#include "common.h" #include "system.h" #include "heap.h" #include "class-finder.h" #include "stream.h" #include "constants.h" #include "jni-vm.h" #include "vm.h" #define PROTECT(thread, name) \ Thread::Protector MAKE_NAME(protector_) (thread, &name); #define ACQUIRE(t, x) MonitorResource MAKE_NAME(monitorResource_) (t, x) #define ACQUIRE_RAW(t, x) RawMonitorResource MAKE_NAME(monitorResource_) (t, x) #define ENTER(t, state) StateResource MAKE_NAME(stateResource_) (t, state) using namespace vm; namespace { const bool Verbose = false; const bool Debug = false; const bool DebugRun = false; const bool DebugStack = false; const uintptr_t HashTakenMark = 1; const uintptr_t ExtendedMark = 2; class Thread; void (*Initializer)(Thread*, object); void assert(Thread*, bool); void expect(Thread*, bool); object resolveClass(Thread*, object); object allocate(Thread*, unsigned); object& arrayBodyUnsafe(Thread*, object, unsigned); void set(Thread*, object&, object); object makeString(Thread*, const char*, ...); object makeByteArray(Thread*, const char*, ...); enum FieldCode { VoidField, ByteField, CharField, DoubleField, FloatField, IntField, LongField, ShortField, BooleanField, ObjectField }; enum StackTag { IntTag, // must be zero ObjectTag }; const int NativeLine = -1; const int UnknownLine = -2; const unsigned WeakReferenceFlag = 1 << 0; class Machine { public: enum { #include "type-enums.cpp" } Type; Machine(System* system, Heap* heap, ClassFinder* classFinder); ~Machine() { dispose(); } void dispose(); System* system; Heap* heap; ClassFinder* classFinder; Thread* rootThread; Thread* exclusive; unsigned activeCount; unsigned liveCount; System::Monitor* stateLock; System::Monitor* heapLock; System::Monitor* classLock; System::Monitor* finalizerLock; System::Library* libraries; object classMap; object bootstrapClassMap; object builtinMap; object monitorMap; object types; object finalizers; object doomed; object weakReferences; bool unsafe; JNIEnvVTable jniEnvVTable; }; class Chain { public: Chain(Chain* next): next(next) { } static unsigned footprint(unsigned sizeInBytes) { return sizeof(Chain) + sizeInBytes; } uint8_t* data() { return reinterpret_cast(this) + sizeof(Chain); } static void dispose(System* s, Chain* c) { if (c) { if (c->next) dispose(s, c->next); s->free(c); } } Chain* next; }; class Thread : public JNIEnv { public: enum State { NoState, ActiveState, IdleState, ZombieState, ExclusiveState, ExitState }; class Protector { public: Protector(Thread* t, object* p): t(t), p(p), next(t->protector) { t->protector = this; } ~Protector() { t->protector = next; } Thread* t; object* p; Protector* next; }; static const unsigned HeapSizeInBytes = 64 * 1024; static const unsigned StackSizeInBytes = 64 * 1024; static const unsigned HeapSizeInWords = HeapSizeInBytes / BytesPerWord; static const unsigned StackSizeInWords = StackSizeInBytes / BytesPerWord; Thread(Machine* m); void dispose(); Machine* vm; Thread* next; Thread* child; State state; object thread; object frame; object code; object exception; unsigned ip; unsigned sp; unsigned heapIndex; Protector* protector; Chain* chain; uintptr_t stack[StackSizeInWords]; object heap[HeapSizeInWords]; }; inline object objectClass(Thread*, object o) { return mask(cast(o, 0)); } #include "type-declarations.cpp" #include "type-constructors.cpp" void enter(Thread* t, Thread::State state); class StateResource { public: StateResource(Thread* t, Thread::State state): t(t), oldState(t->state) { enter(t, state); } ~StateResource() { enter(t, oldState); } private: Thread* t; Thread::State oldState; }; class MonitorResource { public: MonitorResource(Thread* t, System::Monitor* m): t(t), m(m) { if (not m->tryAcquire(t)) { ENTER(t, Thread::IdleState); m->acquire(t); } } ~MonitorResource() { m->release(t); } private: Thread* t; System::Monitor* m; }; class RawMonitorResource { public: RawMonitorResource(Thread* t, System::Monitor* m): t(t), m(m) { m->acquire(t); } ~RawMonitorResource() { m->release(t); } private: Thread* t; System::Monitor* m; }; inline void NO_RETURN abort(Thread* t) { abort(t->vm->system); } inline void assert(Thread* t, bool v) { assert(t->vm->system, v); } inline void expect(Thread* t, bool v) { expect(t->vm->system, v); } uint32_t hash(const int8_t* s, unsigned length) { uint32_t h = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) h = (h * 31) + s[i]; return h; } inline bool objectExtended(Thread*, object o) { return (cast(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == ExtendedMark; } inline uintptr_t& extendedWord(Thread* t, object o, unsigned baseSize) { assert(t, objectExtended(t, o)); return cast(o, baseSize * BytesPerWord); } unsigned baseSize(Thread* t, object o, object class_) { return divide(classFixedSize(t, class_), BytesPerWord) + divide(classArrayElementSize(t, class_) * cast(o, classFixedSize(t, class_) - 4), BytesPerWord); } unsigned extendedSize(Thread* t, object o, unsigned baseSize) { return baseSize + objectExtended(t, o); } inline bool hashTaken(Thread*, object o) { return (cast(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == HashTakenMark; } inline void markHashTaken(Thread* t, object o) { assert(t, not objectExtended(t, o)); cast(o, 0) |= HashTakenMark; } inline uint32_t takeHash(Thread*, object o) { return reinterpret_cast(o) / BytesPerWord; } inline uint32_t objectHash(Thread* t, object o) { if (objectExtended(t, o)) { return extendedWord(t, o, baseSize(t, o, objectClass(t, o))); } else { markHashTaken(t, o); return takeHash(t, o); } } inline bool objectEqual(Thread*, object a, object b) { return a == b; } inline uint32_t referenceHash(Thread* t, object o) { return objectHash(t, jreferenceTarget(t, o)); } inline bool referenceEqual(Thread* t, object a, object b) { return a == jreferenceTarget(t, b); } inline uint32_t byteArrayHash(Thread* t, object array) { return hash(&byteArrayBody(t, array, 0), byteArrayLength(t, array)); } bool byteArrayEqual(Thread* t, object a, object b) { return a == b or ((byteArrayLength(t, a) == byteArrayLength(t, b)) and memcmp(&byteArrayBody(t, a, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, b, 0), byteArrayLength(t, a)) == 0); } bool intArrayEqual(Thread* t, object a, object b) { return a == b or ((intArrayLength(t, a) == intArrayLength(t, b)) and memcmp(&intArrayBody(t, a, 0), &intArrayBody(t, b, 0), intArrayLength(t, a) * 4) == 0); } inline uint32_t methodHash(Thread* t, object method) { return byteArrayHash(t, methodName(t, method)) ^ byteArrayHash(t, methodSpec(t, method)); } bool methodEqual(Thread* t, object a, object b) { return a == b or (byteArrayEqual(t, methodName(t, a), methodName(t, b)) and byteArrayEqual(t, methodSpec(t, a), methodSpec(t, b))); } object hashMapFindNode(Thread* t, object map, object key, uint32_t (*hash)(Thread*, object), bool (*equal)(Thread*, object, object)) { object array = hashMapArray(t, map); if (array) { unsigned index = hash(t, key) & (arrayLength(t, array) - 1); object n = arrayBody(t, array, index); while (n) { if (equal(t, key, tripleFirst(t, n))) { return n; } n = tripleThird(t, n); } } return 0; } inline object hashMapFind(Thread* t, object map, object key, uint32_t (*hash)(Thread*, object), bool (*equal)(Thread*, object, object)) { object n = hashMapFindNode(t, map, key, hash, equal); return (n ? tripleSecond(t, n) : 0); } void hashMapResize(Thread* t, object map, uint32_t (*hash)(Thread*, object), unsigned size) { PROTECT(t, map); object oldArray = hashMapArray(t, map); unsigned oldLength = (oldArray ? arrayLength(t, oldArray) : 0); PROTECT(t, oldArray); unsigned newLength = nextPowerOfTwo(size); object newArray = makeArray(t, newLength, true); if (oldArray) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < oldLength; ++i) { object next; for (object p = arrayBody(t, oldArray, i); p; p = next) { next = tripleThird(t, p); object key = tripleFirst(t, p); unsigned index = hash(t, key) & (newLength - 1); object n = arrayBody(t, newArray, index); set(t, tripleThird(t, p), n); set(t, arrayBody(t, newArray, index), p); } } } set(t, hashMapArray(t, map), newArray); } void hashMapInsert(Thread* t, object map, object key, object value, uint32_t (*hash)(Thread*, object)) { object array = hashMapArray(t, map); PROTECT(t, array); ++ hashMapSize(t, map); if (array == 0 or hashMapSize(t, map) >= arrayLength(t, array) * 2) { PROTECT(t, map); PROTECT(t, key); PROTECT(t, value); hashMapResize(t, map, hash, array ? arrayLength(t, array) * 2 : 16); array = hashMapArray(t, map); } unsigned index = hash(t, key) & (arrayLength(t, array) - 1); object n = arrayBody(t, array, index); n = makeTriple(t, key, value, n); set(t, arrayBody(t, array, index), n); } object hashMapRemove(Thread* t, object map, object key, uint32_t (*hash)(Thread*, object), bool (*equal)(Thread*, object, object)) { object array = hashMapArray(t, map); object o = 0; if (array) { unsigned index = hash(t, key) & (arrayLength(t, array) - 1); object n = arrayBody(t, array, index); object p = 0; while (n) { if (equal(t, key, tripleFirst(t, n))) { o = tripleFirst(t, n); if (p) { set(t, tripleThird(t, p), tripleThird(t, n)); } else { set(t, arrayBody(t, array, index), tripleThird(t, n)); } } p = n; n = tripleThird(t, n); } } if (hashMapSize(t, map) <= arrayLength(t, array) / 3) { hashMapResize(t, map, hash, arrayLength(t, array) / 2); } return o; } object hashMapIterator(Thread* t, object map) { object array = hashMapArray(t, map); if (array) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, array); ++i) { if (arrayBody(t, array, i)) { return makeHashMapIterator(t, map, arrayBody(t, array, i), i + 1); } } } return 0; } object hashMapIteratorNext(Thread* t, object it) { object map = hashMapIteratorMap(t, it); object node = hashMapIteratorNode(t, it); unsigned index = hashMapIteratorIndex(t, it); if (tripleThird(t, node)) { return makeHashMapIterator(t, map, tripleThird(t, node), index + 1); } else { object array = hashMapArray(t, map); for (unsigned i = index; i < arrayLength(t, array); ++i) { if (arrayBody(t, array, i)) { return makeHashMapIterator(t, map, arrayBody(t, array, i), i + 1); } } return 0; } } void listAppend(Thread* t, object list, object value) { PROTECT(t, list); ++ listSize(t, list); object p = makePair(t, value, 0); if (listFront(t, list)) { set(t, pairSecond(t, listRear(t, list)), p); } else { set(t, listFront(t, list), p); } set(t, listRear(t, list), p); } inline void pushObject(Thread* t, object o) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "push object %p at %d\n", o, t->sp); } t->stack[(t->sp * 2) ] = ObjectTag; t->stack[(t->sp * 2) + 1] = reinterpret_cast(o); ++ t->sp; } inline void pushInt(Thread* t, uint32_t v) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "push int %d at %d\n", v, t->sp); } t->stack[(t->sp * 2) ] = IntTag; t->stack[(t->sp * 2) + 1] = v; ++ t->sp; } inline void pushLong(Thread* t, uint64_t v) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "push long %lld at %d\n", v, t->sp); } pushInt(t, v >> 32); pushInt(t, v & 0xFF); } inline object popObject(Thread* t) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "pop object %p at %d\n", reinterpret_cast(t->stack[((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1]), t->sp - 1); } assert(t, t->stack[(t->sp - 1) * 2] == ObjectTag); return reinterpret_cast(t->stack[((-- t->sp) * 2) + 1]); } inline uint32_t popInt(Thread* t) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "pop int %d at %d\n", t->stack[((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1], t->sp - 1); } assert(t, t->stack[(t->sp - 1) * 2] == IntTag); return t->stack[((-- t->sp) * 2) + 1]; } inline uint64_t popLong(Thread* t) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "pop long %lld at %d\n", (static_cast(t->stack[((t->sp - 2) * 2) + 1]) << 32) | static_cast(t->stack[((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1]), t->sp - 2); } uint64_t a = popInt(t); uint64_t b = popInt(t); return (b << 32) | a; } inline object peekObject(Thread* t, unsigned index) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "peek object %p at %d\n", reinterpret_cast(t->stack[(index * 2) + 1]), index); } assert(t, t->stack[index * 2] == ObjectTag); return *reinterpret_cast(t->stack + (index * 2) + 1); } inline uint32_t peekInt(Thread* t, unsigned index) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "peek int %d at %d\n", t->stack[(index * 2) + 1], index); } assert(t, t->stack[index * 2] == IntTag); return t->stack[(index * 2) + 1]; } inline uint64_t peekLong(Thread* t, unsigned index) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "peek long %lld at %d\n", (static_cast(t->stack[(index * 2) + 1]) << 32) | static_cast(t->stack[((index + 1) * 2) + 1]), index); } return (static_cast(peekInt(t, index)) << 32) | static_cast(peekInt(t, index + 1)); } inline void pokeObject(Thread* t, unsigned index, object value) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "poke object %p at %d\n", value, index); } t->stack[index * 2] = ObjectTag; t->stack[(index * 2) + 1] = reinterpret_cast(value); } inline void pokeInt(Thread* t, unsigned index, uint32_t value) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "poke int %d at %d\n", value, index); } t->stack[index * 2] = IntTag; t->stack[(index * 2) + 1] = value; } inline void pokeLong(Thread* t, unsigned index, uint64_t value) { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "poke long %lld at %d\n", value, index); } pokeInt(t, index, value >> 32); pokeInt(t, index + 2, value & 0xFF); } inline object* pushReference(Thread* t, object o) { expect(t, t->sp + 1 < Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2); pushObject(t, o); return reinterpret_cast(t->stack + ((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1); } void Thread::dispose() { Chain::dispose(vm->system, chain); for (Thread* c = child; c; c = c->next) { c->dispose(); } } void visitRoots(Thread* t, Heap::Visitor* v) { t->heapIndex = 0; v->visit(&(t->thread)); v->visit(&(t->frame)); v->visit(&(t->code)); v->visit(&(t->exception)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->sp; ++i) { if (t->stack[i * 2] == ObjectTag) { v->visit(reinterpret_cast(t->stack + (i * 2) + 1)); } } for (Thread::Protector* p = t->protector; p; p = p->next) { v->visit(p->p); } for (Thread* c = t->child; c; c = c->next) { visitRoots(c, v); } } void postCollect(Thread* t) { Chain::dispose(t->vm->system, t->chain); t->chain = 0; for (Thread* c = t->child; c; c = c->next) { postCollect(c); } } void collect(Machine* m, Heap::CollectionType type) { class Client: public Heap::Client { public: Client(Machine* m): m(m) { } virtual void visitRoots(Heap::Visitor* v) { v->visit(&(m->classMap)); v->visit(&(m->bootstrapClassMap)); v->visit(&(m->builtinMap)); v->visit(&(m->monitorMap)); v->visit(&(m->types)); for (Thread* t = m->rootThread; t; t = t->next) { ::visitRoots(t, v); } Thread* t = m->rootThread; object p = m->weakReferences; m->weakReferences = 0; while (p) { object o = jreferenceTarget(t, p); object followed = m->heap->follow(o); if (followed == o) { // object has not been collected object x = p; p = weakReferenceNext(t, x); weakReferenceNext(t, x) = m->weakReferences; m->weakReferences = x; } else { jreferenceTarget(t, p) = followed; object x = p; p = weakReferenceNext(t, x); weakReferenceNext(t, x) = 0; } } for (object* f = &(m->finalizers); *f;) { object o = finalizerTarget(t, *f); if (m->heap->follow(o) == o) { // object has not been collected object x = *f; *f = finalizerNext(t, x); finalizerNext(t, x) = m->doomed; m->doomed = x; } else { f = &finalizerNext(t, *f); } } for (object* f = &(m->finalizers); *f; f = &finalizerNext(t, *f)) { v->visit(f); } for (object* f = &(m->doomed); *f; f = &finalizerNext(t, *f)) { v->visit(f); } } virtual unsigned sizeInWords(object o) { Thread* t = m->rootThread; o = m->heap->follow(mask(o)); return extendedSize (t, o, baseSize(t, o, m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, o)))); } virtual unsigned copiedSizeInWords(object o) { Thread* t = m->rootThread; o = m->heap->follow(mask(o)); unsigned n = baseSize(t, o, m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, o))); if (objectExtended(t, o) or hashTaken(t, o)) { ++ n; } return n; } virtual void copy(object o, object dst) { Thread* t = m->rootThread; o = m->heap->follow(mask(o)); object class_ = m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, o)); unsigned base = baseSize(t, o, class_); unsigned n = extendedSize(t, o, base); memcpy(dst, o, n * BytesPerWord); if (hashTaken(t, o)) { extendedWord(t, dst, base) = takeHash(t, o); cast(dst, 0) &= PointerMask; cast(dst, 0) |= ExtendedMark; } if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & WeakReferenceFlag) { weakReferenceNext(t, dst) = m->weakReferences; m->weakReferences = dst; } } virtual void walk(void* p, Heap::Walker* w) { Thread* t = m->rootThread; p = m->heap->follow(mask(p)); object class_ = m->heap->follow(objectClass(t, p)); object objectMask = m->heap->follow(classObjectMask(t, class_)); if (objectMask) { // fprintf(stderr, "p: %p; class: %p; mask: %p; mask length: %d\n", // p, class_, objectMask, intArrayLength(t, objectMask)); unsigned vmFlags = classVmFlags(t, class_); unsigned fixedSize = classFixedSize(t, class_); unsigned arrayElementSize = classArrayElementSize(t, class_); unsigned arrayLength = (arrayElementSize ? cast(p, fixedSize - 4) : 0); int mask[intArrayLength(t, objectMask)]; memcpy(mask, &intArrayBody(t, objectMask, 0), intArrayLength(t, objectMask) * 4); // fprintf // (stderr, // "fixed size: %d; array length: %d; element size: %d; mask: %x\n", // fixedSize, arrayLength, arrayElementSize, mask[0]); unsigned fixedSizeInWords = divide(fixedSize, BytesPerWord); unsigned arrayElementSizeInWords = divide(arrayElementSize, BytesPerWord); for (unsigned i = 0; i < fixedSizeInWords; ++i) { if ((i != 1 or (vmFlags & WeakReferenceFlag) == 0) and mask[wordOf(i)] & (static_cast(1) << bitOf(i))) { if (not w->visit(i)) { return; } } } bool arrayObjectElements = false; for (unsigned j = 0; j < arrayElementSizeInWords; ++j) { unsigned k = fixedSizeInWords + j; if (mask[wordOf(k)] & (static_cast(1) << bitOf(k))) { arrayObjectElements = true; break; } } if (arrayObjectElements) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < arrayElementSizeInWords; ++j) { unsigned k = fixedSizeInWords + j; if (mask[wordOf(k)] & (static_cast(1) << bitOf(k))) { if (not w->visit (fixedSizeInWords + (i * arrayElementSizeInWords) + j)) { return; } } } } } } else { w->visit(0); } } private: Machine* m; } it(m); m->unsafe = true; m->heap->collect(type, &it); m->unsafe = false; postCollect(m->rootThread); Thread* t = m->rootThread; for (object f = m->doomed; f; f = tripleThird(t, f)) { reinterpret_cast(finalizerFinalize(t, f)) (t, finalizerTarget(t, f)); } m->doomed = 0; for (object p = m->weakReferences; p;) { jreferenceTarget(t, p) = 0; object x = p; p = weakReferenceNext(t, x); weakReferenceNext(t, x) = 0; } m->weakReferences = 0; } void enter(Thread* t, Thread::State s) { if (s == t->state) return; ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->vm->stateLock); switch (s) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState); while (t->vm->exclusive) { // another thread got here first. enter(t, Thread::IdleState); enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); } t->state = Thread::ExclusiveState; t->vm->exclusive = t; while (t->vm->activeCount > 1) { t->vm->stateLock->wait(t, 0); } } break; case Thread::IdleState: case Thread::ZombieState: { switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->vm->exclusive == t); t->vm->exclusive = 0; } break; case Thread::ActiveState: break; default: abort(t); } -- t->vm->activeCount; if (s == Thread::ZombieState) { -- t->vm->liveCount; } t->state = s; t->vm->stateLock->notifyAll(t); } break; case Thread::ActiveState: { switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->vm->exclusive == t); t->state = s; t->vm->exclusive = 0; t->vm->stateLock->notifyAll(t); } break; case Thread::NoState: case Thread::IdleState: { while (t->vm->exclusive) { t->vm->stateLock->wait(t, 0); } ++ t->vm->activeCount; if (t->state == Thread::NoState) { ++ t->vm->liveCount; } t->state = s; } break; default: abort(t); } } break; case Thread::ExitState: { switch (t->state) { case Thread::ExclusiveState: { assert(t, t->vm->exclusive == t); t->vm->exclusive = 0; } break; case Thread::ActiveState: break; default: abort(t); } -- t->vm->activeCount; t->state = s; while (t->vm->liveCount > 1) { t->vm->stateLock->wait(t, 0); } } break; default: abort(t); } } inline object allocateLarge(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes) { void* p = t->vm->system->allocate(Chain::footprint(sizeInBytes)); t->chain = new (p) Chain(t->chain); return t->chain->data(); } inline object allocateSmall(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes) { object o = t->heap + t->heapIndex; t->heapIndex += divide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord); return o; } object allocate2(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes) { if (sizeInBytes > Thread::HeapSizeInBytes and t->chain == 0) { return allocateLarge(t, sizeInBytes); } ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->vm->stateLock); while (t->vm->exclusive) { // another thread wants to enter the exclusive state, either for a // collection or some other reason. We give it a chance here. enter(t, Thread::IdleState); enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); } if (t->heapIndex + divide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) >= Thread::HeapSizeInWords) { enter(t, Thread::ExclusiveState); collect(t->vm, Heap::MinorCollection); enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); } if (sizeInBytes > Thread::HeapSizeInBytes) { return allocateLarge(t, sizeInBytes); } else { return allocateSmall(t, sizeInBytes); } } inline object allocate(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes) { if (UNLIKELY(t->heapIndex + divide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) >= Thread::HeapSizeInWords or t->vm->exclusive)) { return allocate2(t, sizeInBytes); } else { return allocateSmall(t, sizeInBytes); } } inline void set(Thread* t, object& target, object value) { target = value; if (t->vm->heap->needsMark(&target)) { ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->vm->heapLock); t->vm->heap->mark(&target); } } inline object make(Thread* t, object class_) { PROTECT(t, class_); unsigned sizeInBytes = pad(classFixedSize(t, class_)); object instance = allocate(t, sizeInBytes); *static_cast(instance) = class_; memset(static_cast(instance) + sizeof(object), 0, sizeInBytes - sizeof(object)); return instance; } void addFinalizer(Thread* t, object target, void (*finalize)(Thread*, object)) { PROTECT(t, target); ACQUIRE(t, t->vm->finalizerLock); object p = makePointer(t, reinterpret_cast(finalize)); t->vm->finalizers = makeTriple(t, target, p, t->vm->finalizers); } void removeMonitor(Thread* t, object o) { hashMapRemove(t, t->vm->monitorMap, o, objectHash, referenceEqual); } System::Monitor* objectMonitor(Thread* t, object o) { object p = hashMapFind(t, t->vm->monitorMap, o, objectHash, referenceEqual); if (p) { return static_cast(pointerValue(t, p)); } else { PROTECT(t, o); ENTER(t, Thread::ExclusiveState); System::Monitor* m; System::Status s = t->vm->system->make(&m); expect(t, t->vm->system->success(s)); p = makePointer(t, m); PROTECT(t, p); object wr = makeWeakReference(t, o, 0); hashMapInsert(t, t->vm->monitorMap, wr, p, referenceHash); addFinalizer(t, o, removeMonitor); return m; } } object makeByteArray(Thread* t, const char* format, va_list a) { static const unsigned Size = 256; char buffer[Size]; vsnprintf(buffer, Size - 1, format, a); object s = makeByteArray(t, strlen(buffer) + 1, false); memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, s, 0), buffer, byteArrayLength(t, s)); return s; } object makeByteArray(Thread* t, const char* format, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, format); object s = makeByteArray(t, format, a); va_end(a); return s; } object makeString(Thread* t, const char* format, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, format); object s = makeByteArray(t, format, a); va_end(a); return makeString(t, s, 0, byteArrayLength(t, s), 0); } object makeTrace(Thread* t, object frame) { PROTECT(t, frame); unsigned count = 0; for (object f = frame; f; f = frameNext(t, f)) { ++ count; } object trace = makeObjectArray (t, arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::StackTraceElementType), count, true); PROTECT(t, trace); unsigned index = 0; for (object f = frame; f; f = frameNext(t, f)) { object e = makeStackTraceElement(t, frameMethod(t, f), frameIp(t, f)); set(t, objectArrayBody(t, trace, index++), e); } return trace; } object makeTrace(Thread* t) { frameIp(t, t->frame) = t->ip; return makeTrace(t, t->frame); } object makeRuntimeException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeRuntimeException(t, message, trace, 0); } object makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message, trace, 0); } object makeNegativeArrayStoreException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeNegativeArrayStoreException(t, message, trace, 0); } object makeClassCastException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeClassCastException(t, message, trace, 0); } object makeClassNotFoundException(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeClassNotFoundException(t, message, trace, 0); } object makeNullPointerException(Thread* t) { return makeNullPointerException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } object makeStackOverflowError(Thread* t) { return makeStackOverflowError(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0); } object makeNoSuchFieldError(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeNoSuchFieldError(t, message, trace, 0); } object makeNoSuchMethodError(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeNoSuchMethodError(t, message, trace, 0); } object makeUnsatisfiedLinkError(Thread* t, object message) { PROTECT(t, message); object trace = makeTrace(t); return makeUnsatisfiedLinkError(t, message, trace, 0); } unsigned fieldCode(Thread* t, unsigned javaCode) { switch (javaCode) { case 'B': return ByteField; case 'C': return CharField; case 'D': return DoubleField; case 'F': return FloatField; case 'I': return IntField; case 'J': return LongField; case 'S': return ShortField; case 'V': return VoidField; case 'Z': return BooleanField; case 'L': case '[': return ObjectField; default: abort(t); } } unsigned fieldType(Thread* t, unsigned code) { switch (code) { case VoidField: return VOID_TYPE; case ByteField: case BooleanField: return INT8_TYPE; case CharField: case ShortField: return INT16_TYPE; case DoubleField: return DOUBLE_TYPE; case FloatField: return FLOAT_TYPE; case IntField: return INT32_TYPE; case LongField: return INT64_TYPE; case ObjectField: return POINTER_TYPE; default: abort(t); } } unsigned primitiveSize(Thread* t, unsigned code) { switch (code) { case VoidField: return 0; case ByteField: case BooleanField: return 1; case CharField: case ShortField: return 2; case FloatField: case IntField: return 4; case DoubleField: case LongField: return 8; default: abort(t); } } inline void setStatic(Thread* t, object field, object value) { set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)), fieldOffset(t, field)), value); } bool instanceOf(Thread* t, object class_, object o) { if (o == 0) { return false; } if (objectClass(t, class_) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::InterfaceType)) { for (object oc = objectClass(t, o); oc; oc = classSuper(t, oc)) { object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, oc); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += 2) { if (arrayBody(t, itable, i) == class_) { return true; } } } } else { for (object oc = objectClass(t, o); oc; oc = classSuper(t, oc)) { if (oc == class_) { return true; } } } return false; } object findInterfaceMethod(Thread* t, object method, object o) { object interface = methodClass(t, method); object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, objectClass(t, o)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += 2) { if (arrayBody(t, itable, i) == interface) { return arrayBody(t, arrayBody(t, itable, i + 1), methodOffset(t, method)); } } abort(t); } inline object findMethod(Thread* t, object method, object class_) { return arrayBody(t, classVirtualTable(t, class_), methodOffset(t, method)); } inline object findVirtualMethod(Thread* t, object method, object o) { return findMethod(t, method, objectClass(t, o)); } bool isSuperclass(Thread* t, object class_, object base) { for (object oc = classSuper(t, base); oc; oc = classSuper(t, oc)) { if (oc == class_) { return true; } } return false; } inline int strcmp(const int8_t* a, const int8_t* b) { return ::strcmp(reinterpret_cast(a), reinterpret_cast(b)); } inline bool isSpecialMethod(Thread* t, object method, object class_) { return (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_SUPER) and strcmp(reinterpret_cast(""), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)) != 0 and isSuperclass(t, methodClass(t, method), class_); } object find(Thread* t, object class_, object table, object reference, object& (*name)(Thread*, object), object& (*spec)(Thread*, object), object (*makeError)(Thread*, object)) { object n = referenceName(t, reference); object s = referenceSpec(t, reference); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, table); ++i) { object o = arrayBody(t, table, i); if (strcmp(&byteArrayBody(t, name(t, o), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, n, 0)) == 0 and strcmp(&byteArrayBody(t, spec(t, o), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, s, 0)) == 0) { return o; } } object message = makeString (t, "%s:%s not found in %s", &byteArrayBody(t, n, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, s, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, class_), 0)); t->exception = makeError(t, message); return 0; } inline object findFieldInClass(Thread* t, object class_, object reference) { return find(t, class_, classFieldTable(t, class_), reference, fieldName, fieldSpec, makeNoSuchFieldError); } inline object findMethodInClass(Thread* t, object class_, object reference) { return find(t, class_, classMethodTable(t, class_), reference, methodName, methodSpec, makeNoSuchMethodError); } object parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s) { unsigned poolCount = s.read2() - 1; object pool = makeArray(t, poolCount, true); PROTECT(t, pool); for (unsigned i = 0; i < poolCount; ++i) { unsigned c = s.read1(); switch (c) { case CONSTANT_Integer: { object value = makeInt(t, s.read4()); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_Float: { object value = makeFloat(t, s.readFloat()); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_Long: { object value = makeLong(t, s.read8()); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_Double: { object value = makeLong(t, s.readDouble()); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_Utf8: { unsigned length = s.read2(); object value = makeByteArray(t, length + 1, false); s.read(reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, value, 0)), length); byteArrayBody(t, value, length) = 0; set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_Class: { object value = makeIntArray(t, 2, false); intArrayBody(t, value, 0) = c; intArrayBody(t, value, 1) = s.read2(); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_String: { object value = makeIntArray(t, 2, false); intArrayBody(t, value, 0) = c; intArrayBody(t, value, 1) = s.read2(); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_NameAndType: { object value = makeIntArray(t, 3, false); intArrayBody(t, value, 0) = c; intArrayBody(t, value, 1) = s.read2(); intArrayBody(t, value, 2) = s.read2(); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_Fieldref: case CONSTANT_Methodref: case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: { object value = makeIntArray(t, 3, false); intArrayBody(t, value, 0) = c; intArrayBody(t, value, 1) = s.read2(); intArrayBody(t, value, 2) = s.read2(); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; default: abort(t); } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < poolCount; ++i) { object o = arrayBody(t, pool, i); if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::IntArrayType)) { switch (intArrayBody(t, o, 0)) { case CONSTANT_Class: { set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 1) - 1)); } break; case CONSTANT_String: { object bytes = arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 1) - 1); object value = makeString(t, bytes, 0, byteArrayLength(t, bytes), 0); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; case CONSTANT_NameAndType: { object name = arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 1) - 1); object type = arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 2) - 1); object value = makePair(t, name, type); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; } } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < poolCount; ++i) { object o = arrayBody(t, pool, i); if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::IntArrayType)) { switch (intArrayBody(t, o, 0)) { case CONSTANT_Fieldref: case CONSTANT_Methodref: case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: { object c = arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 1) - 1); object nameAndType = arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 2) - 1); object value = makeReference (t, c, pairFirst(t, nameAndType), pairSecond(t, nameAndType)); set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value); } break; } } } return pool; } void parseInterfaceTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool) { PROTECT(t, class_); PROTECT(t, pool); object map = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0); PROTECT(t, map); if (classSuper(t, class_)) { object superInterfaces = classInterfaceTable(t, classSuper(t, class_)); if (superInterfaces) { PROTECT(t, superInterfaces); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, superInterfaces); i += 2) { object name = interfaceName(t, arrayBody(t, superInterfaces, i)); hashMapInsert(t, map, name, name, byteArrayHash); } } } unsigned count = s.read2(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { object name = arrayBody(t, pool, s.read2() - 1); hashMapInsert(t, map, name, name, byteArrayHash); } object interfaceTable = 0; if (hashMapSize(t, map)) { interfaceTable = makeArray(t, hashMapSize(t, map), true); PROTECT(t, interfaceTable); unsigned i = 0; object it = hashMapIterator(t, map); PROTECT(t, it); for (; it; it = hashMapIteratorNext(t, it)) { object interface = resolveClass (t, tripleFirst(t, hashMapIteratorNode(t, it))); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return; set(t, arrayBody(t, interfaceTable, i++), interface); // we'll fill in this table in parseMethodTable(): object vtable = makeArray (t, arrayLength(t, interfaceMethodTable(t, interface)), true); set(t, arrayBody(t, interfaceTable, i++), vtable); } } set(t, classInterfaceTable(t, class_), interfaceTable); } inline unsigned fieldSize(Thread* t, object field) { unsigned code = fieldCode(t, field); if (code == ObjectField) { return BytesPerWord; } else { return primitiveSize(t, code); } } void parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool) { PROTECT(t, class_); PROTECT(t, pool); unsigned memberOffset = BytesPerWord; if (classSuper(t, class_)) { memberOffset = classFixedSize(t, classSuper(t, class_)); } unsigned count = s.read2(); if (count) { unsigned staticOffset = 0; object fieldTable = makeArray(t, count, true); PROTECT(t, fieldTable); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { unsigned flags = s.read2(); unsigned name = s.read2(); unsigned spec = s.read2(); unsigned attributeCount = s.read2(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) { s.read2(); s.skip(s.read4()); } object field = makeField (t, flags, 0, // offset fieldCode(t, byteArrayBody(t, arrayBody(t, pool, spec - 1), 0)), arrayBody(t, pool, name - 1), arrayBody(t, pool, spec - 1), class_); if (flags & ACC_STATIC) { fieldOffset(t, field) = staticOffset++; } else { unsigned excess = memberOffset % BytesPerWord; if (excess and fieldCode(t, field) == ObjectField) { memberOffset += BytesPerWord - excess; } fieldOffset(t, field) = memberOffset; memberOffset += fieldSize(t, field); } set(t, arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i), field); } set(t, classFieldTable(t, class_), fieldTable); if (staticOffset) { object staticTable = makeArray(t, staticOffset, true); set(t, classStaticTable(t, class_), staticTable); } } classFixedSize(t, class_) = pad(memberOffset); object mask = makeIntArray (t, divide(classFixedSize(t, class_), BitsPerWord), true); intArrayBody(t, mask, 0) = 1; bool sawReferenceField = false; for (object c = class_; c; c = classSuper(t, c)) { object fieldTable = classFieldTable(t, c); if (fieldTable) { for (int i = arrayLength(t, fieldTable) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { object field = arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i); if (fieldCode(t, field) == ObjectField) { unsigned index = fieldOffset(t, field) / BytesPerWord; intArrayBody(t, mask, (index / 32)) |= 1 << (index % 32); sawReferenceField = true; } } } } if (sawReferenceField) { set(t, classObjectMask(t, class_), mask); } } object parseCode(Thread* t, Stream& s, object pool) { unsigned maxStack = s.read2(); unsigned maxLocals = s.read2(); unsigned length = s.read4(); object code = makeCode(t, pool, 0, 0, maxStack, maxLocals, length, false); s.read(&codeBody(t, code, 0), length); unsigned ehtLength = s.read2(); if (ehtLength) { PROTECT(t, code); object eht = makeExceptionHandlerTable(t, ehtLength, false); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ehtLength; ++i) { ExceptionHandler* eh = exceptionHandlerTableBody(t, eht, i); exceptionHandlerStart(eh) = s.read2(); exceptionHandlerEnd(eh) = s.read2(); exceptionHandlerIp(eh) = s.read2(); exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh) = s.read2(); } set(t, codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, code), eht); } unsigned attributeCount = s.read2(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) { object name = arrayBody(t, pool, s.read2() - 1); unsigned length = s.read4(); if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast("LineNumberTable"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { unsigned lntLength = s.read2(); object lnt = makeLineNumberTable(t, lntLength, false); for (unsigned i = 0; i < lntLength; ++i) { LineNumber* ln = lineNumberTableBody(t, lnt, i); lineNumberIp(ln) = s.read2(); lineNumberLine(ln) = s.read2(); } set(t, codeLineNumberTable(t, code), lnt); } else { s.skip(length); } } return code; } unsigned parameterFootprint(Thread* t, object spec) { unsigned footprint = 0; const char* s = reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)); ++ s; // skip '(' while (*s and *s != ')') { switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; case '[': while (*s == '[') ++ s; break; case 'J': case 'D': ++ s; ++ footprint; break; default: ++ s; break; } ++ footprint; } return footprint; } unsigned parameterCount(Thread* t, object spec) { unsigned count = 0; const char* s = reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)); ++ s; // skip '(' while (*s and *s != ')') { switch (*s) { case 'L': while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; case '[': while (*s == '[') ++ s; break; default: ++ s; break; } ++ count; } return count; } int lineNumber(Thread* t, object method, unsigned ip) { if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) { return NativeLine; } object table = codeLineNumberTable(t, methodCode(t, method)); if (table) { // todo: do a binary search: int last = UnknownLine; for (unsigned i = 0; i < lineNumberTableLength(t, table); ++i) { if (ip <= lineNumberIp(lineNumberTableBody(t, table, i))) { return last; } else { last = lineNumberLine(lineNumberTableBody(t, table, i)); } } return last; } else { return UnknownLine; } } unsigned mangledSize(int8_t c) { switch (c) { case '_': case ';': case '[': return 2; case '$': return 6; default: return 1; } } unsigned mangle(int8_t c, int8_t* dst) { switch (c) { case '/': dst[0] = '_'; return 1; case '_': dst[0] = '_'; dst[1] = '1'; return 2; case ';': dst[0] = '_'; dst[1] = '2'; return 2; case '[': dst[0] = '_'; dst[1] = '3'; return 2; case '$': memcpy(dst, "_00024", 6); return 6; default: dst[0] = c; return 1; } } object makeJNIName(Thread* t, object method, bool decorate) { unsigned size = 5; object className = ::className(t, methodClass(t, method)); PROTECT(t, className); for (unsigned i = 0; i < byteArrayLength(t, className) - 1; ++i) { size += mangledSize(byteArrayBody(t, className, i)); } ++ size; object methodName = ::methodName(t, method); PROTECT(t, methodName); for (unsigned i = 0; i < byteArrayLength(t, methodName) - 1; ++i) { size += mangledSize(byteArrayBody(t, methodName, i)); } object methodSpec = ::methodSpec(t, method); PROTECT(t, methodSpec); if (decorate) { size += 2; for (unsigned i = 1; i < byteArrayLength(t, methodSpec) - 1 and byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec, i) != ')'; ++i) { size += mangledSize(byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec, i)); } } object name = makeByteArray(t, size + 1, false); unsigned index = 0; memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, name, index), "Java_", 5); index += 5; for (unsigned i = 0; i < byteArrayLength(t, className) - 1; ++i) { index += mangle(byteArrayBody(t, className, i), &byteArrayBody(t, name, index)); } byteArrayBody(t, name, index++) = '_'; for (unsigned i = 0; i < byteArrayLength(t, methodName) - 1; ++i) { index += mangle(byteArrayBody(t, methodName, i), &byteArrayBody(t, name, index)); } if (decorate) { byteArrayBody(t, name, index++) = '_'; byteArrayBody(t, name, index++) = '_'; for (unsigned i = 1; i < byteArrayLength(t, methodSpec) - 1 and byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec, i) != ')'; ++i) { index += mangle(byteArrayBody(t, className, i), &byteArrayBody(t, name, index)); } } byteArrayBody(t, name, index++) = 0; assert(t, index == size + 1); return name; } void parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool) { PROTECT(t, class_); PROTECT(t, pool); object virtualMap = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0); PROTECT(t, virtualMap); object nativeMap = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0); PROTECT(t, nativeMap); unsigned virtualCount = 0; object superVirtualTable = 0; PROTECT(t, superVirtualTable); if (classSuper(t, class_)) { superVirtualTable = classVirtualTable(t, classSuper(t, class_)); } if (superVirtualTable) { virtualCount = arrayLength(t, superVirtualTable); for (unsigned i = 0; i < virtualCount; ++i) { object method = arrayBody(t, superVirtualTable, i); hashMapInsert(t, virtualMap, method, method, methodHash); } } object newVirtuals = makeList(t, 0, 0, 0); PROTECT(t, newVirtuals); unsigned count = s.read2(); if (count) { object methodTable = makeArray(t, count, true); PROTECT(t, methodTable); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { unsigned flags = s.read2(); unsigned name = s.read2(); unsigned spec = s.read2(); object code = 0; unsigned attributeCount = s.read2(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) { object name = arrayBody(t, pool, s.read2() - 1); unsigned length = s.read4(); if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast("Code"), &byteArrayBody(t, name, 0)) == 0) { code = parseCode(t, s, pool); } else { s.skip(length); } } unsigned parameterCount = ::parameterCount (t, arrayBody(t, pool, spec - 1)); unsigned parameterFootprint = ::parameterFootprint (t, arrayBody(t, pool, spec - 1)); if ((flags & ACC_STATIC) == 0) { ++ parameterCount; ++ parameterFootprint; } object method = makeMethod(t, flags, 0, // offset parameterCount, parameterFootprint, arrayBody(t, pool, name - 1), arrayBody(t, pool, spec - 1), class_, code); PROTECT(t, method); if (flags & ACC_STATIC) { if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast(""), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)) == 0) { set(t, classInitializer(t, class_), method); } } else { object p = hashMapFindNode (t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); if (p) { methodOffset(t, method) = methodOffset(t, tripleFirst(t, p)); set(t, tripleSecond(t, p), method); } else { methodOffset(t, method) = virtualCount++; listAppend(t, newVirtuals, method); } } if (flags & ACC_NATIVE) { object p = hashMapFindNode (t, nativeMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); if (p == 0) { hashMapInsert(t, virtualMap, method, method, methodHash); } } set(t, arrayBody(t, methodTable, i), method); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { object method = arrayBody(t, methodTable, i); if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) { object p = hashMapFindNode (t, nativeMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); object jniName = makeJNIName(t, method, p != 0); set(t, methodCode(t, method), jniName); } } set(t, classMethodTable(t, class_), methodTable); } if (virtualCount) { // generate class vtable object vtable = makeArray(t, virtualCount, false); unsigned i = 0; if (superVirtualTable) { for (; i < arrayLength(t, superVirtualTable); ++i) { object method = arrayBody(t, superVirtualTable, i); method = hashMapFind(t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); set(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, i), method); } } for (object p = listFront(t, newVirtuals); p; p = pairSecond(t, p)) { set(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, i++), pairFirst(t, p)); } set(t, classVirtualTable(t, class_), vtable); // generate interface vtables object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, class_); if (itable) { PROTECT(t, itable); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += 2) { object methodTable = interfaceMethodTable(t, arrayBody(t, itable, i)); object vtable = arrayBody(t, itable, i + 1); for (unsigned j = 0; j < arrayLength(t, methodTable); ++j) { object method = arrayBody(t, methodTable, j); method = hashMapFind(t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual); set(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, j), method); } } } } } object parseClass(Thread* t, const uint8_t* data, unsigned size) { class Client : public Stream::Client { public: Client(Thread* t): t(t) { } virtual void NO_RETURN handleEOS() { abort(t); } private: Thread* t; } client(t); Stream s(&client, data, size); uint32_t magic = s.read4(); assert(t, magic == 0xCAFEBABE); s.read2(); // minor version s.read2(); // major version object pool = parsePool(t, s); unsigned flags = s.read2(); unsigned name = s.read2(); object class_ = makeClass(t, flags, 0, // VM flags 0, // fixed size 0, // array size 0, // object mask arrayBody(t, pool, name - 1), 0, // super 0, // interfaces 0, // vtable 0, // fields 0, // methods 0, // static table 0); // initializer PROTECT(t, class_); unsigned super = s.read2(); if (super) { object sc = resolveClass(t, arrayBody(t, pool, super - 1)); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; set(t, classSuper(t, class_), sc); classVmFlags(t, class_) |= classVmFlags(t, sc); } parseInterfaceTable(t, s, class_, pool); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; parseFieldTable(t, s, class_, pool); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; parseMethodTable(t, s, class_, pool); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; return class_; } void updateBootstrapClass(Thread* t, object bootstrapClass, object class_) { expect(t, bootstrapClass != class_); // verify that the classes have the same layout expect(t, classSuper(t, bootstrapClass) == classSuper(t, class_)); expect(t, classFixedSize(t, bootstrapClass) == classFixedSize(t, class_)); expect(t, (classObjectMask(t, bootstrapClass) == 0 and classObjectMask(t, class_) == 0) or intArrayEqual(t, classObjectMask(t, bootstrapClass), classObjectMask(t, class_))); PROTECT(t, bootstrapClass); PROTECT(t, class_); ENTER(t, Thread::ExclusiveState); classVmFlags(t, class_) |= classVmFlags(t, bootstrapClass); memcpy(bootstrapClass, class_, extendedSize(t, class_, baseSize(t, class_, objectClass(t, class_))) * BytesPerWord); object fieldTable = classFieldTable(t, class_); if (fieldTable) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, fieldTable); ++i) { set(t, fieldClass(t, arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i)), bootstrapClass); } } object methodTable = classMethodTable(t, class_); if (methodTable) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, methodTable); ++i) { set(t, methodClass(t, arrayBody(t, methodTable, i)), bootstrapClass); } } } object resolveClass(Thread* t, object spec) { PROTECT(t, spec); ACQUIRE(t, t->vm->classLock); object class_ = hashMapFind (t, t->vm->classMap, spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); if (class_ == 0) { ClassFinder::Data* data = t->vm->classFinder->find (reinterpret_cast(&byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0))); if (data) { if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "parsing %s\n", &byteArrayBody (t, spec, 0)); } // parse class file class_ = parseClass(t, data->start(), data->length()); data->dispose(); if (Verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "done parsing %s\n", &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, class_), 0)); } PROTECT(t, class_); object bootstrapClass = hashMapFind (t, t->vm->bootstrapClassMap, spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); if (bootstrapClass) { PROTECT(t, bootstrapClass); updateBootstrapClass(t, bootstrapClass, class_); class_ = bootstrapClass; } hashMapInsert(t, t->vm->classMap, spec, class_, byteArrayHash); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%s", &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0)); t->exception = makeClassNotFoundException(t, message); } } return class_; } inline object resolveClass(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index) { object o = arrayBody(t, pool, index); if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { PROTECT(t, pool); o = resolveClass(t, o); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, index), o); } return o; } inline object resolveClass(Thread* t, object container, object& (*class_)(Thread*, object)) { object o = class_(t, container); if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { PROTECT(t, container); o = resolveClass(t, o); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; set(t, class_(t, container), o); } return o; } inline object resolve(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index, object (*find)(Thread*, object, object)) { object o = arrayBody(t, pool, index); if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ReferenceType)) { PROTECT(t, pool); object class_ = resolveClass(t, o, referenceClass); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; o = find(t, class_, arrayBody(t, pool, index)); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, index), o); } return o; } inline object resolveField(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index) { return resolve(t, pool, index, findFieldInClass); } inline object resolveMethod(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index) { return resolve(t, pool, index, findMethodInClass); } object makeNativeMethodData(Thread* t, object method, void* function, bool builtin) { PROTECT(t, method); object data = makeNativeMethodData(t, function, 0, // argument table size 0, // return code, builtin, methodParameterCount(t, method) + 1, false); unsigned argumentTableSize = BytesPerWord; unsigned index = 0; nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, index++) = POINTER_TYPE; if ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) { nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, index++) = POINTER_TYPE; argumentTableSize += BytesPerWord; } const char* s = reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0)); ++ s; // skip '(' while (*s and *s != ')') { unsigned code = fieldCode(t, *s); nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, index++) = fieldType(t, code); switch (*s) { case 'L': argumentTableSize += BytesPerWord; while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s; ++ s; break; case '[': argumentTableSize += BytesPerWord; while (*s == '[') ++ s; break; default: argumentTableSize += pad(primitiveSize(t, code)); ++ s; break; } } nativeMethodDataArgumentTableSize(t, data) = argumentTableSize; nativeMethodDataReturnCode(t, data) = fieldCode(t, s[1]); return data; } inline object resolveNativeMethodData(Thread* t, object method) { if (objectClass(t, methodCode(t, method)) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { object data = 0; for (System::Library* lib = t->vm->libraries; lib; lib = lib->next()) { void* p = lib->resolve(reinterpret_cast (&byteArrayBody(t, methodCode(t, method), 0))); if (p) { PROTECT(t, method); data = makeNativeMethodData(t, method, p, false); break; } } if (data == 0) { object p = hashMapFind(t, t->vm->builtinMap, methodCode(t, method), byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual); if (p) { PROTECT(t, method); data = makeNativeMethodData(t, method, pointerValue(t, p), true); } } if (LIKELY(data)) { set(t, methodCode(t, method), data); } else { object message = makeString (t, "%s", &byteArrayBody(t, methodCode(t, method), 0)); t->exception = makeUnsatisfiedLinkError(t, message); } return data; } else { return methodCode(t, method); } } inline void invokeNative(Thread* t, object method) { object data = resolveNativeMethodData(t, method); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) { return; } unsigned footprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); unsigned count = methodParameterCount(t, method); unsigned size = nativeMethodDataArgumentTableSize(t, data); uintptr_t args[size / BytesPerWord]; unsigned offset = 0; args[offset++] = reinterpret_cast(t); unsigned sp = t->sp - footprint; for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { unsigned type = nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, i + 1); switch (type) { case INT8_TYPE: case INT16_TYPE: case INT32_TYPE: case FLOAT_TYPE: args[offset++] = peekInt(t, sp++); break; case INT64_TYPE: case DOUBLE_TYPE: { uint64_t v = peekLong(t, sp); memcpy(args + offset, &v, 8); offset += (8 / BytesPerWord); sp += 2; } break; case POINTER_TYPE: args[offset++] = reinterpret_cast (t->stack + ((sp++) * 2) + 1); break; default: abort(t); } } unsigned returnCode = nativeMethodDataReturnCode(t, data); unsigned returnType = fieldType(t, returnCode); void* function = nativeMethodDataFunction(t, data); bool builtin = nativeMethodDataBuiltin(t, data); if (not builtin) { enter(t, Thread::IdleState); } uint64_t result = t->vm->system->call (function, args, &nativeMethodDataParameterTypes(t, data, 0), count + 1, size, returnType); if (not builtin) { enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); } if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) { return; } t->sp = frameStackBase(t, t->frame); switch (returnCode) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: pushInt(t, result); break; case LongField: case DoubleField: pushLong(t, result); break; case ObjectField: pushObject(t, result == 0 ? 0 : *reinterpret_cast(static_cast(result))); break; case VoidField: break; default: abort(t); }; } inline object localObject(Thread* t, object frame, unsigned index) { return peekObject(t, frameStackBase(t, frame) + index); } inline uint32_t localInt(Thread* t, object frame, unsigned index) { return peekInt(t, frameStackBase(t, frame) + index); } inline uint64_t localLong(Thread* t, object frame, unsigned index) { return peekLong(t, frameStackBase(t, frame) + index); } inline void setLocalObject(Thread* t, object frame, unsigned index, object value) { pokeObject(t, frameStackBase(t, frame) + index, value); } inline void setLocalInt(Thread* t, object frame, unsigned index, uint32_t value) { pokeInt(t, frameStackBase(t, frame) + index, value); } inline void setLocalLong(Thread* t, object frame, unsigned index, uint64_t value) { pokeLong(t, frameStackBase(t, frame) + index, value); } namespace builtin { void loadLibrary(JNIEnv* e, jstring nameString) { Thread* t = static_cast(e); if (LIKELY(nameString)) { object n = *nameString; char name[stringLength(t, n) + 1]; memcpy(name, &byteArrayBody(t, stringBytes(t, n), stringOffset(t, n)), stringLength(t, n)); name[stringLength(t, n)] = 0; System::Library* lib; if (LIKELY(t->vm->system->success (t->vm->system->load(&lib, name, t->vm->libraries)))) { t->vm->libraries = lib; } else { object message = makeString(t, "library not found: %s", name); t->exception = makeRuntimeException(t, message); } } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t); } } jstring toString(JNIEnv* e, jobject this_) { Thread* t = static_cast(e); object s = makeString (t, "%s@%p", &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, objectClass(t, *this_)), 0), *this_); return pushReference(t, s); } jarray trace(JNIEnv* e, jint skipCount) { Thread* t = static_cast(e); object frame = t->frame; while (skipCount--) frame = frameNext(t, frame); if (methodClass(t, frameMethod(t, frame)) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ThrowableType)) { // skip Throwable constructors while (strcmp(reinterpret_cast(""), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, frameMethod(t, frame)), 0)) == 0) { frame = frameNext(t, frame); } } return pushReference(t, makeTrace(t, frame)); } } // namespace builtin namespace jni { jsize GetStringUTFLength(JNIEnv* e, jstring s) { Thread* t = static_cast(e); ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState); jsize length = 0; if (LIKELY(s)) { length = stringLength(t, *s); } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t); } return length; } const char* GetStringUTFChars(JNIEnv* e, jstring s, jboolean* isCopy) { Thread* t = static_cast(e); ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState); char* chars = 0; if (LIKELY(s)) { chars = static_cast (t->vm->system->allocate(stringLength(t, *s) + 1)); memcpy(chars, &byteArrayBody(t, stringBytes(t, *s), stringOffset(t, *s)), stringLength(t, *s)); chars[stringLength(t, *s)] = 0; } else { t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t); } if (isCopy) *isCopy = true; return chars; } void ReleaseStringUTFChars(JNIEnv* e, jstring, const char* chars) { static_cast(e)->vm->system->free(chars); } } // namespace jni Machine::Machine(System* system, Heap* heap, ClassFinder* classFinder): system(system), heap(heap), classFinder(classFinder), rootThread(0), exclusive(0), activeCount(0), liveCount(0), stateLock(0), heapLock(0), classLock(0), finalizerLock(0), libraries(0), classMap(0), bootstrapClassMap(0), builtinMap(0), monitorMap(0), types(0), finalizers(0), doomed(0), weakReferences(0), unsafe(false) { memset(&jniEnvVTable, 0, sizeof(JNIEnvVTable)); jniEnvVTable.GetStringUTFLength = jni::GetStringUTFLength; jniEnvVTable.GetStringUTFChars = jni::GetStringUTFChars; jniEnvVTable.ReleaseStringUTFChars = jni::ReleaseStringUTFChars; if (not system->success(system->make(&stateLock)) or not system->success(system->make(&heapLock)) or not system->success(system->make(&classLock)) or not system->success(system->make(&finalizerLock))) { system->abort(); } } void Machine::dispose() { stateLock->dispose(); heapLock->dispose(); classLock->dispose(); finalizerLock->dispose(); if (libraries) { libraries->dispose(); } if (rootThread) { rootThread->dispose(); } } Thread::Thread(Machine* m): JNIEnv(&(m->jniEnvVTable)), vm(m), next(0), child(0), state(NoState), thread(0), frame(0), code(0), exception(0), ip(0), sp(0), heapIndex(0), protector(0), chain(0) { if (m->rootThread == 0) { m->rootThread = this; m->unsafe = true; Thread* t = this; #include "type-initializations.cpp" object arrayClass = arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ArrayType); set(t, cast(t->vm->types, 0), arrayClass); object classClass = arrayBody(t, m->types, Machine::ClassType); set(t, cast(classClass, 0), classClass); object intArrayClass = arrayBody(t, m->types, Machine::IntArrayType); set(t, cast(intArrayClass, 0), classClass); m->unsafe = false; m->bootstrapClassMap = makeHashMap(this, 0, 0); #include "type-java-initializations.cpp" classVmFlags(t, arrayBody(t, m->types, Machine::WeakReferenceType)) |= WeakReferenceFlag; m->classMap = makeHashMap(this, 0, 0); m->builtinMap = makeHashMap(this, 0, 0); m->monitorMap = makeHashMap(this, 0, 0); struct { const char* key; void* value; } builtins[] = { { "Java_java_lang_Object_toString", reinterpret_cast(builtin::toString) }, { "Java_java_lang_System_loadLibrary", reinterpret_cast(builtin::loadLibrary) }, { "Java_java_lang_Throwable_trace", reinterpret_cast(builtin::trace) }, { 0, 0 } }; for (unsigned i = 0; builtins[i].key; ++i) { object key = makeByteArray(t, builtins[i].key); PROTECT(t, key); object value = makePointer(t, builtins[i].value); hashMapInsert(t, m->builtinMap, key, value, byteArrayHash); } } } object run(Thread* t) { unsigned instruction = nop; unsigned& ip = t->ip; unsigned& sp = t->sp; object& code = t->code; object& frame = t->frame; object& exception = t->exception; uintptr_t* stack = t->stack; if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; loop: instruction = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (DebugRun) { fprintf(stderr, "ip: %d; instruction: 0x%x in %s.%s ", ip - 1, instruction, &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, methodClass(t, frameMethod(t, frame))), 0), &byteArrayBody (t, methodName(t, frameMethod(t, frame)), 0)); int line = lineNumber(t, frameMethod(t, frame), ip); switch (line) { case NativeLine: fprintf(stderr, "(native)\n"); break; case UnknownLine: fprintf(stderr, "(unknown line)\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "(line %d)\n", line); } } switch (instruction) { case aaload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < objectArrayLength(t, array))) { pushObject(t, objectArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, objectArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case aastore: { object value = popObject(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < objectArrayLength(t, array))) { set(t, objectArrayBody(t, array, index), value); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, objectArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case aconst_null: { pushObject(t, 0); } goto loop; case aload: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, frame, codeBody(t, code, ip++))); } goto loop; case aload_0: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, frame, 0)); } goto loop; case aload_1: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, frame, 1)); } goto loop; case aload_2: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, frame, 2)); } goto loop; case aload_3: { pushObject(t, localObject(t, frame, 3)); } goto loop; case anewarray: { int32_t count = popInt(t); if (LIKELY(count >= 0)) { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; object array = makeObjectArray(t, class_, count, true); pushObject(t, array); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d", count); exception = makeNegativeArrayStoreException(t, message); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case areturn: case ireturn: case lreturn: { frame = frameNext(t, frame); if (frame) { code = methodCode(t, frameMethod(t, frame)); ip = frameIp(t, frame); goto loop; } else { code = 0; switch (instruction) { case areturn: return popObject(t); case ireturn: return makeInt(t, popInt(t)); case lreturn: return makeLong(t, popLong(t)); } } } goto loop; case arraylength: { object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (objectClass(t, array) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ObjectArrayType)) { pushInt(t, objectArrayLength(t, array)); } else { // for all other array types, the length follow the class pointer. pushInt(t, cast(array, BytesPerWord)); } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } abort(t); case astore: { setLocalObject(t, frame, codeBody(t, code, ip++), popObject(t)); } goto loop; case astore_0: { setLocalObject(t, frame, 0, popObject(t)); } goto loop; case astore_1: { setLocalObject(t, frame, 1, popObject(t)); } goto loop; case astore_2: { setLocalObject(t, frame, 2, popObject(t)); } goto loop; case astore_3: { setLocalObject(t, frame, 3, popObject(t)); } goto loop; case athrow: { exception = popObject(t); if (UNLIKELY(exception == 0)) { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); } } goto throw_; case baload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < byteArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, byteArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, byteArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case bastore: { int8_t value = popInt(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < byteArrayLength(t, array))) { byteArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, byteArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case bipush: { pushInt(t, codeBody(t, code, ip++)); } goto loop; case caload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < charArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, charArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, charArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case castore: { uint16_t value = popInt(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < charArrayLength(t, array))) { charArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, charArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case checkcast: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (peekObject(t, sp - 1)) { uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; if (not instanceOf(t, class_, peekObject(t, sp - 1))) { object message = makeString (t, "%s as %s", &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, objectClass(t, peekObject(t, sp - 1))), 0), &byteArrayBody(t, className(t, class_), 0)); exception = makeClassCastException(t, message); goto throw_; } } } goto loop; case dup: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); ++ sp; } goto loop; case dup_x1: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup_x1\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), stack + ((sp ) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); ++ sp; } goto loop; case dup_x2: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup_x2\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), stack + ((sp ) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); ++ sp; } goto loop; case dup2: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup2\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp + 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 4); sp += 2; } goto loop; case dup2_x1: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup2_x1\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp + 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), stack + ((sp ) * 2), BytesPerWord * 4); sp += 2; } goto loop; case dup2_x2: { if (DebugStack) { fprintf(stderr, "dup2_x2\n"); } memcpy(stack + ((sp + 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp ) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 3) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), stack + ((sp - 4) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 4) * 2), stack + ((sp ) * 2), BytesPerWord * 4); sp += 2; } goto loop; case getfield: { object instance = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(instance)) { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: pushInt(t, cast(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))); case CharField: case ShortField: pushInt(t, cast(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))); case FloatField: case IntField: pushInt(t, cast(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))); case DoubleField: case LongField: pushLong(t, cast(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))); case ObjectField: pushObject(t, cast(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))); default: abort(t); } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case getstatic: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; object clinit = classInitializer(t, fieldClass(t, field)); if (clinit) { set(t, classInitializer(t, fieldClass(t, field)), 0); code = clinit; ip -= 3; goto invoke; } object v = arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)), fieldOffset(t, field)); switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: pushInt(t, intValue(t, v)); break; case DoubleField: case LongField: pushLong(t, longValue(t, v)); break; case ObjectField: pushObject(t, v); break; default: abort(t); } } goto loop; case goto_: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } goto loop; case goto_w: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset3 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset4 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); ip = (ip - 5) + static_cast (((offset1 << 24) | (offset2 << 16) | (offset3 << 8) | offset4)); } goto loop; case i2b: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popInt(t))); } goto loop; case i2c: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popInt(t))); } goto loop; case i2l: { pushLong(t, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case i2s: { pushInt(t, static_cast(popInt(t))); } goto loop; case iadd: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a + b); } goto loop; case iaload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < intArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, intArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, intArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case iand: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a & b); } goto loop; case iastore: { int32_t value = popInt(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < intArrayLength(t, array))) { intArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, intArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case iconst_0: { pushInt(t, 0); } goto loop; case iconst_1: { pushInt(t, 1); } goto loop; case iconst_2: { pushInt(t, 2); } goto loop; case iconst_3: { pushInt(t, 3); } goto loop; case iconst_4: { pushInt(t, 4); } goto loop; case iconst_5: { pushInt(t, 5); } goto loop; case idiv: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a / b); } goto loop; case if_acmpeq: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a == b) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case if_acmpne: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a != b) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case if_icmpeq: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a == b) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case if_icmpne: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a != b) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case if_icmpgt: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a > b) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case if_icmpge: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a >= b) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case if_icmplt: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a < b) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case if_icmple: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); if (a < b) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case ifeq: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (popInt(t) == 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case ifne: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (popInt(t)) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case ifgt: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (static_cast(popInt(t)) > 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case ifge: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (static_cast(popInt(t)) >= 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case iflt: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (static_cast(popInt(t)) < 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case ifle: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (static_cast(popInt(t)) <= 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case ifnonnull: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (popObject(t)) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case ifnull: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (popObject(t) == 0) { ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } } goto loop; case iinc: { uint8_t index = codeBody(t, code, ip++); int8_t c = codeBody(t, code, ip++); setLocalInt(t, frame, index, localInt(t, frame, index) + c); } goto loop; case iload: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, frame, codeBody(t, code, ip++))); } goto loop; case iload_0: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, frame, 0)); } goto loop; case iload_1: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, frame, 1)); } goto loop; case iload_2: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, frame, 2)); } goto loop; case iload_3: { pushInt(t, localInt(t, frame, 3)); } goto loop; case imul: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a * b); } goto loop; case ineg: { pushInt(t, - popInt(t)); } goto loop; case instanceof: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); if (peekObject(t, sp - 1)) { uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; if (instanceOf(t, class_, peekObject(t, sp - 1))) { pushInt(t, 1); } else { pushInt(t, 0); } } else { pushInt(t, 0); } } goto loop; case invokeinterface: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; ip += 2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); if (LIKELY(peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint))) { code = findInterfaceMethod (t, method, peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint)); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; goto invoke; } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case invokespecial: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); if (LIKELY(peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint))) { object class_ = methodClass(t, frameMethod(t, t->frame)); if (isSpecialMethod(t, method, class_)) { code = findMethod(t, method, classSuper(t, class_)); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; } else { code = method; } goto invoke; } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case invokestatic: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; object clinit = classInitializer(t, methodClass(t, method)); if (clinit) { set(t, classInitializer(t, methodClass(t, method)), 0); code = clinit; ip -= 3; goto invoke; } code = method; } goto invoke; case invokevirtual: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object method = resolveMethod(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method); if (LIKELY(peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint))) { code = findVirtualMethod (t, method, peekObject(t, sp - parameterFootprint)); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; goto invoke; } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case ior: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a | b); } goto loop; case irem: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a % b); } goto loop; case ishl: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a << b); } goto loop; case ishr: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a >> b); } goto loop; case istore: { setLocalInt(t, frame, codeBody(t, code, ip++), popInt(t)); } goto loop; case istore_0: { setLocalInt(t, frame, 0, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case istore_1: { setLocalInt(t, frame, 1, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case istore_2: { setLocalInt(t, frame, 2, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case istore_3: { setLocalInt(t, frame, 3, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case isub: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a - b); } goto loop; case iushr: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, static_cast(a >> b)); } goto loop; case ixor: { int32_t b = popInt(t); int32_t a = popInt(t); pushInt(t, a ^ b); } goto loop; case jsr: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); pushInt(t, ip); ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast(((offset1 << 8) | offset2)); } goto loop; case jsr_w: { uint8_t offset1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset3 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t offset4 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); pushInt(t, ip); ip = (ip - 3) + static_cast ((offset1 << 24) | (offset2 << 16) | (offset3 << 8) | offset4); } goto loop; case l2i: { pushLong(t, static_cast(popLong(t))); } goto loop; case ladd: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a + b); } goto loop; case laload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < longArrayLength(t, array))) { pushLong(t, longArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, longArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case land: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a & b); } goto loop; case lastore: { int64_t value = popLong(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < longArrayLength(t, array))) { longArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, longArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case lcmp: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushInt(t, a > b ? 1 : a == b ? 0 : -1); } goto loop; case lconst_0: { pushLong(t, 0); } goto loop; case lconst_1: { pushLong(t, 1); } goto loop; case ldc: case ldc_w: { uint16_t index; if (instruction == ldc) { index = codeBody(t, code, ip++); } else { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); index = (index1 << 8) | index2; } object v = arrayBody(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::IntType)) { pushInt(t, intValue(t, v)); } else if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::StringType)) { pushObject(t, v); } else if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::FloatType)) { pushInt(t, floatValue(t, v)); } } goto loop; case ldc2_w: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); object v = arrayBody(t, codePool(t, code), ((index1 << 8) | index2) - 1); if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::LongType)) { pushLong(t, longValue(t, v)); } else if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::DoubleType)) { pushLong(t, doubleValue(t, v)); } } goto loop; case vm::ldiv: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a / b); } goto loop; case lload: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, frame, codeBody(t, code, ip++))); } goto loop; case lload_0: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, frame, 0)); } goto loop; case lload_1: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, frame, 1)); } goto loop; case lload_2: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, frame, 2)); } goto loop; case lload_3: { pushLong(t, localLong(t, frame, 3)); } goto loop; case lmul: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a * b); } goto loop; case lneg: { pushLong(t, - popInt(t)); } goto loop; case lor: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a | b); } goto loop; case lrem: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a % b); } goto loop; case lshl: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a << b); } goto loop; case lshr: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a >> b); } goto loop; case lstore: { setLocalLong(t, frame, codeBody(t, code, ip++), popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lstore_0: { setLocalLong(t, frame, 0, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lstore_1: { setLocalLong(t, frame, 1, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lstore_2: { setLocalLong(t, frame, 2, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lstore_3: { setLocalLong(t, frame, 3, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case lsub: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a - b); } goto loop; case lushr: { uint64_t b = popLong(t); uint64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a >> b); } goto loop; case lxor: { int64_t b = popLong(t); int64_t a = popLong(t); pushLong(t, a ^ b); } goto loop; case monitorenter: { object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { objectMonitor(t, o)->acquire(t); } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case monitorexit: { object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { objectMonitor(t, o)->release(t); } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case new_: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; object clinit = classInitializer(t, class_); if (clinit) { set(t, classInitializer(t, class_), 0); code = clinit; ip -= 3; goto invoke; } pushObject(t, make(t, class_)); } goto loop; case newarray: { int32_t count = popInt(t); if (LIKELY(count >= 0)) { uint8_t type = codeBody(t, code, ip++); object array; switch (type) { case T_BOOLEAN: array = makeBooleanArray(t, count, true); break; case T_CHAR: array = makeCharArray(t, count, true); break; case T_FLOAT: array = makeFloatArray(t, count, true); break; case T_DOUBLE: array = makeDoubleArray(t, count, true); break; case T_BYTE: array = makeByteArray(t, count, true); break; case T_SHORT: array = makeShortArray(t, count, true); break; case T_INT: array = makeIntArray(t, count, true); break; case T_LONG: array = makeLongArray(t, count, true); break; default: abort(t); } pushObject(t, array); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d", count); exception = makeNegativeArrayStoreException(t, message); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case nop: goto loop; case pop_: { -- sp; } goto loop; case pop2: { sp -= 2; } goto loop; case putfield: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: { int32_t value = popInt(t); object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; case CharField: case ShortField: cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; case FloatField: case IntField: cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; break; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } break; case DoubleField: case LongField: { int64_t value = popLong(t); object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = value; } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } break; case ObjectField: { object value = popObject(t); object o = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(o)) { set(t, cast(o, fieldOffset(t, field)), value); } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } break; default: abort(t); } } goto loop; case putstatic: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; object field = resolveField(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_; object clinit = classInitializer(t, fieldClass(t, field)); if (clinit) { set(t, classInitializer(t, fieldClass(t, field)), 0); code = clinit; ip -= 3; goto invoke; } PROTECT(t, field); object v; switch (fieldCode(t, field)) { case ByteField: case BooleanField: case CharField: case ShortField: case FloatField: case IntField: { v = makeInt(t, popInt(t)); } break; case DoubleField: case LongField: { v = makeLong(t, popLong(t)); } break; case ObjectField: v = popObject(t); break; default: abort(t); } set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)), fieldOffset(t, field)), v); } goto loop; case ret: { ip = localInt(t, frame, codeBody(t, code, ip)); } goto loop; case return_: { frame = frameNext(t, frame); if (frame) { code = methodCode(t, frameMethod(t, frame)); ip = frameIp(t, frame); goto loop; } else { code = 0; return 0; } } goto loop; case saload: { int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < shortArrayLength(t, array))) { pushInt(t, shortArrayBody(t, array, index)); } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, shortArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case sastore: { int16_t value = popInt(t); int32_t index = popInt(t); object array = popObject(t); if (LIKELY(array)) { if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and static_cast(index) < shortArrayLength(t, array))) { shortArrayBody(t, array, index) = value; } else { object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d]", index, shortArrayLength(t, array)); exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, message); goto throw_; } } else { exception = makeNullPointerException(t); goto throw_; } } goto loop; case sipush: { uint8_t byte1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t byte2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); pushInt(t, (byte1 << 8) | byte2); } goto loop; case swap: { uintptr_t tmp[2]; memcpy(tmp , stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 1) * 2), stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), BytesPerWord * 2); memcpy(stack + ((sp - 2) * 2), tmp , BytesPerWord * 2); } goto loop; case wide: goto wide; default: abort(t); } wide: switch (codeBody(t, code, ip++)) { case aload: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); pushObject(t, localObject(t, frame, (index1 << 8) | index2)); } goto loop; case astore: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); setLocalObject(t, frame, (index1 << 8) | index2, popObject(t)); } goto loop; case iinc: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t index = (index1 << 8) | index2; uint8_t count1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t count2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint16_t count = (count1 << 8) | count2; setLocalInt(t, frame, index, localInt(t, frame, index) + count); } goto loop; case iload: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); pushInt(t, localInt(t, frame, (index1 << 8) | index2)); } goto loop; case istore: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); setLocalInt(t, frame, (index1 << 8) | index2, popInt(t)); } goto loop; case lload: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); pushLong(t, localLong(t, frame, (index1 << 8) | index2)); } goto loop; case lstore: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); setLocalLong(t, frame, (index1 << 8) | index2, popLong(t)); } goto loop; case ret: { uint8_t index1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t index2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); ip = localInt(t, frame, (index1 << 8) | index2); } goto loop; default: abort(t); } invoke: { unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, code); unsigned base = sp - parameterFootprint; if (methodFlags(t, code) & ACC_NATIVE) { frame = makeFrame(t, code, frame, 0, base); invokeNative(t, code); frame = frameNext(t, frame); if (UNLIKELY(exception)) { goto throw_; } code = methodCode(t, frameMethod(t, frame)); } else { if (UNLIKELY(codeMaxStack(t, methodCode(t, code)) + codeMaxLocals(t, methodCode(t, code)) + base > Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2)) { exception = makeStackOverflowError(t); goto throw_; } frameIp(t, frame) = ip; ip = 0; frame = makeFrame(t, code, frame, 0, base); code = methodCode(t, code); memset(stack + ((base + parameterFootprint) * 2), 0, (codeMaxLocals(t, code) - parameterFootprint) * BytesPerWord * 2); sp = base + codeMaxLocals(t, code); } } goto loop; throw_: for (; frame; frame = frameNext(t, frame)) { code = methodCode(t, frameMethod(t, frame)); object eht = codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, code); if (eht) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < exceptionHandlerTableLength(t, eht); ++i) { ExceptionHandler* eh = exceptionHandlerTableBody(t, eht, i); object catchType = arrayBody(t, codePool(t, code), exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh) - 1); if (catchType == 0 or (objectClass(t, catchType) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ClassType) and instanceOf(t, catchType, exception))) { sp = frameStackBase(t, frame); ip = exceptionHandlerIp(eh); pushObject(t, exception); exception = 0; goto loop; } } } } for (object e = exception; e; e = throwableCause(t, e)) { if (e == exception) { fprintf(stderr, "uncaught exception: "); } else { fprintf(stderr, "caused by: "); } fprintf(stderr, "%s", &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, objectClass(t, exception)), 0)); if (throwableMessage(t, exception)) { object m = throwableMessage(t, exception); char message[stringLength(t, m) + 1]; memcpy(message, &byteArrayBody(t, stringBytes(t, m), stringOffset(t, m)), stringLength(t, m)); message[stringLength(t, m)] = 0; fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", message); } else { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } object trace = throwableTrace(t, e); for (unsigned i = 0; i < objectArrayLength(t, trace); ++i) { object e = objectArrayBody(t, trace, i); const int8_t* class_ = &byteArrayBody (t, className(t, methodClass(t, stackTraceElementMethod(t, e))), 0); const int8_t* method = &byteArrayBody (t, methodName(t, stackTraceElementMethod(t, e)), 0); int line = lineNumber (t, stackTraceElementMethod(t, e), stackTraceElementIp(t, e)); fprintf(stderr, " at %s.%s ", class_, method); switch (line) { case NativeLine: fprintf(stderr, "(native)\n"); break; case UnknownLine: fprintf(stderr, "(unknown line)\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "(line %d)\n", line); } } } return 0; } void run(Thread* t, const char* className, int argc, const char** argv) { enter(t, Thread::ActiveState); object class_ = resolveClass(t, makeByteArray(t, "%s", className)); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { PROTECT(t, class_); object name = makeByteArray(t, "main"); PROTECT(t, name); object spec = makeByteArray(t, "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"); object reference = makeReference(t, class_, name, spec); object method = findMethodInClass(t, class_, reference); if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) { t->code = methodCode(t, method); t->frame = makeFrame(t, method, 0, 0, 0); object args = makeObjectArray (t, arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::StringType), argc, true); PROTECT(t, args); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { object arg = makeString(t, "%s", argv); set(t, objectArrayBody(t, args, i), arg); } pushObject(t, args); } } run(t); } } // namespace namespace vm { void run(System* system, Heap* heap, ClassFinder* classFinder, const char* className, int argc, const char** argv) { Machine m(system, heap, classFinder); Thread t(&m); run(&t, className, argc, argv); } }