#!groovy /** * Jenkins pipeline to build Corda OS release with JDK11 */ /** * Kill already started job. * Assume new commit takes precendence and results from previous * unfinished builds are not required. * This feature doesn't play well with disableConcurrentBuilds() option */ @Library('corda-shared-build-pipeline-steps') import static com.r3.build.BuildControl.killAllExistingBuildsForJob killAllExistingBuildsForJob(env.JOB_NAME, env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger()) /** * Sense environment */ boolean isReleaseTag = (env.TAG_NAME =~ /^release.*JDK11$/) /** * Common Gradle arguments for all Gradle executions */ String COMMON_GRADLE_PARAMS = [ '--no-daemon', '--stacktrace', '--info', '-Pcompilation.warningsAsErrors=false', '-Ptests.failFast=true', ].join(' ') /** * The name of subfolders to run tests previously on Another Agent and Same Agent */ String sameAgentFolder = 'sameAgent' String anotherAgentFolder = 'anotherAgent' pipeline { agent { dockerfile { label 'standard' additionalBuildArgs '--build-arg USER="${USER}"' // DON'T change quotation - USER variable is substituted by SHELL!!!! filename "${sameAgentFolder}/.ci/dev/compatibility/DockerfileJDK11" } } /* * List options in alphabetical order */ options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '14', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '14')) checkoutToSubdirectory "${sameAgentFolder}" parallelsAlwaysFailFast() timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') timestamps() } /* * List environment variables in alphabetical order */ environment { ARTIFACTORY_BUILD_NAME = "Corda :: Publish :: Publish JDK 11 Release to Artifactory :: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" ARTIFACTORY_CREDENTIALS = credentials('artifactory-credentials') CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD = "${env.ARTIFACTORY_CREDENTIALS_PSW}" CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME = "${env.ARTIFACTORY_CREDENTIALS_USR}" } stages { stage('Compile') { steps { dir(sameAgentFolder) { sh script: [ './gradlew', COMMON_GRADLE_PARAMS, 'clean', 'jar' ].join(' ') } } } stage('Copy') { steps { sh "rm -rf ${anotherAgentFolder} && mkdir -p ${anotherAgentFolder} && cd ${sameAgentFolder} && cp -aR . ../${anotherAgentFolder}" } } stage('All Tests') { parallel { stage('Another agent') { post { always { dir(anotherAgentFolder) { archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log', fingerprint: false junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true } } } stages { stage('Unit Test') { steps { dir(anotherAgentFolder) { sh script: [ './gradlew', COMMON_GRADLE_PARAMS, 'test' ].join(' ') } } } stage('Smoke Test') { steps { dir(anotherAgentFolder) { sh script: [ './gradlew', COMMON_GRADLE_PARAMS, 'smokeTest' ].join(' ') } } } stage('Slow Integration Test') { steps { dir(anotherAgentFolder) { sh script: [ './gradlew', COMMON_GRADLE_PARAMS, 'slowIntegrationTest' ].join(' ') } } } } } stage('Same agent') { post { always { dir(sameAgentFolder) { archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log', fingerprint: false junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true } } } stages { stage('Integration Test') { steps { dir(sameAgentFolder) { sh script: [ './gradlew', COMMON_GRADLE_PARAMS, 'integrationTest' ].join(' ') } } } stage('Deploy Node') { steps { dir(sameAgentFolder) { sh script: [ './gradlew', COMMON_GRADLE_PARAMS, 'deployNode' ].join(' ') } } } } } } } stage('Publish to Artifactory') { when { expression { isReleaseTag } } steps { dir(sameAgentFolder) { rtServer( id: 'R3-Artifactory', url: 'https://software.r3.com/artifactory', credentialsId: 'artifactory-credentials' ) rtGradleDeployer( id: 'deployer', serverId: 'R3-Artifactory', repo: 'corda-releases' ) rtGradleRun( usesPlugin: true, useWrapper: true, switches: '-s --info', tasks: 'artifactoryPublish', deployerId: 'deployer', buildName: env.ARTIFACTORY_BUILD_NAME ) rtPublishBuildInfo( serverId: 'R3-Artifactory', buildName: env.ARTIFACTORY_BUILD_NAME ) } } } } post { cleanup { deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */ } } }