/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ %{ open Util (* for failwithf *) (* Here we defined some helper routines to check attributes. * * An alternative approach is to code these rules in Lexer/Parser but * it has several drawbacks: * * 1. Bad extensibility; * 2. It grows the table size and down-graded the parsing time; * 3. It makes error reporting rigid this way. *) let get_string_from_attr (v: Ast.attr_value) (err_func: int -> string) = match v with Ast.AString s -> s | Ast.ANumber n -> err_func n (* Check whether 'size' or 'sizefunc' is specified. *) let has_size (sattr: Ast.ptr_size) = sattr.Ast.ps_size <> None || sattr.Ast.ps_sizefunc <> None (* Pointers can have the following attributes: * * 'size' - specifies the size of the pointer. * e.g. size = 4, size = val ('val' is a parameter); * * 'count' - indicates how many of items is managed by the pointer * e.g. count = 100, count = n ('n' is a parameter); * * 'sizefunc' - use a function to compute the size of the pointer. * e.g. sizefunc = get_ptr_size * * 'string' - indicate the pointer is managing a C string; * 'wstring' - indicate the pointer is managing a wide char string. * * 'isptr' - to specify that the foreign type is a pointer. * 'isary' - to specify that the foreign type is an array. * 'readonly' - to specify that the foreign type has a 'const' qualifier. * * 'user_check' - inhibit Edger8r from generating code to check the pointer. * * 'in' - the pointer is used as input * 'out' - the pointer is used as output * * Note that 'size' and 'sizefunc' are mutual exclusive (but they can * be used together with 'count'. 'string' and 'wstring' indicates 'isptr', * and they cannot use with only an 'out' attribute. *) let get_ptr_attr (attr_list: (string * Ast.attr_value) list) = let get_new_dir (cds: string) (cda: Ast.ptr_direction) (old: Ast.ptr_direction) = if old = Ast.PtrNoDirection then cda else if old = Ast.PtrInOut then failwithf "duplicated attribute: `%s'" cds else if old = cda then failwithf "duplicated attribute: `%s'" cds else Ast.PtrInOut in let update_attr (key: string) (value: Ast.attr_value) (res: Ast.ptr_attr) = match key with "size" -> { res with Ast.pa_size = { res.Ast.pa_size with Ast.ps_size = Some value }} | "count" -> { res with Ast.pa_size = { res.Ast.pa_size with Ast.ps_count = Some value }} | "sizefunc" -> let efn n = failwithf "invalid function name (%d) for `sizefunc'" n in let funcname = get_string_from_attr value efn in { res with Ast.pa_size = { res.Ast.pa_size with Ast.ps_sizefunc = Some funcname }} | "string" -> { res with Ast.pa_isptr = true; Ast.pa_isstr = true; } | "wstring" -> { res with Ast.pa_isptr = true; Ast.pa_iswstr = true; } | "isptr" -> { res with Ast.pa_isptr = true } | "isary" -> { res with Ast.pa_isary = true } | "readonly" -> { res with Ast.pa_rdonly = true } | "user_check" -> { res with Ast.pa_chkptr = false } | "in" -> let newdir = get_new_dir "in" Ast.PtrIn res.Ast.pa_direction in { res with Ast.pa_direction = newdir } | "out" -> let newdir = get_new_dir "out" Ast.PtrOut res.Ast.pa_direction in { res with Ast.pa_direction = newdir } | _ -> failwithf "unknown attribute: %s" key in let rec do_get_ptr_attr alist res_attr = match alist with [] -> res_attr | (k,v) :: xs -> do_get_ptr_attr xs (update_attr k v res_attr) in let has_str_attr (pattr: Ast.ptr_attr) = if pattr.Ast.pa_isstr && pattr.Ast.pa_iswstr then failwith "`string' and `wstring' are mutual exclusive" else (pattr.Ast.pa_isstr || pattr.Ast.pa_iswstr) in let check_invalid_ptr_size (pattr: Ast.ptr_attr) = let ps = pattr.Ast.pa_size in if ps.Ast.ps_size <> None && ps.Ast.ps_sizefunc <> None then failwith "`size' and `sizefunc' cannot be used at the same time" else if ps <> Ast.empty_ptr_size && has_str_attr pattr then failwith "size attributes are mutual exclusive with (w)string attribute" else if (ps <> Ast.empty_ptr_size || has_str_attr pattr) && pattr.Ast.pa_direction = Ast.PtrNoDirection then failwith "size/string attributes must be used with pointer direction" else pattr in let check_ptr_dir (pattr: Ast.ptr_attr) = if pattr.Ast.pa_direction <> Ast.PtrNoDirection && pattr.Ast.pa_chkptr = false then failwith "pointer direction and `user_check' are mutual exclusive" else if pattr.Ast.pa_direction = Ast.PtrNoDirection && pattr.Ast.pa_chkptr then failwith "pointer/array should have direction attribute or `user_check'" else if pattr.Ast.pa_direction = Ast.PtrOut && (has_str_attr pattr || pattr.Ast.pa_size.Ast.ps_sizefunc <> None) then failwith "string/wstring/sizefunc should be used with an `in' attribute" else pattr in let check_invalid_ary_attr (pattr: Ast.ptr_attr) = if pattr.Ast.pa_size <> Ast.empty_ptr_size then failwith "Pointer size attributes cannot be used with foreign array" else if not pattr.Ast.pa_isptr then (* 'pa_chkptr' is default to true unless user specifies 'user_check' *) if pattr.Ast.pa_chkptr && pattr.Ast.pa_direction = Ast.PtrNoDirection then failwith "array must have direction attribute or `user_check'" else pattr else if has_str_attr pattr then failwith "`isary' cannot be used with `string/wstring' together" else failwith "`isary' cannot be used with `isptr' together" in let pattr = do_get_ptr_attr attr_list { Ast.pa_direction = Ast.PtrNoDirection; Ast.pa_size = Ast.empty_ptr_size; Ast.pa_isptr = false; Ast.pa_isary = false; Ast.pa_isstr = false; Ast.pa_iswstr = false; Ast.pa_rdonly = false; Ast.pa_chkptr = true; } in if pattr.Ast.pa_isary then check_invalid_ary_attr pattr else check_invalid_ptr_size pattr |> check_ptr_dir (* Untrusted functions can have these attributes: * * a. 3 mutual exclusive calling convention specifier: * 'stdcall', 'fastcall', 'cdecl'. * * b. 'dllimport' - to import a public symbol. *) let get_func_attr (attr_list: (string * Ast.attr_value) list) = let get_new_callconv (key: string) (cur: Ast.call_conv) (old: Ast.call_conv) = if old <> Ast.CC_NONE then failwithf "unexpected `%s', conflict with `%s'." key (Ast.get_call_conv_str old) else cur in let update_attr (key: string) (value: Ast.attr_value) (res: Ast.func_attr) = match key with | "stdcall" -> let callconv = get_new_callconv key Ast.CC_STDCALL res.Ast.fa_convention in { res with Ast.fa_convention = callconv} | "fastcall" -> let callconv = get_new_callconv key Ast.CC_FASTCALL res.Ast.fa_convention in { res with Ast.fa_convention = callconv} | "cdecl" -> let callconv = get_new_callconv key Ast.CC_CDECL res.Ast.fa_convention in { res with Ast.fa_convention = callconv} | "dllimport" -> if res.Ast.fa_dllimport then failwith "duplicated attribute: `dllimport'" else { res with Ast.fa_dllimport = true } | _ -> failwithf "invalid function attribute: %s" key in let rec do_get_func_attr alist res_attr = match alist with [] -> res_attr | (k,v) :: xs -> do_get_func_attr xs (update_attr k v res_attr) in do_get_func_attr attr_list { Ast.fa_dllimport = false; Ast.fa_convention= Ast.CC_NONE; } (* Some syntax checking against pointer attributes. * range: (Lexing.position * Lexing.position) *) let check_ptr_attr (fd: Ast.func_decl) range = let fname = fd.Ast.fname in let check_const (pattr: Ast.ptr_attr) (identifier: string) = let raise_err_direction (direction:string) = failwithf "`%s': `%s' is readonly - cannot be used with `%s'" fname identifier direction in if pattr.Ast.pa_rdonly then match pattr.Ast.pa_direction with Ast.PtrOut | Ast.PtrInOut -> raise_err_direction "out" | _ -> () else () in let check_void_ptr_size (pattr: Ast.ptr_attr) (identifier: string) = if pattr.Ast.pa_chkptr && (not (has_size pattr.Ast.pa_size)) then failwithf "`%s': void pointer `%s' - buffer size unknown" fname identifier else () in let checker (pd: Ast.pdecl) = let pt, declr = pd in let identifier = declr.Ast.identifier in match pt with Ast.PTVal _ -> () | Ast.PTPtr(atype, pattr) -> if atype <> Ast.Ptr(Ast.Void) then check_const pattr identifier else (* 'void' pointer, check there is a size or 'user_check' *) check_void_ptr_size pattr identifier in List.iter checker fd.Ast.plist %} %token EOF %token TDot TComma TSemicolon TPtr TEqual %token TLParen TRParen %token TLBrace TRBrace %token TLBrack TRBrack %token Tpublic %token Tinclude %token Tconst %token Tidentifier %token Tnumber %token Tstring %token Tchar Tshort Tunsigned Tint Tfloat Tdouble Tint8 Tint16 Tint32 Tint64 Tuint8 Tuint16 Tuint32 Tuint64 Tsizet Twchar Tvoid Tlong Tstruct Tunion Tenum %token Tenclave Tfrom Timport Ttrusted Tuntrusted Tallow Tpropagate_errno %start start_parsing %type start_parsing /* Grammar follows */ %% /* Type definitions * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ char_type: Tchar { Ast.Char Ast.Signed } | Tunsigned Tchar { Ast.Char Ast.Unsigned } ; /* Explicit shortness. */ ex_shortness: Tshort { Ast.IShort } | Tlong { Ast.ILong } ; longlong: Tlong Tlong { Ast.LLong Ast.Signed } | Tunsigned Tlong Tlong { Ast.LLong Ast.Unsigned } shortness: /* empty */ { Ast.INone } | ex_shortness { $1 } ; int_type: shortness Tint { Ast.Int { Ast.ia_signedness = Ast.Signed; Ast.ia_shortness = $1 } } | Tunsigned shortness Tint { Ast.Int { Ast.ia_signedness = Ast.Unsigned; Ast.ia_shortness = $2 } } | Tunsigned shortness { Ast.Int { Ast.ia_signedness = Ast.Unsigned; Ast.ia_shortness = $2 } } | longlong { $1 } | ex_shortness { Ast.Int { Ast.ia_signedness = Ast.Signed; Ast.ia_shortness = $1 } } ; type_spec: char_type { $1 } | int_type { $1 } | Tfloat { Ast.Float } | Tdouble { Ast.Double } | Tlong Tdouble { Ast.LDouble } | Tint8 { Ast.Int8 } | Tint16 { Ast.Int16 } | Tint32 { Ast.Int32 } | Tint64 { Ast.Int64 } | Tuint8 { Ast.UInt8 } | Tuint16 { Ast.UInt16 } | Tuint32 { Ast.UInt32 } | Tuint64 { Ast.UInt64 } | Tsizet { Ast.SizeT } | Twchar { Ast.WChar } | Tvoid { Ast.Void } | struct_specifier { $1 } | union_specifier { $1 } | enum_specifier { $1 } | Tidentifier { Ast.Foreign($1) } /* User defined types in C header */ ; pointer: TPtr { fun ii -> Ast.Ptr(ii) } | pointer TPtr { fun ii -> Ast.Ptr($1 ii) } ; empty_dimension: TLBrack TRBrack { failwith "Flexible array is not supported." } fixed_dimension: TLBrack Tnumber TRBrack { if $2 <> 0 then [$2] else failwith "Zero-length array is not supported." } fixed_size_array: fixed_dimension { $1 } | fixed_size_array fixed_dimension { $1 @ $2 } ; array_size: fixed_size_array { $1 } | empty_dimension { $1 } | empty_dimension fixed_size_array { $1 @ $2 } ; all_type: type_spec { $1 } | type_spec pointer { $2 $1 } ; declarator: Tidentifier { { Ast.identifier = $1; Ast.array_dims = []; } } | Tidentifier array_size { { Ast.identifier = $1; Ast.array_dims = $2; } } ; /* Available types as parameter. * * Instead of returning an value of 'Ast.parameter_type', we return * a lambda which wraps the actual type since so far there is no way * to tell whether the identifier is followed by array dimensions. */ param_type: attr_block all_type { match $2 with Ast.Ptr _ -> fun x -> Ast.PTPtr($2, get_ptr_attr $1) | _ -> if $1 <> [] then let attr = get_ptr_attr $1 in match $2 with Ast.Foreign s -> if attr.Ast.pa_isptr || attr.Ast.pa_isary then fun x -> Ast.PTPtr($2, attr) else (* thinking about 'user_defined_type var[4]' *) fun is_ary -> if is_ary then Ast.PTPtr($2, attr) else failwithf "`%s' is considerred plain type but decorated with pointer attributes" s | _ -> fun is_ary -> if is_ary then Ast.PTPtr($2, attr) else failwithf "unexpected pointer attributes for `%s'" (Ast.get_tystr $2) else fun is_ary -> if is_ary then Ast.PTPtr($2, get_ptr_attr []) else Ast.PTVal $2 } | all_type { match $1 with Ast.Ptr _ -> fun x -> Ast.PTPtr($1, get_ptr_attr []) | _ -> fun is_ary -> if is_ary then Ast.PTPtr($1, get_ptr_attr []) else Ast.PTVal $1 } | attr_block Tconst type_spec pointer { let attr = get_ptr_attr $1 in fun x -> Ast.PTPtr($4 $3, { attr with Ast.pa_rdonly = true }) } | Tconst type_spec pointer { let attr = get_ptr_attr [] in fun x -> Ast.PTPtr($3 $2, { attr with Ast.pa_rdonly = true }) } ; attr_block: TLBrack TRBrack { failwith "no attribute specified." } | TLBrack key_val_pairs TRBrack { $2 } ; key_val_pairs: key_val_pair { [$1] } | key_val_pairs TComma key_val_pair { $3 :: $1 } ; key_val_pair: Tidentifier TEqual Tidentifier { ($1, Ast.AString($3)) } | Tidentifier TEqual Tnumber { ($1, Ast.ANumber($3)) } | Tidentifier { ($1, Ast.AString("")) } ; struct_specifier: Tstruct Tidentifier { Ast.Struct($2) } union_specifier: Tunion Tidentifier { Ast.Union($2) } enum_specifier: Tenum Tidentifier { Ast.Enum($2) } struct_definition: struct_specifier TLBrace member_list TRBrace { let s = { Ast.sname = (match $1 with Ast.Struct s -> s | _ -> ""); Ast.mlist = List.rev $3; } in Ast.StructDef(s) } union_definition: union_specifier TLBrace member_list TRBrace { let s = { Ast.sname = (match $1 with Ast.Union s -> s | _ -> ""); Ast.mlist = List.rev $3; } in Ast.UnionDef(s) } /* enum can be anonymous. */ enum_definition: Tenum TLBrace enum_body TRBrace { let e = { Ast.enname = ""; Ast.enbody = $3; } in Ast.EnumDef(e) } | enum_specifier TLBrace enum_body TRBrace { let e = { Ast.enname = (match $1 with Ast.Enum s -> s | _ -> ""); Ast.enbody = $3; } in Ast.EnumDef(e) } ; enum_body: /* empty */ { [] } | enum_eles { List.rev $1 } ; enum_eles: enum_ele { [$1] } | enum_eles TComma enum_ele { $3 :: $1 } ; enum_ele: Tidentifier { ($1, Ast.EnumValNone) } | Tidentifier TEqual Tidentifier { ($1, Ast.EnumVal (Ast.AString $3)) } | Tidentifier TEqual Tnumber { ($1, Ast.EnumVal (Ast.ANumber $3)) } ; composite_defs: struct_definition { $1 } | union_definition { $1 } | enum_definition { $1 } ; member_list: member_def TSemicolon { [$1] } | member_list member_def TSemicolon { $2 :: $1 } ; member_def: all_type declarator { ($1, $2) } /* Importing declarations. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ func_list: Tidentifier { [$1] } | func_list TComma Tidentifier { $3 :: $1 } ; module_path: Tstring { $1 } import_declaration: Tfrom module_path Timport func_list { { Ast.mname = $2; Ast.flist = List.rev $4; } } | Tfrom module_path Timport TPtr { { Ast.mname = $2; Ast.flist = ["*"]; } } ; include_declaration: Tinclude Tstring { $2 } include_declarations: include_declaration { [$1] } | include_declarations include_declaration { $2 :: $1 } ; /* Enclave function declarations. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ enclave_functions: Ttrusted TLBrace trusted_block TRBrace TSemicolon { List.rev $3 } | Tuntrusted TLBrace untrusted_block TRBrace TSemicolon { List.rev $3 } ; trusted_block: trusted_functions { $1 } | include_declarations trusted_functions { trusted_headers := !trusted_headers @ List.rev $1; $2 } ; untrusted_block: untrusted_functions { $1 } | include_declarations untrusted_functions { untrusted_headers := !untrusted_headers @ List.rev $1; $2 } ; /* is_priv? Default to true. */ access_modifier: /* nothing */ { true } | Tpublic { false } ; trusted_functions: /* nothing */ { [] } | trusted_functions access_modifier func_def TSemicolon { check_ptr_attr $3 (symbol_start_pos(), symbol_end_pos()); Ast.Trusted { Ast.tf_fdecl = $3; Ast.tf_is_priv = $2 } :: $1 } ; untrusted_functions: /* nothing */ { [] } | untrusted_functions untrusted_func_def TSemicolon { $2 :: $1 } ; func_def: all_type Tidentifier parameter_list { { Ast.fname = $2; Ast.rtype = $1; Ast.plist = List.rev $3 ; } } | all_type array_size Tidentifier parameter_list { failwithf "%s: returning an array is not supported - use pointer instead." $3 } ; parameter_list: TLParen TRParen { [] } | TLParen Tvoid TRParen { [] } /* Make C programers comfortable */ | TLParen parameter_defs TRParen { $2 } ; parameter_defs: parameter_def { [$1] } | parameter_defs TComma parameter_def { $3 :: $1 } ; parameter_def: param_type declarator { let pt = $1 (Ast.is_array $2) in let is_void = match pt with Ast.PTVal v -> v = Ast.Void | _ -> false in if is_void then failwithf "parameter `%s' has `void' type." $2.Ast.identifier else (pt, $2) } /* propagate_errno? Default to false. */ propagate_errno: /* nothing */ { false } | Tpropagate_errno { true } ; untrusted_func_def: attr_block func_def allow_list propagate_errno { check_ptr_attr $2 (symbol_start_pos(), symbol_end_pos()); let fattr = get_func_attr $1 in Ast.Untrusted { Ast.uf_fdecl = $2; Ast.uf_fattr = fattr; Ast.uf_allow_list = $3; Ast.uf_propagate_errno = $4 } } | func_def allow_list propagate_errno { check_ptr_attr $1 (symbol_start_pos(), symbol_end_pos()); let fattr = get_func_attr [] in Ast.Untrusted { Ast.uf_fdecl = $1; Ast.uf_fattr = fattr; Ast.uf_allow_list = $2; Ast.uf_propagate_errno = $3 } } ; allow_list: /* nothing */ { [] } | Tallow TLParen TRParen { [] } | Tallow TLParen func_list TRParen { $3 } ; /* Enclave definition * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ expressions: /* nothing */ { [] } | expressions include_declaration { Ast.Include($2) :: $1 } | expressions import_declaration TSemicolon { Ast.Importing($2) :: $1 } | expressions composite_defs TSemicolon { Ast.Composite($2) :: $1 } | expressions enclave_functions { Ast.Interface($2) :: $1 } ; enclave_def: Tenclave TLBrace expressions TRBrace { { Ast.ename = ""; Ast.eexpr = List.rev $3 } } ; /* The entry point of parser. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ start_parsing: enclave_def TSemicolon EOF { $1 } %%