Welcome to Corda ! ================== .. warningX:: This build of the docs is from the "|version|" branch, not a milestone release. It may not reflect the current state of the code. `Read the docs for milestone release M12.1 `_. `Corda `_ is a blockchain inspired open source distributed ledger platform. If you’d like a quick introduction about distributed ledgers and how corda is different, then watch this short video .. raw:: html Want to see Corda running ? Download our demonstration application `demobench `_ If you want to start getting coding with Corda, then familiarise yourself with the :ref:`key-concepts-label`. For the background behind Corda, read the non technical `Introductory white paper`_ or for more detail, the `Technical white paper`_. Corda is a distributed ledger platform which runs CorDapps (**Cor**\ da **D**\ istributed **App**\ lication\ **s**\ ) that enables complex interactions (“Smart Contracts”) between parties on a Corda Network. There are several example CorDapps within the main Corda platform code repository under the samples folder, or you can clone and work from a templated CorDapp. If you have questions or comments, then get in touch with us either on `Slack `_ , `Discourse `_ , or write a question on `stackoverflow `_ . We look forward to seeing what you can do with Corda ! .. _`Introductory white paper`: _static/corda-introductory-whitepaper.pdf .. _`Technical white paper`: _static/corda-technical-whitepaper.pdf .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 quickstart-index.rst key-concepts.rst building-a-cordapp-index.rst corda-nodes-index.rst corda-networks-index.rst tutorials-index.rst tools-index.rst node-internals-index.rst component-library-index.rst release-process-index.rst faq.rst troubleshooting.rst other-index.rst glossary.rst