/* Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Avian Contributors Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for details. */ package avian; public class Cell <T> { public T value; public Cell<T> next; public Cell(T value, Cell<T> next) { this.value = value; this.next = next; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("("); for (Cell c = this; c != null; c = c.next) { sb.append(value); if (c.next != null) { sb.append(" "); } } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public static <Car> Cell<Car> cons(Car car, Cell<Car> cdr) { return new Cell(car, cdr); } public static <T> boolean equal(T a, T b) { return (a == null && b == null) || (a != null && a.equals(b)); } public static <Car> boolean equal(Cell<Car> a, Cell<Car> b) { while (a != null) { if (b == null || (! equal(a.value, b.value))) { return false; } a = a.next; b = b.next; } return b == null; } }