#include "common.h" #include "system.h" #include "heap.h" namespace { typedef void* object; typedef unsigned Type; #include "constants.h" enum ObjectType { NullType, CollectedType, #include "type-enums.h" OtherType }; class Thread; Type typeOf(object); object& objectClass(object); void assert(Thread* t, bool v); #include "type-header.h" class Machine { public: System* sys; Heap* heap; Thread* rootThread; Thread* exclusive; unsigned activeCount; unsigned liveCount; System::Monitor* stateLock; }; class Thread { public: enum State { NoState, ActiveState, IdleState, ZombieState, ExclusiveState, ExitState }; static const unsigned HeapSize = 64 * 1024; static const unsigned StackSize = 64 * 1024; Machine* vm; Thread* next; Thread* child; State state; object frame; object code; object exception; unsigned sp; unsigned heapIndex; object stack[StackSize]; object heap[HeapSize]; }; inline void NO_RETURN abort(Thread* t) { t->vm->sys->abort(); } inline void assert(Thread* t, bool v) { if (UNLIKELY(not v)) abort(t); } void init(Machine* m, System* sys, Heap* heap) { sys->zero(m, sizeof(Machine)); m->sys = sys; m->heap = heap; if (not sys->success(sys->make(&(m->stateLock)))) { sys->abort(); } } void dispose(Machine* m) { m->stateLock->dispose(); } void init(Thread* t, Machine* m) { m->sys->zero(m, sizeof(Thread)); t->vm = m; m->rootThread = t; t->state = Thread::NoState; } void iterate(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor* v) { t->heapIndex = 0; v->visit(&(t->frame)); v->visit(&(t->code)); v->visit(&(t->exception)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->sp; ++i) { v->visit(t->stack + t->sp); } for (Thread* t = t->child; t; t = t->next) { iterate(t, v); } } void collect(Machine* m, Heap::CollectionType type) { class Iterator: public Heap::Iterator { public: Iterator(Machine* m): machine(m) { } void iterate(Heap::Visitor* v) { for (Thread* t = machine->rootThread; t; t = t->next) { ::iterate(t, v); } } private: Machine* machine; } it(m); m->heap->collect(type, &it); } void enter(Thread* t, Thread::State s) { if (s == t->state) return; ACQUIRE(t->vm->stateLock); switch (s) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState); while (t->vm->exclusive) { // another thread got here first. enter(t, Thread::IdleState); enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); } t->state = Thread::ExclusiveState; t->vm->exclusive = t; while (t->vm->activeCount > 1) { t->vm->stateLock->wait(); } } break; case Thread::IdleState: case Thread::ZombieState: { switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->vm->exclusive == t); t->vm->exclusive = 0; } break; case Thread::ActiveState: break; default: abort(t); } -- t->vm->activeCount; if (s == Thread::ZombieState) { -- t->vm->liveCount; } t->state = s; t->vm->stateLock->notifyAll(); } break; case Thread::ActiveState: { switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->vm->exclusive == t); t->state = s; t->vm->exclusive = 0; t->vm->stateLock->notifyAll(); } break; case Thread::NoState: case Thread::IdleState: { while (t->vm->exclusive) { t->vm->stateLock->wait(); } ++ t->vm->activeCount; if (t->state == Thread::NoState) { ++ t->vm->liveCount; } t->state = s; } break; default: abort(t); } } break; case Thread::ExitState: { switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->vm->exclusive == t); t->vm->exclusive = 0; } break; case Thread::ActiveState: break; default: abort(t); } -- t->vm->activeCount; t->state = s; while (t->vm->liveCount > 1) { t->vm->stateLock->wait(); } } break; default: abort(t); } } void maybeYieldAndMaybeCollect(Thread* t, unsigned size) { if (size > Thread::HeapSize) { // large object support not yet implemented. abort(t); } ACQUIRE(t->vm->stateLock); while (t->vm->exclusive) { // another thread wants to enter the exclusive state, either for a // collection or some other reason. We give it a chance here. enter(t, Thread::IdleState); enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); } if (t->heapIndex + size >= Thread::HeapSize) { enter(t, Thread::ExclusiveState); collect(t->vm, Heap::MinorCollection); enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); } } inline object allocate(Thread* t, unsigned size) { if (UNLIKELY(t->heapIndex + size >= Thread::HeapSize or t->vm->exclusive)) { maybeYieldAndMaybeCollect(t, size); } object o = t->heap + t->heapIndex; t->heapIndex += size; return o; } inline void push(Thread* t, object o) { t->stack[(t->sp)++] = o; } inline object pop(Thread* t) { return t->stack[--(t->sp)]; } object run(Thread* t) { unsigned ip = 0; unsigned parameterCount = 0; loop: switch (codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]) { case aaload: { object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); if (array) { int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < objectArrayLength(t, array)) { push(t, objectArrayBody(t, array)[i]); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, objectArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case aastore: { object value = pop(t); object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (array) { if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < objectArrayLength(t, array)) { set(t, objectArrayBody(t, array)[i], value); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, objectArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case aconst_null: { push(t, 0); } goto loop; case aload: case iload: case lload: { push(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]]); } goto loop; case aload_0: case iload_0: case lload_0: { push(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[0]); } goto loop; case aload_1: case iload_1: case lload_1: { push(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[1]); } goto loop; case aload_2: case iload_2: case lload_2: { push(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[2]); } goto loop; case aload_3: case iload_3: case lload_3: { push(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[3]); } goto loop; case anewarray: { object count = pop(t); int32_t c = intValue(t, count); if (c >= 0) { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; object array = makeObjectArray(t, class_, c); t->vm->sys->zero(objectArrayBody(t, array), c * 4); push(t, array); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d", c); t->exception = makeNegativeArrayStoreException(t, message); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case areturn: case ireturn: case lreturn: { t->frame = frameNext(t, t->frame); if (t->frame) { t->code = methodCode(t, frameMethod(t, t->frame)); ip = frameIp(t, t->frame); goto loop; } else { object value = pop(t); t->code = 0; return value; } } goto loop; case arraylength: { object array = pop(t); if (array) { if (typeOf(array) == ObjectArrayType) { push(t, makeInt(t, objectArrayLength(t, array))); } else { // for all other array types, the length follow the class pointer. push(t, makeInt(t, reinterpret_cast (static_cast(array)[1]))); } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } abort(t); case astore: case istore: case lstore: { object value = pop(t); set(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]], value); } goto loop; case astore_0: case istore_0: case lstore_0: { object value = pop(t); set(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[0], value); } goto loop; case astore_1: case istore_1: case lstore_1: { object value = pop(t); set(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[1], value); } goto loop; case astore_2: case istore_2: case lstore_2: { object value = pop(t); set(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[2], value); } goto loop; case astore_3: case istore_3: case lstore_3: { object value = pop(t); set(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[3], value); } goto loop; case athrow: { t->exception = pop(t); if (t->exception == 0) { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); } goto throw_; } abort(t); case baload: { object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); if (array) { int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < byteArrayLength(t, array)) { push(t, makeByte(t, byteArrayBody(t, array)[i])); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, byteArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case bastore: { object value = pop(t); object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (array) { if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < byteArrayLength(t, array)) { byteArrayBody(t, array)[i] = intValue(t, value); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, byteArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case bipush: { push(t, makeInt(t, codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++])); } goto loop; case caload: { object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); if (array) { int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < charArrayLength(t, array)) { push(t, makeInt(t, charArrayBody(t, array)[i])); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, charArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case castore: { object value = pop(t); object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (array) { if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < charArrayLength(t, array)) { charArrayBody(t, array)[i] = intValue(t, value); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, charArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case checkcast: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; if (t->stack[t->sp - 1]) { uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; if (not instanceOf(t, class_, t->stack[t->sp - 1])) { t->exception = makeClassCastException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } } goto loop; case dup: { object value = t->stack[t->sp - 1]; push(t, value); } goto loop; case dup_x1: { object first = pop(t); object second = pop(t); push(t, first); push(t, second); push(t, first); } goto loop; case dup_x2: { object first = pop(t); object second = pop(t); object third = pop(t); push(t, first); push(t, third); push(t, second); push(t, first); } goto loop; case dup2: { object first = t->stack[t->sp - 1]; if (isLongOrDouble(first)) { push(t, first); } else { object second = t->stack[t->sp - 2]; push(t, second); push(t, first); } } goto loop; case dup2_x1: { object first = pop(t); object second = pop(t); if (isLongOrDouble(first)) { push(t, first); push(t, second); push(t, first); } else { object third = pop(t); push(t, second); push(t, first); push(t, third); push(t, second); push(t, first); } } goto loop; case dup2_x2: { object first = pop(t); object second = pop(t); if (isLongOrDouble(first)) { if (isLongOrDouble(second)) { push(t, first); push(t, second); push(t, first); } else { object third = pop(t); push(t, first); push(t, third); push(t, second); push(t, first); } } else { object third = pop(t); if (isLongOrDouble(third)) { push(t, second); push(t, first); push(t, third); push(t, second); push(t, first); } else { object fourth = pop(t); push(t, second); push(t, first); push(t, fourth); push(t, third); push(t, second); push(t, first); } } } goto loop; case getfield: { object instance = pop(t); if (instance) { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; push(t, getField(instance, field)); } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case getstatic: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; if (not classInitialized(fieldClass(t, field))) { t->code = classInitializer(fieldClass(t, field)); ip -= 3; parameterCount = 0; goto invoke; } push(t, getStatic(field)); } goto loop; case goto_: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } goto loop; case goto_w: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset3 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset4 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 24) | (offset2 << 16) | (offset3 << 8) | offset4); } goto loop; case i2b: { object v = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, static_cast(intValue(t, v)))); } goto loop; case i2c: { object v = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, static_cast(intValue(t, v)))); } goto loop; case i2l: { object v = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, intValue(t, v))); } goto loop; case i2s: { object v = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, static_cast(intValue(t, v)))); } goto loop; case iadd: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) + intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case iaload: { object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); if (array) { int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < intArrayLength(t, array)) { push(t, makeInt(t, intArrayBody(t, array)[i])); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, intArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case iand: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) & intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case iastore: { object value = pop(t); object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (array) { if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < intArrayLength(t, array)) { intArrayBody(t, array)[i] = intValue(t, value); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, intArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case iconst_0: { push(t, makeInt(t, 0)); } goto loop; case iconst_1: { push(t, makeInt(t, 1)); } goto loop; case iconst_2: { push(t, makeInt(t, 2)); } goto loop; case iconst_3: { push(t, makeInt(t, 3)); } goto loop; case iconst_4: { push(t, makeInt(t, 4)); } goto loop; case iconst_5: { push(t, makeInt(t, 5)); } goto loop; case idiv: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) / intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case if_acmpeq: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); if (a == b) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case if_acmpne: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); if (a != b) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case if_icmpeq: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); if (intValue(t, a) == intValue(t, b)) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case if_icmpne: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); if (intValue(t, a) != intValue(t, b)) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case if_icmpgt: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); if (intValue(t, a) > intValue(t, b)) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case if_icmpge: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); if (intValue(t, a) >= intValue(t, b)) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case if_icmplt: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); if (intValue(t, a) < intValue(t, b)) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case if_icmple: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); if (intValue(t, a) < intValue(t, b)) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case ifeq: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object v = pop(t); if (intValue(t, v) == 0) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case ifne: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object v = pop(t); if (intValue(t, v)) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case ifgt: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object v = pop(t); if (intValue(t, v) > 0) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case ifge: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object v = pop(t); if (intValue(t, v) >= 0) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case iflt: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object v = pop(t); if (intValue(t, v) < 0) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case ifle: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object v = pop(t); if (intValue(t, v) <= 0) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case ifnonnull: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object v = pop(t); if (v) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case ifnull: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object v = pop(t); if (v == 0) { ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } } goto loop; case iinc: { uint8_t index = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; int8_t c = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; int32_t v = intValue(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[index]); frameLocals(t, t->frame)[index] = makeInt(t, v + c); } goto loop; case imul: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) * intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case ineg: { object v = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, - intValue(t, v))); } goto loop; case instanceof: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; if (t->stack[t->sp - 1]) { uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; if (instanceOf(t, class_, t->stack[t->sp - 1])) { push(t, makeInt(t, 1)); } else { push(t, makeInt(t, 0)); } } else { push(t, makeInt(t, 0)); } } goto loop; case invokeinterface: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; ip += 2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; parameterCount = methodParameterCount(method); if (t->stack[t->sp - parameterCount]) { t->code = findInterfaceMethod (t, method, t->stack[t->sp - parameterCount]); if (t->exception) goto throw_; goto invoke; } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case invokespecial: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; parameterCount = methodParameterCount(method); if (t->stack[t->sp - parameterCount]) { if (isSpecialMethod(method, t->stack[t->sp - parameterCount])) { t->code = findSpecialMethod (t, method, t->stack[t->sp - parameterCount]); if (t->exception) goto throw_; } else { t->code = method; } goto invoke; } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case invokestatic: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; if (not classInitialized(methodClass(t, method))) { t->code = classInitializer(methodClass(t, method)); ip -= 2; parameterCount = 0; goto invoke; } parameterCount = methodParameterCount(method); t->code = method; } goto invoke; case invokevirtual: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; parameterCount = methodParameterCount(method); if (t->stack[t->sp - parameterCount]) { t->code = findVirtualMethod(t, method, t->stack[t->sp - parameterCount]); if (t->exception) goto throw_; goto invoke; } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case ior: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) | intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case irem: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) % intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case ishl: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) << intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case ishr: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) >> intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case isub: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) - intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case iushr: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, static_cast(intValue(t, a)) >> intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case ixor: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, intValue(t, a) ^ intValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case jsr: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; push(t, makeInt(t, ip)); ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 8) | offset2); } goto loop; case jsr_w: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset3 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t offset4 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; push(t, makeInt(t, ip)); ip = (ip - 1) + ((offset1 << 24) | (offset2 << 16) | (offset3 << 8) | offset4); } goto loop; case l2i: { object v = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, static_cast(longValue(t, v)))); } goto loop; case ladd: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) + longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case laload: { object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); if (array) { int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < longArrayLength(t, array)) { push(t, makeLong(t, longArrayBody(t, array)[i])); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, longArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case land: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) & longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lastore: { object value = pop(t); object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (array) { if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < longArrayLength(t, array)) { longArrayBody(t, array)[i] = longValue(t, value); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, longArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case lcmp: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeInt(t, longValue(t, a) > longValue(t, b) ? 1 : longValue(t, a) == longValue(t, b) ? 0 : -1)); } goto loop; case lconst_0: { push(t, makeLong(t, 0)); } goto loop; case lconst_1: { push(t, makeLong(t, 1)); } goto loop; case ldc: { push(t, rawArrayBody(t, codePool(t, t->code))[codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]]); } goto loop; case ldc_w: case ldc2_w: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; push(t, rawArrayBody(t, codePool(t, t->code))[(index1 << 8) | index2]); } goto loop; case ldiv: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) / longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lmul: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) * longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lneg: { object v = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, - longValue(t, v))); } goto loop; case lor: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) | longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lrem: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) % longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lshl: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) << longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lshr: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) >> longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lsub: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) - longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lushr: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, static_cast(longValue(t, a)) << longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case lxor: { object b = pop(t); object a = pop(t); push(t, makeLong(t, longValue(t, a) ^ longValue(t, b))); } goto loop; case new_: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; if (not classInitialized(class_)) { t->code = classInitializer(class_); ip -= 3; parameterCount = 0; goto invoke; } unsigned size = instanceSize(class_); object instance = allocate(t, size); *static_cast(instance) = class_; t->vm->sys->zero(static_cast(instance) + sizeof(object), size - sizeof(object)); push(t, instance); } goto loop; case newarray: { object count = pop(t); int32_t c = intValue(t, count); if (c >= 0) { uint8_t type = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object array; unsigned factor; switch (type) { case T_BOOLEAN: array = makeBooleanArray(t, c); factor = 1; break; case T_CHAR: array = makeCharArray(t, c); factor = 2; break; case T_FLOAT: array = makeFloatArray(t, c); factor = 4; break; case T_DOUBLE: array = makeDoubleArray(t, c); factor = 8; break; case T_BYTE: array = makeByteArray(t, c); factor = 1; break; case T_SHORT: array = makeShortArray(t, c); factor = 2; break; case T_INT: array = makeIntArray(t, c); factor = 4; break; case T_LONG: array = makeLongArray(t, c); factor = 8; break; default: abort(t); } t->vm->sys->zero(static_cast(instance) + (sizeof(object) * 2), c * factor); push(t, array); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d", c); t->exception = makeNegativeArrayStoreException(t, message); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case nop: goto loop; case pop_: { -- (t->sp); } goto loop; case pop2: { object top = t->stack[t->sp - 1]; if (isLongOrDouble(top)) { -- (t->sp); } else { t->sp -= 2; } } goto loop; case putfield: { object instance = pop(t); if (instance) { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; object value = pop(t); setField(t, instance, field, value); } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case putstatic: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, t->code), index); if (t->exception) goto throw_; if (not classInitialized(fieldClass(t, field))) { t->code = classInitializer(fieldClass(t, field)); ip -= 3; parameterCount = 0; goto invoke; } object value = pop(t); setStatic(t, field, value); } goto loop; case ret: { ip = intValue(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[codeBody(t, t->code)[ip]]); } goto loop; case return_: { t->frame = frameNext(t, t->frame); if (t->frame) { t->code = methodCode(t, frameMethod(t, t->frame)); ip = frameIp(t, t->frame); goto loop; } else { t->code = 0; return 0; } } goto loop; case saload: { object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); if (array) { int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < shortArrayLength(t, array)) { push(t, makeShort(t, shortArrayBody(t, array)[i])); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, shortArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case sastore: { object value = pop(t); object index = pop(t); object array = pop(t); int32_t i = intValue(t, index); if (array) { if (i >= 0 and static_cast(i) < shortArrayLength(t, array)) { shortArrayBody(t, array)[i] = intValue(t, value); } else { object message = makeJString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", i, shortArrayLength(t, array)); t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t, 0); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case sipush: { uint8_t byte1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t byte2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; push(t, makeInt(t, (byte1 << 8) | byte2)); } goto loop; case swap: { object tmp = t->stack[t->sp - 1]; t->stack[t->sp - 1] = t->stack[t->sp - 2]; t->stack[t->sp - 2] = tmp; } goto loop; case wide: goto wide; default: abort(t); } wide: switch (codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]) { case aload: case iload: case lload: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; push(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[(index1 << 8) | index2]); } goto loop; case astore: case istore: case lstore: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; object value = pop(t); set(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[(index1 << 8) | index2], value); } goto loop; case iinc: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; uint8_t count1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t count2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint16_t count = (count1 << 8) | count2; int32_t v = intValue(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[index]); frameLocals(t, t->frame)[index] = makeInt(t, v + count); } goto loop; case ret: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, t->code)[ip++]; ip = intValue(t, frameLocals(t, t->frame)[(index1 << 8) | index2]); } goto loop; default: abort(t); } invoke: if (codeMaxStack(t, methodCode(t, t->code)) + t->sp - parameterCount > Thread::StackSize) { t->exception = makeStackOverflowException(t, 0); goto throw_; } frameIp(t, t->frame) = ip; t->sp -= parameterCount; t->frame = makeFrame(t, t->code, t->frame, 0, t->sp, codeMaxLocals(t, methodCode(t, t->code))); t->vm->sys->copy(t->stack + t->sp, frameLocals(t, t->frame), parameterCount); ip = 0; goto loop; throw_: for (; t->frame; t->frame = frameNext(t, t->frame)) { t->code = methodCode(t, frameMethod(t, t->frame)); object eht = codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, t->code); if (eht) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < exceptionHandlerTableLength(t, eht); ++i) { ExceptionHandler* eh = exceptionHandlerTableBody(t, eht, i); uint16_t catchType = exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh); if (catchType == 0 or instanceOf(rawArrayBody(t, codePool(t, t->code))[catchType], t->exception)) { t->sp = frameStackBase(t, t->frame); ip = exceptionHandlerIp(eh); push(t, t->exception); t->exception = 0; goto loop; } } } } object method = defaultExceptionHandler(t); t->code = methodCode(t, method); t->frame = makeFrame(t, method, 0, 0, 0, codeMaxLocals(t, t->code)); t->sp = 0; ip = 0; push(t, t->exception); t->exception = 0; goto loop; } } // namespace