# DemoBench DemoBench is a standalone desktop application that makes it easy to configure and launch local Corda nodes. Its general usage is documented [here](https://docs.corda.net/demobench.html). ## Running locally **MacOSX/Linux:** ./gradlew tools:demobench:installDist cd tools/demobench/build/install/demobench bin/demobench **Windows:** gradlew tools:demobench:installDist cd tools\demobench\build\install\demobench and then bin\demobench or, if Windows complains that the command line is too long: java -Djava.util.logging.config.class=net.corda.demobench.config.LoggingConfig -jar lib\demobench-$version.jar ## Testing ### The Notary Node When launched, DemoBench will look something like this:  Clicking the `Start node` button should launch a new Notary node.  The tab should display the correct national flag for the node's geographical location. The `View Database`, `Launch Web Server` and `Launch Explorer` buttons will be disabled until the node has finished booting, at which point the node statistics (`States in vault`, `Known transactions` and `Balance`) will become populated too. The Corda node should boot into a shell with a command prompt. Type `help` at this command prompt to list the commands available, followed by `dashboard`.  Press `q` to exit the dashboard, and then check the tab's buttons: - Press `View Database` to launch the H2 database's Web console in your browser. Pressing this button again should launch a second console session. - Press the `Launch Web Server` button to launch the Corda Webserver for this node. Once booted, it should open your browser to a page saying: > ### Installed CorDaps > No installed custom CorDapps - The button's text should now have changed to `Reopen web site`. Pressing the button again should open a new session in your browser. - Press the `Launch Explorer` button to launch the [Node Explorer](https://docs.corda.net/node-explorer.html) for this notary. You should be logged into the Explorer automatically. The `Launch Explorer` button should now remain disabled until you close this node's Explorer again. ### The Bank Node Click the `Add Node` button, and DemoBench will ask you to configure another node in a new tab.  When you press the `Launch Web Server` this time, your browser should open to a page saying: > ### Installed CorDapps > **net.corda.bank.plugin.BankOfCordaPlugin**<br/> > net.corda.bank.api.BankOfCordaWebApi: > - POST issue-asset-request > - GET date Clicking on the `GET date` link should return today's date within a JSON document. Launch the bank's Node Explorer, and check the network view. The Notary node should be displayed in Rome, whereas the Bank of Breakfast Tea should be in Liverpool. ## Saving / Loading profiles Choose `File/Save As` from DemoBench's main menu.  Save the profile and then examine its contents (ZIP format). It should look something like: ``` Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 0 05-25-2017 11:57 notary/ 490 05-25-2017 11:57 notary/node.conf 0 05-25-2017 11:57 notary/plugins/ 0 05-25-2017 11:57 bankofbreakfasttea/ 673 05-25-2017 11:57 bankofbreakfasttea/node.conf 0 05-25-2017 11:57 bankofbreakfasttea/plugins/ --------- ------- 1163 6 files ``` Now choose `File/Open` from the main menu, and select the profile that you have just saved. DemoBench should close the two existing tabs and then relaunch the Notary and Bank nodes. ## Exiting DemoBench Close DemoBench as a normal application on your platform; it should close any open Node Explorers before exiting.