/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "enclave.h" #include "util.h" #include "se_detect.h" #include "enclave_creator.h" #include "sgx_error.h" #include "se_error_internal.h" #include "debugger_support.h" #include "se_memory.h" #include <assert.h> using namespace std; int do_ecall(const int fn, const void *ocall_table, const void *ms, CTrustThread *trust_thread); int do_ocall(const bridge_fn_t bridge, void *ms); CEnclave::CEnclave(CLoader &ldr) : m_loader(ldr) , m_enclave_id(0) , m_start_addr(NULL) , m_size(0) , m_power_event_flag(0) , m_ref(0) , m_zombie(false) , m_thread_pool(NULL) , m_dbg_flag(false) , m_destroyed(false) { memset(&m_enclave_info, 0, sizeof(debug_enclave_info_t)); se_init_rwlock(&m_rwlock); } sgx_status_t CEnclave::initialize(const se_file_t& file, const sgx_enclave_id_t enclave_id, void * const start_addr, const uint64_t enclave_size, const uint32_t tcs_policy) { uint32_t name_len = file.name_len; if (file.unicode) name_len *= (uint32_t)sizeof(wchar_t); const int buf_len = name_len + 4; //+4, because we need copy the charactor of string end ('\0').; m_enclave_info.lpFileName = calloc(1, buf_len); if (m_enclave_info.lpFileName == NULL) return SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; memcpy_s(m_enclave_info.lpFileName, name_len, file.name, name_len); m_enclave_info.unicode = file.unicode?0:1; m_enclave_info.file_name_size = name_len; m_enclave_info.struct_version = DEBUG_INFO_STRUCT_VERSION; m_enclave_id = enclave_id; m_start_addr = start_addr; m_size = enclave_size; if(TCS_POLICY_BIND == tcs_policy) { m_thread_pool = new CThreadPoolBindMode(); } else if(TCS_POLICY_UNBIND == tcs_policy) { //we also set it as bind mode. m_thread_pool = new CThreadPoolUnBindMode(); } else { SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_WARNING, "BUG: unknown tcs policy\n"); //Should NOT run here, because we have validate the metadata before. free(m_enclave_info.lpFileName); m_enclave_info.lpFileName = NULL; return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return SGX_SUCCESS; } CEnclave::~CEnclave() { if (m_thread_pool) { delete m_thread_pool; m_thread_pool = NULL; } destory_debug_info(&m_enclave_info); se_fini_rwlock(&m_rwlock); } void * CEnclave::get_symbol_address(const char * const symbol) { return m_loader.get_symbol_address(symbol); } sgx_enclave_id_t CEnclave::get_enclave_id() { return m_enclave_id; } sgx_status_t CEnclave::error_trts2urts(unsigned int trts_error) { if(trts_error == (unsigned int)SE_ERROR_READ_LOCK_FAIL) { return SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_LOST; } //tRTS may directly return the external error code, so we don't need transfer it. if(EXTERNAL_ERROR != (trts_error >> MAIN_MOD_SHIFT)) { SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_WARNING, "trts return error %x, it should be urts/trts bug\n", trts_error); return SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return (sgx_status_t)trts_error; } sgx_status_t CEnclave::ecall(const int proc, const void *ocall_table, void *ms) { if(se_try_rdlock(&m_rwlock)) { //Maybe the enclave has been destroyed after acquire/release m_rwlock. See CEnclave::destroy() if(m_destroyed) { se_rdunlock(&m_rwlock); return SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_LOST; } //do sgx_ecall CTrustThread *trust_thread = get_tcs(); unsigned ret = SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_TCS; { if(NULL != trust_thread) { ret = do_ecall(proc, ocall_table, ms, trust_thread); } } { put_tcs(trust_thread); //release the read/write lock, the only exception is enclave already be removed in ocall if(AbnormalTermination() || ret != SE_ERROR_READ_LOCK_FAIL) { se_rdunlock(&m_rwlock); } } return error_trts2urts(ret); } else { return SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_LOST; } } int CEnclave::ocall(const unsigned int proc, const sgx_ocall_table_t *ocall_table, void *ms) { int error = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; //validate the proc is within ocall_table; if(NULL == ocall_table || proc >= ocall_table->count) { return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; } se_rdunlock(&m_rwlock); bridge_fn_t bridge = reinterpret_cast<bridge_fn_t>(ocall_table->ocall[proc]); error = do_ocall(bridge, ms); if (!se_try_rdlock(&m_rwlock)) { //Probablly the enclave has been destroyed, so we can't get the read lock. error = SE_ERROR_READ_LOCK_FAIL; } //We have m_destroyed to determinate if the enclave has been destroyed. else if(m_destroyed) { //Enclave has been destroyed, emulate that we fail to get read lock. se_rdunlock(&m_rwlock); error = SE_ERROR_READ_LOCK_FAIL; } return error; } const debug_enclave_info_t* CEnclave::get_debug_info() { return &m_enclave_info; } CTrustThread * CEnclave::get_tcs() { CTrustThread *trust_thread = m_thread_pool->acquire_thread(); return trust_thread; } void CEnclave::put_tcs(CTrustThread *trust_thread) { if(NULL == trust_thread) { return; } m_thread_pool->release_thread(trust_thread); } void CEnclave::destroy() { se_wtlock(&m_rwlock); //send debug event to debugger when enclave is debug mode or release mode debug_enclave_info_t *debug_info = const_cast<debug_enclave_info_t *>(get_debug_info()); generate_enclave_debug_event(URTS_EXCEPTION_PREREMOVEENCLAVE, debug_info); get_enclave_creator()->destroy_enclave(ENCLAVE_ID_IOCTL); m_destroyed = true; //We are going to destory m_rwlock. At this point, maybe an ecall is in progress, and try to get m_rwlock. //To prevent such ecall, we use m_destroyed to identify that the no ecall should going on. See CEnclave::ecall(...). //For new ecall to the enclave, it will return with SGX_ERROR_INVALID_ENCLAVE_ID immediately. se_wtunlock(&m_rwlock); // We should not use loader to destroy encalve because loader has been removed after successful enclave loading //m_loader.destroy_enclave(); } void CEnclave::add_thread(tcs_t * const tcs) { CTrustThread *trust_thread = m_thread_pool->add_thread(tcs, this); insert_debug_tcs_info_head(&m_enclave_info, trust_thread->get_debug_info()); } int CEnclave::set_extra_debug_info(secs_t& secs) { void *g_peak_heap_used_addr = get_symbol_address("g_peak_heap_used"); m_enclave_info.g_peak_heap_used_addr = g_peak_heap_used_addr; m_enclave_info.start_addr = secs.base; m_enclave_info.misc_select = secs.misc_select; if(g_peak_heap_used_addr == NULL) { SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Symbol 'g_peak_heap_used' is not found\n"); //This error should not break loader and debugger, so the upper layer function will ignore it. return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_ENCLAVE; } return SGX_SUCCESS; } void CEnclave::push_ocall_frame(ocall_frame_t* frame_point, CTrustThread *trust_thread) { if(NULL == trust_thread) { return; } trust_thread->push_ocall_frame(frame_point); } void CEnclave::pop_ocall_frame(CTrustThread *trust_thread) { if(NULL == trust_thread) { return; } trust_thread->pop_ocall_frame(); } CEnclavePool CEnclavePool::m_instance; CEnclavePool::CEnclavePool() { m_enclave_list = NULL; se_mutex_init(&m_enclave_mutex); SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_NOTICE, "enter CEnclavePool constructor\n"); } CEnclavePool *CEnclavePool::instance() { return &m_instance; } int CEnclavePool::add_enclave(CEnclave *enclave) { int result = TRUE; se_mutex_lock(&m_enclave_mutex); if (m_enclave_list == NULL) { m_enclave_list = new Node<sgx_enclave_id_t, CEnclave*>(enclave->get_enclave_id(), enclave); } else { Node<sgx_enclave_id_t, CEnclave*>* node = new Node<sgx_enclave_id_t, CEnclave*>(enclave->get_enclave_id(), enclave); if (m_enclave_list->InsertNext(node) == false) { delete node; SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_WARNING, "the encalve %llx has already been added\n", enclave->get_enclave_id()); result = FALSE; } } se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); return result; } CEnclave * CEnclavePool::get_enclave(const sgx_enclave_id_t enclave_id) { se_mutex_lock(&m_enclave_mutex); Node<sgx_enclave_id_t, CEnclave*>* it = m_enclave_list->Find(enclave_id); if(it != NULL) { se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); return it->value; } else { se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); return NULL; } } CEnclave * CEnclavePool::ref_enclave(const sgx_enclave_id_t enclave_id) { se_mutex_lock(&m_enclave_mutex); Node<sgx_enclave_id_t, CEnclave*>* it = m_enclave_list->Find(enclave_id); if(it != NULL) { it->value->atomic_inc_ref(); se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); return it->value; } else { se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); return NULL; } } void CEnclavePool::unref_enclave(CEnclave *enclave) { //We use enclave pool lock to protect data, the lock is big, but is more secure. se_mutex_lock(&m_enclave_mutex); //The ref is increased in ref_enclave; uint32_t ref = enclave->atomic_dec_ref(); //If the enclave is in zombie state, the HW enclave must have been destroyed. //And if the enclave is not referenced, the enclave instance will not be referenced any more, //so we delete the instance. //Another code path that delete enclave instance is in function "CEnclavePool::remove_enclave" if(enclave->is_zombie() && !ref) delete enclave; se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); } se_handle_t CEnclavePool::get_event(const void * const tcs) { se_handle_t hevent = NULL; CEnclave *enclave = NULL; assert(tcs != NULL); se_mutex_lock(&m_enclave_mutex); Node<sgx_enclave_id_t, CEnclave*>* it = m_enclave_list; for(; it != NULL; it = it->next) { void *start = it->value->get_start_address(); void *end = GET_PTR(void, start, it->value->get_size()); /* check start & end */ if (tcs >= start && tcs < end) { enclave = it->value; break; } } if (NULL != enclave) { CTrustThreadPool *pool = enclave->get_thread_pool(); if (pool != NULL) { CTrustThread *thread = pool->get_bound_thread((const tcs_t *)tcs); if (thread != NULL) hevent = thread->get_event(); } } se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); return hevent; } CEnclave* CEnclavePool::remove_enclave(const sgx_enclave_id_t enclave_id, sgx_status_t &status) { status = SGX_SUCCESS; se_mutex_lock(&m_enclave_mutex); CEnclave *enclave = get_enclave(enclave_id); if(NULL == enclave) { status = SGX_ERROR_INVALID_ENCLAVE_ID; SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_WARNING, "remove an unkonwn enclave\n"); se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); return enclave; } enclave->destroy(); //the ref is not 0, maybe some thread is in sgx_ocall, so we can NOT delete enclave instance. if(enclave->get_ref()) { enclave->mark_zombie(); /* When destroy the enclave, all threads that are waiting/about to wait * on untrusted event need to be waked. Otherwise, they will be always * pending on the untrusted events, and app need to manually kill the threads. */ CTrustThreadPool *pool = enclave->get_thread_pool(); pool->wake_threads(); enclave = NULL; } Node<sgx_enclave_id_t, CEnclave*>* it = m_enclave_list->Remove(enclave_id); if (it == m_enclave_list) m_enclave_list = it->next; delete it; se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); return enclave; } void CEnclavePool::notify_debugger() { se_mutex_lock(&m_enclave_mutex); if(m_enclave_list!= NULL) { Node<sgx_enclave_id_t, CEnclave*>* it = m_enclave_list; for(; it != NULL; it = it->next) { //send debug event to debugger when enclave is debug mode or release mode debug_enclave_info_t * debug_info = const_cast<debug_enclave_info_t*>((it->value)->get_debug_info()); generate_enclave_debug_event(URTS_EXCEPTION_PREREMOVEENCLAVE, debug_info); } } se_mutex_unlock(&m_enclave_mutex); } bool CEnclave::update_trust_thread_debug_flag(void* tcs_address, uint8_t debug_flag) { uint64_t debug_flag2 = (uint64_t)debug_flag; debug_enclave_info_t *debug_info = NULL; debug_info = const_cast<debug_enclave_info_t *>(get_debug_info()); pid_t pid = getpid(); if(debug_info->enclave_type == ET_DEBUG) { if(!se_write_process_mem(pid, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(tcs_address) + sizeof(uint64_t), &debug_flag2, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } bool CEnclave::update_debug_flag(uint8_t debug_flag) { debug_tcs_info_t* tcs_list_entry = m_enclave_info.tcs_list; while(tcs_list_entry) { if(!update_trust_thread_debug_flag(tcs_list_entry->TCS_address, debug_flag)) return FALSE; tcs_list_entry = tcs_list_entry->next_tcs_info; } return TRUE; }