (BitsPerWord * 2) + 1)) * BytesPerWord); } else { unsigned startWord = wordOf(start + (BitsPerWord * 2) + 1); unsigned endWord = wordOf(end + (BitsPerWord * 2) + 1); if (endWord > startWord) { memset(p + startWord + 1, 0, (endWord - startWord) * BytesPerWord); } } } void bitsetSet(uintptr_t* p, unsigned i, bool v) { if (i >= BitsPerWord - 1) { i += (BitsPerWord * 2) + 1; if (v) { p[0] |= BitsetExtensionBit; if (p[2] <= wordOf(i) - 3) p[2] = wordOf(i) - 2; } } if (v) { markBit(p, i); } else { clearBit(p, i); } } bool bitsetHasMore(uintptr_t* p) { switch (*p) { case 0: return false; case BitsetExtensionBit: { uintptr_t length = p[2]; uintptr_t word = wordOf(p[1]); for (; word < length; ++word) { if (p[word + 3]) { p[1] = indexOf(word, 0); return true; } } p[1] = indexOf(word, 0); return false; } default: return true; } } unsigned bitsetNext(Context* c, uintptr_t* p) { bool more UNUSED = bitsetHasMore(p); assert(c, more); switch (*p) { case 0: abort(c); case BitsetExtensionBit: { uintptr_t i = p[1]; uintptr_t word = wordOf(i); assert(c, word < p[2]); for (uintptr_t bit = bitOf(i); bit < BitsPerWord; ++bit) { if (p[word + 3] & (static_cast(1) << bit)) { p[1] = indexOf(word, bit) + 1; bitsetSet(p, p[1] + BitsPerWord - 2, false); return p[1] + BitsPerWord - 2; } } abort(c); } default: { for (unsigned i = 0; i < BitsPerWord - 1; ++i) { if (*p & (static_cast(1) << i)) { bitsetSet(p, i, false); return i; } } abort(c); } } } void collect(Context* c, void** p, void* target, unsigned offset) { void* original = mask(*p); void* parent = 0; if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, "update %p (%s) at %p (%s)\n", mask(*p), segment(c, *p), p, segment(c, p)); } bool needsVisit; set(p, update(c, mask(p), target, offset, &needsVisit)); if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, " result: %p (%s) (visit? %d)\n", mask(*p), segment(c, *p), needsVisit); } if (not needsVisit) return; visit: { void* copy = follow(c, original); class Walker : public Heap::Walker { public: Walker(Context* c, void* copy, uintptr_t* bitset): c(c), copy(copy), bitset(bitset), first(0), second(0), last(0), visits(0), total(0) { } virtual bool visit(unsigned offset) { if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, " update %p (%s) at %p - offset %d from %p (%s)\n", get(copy, offset), segment(c, get(copy, offset)), getp(copy, offset), offset, copy, segment(c, copy)); } bool needsVisit; void* childCopy = update (c, getp(copy, offset), copy, offset, &needsVisit); if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, " result: %p (%s) (visit? %d)\n", childCopy, segment(c, childCopy), needsVisit); } ++ total; if (total == 3) { bitsetInit(bitset); } if (needsVisit) { ++ visits; if (visits == 1) { first = offset; } else if (visits == 2) { second = offset; } } else { set(copy, offset, childCopy); } if (visits > 1 and total > 2 and (second or needsVisit)) { bitsetClear(bitset, last, offset); last = offset; if (second) { bitsetSet(bitset, second, true); second = 0; } if (needsVisit) { bitsetSet(bitset, offset, true); } } return true; } Context* c; void* copy; uintptr_t* bitset; unsigned first; unsigned second; unsigned last; unsigned visits; unsigned total; } walker(c, copy, bitset(c, original)); if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, "walk %p (%s)\n", copy, segment(c, copy)); } c->client->walk(copy, &walker); if (walker.visits) { // descend if (walker.visits > 1) { ::parent(c, original) = parent; parent = original; } original = get(copy, walker.first); set(copy, walker.first, follow(c, original)); goto visit; } else { // ascend original = parent; } } if (original) { void* copy = follow(c, original); class Walker : public Heap::Walker { public: Walker(Context* c, uintptr_t* bitset): c(c), bitset(bitset), next(0), total(0) { } virtual bool visit(unsigned offset) { switch (++ total) { case 1: return true; case 2: next = offset; return true; case 3: next = bitsetNext(c, bitset); return false; default: abort(c); } } Context* c; uintptr_t* bitset; unsigned next; unsigned total; } walker(c, bitset(c, original)); if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, "scan %p\n", copy); } c->client->walk(copy, &walker); assert(c, walker.total > 1); if (walker.total == 3 and bitsetHasMore(bitset(c, original))) { parent = original; } else { parent = ::parent(c, original); } if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, " next is %p (%s) at %p - offset %d from %p (%s)\n", get(copy, walker.next), segment(c, get(copy, walker.next)), getp(copy, walker.next), walker.next, copy, segment(c, copy)); } original = get(copy, walker.next); set(copy, walker.next, follow(c, original)); goto visit; } else { return; } } void collect(Context* c, void** p) { collect(c, p, 0, 0); } void collect(Context* c, void* target, unsigned offset) { collect(c, getp(target, offset), target, offset); } void visitDirtyFixies(Context* c, Fixie** p) { while (*p) { Fixie* f = *p; bool wasDirty = false; bool clean = true; uintptr_t* mask = f->mask(); unsigned word = 0; unsigned bit = 0; unsigned wordLimit = wordOf(f->size); unsigned bitLimit = bitOf(f->size); if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "clean fixie %p\n", f); } for (; word <= wordLimit and (word < wordLimit or bit < bitLimit); ++ word) { if (mask[word]) { for (; bit < BitsPerWord and (word < wordLimit or bit < bitLimit); ++ bit) { unsigned index = indexOf(word, bit); if (getBit(mask, index)) { wasDirty = true; clearBit(mask, index); if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "clean fixie %p at %d (%p)\n", f, index, f->body() + index); } collect(c, f->body(), index); if (getBit(mask, index)) { clean = false; } } } bit = 0; } } if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "done cleaning fixie %p\n", f); } assert(c, wasDirty); if (clean) { *p = f->next; markClean(c, f); } else { p = &(f->next); } } } void visitMarkedFixies(Context* c) { for (Fixie** p = &(c->markedFixies); *p;) { Fixie* f = *p; *p = f->next; if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "visit fixie %p\n", f); } class Walker: public Heap::Walker { public: Walker(Context* c, void** p): c(c), p(p) { } virtual bool visit(unsigned offset) { collect(c, p, offset); return true; } Context* c; void** p; } w(c, f->body()); c->client->walk(f->body(), &w); f->move(&(c->visitedFixies)); } } void collect(Context* c, Segment::Map* map, unsigned start, unsigned end, bool* dirty, bool expectDirty UNUSED) { bool wasDirty = false; for (Segment::Map::Iterator it(map, start, end); it.hasMore();) { wasDirty = true; if (map->child) { assert(c, map->scale > 1); unsigned s = it.next(); unsigned e = s + map->scale; map->clearOnly(s); bool childDirty = false; collect(c, map->child, s, e, &childDirty, true); if (childDirty) { map->setOnly(s); *dirty = true; } } else { assert(c, map->scale == 1); void** p = reinterpret_cast(map->segment->get(it.next())); map->clearOnly(p); if (c->nextGen1.contains(*p)) { map->setOnly(p); *dirty = true; } else { collect(c, p); if (not c->gen2.contains(*p)) { map->setOnly(p); *dirty = true; } } } } assert(c, wasDirty or not expectDirty); } void collect2(Context* c) { c->gen2Base = Top; c->tenureFootprint = 0; c->fixieTenureFootprint = 0; c->gen1Padding = 0; c->tenurePadding = 0; if (c->mode == Heap::MajorCollection) { c->gen2Padding = 0; } if (c->mode == Heap::MinorCollection and c->gen2.position()) { unsigned start = 0; unsigned end = start + c->gen2.position(); bool dirty; collect(c, &(c->heapMap), start, end, &dirty, false); } if (c->mode == Heap::MinorCollection) { visitDirtyFixies(c, &(c->dirtyTenuredFixies)); } class Visitor : public Heap::Visitor { public: Visitor(Context* c): c(c) { } virtual void visit(void* p) { collect(c, static_cast(p)); visitMarkedFixies(c); } Context* c; } v(c); c->client->visitRoots(&v); } void collect(Context* c) { if (lowMemory(c) or oversizedGen2(c) or c->tenureFootprint + c->tenurePadding > c->gen2.remaining() or c->fixieTenureFootprint + c->tenuredFixieFootprint > c->tenuredFixieCeiling) { if (Verbose) { if (lowMemory(c)) { fprintf(stderr, "low memory causes "); } else if (oversizedGen2(c)) { fprintf(stderr, "oversized gen2 causes "); } else if (c->tenureFootprint + c->tenurePadding > c->gen2.remaining()) { fprintf(stderr, "undersized gen2 causes "); } else { fprintf(stderr, "fixie ceiling causes "); } } c->mode = Heap::MajorCollection; } int64_t then; if (Verbose) { if (c->mode == Heap::MajorCollection) { fprintf(stderr, "major collection\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "minor collection\n"); } then = c->system->now(); } unsigned count = memoryNeeded(c); if (count > c->lowMemoryThreshold) { if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "increase low memory threshold from %d to %d\n", c->lowMemoryThreshold, avg(c->limit, c->lowMemoryThreshold)); } c->lowMemoryThreshold = avg(c->limit, c->lowMemoryThreshold); } else if (count + (count / 16) < c->lowMemoryThreshold) { if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "decrease low memory threshold from %d to %d\n", c->lowMemoryThreshold, avg(count, c->lowMemoryThreshold)); } c->lowMemoryThreshold = avg(count, c->lowMemoryThreshold); } initNextGen1(c); if (c->mode == Heap::MajorCollection) { initNextGen2(c); } collect2(c); c->gen1.replaceWith(&(c->nextGen1)); if (c->mode == Heap::MajorCollection) { c->gen2.replaceWith(&(c->nextGen2)); } sweepFixies(c); if (Verbose) { int64_t now = c->system->now(); int64_t collection = now - then; int64_t run = then - c->lastCollectionTime; c->totalCollectionTime += collection; c->totalTime += collection + run; c->lastCollectionTime = now; fprintf(stderr, " - collect: %4"LLD"ms; " "total: %4"LLD"ms; " "run: %4"LLD"ms; " "total: %4"LLD"ms\n", collection, c->totalCollectionTime, run, c->totalTime - c->totalCollectionTime); fprintf(stderr, " - gen1: %8d/%8d bytes\n", c->gen1.position() * BytesPerWord, c->gen1.capacity() * BytesPerWord); fprintf(stderr, " - gen2: %8d/%8d bytes\n", c->gen2.position() * BytesPerWord, c->gen2.capacity() * BytesPerWord); fprintf(stderr, " - untenured fixies: %8d bytes\n", c->untenuredFixieFootprint); fprintf(stderr, " - tenured fixies: %8d bytes\n", c->tenuredFixieFootprint); } } void* tryAllocate(Context* c, unsigned size) { ACQUIRE(c->lock); if (size + c->count < c->limit) { void* p = c->system->tryAllocate(size); if (p) { c->count += size; return p; } } return 0; } void free(Context* c, const void* p, unsigned size) { ACQUIRE(c->lock); expect(c->system, c->count >= size); c->system->free(p); c->count -= size; } void free_(Context* c, const void* p, unsigned size) { free(c, p, size); } class MyHeap: public Heap { public: MyHeap(System* system, unsigned limit): c(system, limit) { } virtual void setClient(Heap::Client* client) { assert(&c, c.client == 0); c.client = client; } virtual void* tryAllocate(unsigned size) { return ::tryAllocate(&c, size); } virtual void* allocate(unsigned size) { void* p = ::tryAllocate(&c, size); expect(c.system, p); return p; } virtual void free(const void* p, unsigned size) { free_(&c, p, size); } virtual void collect(CollectionType type, unsigned incomingFootprint) { c.mode = type; c.incomingFootprint = incomingFootprint; ::collect(&c); } virtual void* allocateFixed(Allocator* allocator, unsigned sizeInWords, bool objectMask, unsigned* totalInBytes) { *totalInBytes = Fixie::totalSize(sizeInWords, objectMask); return (new (allocator->allocate(*totalInBytes)) Fixie(sizeInWords, objectMask, &(c.fixies), false))->body(); } virtual void* allocateImmortal(Allocator* allocator, unsigned sizeInWords, bool objectMask, unsigned* totalInBytes) { *totalInBytes = Fixie::totalSize(sizeInWords, objectMask); return (new (allocator->allocate(*totalInBytes)) Fixie(sizeInWords, objectMask, &(c.tenuredFixies), true))->body(); } virtual bool needsMark(void* p) { if (c.client->isFixed(p)) { return fixie(p)->age >= FixieTenureThreshold; } else { return c.gen2.contains(p); } } virtual bool needsMark(void* p, unsigned offset) { return needsMark(p) and targetNeedsMark (mask(*(static_cast(p) + offset))); } bool targetNeedsMark(void* target) { return target and not c.gen2.contains(target) and not (c.client->isFixed(target) and fixie(target)->age >= FixieTenureThreshold); } virtual void mark(void* p, unsigned offset, unsigned count) { if (c.client->isFixed(p)) { Fixie* f = fixie(p); assert(&c, offset == 0 or f->hasMask); bool dirty = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { void** target = static_cast(p) + offset + i; if (targetNeedsMark(mask(*target))) { if (DebugFixies) { fprintf(stderr, "dirty fixie %p at %d (%p)\n", f, offset, f->body() + offset); } dirty = true; markBit(f->mask(), offset + i); } } if (dirty) markDirty(&c, f); } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { void** target = static_cast(p) + offset + i; if (targetNeedsMark(mask(*target))) { c.heapMap.set(target); } } } } virtual void pad(void* p) { if (c.gen1.contains(p)) { if (c.ageMap.get(p) == TenureThreshold) { ++ c.tenurePadding; } else { ++ c.gen1Padding; } } else if (c.gen2.contains(p)) { ++ c.gen2Padding; } else { ++ c.gen1Padding; } } virtual void* follow(void* p) { if (p == 0 or c.client->isFixed(p)) { return p; } else if (wasCollected(&c, p)) { if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr, "follow %p (%s) to %p (%s)\n", p, segment(&c, p), ::follow(&c, p), segment(&c, ::follow(&c, p))); } return ::follow(&c, p); } else { return p; } } virtual Status status(void* p) { p = mask(p); if (p == 0) { return Null; } else if (c.nextGen1.contains(p)) { return Reachable; } else if (c.nextGen2.contains(p) or (c.gen2.contains(p) and (c.mode == Heap::MinorCollection or c.gen2.indexOf(p) >= c.gen2Base))) { return Tenured; } else if (wasCollected(&c, p)) { return Reachable; } else { return Unreachable; } } virtual CollectionType collectionType() { return c.mode; } virtual void disposeFixies() { c.disposeFixies(); } virtual void dispose() { c.dispose(); assert(&c, c.count == 0); c.system->free(this); } Context c; }; } // namespace namespace vm { Heap* makeHeap(System* system, unsigned limit) { return new (system->tryAllocate(sizeof(MyHeap))) MyHeap(system, limit); } } // namespace vm