#include "common.h" #include "system.h" #include "constants.h" #include "machine.h" #include "processor.h" #include "process.h" using namespace vm; extern "C" uint64_t vmInvoke(void* function, void* stack, unsigned stackSize, unsigned returnType); extern "C" void vmCall(); extern "C" void NO_RETURN vmJump(void* address, void* base, void* stack); namespace { const bool Verbose = true; const unsigned FrameThread = BytesPerWord * 2; const unsigned FrameMethod = FrameThread + BytesPerWord; const unsigned FrameNext = FrameMethod + BytesPerWord; const unsigned FrameFootprint = BytesPerWord * 3; class ArgumentList; class Buffer { public: Buffer(System* s, unsigned minimumCapacity): s(s), data(0), position(0), capacity(0), minimumCapacity(minimumCapacity) { } ~Buffer() { if (data) { s->free(data); } } void ensure(unsigned space) { if (position + space > capacity) { unsigned newCapacity = max (position + space, max(minimumCapacity, capacity * 2)); uint8_t* newData = static_cast(s->allocate(newCapacity)); if (data) { memcpy(newData, data, position); s->free(data); } data = newData; } } void append(uint8_t v) { ensure(1); data[position++] = v; } void append2(uint16_t v) { ensure(2); memcpy(data + position, &v, 2); position += 2; } void append4(uint32_t v) { ensure(4); memcpy(data + position, &v, 4); position += 4; } void set2(unsigned offset, uint32_t v) { assert(s, offset + 2 <= position); memcpy(data + offset, &v, 2); } void set4(unsigned offset, uint32_t v) { assert(s, offset + 4 <= position); memcpy(data + offset, &v, 4); } uint16_t get(unsigned offset) { assert(s, offset + 1 <= position); return data[offset]; } uint16_t get2(unsigned offset) { assert(s, offset + 2 <= position); uint16_t v; memcpy(&v, data + offset, 2); return v; } uint32_t get4(unsigned offset) { assert(s, offset + 4 <= position); uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, data + offset, 4); return v; } void appendAddress(uintptr_t v) { append4(v); if (BytesPerWord == 8) { // we have to use the preprocessor here to avoid a warning on // 32-bit systems #ifdef __x86_64__ append4(v >> 32); #endif } } unsigned length() { return position; } void copyTo(void* b) { if (data) { memcpy(b, data, position); } } System* s; uint8_t* data; unsigned position; unsigned capacity; unsigned minimumCapacity; }; class StackMapper { public: static const uint32_t Infinity = ~static_cast(0); enum { Call, PushLong, PushInt, PushObject, Duplicate, Pop, PopLong, PopInt, PopObject, PopIntOrObject, StoreObject, Return, Jump, Branch, End }; StackMapper(Thread* t, object method): t(t), method(method), ip(-1), index(codeSize() ? static_cast (t->m->system->allocate(codeSize() * 4)) : 0), log(t->m->system, 1024), callCount(0) { } ~StackMapper() { if (index) { t->m->system->free(index); } } unsigned codeSize() { return codeLength(t, methodCode(t, method)); } void end(unsigned nextIp) { if (ip >= 0) { log.append(End); log.append2(nextIp); } ip = nextIp; } void newIp(unsigned javaIp) { assert(t, javaIp < codeSize()); end(javaIp); index[javaIp] = log.length(); } void finish() { end(codeSize()); } void called(unsigned nextMachineIp) { log.append(Call); log.append4(nextMachineIp); ++ callCount; } void pushedLong() { log.append(PushLong); } void pushedInt() { log.append(PushInt); } void pushedObject() { log.append(PushObject); } void dupped() { log.append(Duplicate); } void popped(unsigned count) { log.append(Pop); log.append(count); } void poppedLong() { log.append(PopLong); } void poppedInt() { log.append(PopInt); } void poppedObject() { log.append(PopObject); } void poppedIntOrObject() { log.append(PopIntOrObject); } void storedObject(unsigned index) { log.append(StoreObject); log.append2(index - parameterFootprint()); } void exited() { log.append(Return); } void jumped(unsigned targetJavaIp) { log.append(Jump); log.append2(targetJavaIp); } void branched(unsigned targetJavaIp) { log.append(Branch); log.append2(targetJavaIp); } unsigned parameterFootprint() { return methodParameterFootprint(t, method); } unsigned localSize() { return codeMaxLocals(t, methodCode(t, method)) - parameterFootprint(); } unsigned stackSize() { return codeMaxStack(t, methodCode(t, method)); } unsigned mapSize() { return stackSize() + localSize(); } unsigned mapSizeInWords() { return ceiling(mapSize(), BytesPerWord); } unsigned mapSizeInBytes() { return mapSizeInWords() * BytesPerWord; } unsigned callTableSize() { return callCount * (mapSizeInBytes() + BytesPerWord); } void populateCalls(uintptr_t* calls, unsigned& callIndex, uintptr_t* table, uintptr_t* mask, uintptr_t* initialMap, unsigned initialSp, unsigned ip) { uintptr_t map[mapSizeInWords()]; memcpy(map, initialMap, mapSizeInBytes()); unsigned sp = initialSp; while (ip < codeSize()) { if (getBit(mask, ip)) { return; } markBit(mask, ip); memcpy(table + (ip * mapSizeInWords()), map, mapSizeInBytes()); unsigned i = index[ip]; while (true) { // fprintf(stderr, "event %d; ip %d; sp %d; local size %d; map size %d\n", // log.get(i), ip, sp, localSize(), mapSize()); switch (log.get(i++)) { case Call: { assert(t, callIndex < callCount); unsigned machineIp = log.get4(i); i += 4; calls[callIndex * (mapSizeInWords() + 1)] = machineIp; memcpy(calls + (callIndex * (mapSizeInWords() + 1)) + 1, map, mapSizeInBytes()); ++ callIndex; } break; case PushLong: assert(t, sp + 2 <= mapSize()); assert(t, getBit(map, sp) == 0); assert(t, getBit(map, sp + 1) == 0); sp += 2; break; case PushInt: assert(t, sp + 1 <= mapSize()); assert(t, getBit(map, sp) == 0); ++ sp; break; case PushObject: assert(t, sp + 1 <= mapSize()); markBit(map, sp++); break; case Duplicate: assert(t, sp + 1 <= mapSize()); assert(t, sp - 1 >= localSize()); if (getBit(map, sp - 1)) { markBit(map, sp); } ++ sp; break; case Pop: { unsigned count = log.get(i++); assert(t, sp >= count); assert(t, sp - count >= localSize()); while (count) { clearBit(map, -- sp); -- count; } } break; case PopLong: assert(t, sp >= 2); assert(t, sp - 2 >= localSize()); assert(t, getBit(map, sp - 1) == 0); assert(t, getBit(map, sp - 2) == 0); sp -= 2; break; case PopInt: assert(t, sp >= 1); assert(t, sp - 1 >= localSize()); assert(t, getBit(map, sp - 1) == 0); -- sp; break; case PopObject: assert(t, sp >= 1); assert(t, sp - 1 >= localSize()); assert(t, getBit(map, sp - 1) != 0); clearBit(map, -- sp); break; case PopIntOrObject: assert(t, sp >= 1); assert(t, sp - 1 >= localSize()); clearBit(map, -- sp); break; case StoreObject: { unsigned index = log.get2(i); i += 2; assert(t, index < localSize()); markBit(map, index); } break; case Return: ip = codeSize(); goto loop; case Jump: ip = log.get2(i); i += 2; assert(t, ip < codeSize()); goto loop; case Branch: { unsigned target = log.get2(i); i += 2; assert(t, target < codeSize()); populateCalls(calls, callIndex, table, mask, map, sp, target); } break; case End: goto next; default: abort(t); } } next: ip = log.get2(i); loop:; } } static int compareCalls(const void* a, const void* b) { return (*static_cast(a) > *static_cast(b) ? 1 : -1); } void writeCallTableTo(uintptr_t* calls) { uintptr_t* table = static_cast (t->m->system->allocate(codeSize() * mapSizeInBytes())); uintptr_t* mask = static_cast (t->m->system->allocate (ceiling(codeSize(), BytesPerWord) * BytesPerWord)); memset(mask, 0, ceiling(codeSize(), BytesPerWord) * BytesPerWord); uintptr_t map[mapSizeInWords()]; memset(map, 0, mapSizeInWords()); unsigned callIndex = 0; populateCalls(calls, callIndex, table, mask, map, localSize(), 0); object eht = codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, methodCode(t, method)); if (eht) { PROTECT(t, eht); for (unsigned i = 0; i < exceptionHandlerTableLength(t, eht); ++i) { ExceptionHandler* eh = exceptionHandlerTableBody(t, eht, i); assert(t, getBit(mask, exceptionHandlerStart(eh))); memcpy(map, table + (exceptionHandlerStart(eh) * mapSizeInBytes()), mapSizeInBytes()); for (unsigned j = localSize() + 1; j < mapSize(); ++j) { clearBit(map, j); } markBit(map, localSize()); populateCalls(calls, callIndex, table, mask, map, localSize() + 1, exceptionHandlerIp(eh)); } } t->m->system->free(mask); assert(t, callIndex == callCount); qsort(calls, callCount, mapSizeInBytes() + BytesPerWord, compareCalls); } Thread* t; object method; int ip; uint32_t* index; Buffer log; unsigned callCount; }; class MyThread: public Thread { public: MyThread(Machine* m, object javaThread, vm::Thread* parent): vm::Thread(m, javaThread, parent), argumentList(0), frame(0), reference(0) { } ArgumentList* argumentList; void* frame; Reference* reference; }; inline void* frameBase(void* frame) { return static_cast(frame) [static_cast(- (FrameFootprint / BytesPerWord) - 2)]; } inline bool frameValid(void* frame) { return frame != 0; } inline void* frameNext(void* frame) { return static_cast(frameBase(frame))[FrameNext / BytesPerWord]; } inline object frameMethod(void* frame) { return static_cast(frameBase(frame))[FrameMethod / BytesPerWord]; } inline void* frameAddress(void* frame) { return static_cast(frame) [static_cast(- (FrameFootprint / BytesPerWord) - 1)]; } inline void* frameReturnAddress(void* frame) { return static_cast(frameBase(frame))[1]; } inline uint8_t* compiledCode(Compiled* code) { return compiledBody(code); } inline unsigned compiledLineNumberCount(Thread*, Compiled* code) { return compiledLineNumberTableLength(code) / sizeof(NativeLineNumber); } inline NativeLineNumber* compiledLineNumber(Thread* t, Compiled* code, unsigned index) { assert(t, index < compiledLineNumberCount(t, code)); return reinterpret_cast (compiledBody(code) + pad(compiledCodeLength(code))) + index; } inline unsigned compiledExceptionHandlerCount(Thread*, Compiled* code) { return compiledExceptionHandlerTableLength(code) / sizeof(NativeExceptionHandler); } inline NativeExceptionHandler* compiledExceptionHandler(Thread* t, Compiled* code, unsigned index) { assert(t, index < compiledExceptionHandlerCount(t, code)); return reinterpret_cast (compiledBody(code) + pad(compiledCodeLength(code)) + pad(compiledLineNumberTableLength(code))) + index; } inline unsigned compiledStackMapSize(Thread*, Compiled* code) { return ceiling(compiledMaxStack(code) + compiledMaxLocals(code) - compiledParameterFootprint(code), BytesPerWord) + 1; } inline unsigned compiledStackMapCount(Thread* t, Compiled* code) { return compiledStackMapTableLength(code) / (compiledStackMapSize(t, code) * BytesPerWord); } inline uintptr_t* compiledStackMap(Thread* t, Compiled* code, unsigned index) { assert(t, index < compiledStackMapCount(t, code)); return reinterpret_cast (compiledBody(code) + pad(compiledCodeLength(code)) + pad(compiledLineNumberTableLength(code)) + pad(compiledExceptionHandlerTableLength(code))) + (index * compiledStackMapSize(t, code)); } inline Compiled* makeCompiled(Thread* t, Buffer* code) { Compiled* c = static_cast (t->m->system->allocate(sizeof(Compiled) + pad(code->length()))); compiledMaxLocals(c) = 0; compiledMaxStack(c) = 0; compiledParameterFootprint(c) = 0; compiledCodeLength(c) = code->length(); compiledLineNumberTableLength(c) = 0; compiledExceptionHandlerTableLength(c) = 0; compiledStackMapTableLength(c) = 0; if (code->length()) { code->copyTo(compiledCode(c)); } return c; } inline Compiled* makeCompiled(Thread* t, object method, Buffer* code, NativeLineNumber* lineNumbers, NativeExceptionHandler* exceptionHandlers, StackMapper* stackMapper) { unsigned lineNumberCount = codeLineNumberTable(t, methodCode(t, method)) ? lineNumberTableLength (t, codeLineNumberTable(t, methodCode(t, method))) : 0; unsigned exceptionHandlerCount = codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, methodCode(t, method)) ? exceptionHandlerTableLength (t, codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, methodCode(t, method))) : 0; unsigned maxStack = codeMaxStack(t, methodCode(t, method)); unsigned maxLocals = codeMaxLocals(t, methodCode(t, method)); unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); Compiled* c = static_cast (t->m->system->allocate(sizeof(Compiled) + pad(code->length()) + pad(lineNumberCount * sizeof(NativeLineNumber)) + pad(exceptionHandlerCount * sizeof(NativeExceptionHandler)) + pad(stackMapper->callTableSize()))); compiledMaxLocals(c) = maxStack; compiledMaxStack(c) = maxLocals; compiledParameterFootprint(c) = parameterFootprint; compiledCodeLength(c) = code->length(); compiledLineNumberTableLength(c) = lineNumberCount * sizeof(NativeLineNumber); compiledExceptionHandlerTableLength(c) = exceptionHandlerCount * sizeof(NativeExceptionHandler); compiledStackMapTableLength(c) = stackMapper->callTableSize(); if (code->length()) { code->copyTo(compiledCode(c)); } if (lineNumberCount) { memcpy(compiledLineNumber(t, c, 0), lineNumbers, lineNumberCount * sizeof(NativeLineNumber)); } if (exceptionHandlerCount) { memcpy(compiledExceptionHandler(t, c, 0), exceptionHandlers, exceptionHandlerCount * sizeof(NativeExceptionHandler)); } if (stackMapper->callTableSize()) { stackMapper->writeCallTableTo(compiledStackMap(t, c, 0)); } return c; } inline unsigned addressOffset(Thread* t, object method, void* address) { Compiled* code = reinterpret_cast(methodCompiled(t, method)); return static_cast(address) - compiledCode(code); } NativeExceptionHandler* findExceptionHandler(Thread* t, void* frame) { object method = frameMethod(frame); Compiled* code = reinterpret_cast(methodCompiled(t, method)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < compiledExceptionHandlerCount(t, code); ++i) { NativeExceptionHandler* handler = compiledExceptionHandler(t, code, i); unsigned offset = addressOffset(t, method, frameAddress(frame)); if (offset - 1 >= nativeExceptionHandlerStart(handler) and offset - 1 < nativeExceptionHandlerEnd(handler)) { object catchType; if (nativeExceptionHandlerCatchType(handler)) { catchType = arrayBody (t, methodCode(t, method), nativeExceptionHandlerCatchType(handler) - 1); } else { catchType = 0; } if (catchType == 0 or instanceOf(t, catchType, t->exception)) { fprintf(stderr, "exception handler match for %d in %s: " "start: %d; end: %d; ip: %d\n", offset, &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, frameMethod(frame)), 0), nativeExceptionHandlerStart(handler), nativeExceptionHandlerEnd(handler), nativeExceptionHandlerIp(handler)); return handler; } } } return 0; } void NO_RETURN unwind(MyThread* t) { for (void* frame = t->frame; frameValid(frame); frame = frameNext(frame)) { if ((methodFlags(t, frameMethod(frame)) & ACC_NATIVE) == 0) { NativeExceptionHandler* eh = findExceptionHandler(t, frame); if (eh) { object method = frameMethod(frame); Compiled* code = reinterpret_cast (methodCompiled(t, method)); t->frame = frame; void** stack = static_cast(frameBase(frame)); unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); unsigned localFootprint = compiledMaxLocals(code); if (localFootprint > parameterFootprint) { stack -= (localFootprint - parameterFootprint); } *(--stack) = t->exception; t->exception = 0; vmJump(compiledCode(code) + nativeExceptionHandlerIp(eh), frameBase(frame), stack); } } void* next = frameNext(frame); if (not frameValid(next) or methodFlags(t, frameMethod(next)) & ACC_NATIVE) { t->frame = next; vmJump(frameReturnAddress(frame), *static_cast(frameBase(frame)), static_cast(frameBase(frame)) + 2); } } abort(t); } void NO_RETURN throwNew(MyThread* t, object class_) { t->exception = makeNew(t, class_); object trace = makeTrace(t); set(t, cast(t->exception, ThrowableTrace), trace); unwind(t); } void NO_RETURN throw_(MyThread* t, object o) { if (o) { t->exception = o; } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t); } unwind(t); } int64_t divideLong(MyThread*, int64_t a, int64_t b) { return a / b; } int64_t moduloLong(MyThread*, int64_t a, int64_t b) { return a % b; } object makeBlankObjectArray(Thread* t, object class_, int32_t length) { return makeObjectArray(t, class_, length, true); } object makeBlankArray(Thread* t, object (*constructor)(Thread*, uintptr_t, bool), int32_t length) { return constructor(t, length, true); } uint64_t invokeNative2(MyThread* t, object method) { PROTECT(t, method); if (objectClass(t, methodCode(t, method)) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { void* function = resolveNativeMethod(t, method); if (UNLIKELY(function == 0)) { object message = makeString (t, "%s", &byteArrayBody(t, methodCode(t, method), 0)); t->exception = makeUnsatisfiedLinkError(t, message); return 0; } object p = makePointer(t, function); set(t, methodCode(t, method), p); } object class_ = methodClass(t, method); PROTECT(t, class_); unsigned footprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + 1; unsigned count = methodParameterCount(t, method) + 1; if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) { ++ footprint; ++ count; } uintptr_t args[footprint]; unsigned argOffset = 0; uint8_t types[count]; unsigned typeOffset = 0; args[argOffset++] = reinterpret_cast(t); types[typeOffset++] = POINTER_TYPE; uintptr_t* sp = static_cast(frameBase(t->frame)) + (methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + 1) + (FrameFootprint / BytesPerWord); if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) { args[argOffset++] = reinterpret_cast(&class_); } else { args[argOffset++] = reinterpret_cast(sp--); } types[typeOffset++] = POINTER_TYPE; MethodSpecIterator it (t, reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0))); while (it.hasNext()) { unsigned type = types[typeOffset++] = fieldType(t, fieldCode(t, *it.next())); switch (type) { case INT8_TYPE: case INT16_TYPE: case INT32_TYPE: case FLOAT_TYPE: args[argOffset++] = *(sp--); break; case INT64_TYPE: case DOUBLE_TYPE: { if (BytesPerWord == 8) { uint64_t a = *(sp--); uint64_t b = *(sp--); args[argOffset++] = (a << 32) | b; } else { memcpy(args + argOffset, sp, 8); argOffset += 2; sp -= 2; } } break; case POINTER_TYPE: { args[argOffset++] = reinterpret_cast(sp--); } break; default: abort(t); } } void* function = pointerValue(t, methodCode(t, method)); unsigned returnType = fieldType(t, methodReturnCode(t, method)); uint64_t result; if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "invoke native method %s.%s\n", &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, methodClass(t, method)), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)); } { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); result = t->m->system->call (function, args, types, count + 1, footprint * BytesPerWord, returnType); } if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "return from native method %s.%s\n", &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, methodClass(t, method)), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)); } if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0) and returnType == POINTER_TYPE) { return result ? *reinterpret_cast(result) : 0; } else { return result; } } uint64_t invokeNative(MyThread* t, object method) { uint64_t result = invokeNative2(t, method); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) { unwind(t); } else { return result; } } void compileMethod(MyThread* t, object method); inline bool isByte(int32_t v) { return v == static_cast(v); } inline bool isInt32(uintptr_t v) { return v == static_cast(static_cast(v)); } enum Register { rax = 0, rcx = 1, rdx = 2, rbx = 3, rsp = 4, rbp = 5, rsi = 6, rdi = 7, r8 = 8, r9 = 9, r10 = 10, r11 = 11, r12 = 12, r13 = 13, r14 = 14, r15 = 15, }; enum SSERegister { xmm0 = 0, xmm1 = 1, xmm2 = 2, xmm3 = 3, xmm4 = 4, xmm5 = 5, xmm6 = 6, xmm7 = 7 }; class Assembler { public: class Label { public: static const unsigned Capacity = 8; Label(Assembler* a): code(&(a->code)), unresolvedCount(0), mark_(-1) { } void reference() { if (mark_ == -1) { expect(code->s, unresolvedCount < Capacity); unresolved[unresolvedCount] = code->length(); ++ unresolvedCount; code->append4(0); } else { code->append4(mark_ - (code->length() + 4)); } } void mark() { mark_ = code->length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < unresolvedCount; ++i) { code->set4(unresolved[i], mark_ - (unresolved[i] + 4)); } } Buffer* code; unsigned unresolved[Capacity]; unsigned unresolvedCount; int mark_; }; Assembler(System* s): code(s, 1024), jumps(s, 256) { } void rex() { if (BytesPerWord == 8) { code.append(0x48); } } void mov(Register src, Register dst) { rex(); code.append(0x89); code.append(0xc0 | (src << 3) | dst); } void offsetInstruction(uint8_t instruction, uint8_t zeroPrefix, uint8_t bytePrefix, uint8_t wordPrefix, unsigned a, unsigned b, int32_t offset) { code.append(instruction); uint8_t prefix; if (offset == 0 and b != rbp) { prefix = zeroPrefix; } else if (isByte(offset)) { prefix = bytePrefix; } else { prefix = wordPrefix; } code.append(prefix | (a << 3) | b); if (b == rsp) { code.append(0x24); } if (offset == 0 and b != rbp) { // do nothing } else if (isByte(offset)) { code.append(offset); } else { code.append4(offset); } } void movz1(Register src, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); code.append(0xb6); code.append(0xc0 | (dst << 3) | src); } void movz1(Register src, int32_t srcOffset, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); offsetInstruction(0xb6, 0, 0x40, 0x80, dst, src, srcOffset); } void movs1(Register src, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); code.append(0xbe); code.append(0xc0 | (dst << 3) | src); } void movs1(Register src, int32_t srcOffset, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); offsetInstruction(0xbe, 0, 0x40, 0x80, dst, src, srcOffset); } void movz2(Register src, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); code.append(0xb7); code.append(0xc0 | (dst << 3) | src); } void movz2(Register src, int32_t srcOffset, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); offsetInstruction(0xb7, 0, 0x40, 0x80, dst, src, srcOffset); } void movs2(Register src, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); code.append(0xbf); code.append(0xc0 | (dst << 3) | src); } void movs2(Register src, int32_t srcOffset, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); offsetInstruction(0xbf, 0, 0x40, 0x80, dst, src, srcOffset); } void mov4(Register src, int32_t srcOffset, Register dst) { offsetInstruction(0x8b, 0, 0x40, 0x80, dst, src, srcOffset); } void mov1(Register src, Register dst, int32_t dstOffset) { offsetInstruction(0x88, 0, 0x40, 0x80, src, dst, dstOffset); } void mov2(Register src, Register dst, int32_t dstOffset) { code.append(0x66); offsetInstruction(0x89, 0, 0x40, 0x80, src, dst, dstOffset); } void mov4(Register src, Register dst, int32_t dstOffset) { offsetInstruction(0x89, 0, 0x40, 0x80, src, dst, dstOffset); } void mov(Register src, int32_t srcOffset, SSERegister dst) { code.append(0xf3); code.append(0x0f); offsetInstruction(0x7e, 0, 0x40, 0x80, dst, src, srcOffset); } void mov(Register src, int32_t srcOffset, Register dst) { rex(); mov4(src, srcOffset, dst); } void mov(Register src, Register dst, int32_t dstOffset) { rex(); mov4(src, dst, dstOffset); } void mov(uintptr_t v, Register dst) { rex(); code.append(0xb8 | dst); code.appendAddress(v); } void alignedMov(uintptr_t v, Register dst) { while ((code.length() + (BytesPerWord == 8 ? 2 : 1)) % BytesPerWord) { nop(); } rex(); code.append(0xb8 | dst); code.appendAddress(v); } void lea(Register src, int32_t srcOffset, Register dst) { rex(); offsetInstruction(0x8d, 0, 0x40, 0x80, dst, src, srcOffset); } void nop() { code.append(0x90); } void push(Register reg) { code.append(0x50 | reg); } void push(Register reg, int32_t offset) { offsetInstruction(0xff, 0x30, 0x70, 0xb0, rax, reg, offset); } void push(int32_t v) { if (isByte(v)) { code.append(0x6a); code.append(v); } else { code.append(0x68); code.append4(v); } } void push4(Register reg, int32_t offset) { if (BytesPerWord == 8) { mov4(reg, offset, rsi); push(rsi); } else { push(reg, offset); } } void pushAddress(uintptr_t v) { if (BytesPerWord == 8 and not isInt32(v)) { mov(v, rsi); push(rsi); } else { push(v); } } void pop(Register dst) { code.append(0x58 | dst); } void pop(Register dst, int32_t offset) { offsetInstruction(0x8f, 0, 0x40, 0x80, rax, dst, offset); } void pop4(Register reg, int32_t offset) { if (BytesPerWord == 8) { pop(rsi); mov4(rsi, reg, offset); } else { pop(reg, offset); } } void add(Register src, Register dst) { rex(); code.append(0x01); code.append(0xc0 | (src << 3) | dst); } void add(int32_t v, Register dst) { assert(code.s, isByte(v)); // todo rex(); code.append(0x83); code.append(0xc0 | dst); code.append(v); } void add(int32_t v, Register dst, unsigned offset) { rex(); unsigned i = (isByte(v) ? 0x83 : 0x81); offsetInstruction(i, 0, 0x40, 0x80, rax, dst, offset); if (isByte(v)) { code.append(v); } else { code.append4(v); } } void add(Register src, Register dst, unsigned dstOffset) { rex(); offsetInstruction(0x01, 0, 0x40, 0x80, src, dst, dstOffset); } void adc(int32_t v, Register dst) { assert(code.s, isByte(v)); // todo rex(); code.append(0x83); code.append(0xd0 | dst); code.append(v); } void adc(Register src, Register dst, unsigned dstOffset) { rex(); offsetInstruction(0x11, 0, 0x40, 0x80, src, dst, dstOffset); } void sub(Register src, Register dst, unsigned dstOffset) { rex(); offsetInstruction(0x29, 0, 0x40, 0x80, src, dst, dstOffset); } void sub(Register src, Register dst) { rex(); code.append(0x29); code.append(0xc0 | (src << 3) | dst); } void sub(int32_t v, Register dst) { assert(code.s, isByte(v)); // todo rex(); code.append(0x83); code.append(0xe8 | dst); code.append(v); } void sbb(Register src, Register dst, unsigned dstOffset) { rex(); offsetInstruction(0x19, 0, 0x40, 0x80, src, dst, dstOffset); } void or_(Register src, Register dst) { rex(); code.append(0x09); code.append(0xc0 | (src << 3) | dst); } void or_(int32_t v, Register dst) { assert(code.s, isByte(v)); // todo rex(); code.append(0x83); code.append(0xc8 | dst); code.append(v); } void and_(Register src, Register dst) { rex(); code.append(0x21); code.append(0xc0 | (src << 3) | dst); } void and_(int32_t v, Register dst) { assert(code.s, isByte(v)); // todo rex(); code.append(0x83); code.append(0xe0 | dst); code.append(v); } void shl(int8_t v, Register dst) { rex(); if (v == 1) { code.append(0xd1); code.append(0xe0 | dst); } else { code.append(0xc1); code.append(0xe0 | dst); code.append(v); } } void ret() { code.append(0xc3); } void jmp(Label& label) { code.append(0xE9); label.reference(); } void jmp(unsigned javaIP) { code.append(0xE9); jumps.append4(javaIP); jumps.append4(code.length()); code.append4(0); } void jmp(Register reg) { code.append(0xff); code.append(0xe0 | reg); } void conditional(Label& label, unsigned condition) { code.append(0x0f); code.append(condition); label.reference(); } void conditional(unsigned javaIP, unsigned condition) { code.append(0x0f); code.append(condition); jumps.append4(javaIP); jumps.append4(code.length()); code.append4(0); } void je(Label& label) { conditional(label, 0x84); } void je(unsigned javaIP) { conditional(javaIP, 0x84); } void jne(Label& label) { conditional(label, 0x85); } void jne(unsigned javaIP) { conditional(javaIP, 0x85); } void jg(Label& label) { conditional(label, 0x8f); } void jg(unsigned javaIP) { conditional(javaIP, 0x8f); } void jge(Label& label) { conditional(label, 0x8d); } void jge(unsigned javaIP) { conditional(javaIP, 0x8d); } void jl(Label& label) { conditional(label, 0x8c); } void jl(unsigned javaIP) { conditional(javaIP, 0x8c); } void jle(Label& label) { conditional(label, 0x8e); } void jle(unsigned javaIP) { conditional(javaIP, 0x8e); } void jb(Label& label) { conditional(label, 0x82); } void ja(Label& label) { conditional(label, 0x87); } void cmp(int v, Register reg) { assert(code.s, isByte(v)); // todo rex(); code.append(0x83); code.append(0xf8 | reg); code.append(v); } void cmp(Register a, Register b) { rex(); code.append(0x39); code.append(0xc0 | (a << 3) | b); } void call(Register reg) { code.append(0xff); code.append(0xd0 | reg); } void cdq() { code.append(0x99); } void cqo() { rex(); cdq(); } void imul4(Register src, unsigned srcOffset, Register dst) { code.append(0x0f); offsetInstruction(0xaf, 0, 0x40, 0x80, dst, src, srcOffset); } void imul(Register src, unsigned srcOffset, Register dst) { rex(); imul4(src, srcOffset, dst); } void imul(Register src) { rex(); code.append(0xf7); code.append(0xe8 | src); } void idiv(Register src) { rex(); code.append(0xf7); code.append(0xf8 | src); } void mul(Register src, unsigned offset) { rex(); offsetInstruction(0xf7, 0x20, 0x60, 0xa0, rax, src, offset); } void neg(Register reg, unsigned offset) { rex(); offsetInstruction(0xf7, 0x10, 0x50, 0x90, rax, reg, offset); } void neg(Register reg) { rex(); code.append(0xf7); code.append(0xd8 | reg); } void int3() { code.append(0xcc); } Buffer code; Buffer jumps; }; int localOffset(MyThread* t, int v, object method) { int parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method) * BytesPerWord; v *= BytesPerWord; if (v < parameterFootprint) { return (parameterFootprint - v - BytesPerWord) + (BytesPerWord * 2) + FrameFootprint; } else { return -(v + BytesPerWord - parameterFootprint); } } Register gpRegister(Thread* t, unsigned index) { switch (index) { case 0: return rdi; case 1: return rsi; case 2: return rdx; case 3: return rcx; case 4: return r8; case 5: return r9; default: abort(t); } } SSERegister sseRegister(Thread* t UNUSED, unsigned index) { assert(t, index < 8); return static_cast(index); } unsigned parameterOffset(unsigned index) { return FrameFootprint + ((index + 2) * BytesPerWord); } Compiled* caller(MyThread* t); class Compiler: public Assembler { public: Compiler(MyThread* t): Assembler(t->m->system), t(t) { } unsigned threadFrameOffset() { return reinterpret_cast(&(t->frame)) - reinterpret_cast(t); } Compiled* compileStub() { push(rbp); mov(rsp, rbp); if (BytesPerWord == 4) { push(rbp, FrameMethod); push(rbp, FrameThread); } else { mov(rbp, FrameMethod, rsi); mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi); } mov(reinterpret_cast(compileMethod), rbx); callAddress(compiledCode(caller(t))); if (BytesPerWord == 4) { add(BytesPerWord * 2, rsp); } mov(rbp, FrameMethod, rax); mov(rax, MethodCompiled, rax); // load compiled code mov(rbp, rsp); pop(rbp); add(CompiledBody, rax); jmp(rax); // call compiled code return finish(); } Compiled* compileNativeInvoker() { push(rbp); mov(rsp, rbp); if (BytesPerWord == 4) { push(rbp, FrameMethod); push(rbp, FrameThread); } else { mov(rbp, FrameMethod, rsi); mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi); } mov(reinterpret_cast(invokeNative), rbx); callAddress(compiledCode(caller(t))); if (BytesPerWord == 4) { add(BytesPerWord * 2, rsp); } mov(rbp, rsp); pop(rbp); ret(); return finish(); } Compiled* compileCaller() { mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi); lea(rsp, FrameFootprint + BytesPerWord, rcx); mov(rcx, rdi, threadFrameOffset()); // set thread frame to current jmp(rbx); return finish(); } Compiled* finish() { return makeCompiled(t, &code); } void callAddress(void* function) { mov(reinterpret_cast(function), rax); call(rax); } void callAlignedAddress(void* function) { alignedMov(reinterpret_cast(function), rax); call(rax); } MyThread* t; }; class JavaCompiler: public Compiler { public: JavaCompiler(MyThread* t, object method): Compiler(t), method(method), stackMapper(t, method), poolRegisterClobbered(true), machineIPs(static_cast (t->m->system->allocate (codeLength(t, methodCode(t, method)) * 4))), lineNumbers(codeLineNumberTable(t, methodCode(t, method)) ? static_cast (t->m->system->allocate (lineNumberTableLength (t, codeLineNumberTable(t, methodCode(t, method))) * sizeof(NativeLineNumber))) : 0), exceptionHandlers(codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, methodCode(t, method)) ? static_cast (t->m->system->allocate (exceptionHandlerTableLength (t, codeExceptionHandlerTable (t, methodCode(t, method))) * sizeof(NativeExceptionHandler))) : 0), pool(t->m->system, 256) { } ~JavaCompiler() { if (machineIPs) { t->m->system->free(machineIPs); } if (lineNumbers) { t->m->system->free(lineNumbers); } if (exceptionHandlers) { t->m->system->free(exceptionHandlers); } } void pushInt() { sub(BytesPerWord, rsp); stackMapper.pushedInt(); } void pushInt(int32_t v) { push(v); stackMapper.pushedInt(); } void pushInt(Register r) { push(r); stackMapper.pushedInt(); } void pushInt(Register r, int32_t offset) { push4(r, offset); stackMapper.pushedInt(); } void pushObject(int32_t v) { push(v); stackMapper.pushedObject(); } void pushObject(Register r) { push(r); stackMapper.pushedObject(); } void pushObject(Register r, int32_t offset) { push(r, offset); stackMapper.pushedObject(); } void pushLong(uint64_t v) { if (BytesPerWord == 8) { pushAddress(v); sub(8, rsp); } else { push((v >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF); push((v ) & 0xFFFFFFFF); } stackMapper.pushedLong(); } void pushLong(Register r) { assert(t, BytesPerWord == 8); push(r); sub(8, rsp); stackMapper.pushedLong(); } void pushLong(Register r, int32_t offset) { assert(t, BytesPerWord == 8); push(r, offset); sub(8, rsp); stackMapper.pushedLong(); } void pushLong(Register low, Register high) { assert(t, BytesPerWord == 4); push(high); push(low); stackMapper.pushedLong(); } void pushLong(Register low, int32_t lowOffset, Register high, int32_t highOffset) { assert(t, BytesPerWord == 4); push(high, highOffset); push(low, lowOffset); stackMapper.pushedLong(); } void popInt() { add(BytesPerWord, rsp); stackMapper.poppedInt(); } void popInt(Register r) { pop(r); stackMapper.poppedInt(); } void popInt(Register r, int32_t offset) { pop4(r, offset); stackMapper.poppedInt(); } void popObject(Register r) { pop(r); stackMapper.poppedObject(); } void popObject(Register r, int32_t offset) { pop(r, offset); stackMapper.poppedObject(); } void popLong() { add(BytesPerWord * 2, rsp); stackMapper.poppedLong(); } void popLong(Register r) { assert(t, BytesPerWord == 8); add(BytesPerWord, rsp); pop(r); stackMapper.poppedLong(); } void popLong(Register r, int32_t offset) { assert(t, BytesPerWord == 8); add(BytesPerWord, rsp); pop(r, offset); stackMapper.poppedLong(); } void popLong(Register low, Register high) { assert(t, BytesPerWord == 4); pop(low); pop(high); stackMapper.poppedLong(); } void popLong(Register low, int32_t lowOffset, Register high, int32_t highOffset) { assert(t, BytesPerWord == 4); pop(low, lowOffset); pop(high, highOffset); stackMapper.poppedLong(); } void loadInt(unsigned index) { pushInt(rbp, localOffset(t, index, method)); } void loadObject(unsigned index) { pushObject(rbp, localOffset(t, index, method)); } void loadLong(unsigned index) { if (BytesPerWord == 8) { pushLong(rbp, localOffset(t, index, method)); } else { pushLong(rbp, localOffset(t, index + 1, method), rbp, localOffset(t, index, method)); } } void storeInt(unsigned index) { popInt(rbp, localOffset(t, index, method)); } void storeObject(unsigned index) { popObject(rbp, localOffset(t, index, method)); stackMapper.storedObject(index); } void storeLong(unsigned index) { if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rbp, localOffset(t, index, method)); } else { popLong(rbp, localOffset(t, index, method), rbp, localOffset(t, index + 1, method)); } } void pushReturnValue(unsigned code) { switch (code) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: push(rax); stackMapper.pushedInt(); break; case ObjectField: push(rax); stackMapper.pushedObject(); break; case LongField: case DoubleField: push(rax); push(rdx); stackMapper.pushedLong(); break; case VoidField: break; default: abort(t); } } void compileDirectInvoke(object target) { unsigned footprint = FrameFootprint + (methodParameterFootprint(t, target) * BytesPerWord); Compiled* code = reinterpret_cast(methodCompiled(t, target)); push(rsp); push(poolRegister(), poolReference(target)); push(rbp, FrameThread); callAlignedAddress(compiledCode(code)); add(footprint, rsp); // pop arguments stackMapper.popped(methodParameterFootprint(t, target)); pushReturnValue(methodReturnCode(t, target)); } void compileCall2(void* function, unsigned argCount) { if (BytesPerWord == 4) { push(rbp, FrameThread); } else { mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi); } mov(reinterpret_cast(function), rbx); callAddress(compiledCode(caller(t))); if (BytesPerWord == 4) { add(BytesPerWord * argCount, rsp); } } void compileCall(void* function) { compileCall2(function, 1); } void compileCall(void* function, object arg1) { if (BytesPerWord == 4) { push(poolRegister(), poolReference(arg1)); } else { mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(arg1), rsi); } compileCall2(function, 2); } void compileCall(void* function, Register arg1) { if (BytesPerWord == 4) { push(arg1); } else { mov(arg1, rsi); } compileCall2(function, 2); } void compileCall(void* function, object arg1, Register arg2) { if (BytesPerWord == 4) { push(arg2); push(poolRegister(), poolReference(arg1)); } else { mov(arg2, rdx); mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(arg1), rsi); } compileCall2(function, 3); } void compileCall(void* function, void* arg1, Register arg2) { if (BytesPerWord == 4) { push(arg2); pushAddress(reinterpret_cast(arg1)); } else { mov(arg2, rdx); mov(reinterpret_cast(arg1), rsi); } compileCall2(function, 3); } void compileCall(void* function, Register arg1, Register arg2) { if (BytesPerWord == 4) { push(arg2); push(arg1); } else { mov(arg2, rdx); mov(arg1, rsi); } compileCall2(function, 3); } Compiled* compile() { object code = methodCode(t, method); PROTECT(t, code); unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method) * BytesPerWord; unsigned localFootprint = codeMaxLocals(t, code) * BytesPerWord; push(rbp); mov(rsp, rbp); if (localFootprint > parameterFootprint) { // reserve space for local variables sub(localFootprint - parameterFootprint, rsp); } int lineNumberIndex; object lnt = codeLineNumberTable(t, code); if (lnt and lineNumberTableLength(t, lnt)) { lineNumberIndex = 0; } else { lineNumberIndex = -1; } for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < codeLength(t, code);) { stackMapper.newIp(ip); machineIPs[ip] = this->code.length(); if (lineNumberIndex >= 0) { object lnt = codeLineNumberTable(t, code); LineNumber* ln = lineNumberTableBody(t, lnt, lineNumberIndex); if (lineNumberIp(ln) == ip) { nativeLineNumberIp(lineNumbers + lineNumberIndex) = this->code.length(); nativeLineNumberLine(lineNumbers + lineNumberIndex) = lineNumberLine(ln); if (static_cast(lineNumberIndex) + 1 < lineNumberTableLength(t, lnt)) { ++ lineNumberIndex; } else { lineNumberIndex = -1; } } } unsigned instruction = codeBody(t, code, ip++); switch (instruction) { case aaload: case baload: case caload: case daload: case faload: case iaload: case laload: case saload: { Label next(this); Label outOfBounds(this); popInt(rcx); popObject(rax); cmp(0, rcx); jl(outOfBounds); mov(rax, BytesPerWord, rdx); cmp(rdx, rcx); jge(outOfBounds); add(BytesPerWord * 2, rax); switch (instruction) { case aaload: case faload: case iaload: shl(log(BytesPerWord), rcx); add(rcx, rax); if (instruction == aaload) { pushObject(rax, 0); } else { pushInt(rax, 0); } break; case baload: add(rcx, rax); movs1(rax, 0, rax); pushInt(rax); break; case caload: shl(1, rcx); add(rcx, rax); movz2(rax, 0, rax); pushInt(rax); break; case daload: case laload: shl(3, rcx); add(rcx, rax); pushLong(rax, 0); break; case saload: shl(1, rcx); add(rcx, rax); movs2(rax, 0, rax); pushInt(rax); break; } jmp(next); outOfBounds.mark(); int3(); compileCall (reinterpret_cast(throwNew), arrayBody (t, t->m->types, Machine::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionType)); next.mark(); } break; case aastore: case bastore: case castore: case dastore: case fastore: case iastore: case lastore: case sastore: { Label next(this); Label outOfBounds(this); if (instruction == dastore or instruction == lastore) { popLong(rdx, rbx); } else if (instruction == aastore) { popObject(rbx); } else { popInt(rbx); } popInt(rcx); popObject(rax); cmp(0, rcx); jl(outOfBounds); mov(rax, BytesPerWord, rsi); cmp(rsi, rcx); jge(outOfBounds); add(BytesPerWord * 2, rax); switch (instruction) { case aastore: case fastore: case iastore: shl(log(BytesPerWord), rcx); add(rcx, rax); mov(rbx, rax, 0); break; case bastore: add(rcx, rax); mov1(rbx, rax, 0); break; case castore: case sastore: shl(1, rcx); add(rcx, rax); mov2(rbx, rax, 0); break; case dastore: case lastore: shl(3, rcx); add(rcx, rax); mov4(rbx, rax, 0); mov4(rdx, rax, 4); break; } jmp(next); outOfBounds.mark(); compileCall (reinterpret_cast(throwNew), arrayBody (t, t->m->types, Machine::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionType)); next.mark(); } break; case aconst_null: pushObject(0); break; case aload: loadObject(codeBody(t, code, ip++)); break; case aload_0: loadObject(0); break; case aload_1: loadObject(1); break; case aload_2: loadObject(2); break; case aload_3: loadObject(3); break; case anewarray: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; Label nonnegative(this); popInt(rax); cmp(0, rax); jge(nonnegative); compileCall (reinterpret_cast(throwNew), arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::NegativeArraySizeExceptionType)); nonnegative.mark(); compileCall(reinterpret_cast(makeBlankObjectArray), class_, rax); pushObject(rax); } break; case areturn: popObject(rax); mov(rbp, rsp); pop(rbp); ret(); stackMapper.exited(); break; case arraylength: popObject(rax); pushInt(rax, BytesPerWord); break; case astore: storeObject(codeBody(t, code, ip++)); break; case astore_0: storeObject(0); break; case astore_1: storeObject(1); break; case astore_2: storeObject(2); break; case astore_3: storeObject(3); break; case athrow: popObject(rax); compileCall(reinterpret_cast(throw_), rax); stackMapper.exited(); break; case bipush: { pushInt(static_cast(codeBody(t, code, ip++))); } break; case checkcast: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; Label next(this); mov(rsp, 0, rax); cmp(0, rax); je(next); mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(class_), rcx); mov(rax, 0, rax); cmp(rcx, rax); je(next); compileCall(reinterpret_cast(isAssignableFrom), rcx, rax); cmp(0, rax); jne(next); compileCall (reinterpret_cast(throwNew), arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ClassCastExceptionType)); next.mark(); } break; case dup: push(rsp, 0); stackMapper.dupped(); break; case getfield: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; popObject(rax); switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: movs1(rax, fieldOffset(t, field), rax); pushInt(rax); break; case CharField: movz2(rax, fieldOffset(t, field), rax); pushInt(rax); break; case ShortField: movs2(rax, fieldOffset(t, field), rax); pushInt(rax); break; case FloatField: case IntField: pushInt(rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); break; case DoubleField: case LongField: pushLong(rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); break; case ObjectField: pushObject(rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); break; default: abort(t); } } break; case getstatic: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; PROTECT(t, field); initClass(t, fieldClass(t, field)); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; object table = classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)); mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rax); add((fieldOffset(t, field) * BytesPerWord) + ArrayBody, rax); switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: { Label zero(this); Label next(this); cmp(0, rax); je(zero); pushInt(rax, IntValue); jmp(next); zero.mark(); pushInt(0); next.mark(); } break; case DoubleField: case LongField: { Label zero(this); Label next(this); cmp(0, rax); je(zero); pushLong(rax, LongValue); jmp(next); zero.mark(); pushLong(0); next.mark(); } break; case ObjectField: { pushObject(rax, 0); } break; default: abort(t); } } break; case goto_: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); jmp((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.jumped((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case goto_w: { int32_t offset = codeReadInt32(t, code, ip); jmp((ip - 5) + offset); stackMapper.jumped((ip - 5) + offset); } break; case i2b: mov(rsp, 0, rax); movs1(rax, rax); mov(rax, rsp, 0); break; case i2c: mov(rsp, 0, rax); movz2(rax, rax); mov(rax, rsp, 0); break; case i2s: mov(rsp, 0, rax); movs2(rax, rax); mov(rax, rsp, 0); break; case i2l: if (BytesPerWord == 8) { pushInt(); } else { popInt(rax); cdq(); pushLong(rax, rdx); } break; case iadd: popInt(rax); popInt(rcx); add(rcx, rax); pushInt(rax); break; case iconst_m1: pushInt(-1); break; case iconst_0: pushInt(0); break; case iconst_1: pushInt(1); break; case iconst_2: pushInt(2); break; case iconst_3: pushInt(3); break; case iconst_4: pushInt(4); break; case iconst_5: pushInt(5); break; case if_acmpeq: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popObject(rax); popObject(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); je((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case if_acmpne: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popObject(rax); popObject(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); jne((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case if_icmpeq: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); popInt(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); je((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case if_icmpne: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); popInt(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); jne((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case if_icmpgt: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); popInt(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); jg((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case if_icmpge: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); popInt(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); jge((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case if_icmplt: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); popInt(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); jl((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case if_icmple: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); popInt(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); jle((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case ifeq: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); cmp(0, rax); je((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case ifnull: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popObject(rax); cmp(0, rax); je((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case ifne: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); cmp(0, rax); jne((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case ifnonnull: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popObject(rax); cmp(0, rax); jne((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case ifgt: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); cmp(0, rax); jg((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case ifge: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); cmp(0, rax); jge((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case iflt: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); cmp(0, rax); jl((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case ifle: { int16_t offset = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); popInt(rax); cmp(0, rax); jle((ip - 3) + offset); stackMapper.branched((ip - 3) + offset); } break; case iinc: { uint8_t index = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int8_t c = codeBody(t, code, ip++); add(c, rbp, localOffset(t, index, method)); } break; case iload: case fload: loadInt(codeBody(t, code, ip++)); break; case iload_0: case fload_0: loadInt(0); break; case iload_1: case fload_1: loadInt(1); break; case iload_2: case fload_2: loadInt(2); break; case iload_3: case fload_3: loadInt(3); break; case vm::imul: popInt(rax); popInt(rcx); Assembler::imul(rcx); pushInt(rax); break; case ineg: neg(rsp, 0); break; case instanceof: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; Label call(this); Label zero(this); Label next(this); popObject(rax); cmp(0, rax); je(zero); mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(class_), rcx); mov(rax, 0, rax); cmp(rcx, rax); jne(call); push(1); jmp(next); call.mark(); compileCall(reinterpret_cast(isAssignableFrom), rcx, rax); push(rax); jmp(next); zero.mark(); push(0); next.mark(); stackMapper.pushedInt(); } break; case invokespecial: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object target = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; object class_ = methodClass(t, target); if (isSpecialMethod(t, target, class_)) { target = findMethod(t, target, classSuper(t, class_)); } compileDirectInvoke(target); } break; case invokestatic: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object target = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; PROTECT(t, target); initClass(t, methodClass(t, target)); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; compileDirectInvoke(target); } break; case invokevirtual: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object target = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, target) * BytesPerWord; unsigned instance = parameterFootprint - BytesPerWord; unsigned footprint = FrameFootprint + parameterFootprint; unsigned offset = ArrayBody + (methodOffset(t, target) * BytesPerWord); mov(rsp, instance, rax); // load instance mov(rax, 0, rax); // load class mov(rax, ClassVirtualTable, rax); // load vtable mov(rax, offset, rax); // load method push(rsp); push(rax); push(rbp, FrameThread); mov(rax, MethodCompiled, rax); // load compiled code add(CompiledBody, rax); call(rax); // call compiled code poolRegisterClobbered = true; add(footprint, rsp); // pop arguments stackMapper.popped(methodParameterFootprint(t, target)); pushReturnValue(methodReturnCode(t, target)); } break; case ireturn: case freturn: popInt(rax); mov(rbp, rsp); pop(rbp); ret(); stackMapper.exited(); break; case istore: case fstore: storeInt(codeBody(t, code, ip++)); break; case istore_0: case fstore_0: storeInt(0); break; case istore_1: case fstore_1: storeInt(1); break; case istore_2: case fstore_2: storeInt(2); break; case istore_3: case fstore_3: storeInt(3); break; case isub: popInt(rax); sub(rax, rsp, 0); break; case l2i: if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popInt(); stackMapper.poppedInt(); } else { popInt(rax); mov(rax, rsp, 0); } break; case ladd: if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rax); add(rax, rsp, BytesPerWord); } else { popLong(rax, rdx); add(rax, rsp, 0); adc(rdx, rsp, BytesPerWord); } break; case ldc: case ldc_w: { uint16_t index; if (instruction == ldc) { index = codeBody(t, code, ip++); } else { index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); } object v = arrayBody(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::IntType)) { pushInt(intValue(t, v)); } else if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::FloatType)) { pushInt(floatValue(t, v)); } else if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::StringType)) { pushObject(poolRegister(), poolReference(v)); } else { object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); pushObject(poolRegister(), poolReference(class_)); } } break; case ldc2_w: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object v = arrayBody(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::LongType)) { pushLong(longValue(t, v)); } else if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::DoubleType)) { pushLong(doubleValue(t, v)); } else { abort(t); } } break; case lconst_0: pushLong(0); break; case lconst_1: pushLong(1); break; case lcmp: { Label next(this); Label less(this); Label greater(this); if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rax); popLong(rcx); cmp(rax, rcx); jl(less); jg(greater); pushInt(0); jmp(next); less.mark(); pushInt(-1); jmp(next); greater.mark(); pushInt(1); next.mark(); } else { popLong(rax, rdx); popLong(rcx, rbx); cmp(rdx, rbx); jl(less); jg(greater); cmp(rax, rcx); jb(less); ja(greater); pushInt(0); jmp(next); less.mark(); pushInt(-1); jmp(next); greater.mark(); pushInt(1); next.mark(); } } break; case ldiv_: if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rcx); popLong(rax); cqo(); Assembler::idiv(rcx); pushLong(rax); } else { compileCall(reinterpret_cast(divideLong)); popLong(); mov(rax, rsp, 0); mov(rdx, rsp, 4); } break; case lload: loadLong(codeBody(t, code, ip++)); break; case lload_0: loadLong(0); break; case lload_1: loadLong(1); break; case lload_2: loadLong(2); break; case lload_3: loadLong(3); break; case lmul: if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rax); popLong(rcx); Assembler::imul(rcx); pushLong(rax); } else { mov(rsp, 4, rcx); Assembler::imul(rsp, 8, rcx); mov(rsp, 12, rax); Assembler::imul(rsp, 0, rax); add(rax, rcx); mov(rsp, 8, rax); mul(rsp, 0); add(rcx, rdx); popLong(); mov(rax, rsp, 0); mov(rdx, rsp, 4); } break; case lneg: if (BytesPerWord == 8) { neg(rsp, 8); } else { mov(rsp, 0, rax); mov(rsp, 4, rdx); neg(rax); adc(0, rdx); neg(rdx); mov(rax, rsp, 0); mov(rdx, rsp, 4); } break; case lrem: if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rcx); popLong(rax); cqo(); Assembler::idiv(rcx); pushLong(rdx); } else { compileCall(reinterpret_cast(moduloLong)); popLong(); mov(rax, rsp, 0); mov(rdx, rsp, 4); } break; case lstore: storeLong(codeBody(t, code, ip++)); break; case lstore_0: storeLong(0); break; case lstore_1: storeLong(1); break; case lstore_2: storeLong(2); break; case lstore_3: storeLong(3); break; case lsub: if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rax); sub(rax, rsp, BytesPerWord); } else { popLong(rax, rdx); sub(rax, rsp, 0); sbb(rdx, rsp, BytesPerWord); } break; case new_: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; PROTECT(t, class_); initClass(t, class_); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & WeakReferenceFlag) { compileCall(reinterpret_cast(makeNewWeakReference), class_); } else { compileCall(reinterpret_cast(makeNew), class_); } pushObject(rax); } break; case newarray: { uint8_t type = codeBody(t, code, ip++); Label nonnegative(this); popInt(rax); cmp(0, rax); jge(nonnegative); compileCall (reinterpret_cast(throwNew), arrayBody (t, t->m->types, Machine::NegativeArraySizeExceptionType)); nonnegative.mark(); object (*constructor)(Thread*, uintptr_t, bool); switch (type) { case T_BOOLEAN: constructor = makeBooleanArray; break; case T_CHAR: constructor = makeCharArray; break; case T_FLOAT: constructor = makeFloatArray; break; case T_DOUBLE: constructor = makeDoubleArray; break; case T_BYTE: constructor = makeByteArray; break; case T_SHORT: constructor = makeShortArray; break; case T_INT: constructor = makeIntArray; break; case T_LONG: constructor = makeLongArray; break; default: abort(t); } compileCall(reinterpret_cast(makeBlankArray), reinterpret_cast(constructor), rax); pushObject(rax); } break; case pop_: { add(BytesPerWord, rsp); stackMapper.poppedIntOrObject(); } break; case putfield: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: { popInt(rcx); popObject(rax); switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: mov1(rcx, rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); break; case CharField: case ShortField: mov2(rcx, rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); break; case FloatField: case IntField: mov4(rcx, rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); break; } } break; case DoubleField: case LongField: { if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rcx); popObject(rax); mov(rcx, rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); } else { popLong(rcx, rbx); popObject(rax); mov(rcx, rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); mov(rbx, rax, fieldOffset(t, field) + 4); } } break; case ObjectField: { popObject(rcx); popObject(rax); mov(rcx, rax, fieldOffset(t, field)); } break; default: abort(t); } } break; case putstatic: { uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip); object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; initClass(t, fieldClass(t, field)); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; object table = classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)); unsigned offset = (fieldOffset(t, field) * BytesPerWord) + ArrayBody; switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: { compileCall(reinterpret_cast(makeNew), arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::IntType)); popInt(rax, IntValue); mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rcx); mov(rax, rcx, offset); } break; case DoubleField: case LongField: { compileCall(reinterpret_cast(makeNew), arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::LongType)); if (BytesPerWord == 8) { popLong(rax, LongValue); } else { popLong(rax, LongValue, rax, LongValue + 4); } mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rcx); mov(rax, rcx, offset); } break; case ObjectField: mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rax); popObject(rax, offset); break; default: abort(t); } } break; case return_: mov(rbp, rsp); pop(rbp); ret(); stackMapper.exited(); break; case sipush: { pushInt(static_cast(codeReadInt16(t, code, ip))); } break; default: abort(t); } } resolveJumps(); buildExceptionHandlerTable(code); return finish(); } void resolveJumps() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < jumps.length(); i += 8) { uint32_t ip = jumps.get4(i); uint32_t offset = jumps.get4(i + 4); code.set4(offset, machineIPs[ip] - (offset + 4)); } } void buildExceptionHandlerTable(object code) { PROTECT(t, code); object eht = codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, code); if (eht) { PROTECT(t, eht); for (unsigned i = 0; i < exceptionHandlerTableLength(t, eht); ++i) { ExceptionHandler* eh = exceptionHandlerTableBody(t, eht, i); nativeExceptionHandlerStart(exceptionHandlers + i) = machineIPs[exceptionHandlerStart(eh)]; nativeExceptionHandlerEnd(exceptionHandlers + i) = machineIPs[exceptionHandlerEnd(eh)]; nativeExceptionHandlerIp(exceptionHandlers + i) = machineIPs[exceptionHandlerIp(eh)]; unsigned ct = exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh); object catchType; if (ct) { catchType = resolveClass (t, codePool(t, code), exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh) - 1); } else { catchType = 0; } nativeExceptionHandlerCatchType(exceptionHandlers + i) = (catchType ? (poolReference(catchType) / BytesPerWord) - 1 : 0); } } } Compiled* finish() { stackMapper.finish(); return makeCompiled(t, method, &code, lineNumbers, exceptionHandlers, &stackMapper); } object makePool() { if (pool.length()) { object array = makeArray(t, pool.length() / BytesPerWord, false); pool.copyTo(&arrayBody(t, array, 0)); return array; } else { return 0; } } Register poolRegister() { return rdi; } uint32_t poolReference(object o) { if (poolRegisterClobbered) { mov(rbp, FrameMethod, rdi); mov(rdi, MethodCode, rdi); //poolRegisterClobbered = false; } pool.appendAddress(reinterpret_cast(o)); return pool.length() + BytesPerWord; } void callAddress(void* function) { Compiler::callAddress(function); stackMapper.called(code.length()); poolRegisterClobbered = true; } void callAlignedAddress(void* function) { Compiler::callAlignedAddress(function); stackMapper.called(code.length()); poolRegisterClobbered = true; } object method; StackMapper stackMapper; bool poolRegisterClobbered; uint32_t* machineIPs; NativeLineNumber* lineNumbers; NativeExceptionHandler* exceptionHandlers; Buffer pool; }; void compileMethod2(MyThread* t, object method) { if (reinterpret_cast(methodCompiled(t, method)) == t->m->processor->methodStub(t)) { PROTECT(t, method); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock); if (reinterpret_cast(methodCompiled(t, method)) == t->m->processor->methodStub(t)) { if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "compiling %s.%s\n", &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, methodClass(t, method)), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)); } if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)), "charAt") == 0) { noop(); } JavaCompiler c(t, method); Compiled* code = c.compile(); if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "compiled %s.%s from %p to %p\n", &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, methodClass(t, method)), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0), compiledCode(code), compiledCode(code) + compiledCodeLength(code)); } methodCompiled(t, method) = reinterpret_cast(code); object pool = c.makePool(); set(t, methodCode(t, method), pool); } } } void updateCaller(MyThread* t, object method) { uintptr_t stub = reinterpret_cast (compiledCode(static_cast(t->m->processor->methodStub(t)))); Assembler a(t->m->system); a.mov(stub, rax); unsigned offset = a.code.length() - BytesPerWord; a.call(rax); uint8_t* caller = static_cast(frameAddress(t->frame)) - a.code.length(); if (memcmp(a.code.data, caller, a.code.length()) == 0) { // it's a direct call - update caller to point to new code // address must be aligned on a word boundary for this write to // be atomic assert(t, reinterpret_cast(caller + offset) % BytesPerWord == 0); *reinterpret_cast(caller + offset) = compiledCode(reinterpret_cast(methodCompiled(t, method))); } } void compileMethod(MyThread* t, object method) { compileMethod2(t, method); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) { unwind(t); } else if (not methodVirtual(t, method)) { updateCaller(t, method); } } class ArgumentList { public: ArgumentList(Thread* t, uintptr_t* array, bool* objectMask, object this_, const char* spec, bool indirectObjects, va_list arguments): t(static_cast(t)), next(this->t->argumentList), array(array), objectMask(objectMask), position(0) { this->t->argumentList = this; addInt(reinterpret_cast(t)); addObject(0); // reserve space for method addInt(reinterpret_cast(this->t->frame)); if (this_) { addObject(this_); } const char* s = spec; ++ s; // skip '(' while (*s and *s != ')') { switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; if (indirectObjects) { object* v = va_arg(arguments, object*); addObject(v ? *v : 0); } else { addObject(va_arg(arguments, object)); } break; case '[': while (*s == '[') ++ s; switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; default: ++ s; break; } if (indirectObjects) { object* v = va_arg(arguments, object*); addObject(v ? *v : 0); } else { addObject(va_arg(arguments, object)); } break; case 'J': case 'D': ++ s; addLong(va_arg(arguments, uint64_t)); break; default: ++ s; addInt(va_arg(arguments, uint32_t)); break; } } } ArgumentList(Thread* t, uintptr_t* array, bool* objectMask, object this_, const char* spec, object arguments): t(static_cast(t)), next(this->t->argumentList), array(array), objectMask(objectMask), position(0) { this->t->argumentList = this; addInt(0); // reserve space for trace pointer addObject(0); // reserve space for method pointer if (this_) { addObject(this_); } unsigned index = 0; const char* s = spec; ++ s; // skip '(' while (*s and *s != ')') { switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; addObject(objectArrayBody(t, arguments, index++)); break; case '[': while (*s == '[') ++ s; switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; default: ++ s; break; } addObject(objectArrayBody(t, arguments, index++)); break; case 'J': case 'D': ++ s; addLong(cast(objectArrayBody(t, arguments, index++), BytesPerWord)); break; default: ++ s; addInt(cast(objectArrayBody(t, arguments, index++), BytesPerWord)); break; } } } ~ArgumentList() { t->argumentList = next; } void addObject(object v) { array[position] = reinterpret_cast(v); objectMask[position] = true; ++ position; } void addInt(uint32_t v) { array[position] = v; objectMask[position] = false; ++ position; } void addLong(uint64_t v) { memcpy(array + position, &v, 8); objectMask[position] = false; objectMask[position] = false; position += 2; } MyThread* t; ArgumentList* next; uintptr_t* array; bool* objectMask; unsigned position; }; object invoke(Thread* thread, object method, ArgumentList* arguments) { MyThread* t = static_cast(thread); arguments->array[1] = reinterpret_cast(method); unsigned returnCode = methodReturnCode(t, method); unsigned returnType = fieldType(t, returnCode); void* frame = t->frame; Reference* reference = t->reference; Compiled* code = reinterpret_cast(methodCompiled(t, method)); uint64_t result = vmInvoke (compiledCode(code), arguments->array, arguments->position * BytesPerWord, returnType); while (t->reference != reference) { dispose(t, t->reference); } t->frame = frame; object r; switch (returnCode) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: r = makeInt(t, result); break; case LongField: case DoubleField: r = makeLong(t, result); break; case ObjectField: r = (result == 0 ? 0 : *reinterpret_cast(static_cast(result))); break; case VoidField: r = 0; break; default: abort(t); }; return r; } class MyProcessor: public Processor { public: MyProcessor(System* s): s(s), methodStub_(0), nativeInvoker_(0) { } virtual Thread* makeThread(Machine* m, object javaThread, Thread* parent) { return new (s->allocate(sizeof(MyThread))) MyThread(m, javaThread, parent); } virtual void* methodStub(Thread* t) { if (methodStub_ == 0) { Compiler c(static_cast(t)); methodStub_ = c.compileStub(); } return methodStub_; } virtual void* nativeInvoker(Thread* t) { if (nativeInvoker_ == 0) { Compiler c(static_cast(t)); nativeInvoker_ = c.compileNativeInvoker(); } return nativeInvoker_; } Compiled* caller(Thread* t) { if (caller_ == 0) { Compiler c(static_cast(t)); caller_ = c.compileCaller(); } return caller_; } virtual unsigned parameterFootprint(vm::Thread*, const char* s, bool static_) { unsigned footprint = 0; ++ s; // skip '(' while (*s and *s != ')') { switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; case '[': while (*s == '[') ++ s; switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; default: ++ s; break; } break; case 'J': case 'D': ++ s; ++ footprint; break; default: ++ s; break; } ++ footprint; } if (not static_) { ++ footprint; } return footprint; } virtual void initClass(Thread* t, object c) { PROTECT(t, c); ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock); if (classVmFlags(t, c) & NeedInitFlag and (classVmFlags(t, c) & InitFlag) == 0) { classVmFlags(t, c) |= InitFlag; invoke(t, classInitializer(t, c), 0); if (t->exception) { t->exception = makeExceptionInInitializerError(t, t->exception); } classVmFlags(t, c) &= ~(NeedInitFlag | InitFlag); } } virtual void visitObjects(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor*) { abort(t); } virtual uintptr_t frameStart(Thread* vmt) { return reinterpret_cast(static_cast(vmt)->frame); } virtual uintptr_t frameNext(Thread*, uintptr_t frame) { return reinterpret_cast (::frameNext(reinterpret_cast(frame))); } virtual bool frameValid(Thread*, uintptr_t frame) { return ::frameValid(reinterpret_cast(frame)); } virtual object frameMethod(Thread*, uintptr_t frame) { return ::frameMethod(reinterpret_cast(frame)); } virtual unsigned frameIp(Thread* t, uintptr_t frame) { void* f = reinterpret_cast(frame); return addressOffset(t, ::frameMethod(f), ::frameAddress(f)); } virtual int lineNumber(Thread* t, object method, unsigned ip) { if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) { return NativeLine; } Compiled* code = reinterpret_cast(methodCompiled(t, method)); if (compiledLineNumberCount(t, code)) { unsigned bottom = 0; unsigned top = compiledLineNumberCount(t, code); for (unsigned span = top - bottom; span; span = top - bottom) { unsigned middle = bottom + (span / 2); NativeLineNumber* ln = compiledLineNumber(t, code, middle); if (ip >= nativeLineNumberIp(ln) and (middle + 1 == compiledLineNumberCount(t, code) or ip < nativeLineNumberIp (compiledLineNumber(t, code, middle + 1)))) { return nativeLineNumberLine(ln); } else if (ip < nativeLineNumberIp(ln)) { top = middle; } else if (ip > nativeLineNumberIp(ln)) { bottom = middle + 1; } } abort(t); } else { return UnknownLine; } } virtual object* makeLocalReference(Thread* vmt, object o) { if (o) { MyThread* t = static_cast(vmt); Reference* r = new (t->m->system->allocate(sizeof(Reference))) Reference(o, &(t->reference)); return &(r->target); } else { return 0; } } virtual void disposeLocalReference(Thread* t, object* r) { if (r) { vm::dispose(t, reinterpret_cast(r)); } } virtual object invokeArray(Thread* t, object method, object this_, object arguments) { assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState); assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0)); const char* spec = reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)); unsigned size = methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + FrameFootprint; uintptr_t array[size]; bool objectMask[size]; ArgumentList list(t, array, objectMask, this_, spec, arguments); return ::invoke(t, method, &list); } virtual object invokeList(Thread* t, object method, object this_, bool indirectObjects, va_list arguments) { assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState); assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0)); const char* spec = reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)); unsigned size = methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + FrameFootprint; uintptr_t array[size]; bool objectMask[size]; ArgumentList list (t, array, objectMask, this_, spec, indirectObjects, arguments); return ::invoke(t, method, &list); } virtual object invokeList(Thread* t, const char* className, const char* methodName, const char* methodSpec, object this_, va_list arguments) { assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState); unsigned size = parameterFootprint(t, methodSpec, false) + FrameFootprint; uintptr_t array[size]; bool objectMask[size]; ArgumentList list (t, array, objectMask, this_, methodSpec, false, arguments); object method = resolveMethod(t, className, methodName, methodSpec); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0)); return ::invoke(t, method, &list); } else { return 0; } } virtual void dispose() { if (methodStub_) { s->free(methodStub_); } if (nativeInvoker_) { s->free(nativeInvoker_); } if (caller_) { s->free(caller_); } s->free(this); } System* s; Compiled* methodStub_; Compiled* nativeInvoker_; Compiled* caller_; }; Compiled* caller(MyThread* t) { return static_cast(t->m->processor)->caller(t); } } // namespace namespace vm { Processor* makeProcessor(System* system) { return new (system->allocate(sizeof(MyProcessor))) MyProcessor(system); } } // namespace vm