/* Copyright (c) 2008, Avian Contributors Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for details. */ package java.util; public class PersistentSet implements Iterable { private static final Node NullNode = new Node(null); static { NullNode.left = NullNode; NullNode.right = NullNode; } private final Node root; private final Comparator comparator; private final int size; public PersistentSet() { this(NullNode, new Comparator() { public int compare(T a, T b) { return ((Comparable) a).compareTo(b); } }, 0); } public PersistentSet(Comparator comparator) { this(NullNode, comparator, 0); } private PersistentSet(Node root, Comparator comparator, int size) { this.root = root; this.comparator = comparator; this.size = size; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); for (java.util.Iterator it = iterator(); it.hasNext();) { sb.append(it.next()); if (it.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public Comparator comparator() { return comparator; } public PersistentSet add(T value) { return add(value, false); } public int size() { return size; } public PersistentSet add(T value, boolean replaceExisting) { Path p = find(value); if (! p.fresh) { if (replaceExisting) { return p.replaceWith(value); } else { return this; } } return add(p); } private PersistentSet add(Path p) { if (! p.fresh) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); Node new_ = p.node; Node newRoot = p.root.root; Cell> ancestors = p.ancestors; // rebalance new_.red = true; while (ancestors != null && ancestors.value.red) { if (ancestors.value == ancestors.next.value.left) { if (ancestors.next.value.right.red) { ancestors.value.red = false; ancestors.next.value.right = new Node(ancestors.next.value.right); ancestors.next.value.right.red = false; ancestors.next.value.red = true; new_ = ancestors.next.value; ancestors = ancestors.next.next; } else { if (new_ == ancestors.value.right) { new_ = ancestors.value; ancestors = ancestors.next; Node n = leftRotate(new_); if (ancestors.value.right == new_) { ancestors.value.right = n; } else { ancestors.value.left = n; } ancestors = new Cell(n, ancestors); } ancestors.value.red = false; ancestors.next.value.red = true; Node n = rightRotate(ancestors.next.value); if (ancestors.next.next == null) { newRoot = n; } else if (ancestors.next.next.value.right == ancestors.next.value) { ancestors.next.next.value.right = n; } else { ancestors.next.next.value.left = n; } // done } } else { if (ancestors.next.value.left.red) { ancestors.value.red = false; ancestors.next.value.left = new Node(ancestors.next.value.left); ancestors.next.value.left.red = false; ancestors.next.value.red = true; new_ = ancestors.next.value; ancestors = ancestors.next.next; } else { if (new_ == ancestors.value.left) { new_ = ancestors.value; ancestors = ancestors.next; Node n = rightRotate(new_); if (ancestors.value.right == new_) { ancestors.value.right = n; } else { ancestors.value.left = n; } ancestors = new Cell(n, ancestors); } ancestors.value.red = false; ancestors.next.value.red = true; Node n = leftRotate(ancestors.next.value); if (ancestors.next.next == null) { newRoot = n; } else if (ancestors.next.next.value.right == ancestors.next.value) { ancestors.next.next.value.right = n; } else { ancestors.next.next.value.left = n; } // done } } } newRoot.red = false; return new PersistentSet(newRoot, comparator, size + 1); } private static Node leftRotate(Node n) { Node child = new Node(n.right); n.right = child.left; child.left = n; return child; } private static Node rightRotate(Node n) { Node child = new Node(n.left); n.left = child.right; child.right = n; return child; } public PersistentSet remove(T value) { Path p = find(value); if (! p.fresh) { return remove(p); } return this; } private PersistentSet remove(Path p) { if (size == 1) { if (p.node != root) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return new PersistentSet(NullNode, comparator, 0); } Node new_ = p.node; Node newRoot = p.root.root; Cell> ancestors = p.ancestors; Node dead; if (new_.left == NullNode || new_.right == NullNode) { dead = new_; } else { Cell> path = successor(new_, ancestors); dead = path.value; ancestors = path.next; } Node child; if (dead.left != NullNode) { child = dead.left; } else { child = dead.right; } if (ancestors == null) { child.red = false; return new PersistentSet(child, comparator, 1); } else if (dead == ancestors.value.left) { ancestors.value.left = child; } else { ancestors.value.right = child; } if (dead != new_) { new_.value = dead.value; } if (! dead.red) { // rebalance while (ancestors != null && ! child.red) { if (child == ancestors.value.left) { Node sibling = ancestors.value.right = new Node(ancestors.value.right); if (sibling.red) { sibling.red = false; ancestors.value.red = true; Node n = leftRotate(ancestors.value); if (ancestors.next == null) { newRoot = n; } else if (ancestors.next.value.right == ancestors.value) { ancestors.next.value.right = n; } else { ancestors.next.value.left = n; } ancestors.next = new Cell(n, ancestors.next); sibling = ancestors.value.right; } if (! (sibling.left.red || sibling.right.red)) { sibling.red = true; child = ancestors.value; ancestors = ancestors.next; } else { if (! sibling.right.red) { sibling.left = new Node(sibling.left); sibling.left.red = false; sibling.red = true; sibling = ancestors.value.right = rightRotate(sibling); } sibling.red = ancestors.value.red; ancestors.value.red = false; sibling.right = new Node(sibling.right); sibling.right.red = false; Node n = leftRotate(ancestors.value); if (ancestors.next == null) { newRoot = n; } else if (ancestors.next.value.right == ancestors.value) { ancestors.next.value.right = n; } else { ancestors.next.value.left = n; } child = newRoot; ancestors = null; } } else { Node sibling = ancestors.value.left = new Node(ancestors.value.left); if (sibling.red) { sibling.red = false; ancestors.value.red = true; Node n = rightRotate(ancestors.value); if (ancestors.next == null) { newRoot = n; } else if (ancestors.next.value.left == ancestors.value) { ancestors.next.value.left = n; } else { ancestors.next.value.right = n; } ancestors.next = new Cell(n, ancestors.next); sibling = ancestors.value.left; } if (! (sibling.right.red || sibling.left.red)) { sibling.red = true; child = ancestors.value; ancestors = ancestors.next; } else { if (! sibling.left.red) { sibling.right = new Node(sibling.right); sibling.right.red = false; sibling.red = true; sibling = ancestors.value.left = leftRotate(sibling); } sibling.red = ancestors.value.red; ancestors.value.red = false; sibling.left = new Node(sibling.left); sibling.left.red = false; Node n = rightRotate(ancestors.value); if (ancestors.next == null) { newRoot = n; } else if (ancestors.next.value.left == ancestors.value) { ancestors.next.value.left = n; } else { ancestors.next.value.right = n; } child = newRoot; ancestors = null; } } } child.red = false; } return new PersistentSet(newRoot, comparator, size - 1); } private static Cell> minimum(Node n, Cell> ancestors) { while (n.left != NullNode) { n.left = new Node(n.left); ancestors = new Cell(n, ancestors); n = n.left; } return new Cell(n, ancestors); } private static Cell> successor(Node n, Cell> ancestors) { if (n.right != NullNode) { n.right = new Node(n.right); return minimum(n.right, new Cell(n, ancestors)); } while (ancestors != null && n == ancestors.value.right) { n = ancestors.value; ancestors = ancestors.next; } return ancestors; } public Path find(T value) { Node newRoot = new Node(root); Cell> ancestors = null; Node old = root; Node new_ = newRoot; while (old != NullNode) { ancestors = new Cell(new_, ancestors); int difference = comparator.compare(value, old.value); if (difference < 0) { old = old.left; new_ = new_.left = new Node(old); } else if (difference > 0) { old = old.right; new_ = new_.right = new Node(old); } else { return new Path(false, new_, new PersistentSet(newRoot, comparator, size), ancestors.next); } } new_.value = value; return new Path(true, new_, new PersistentSet(newRoot, comparator, size), ancestors); } public Path first() { if (root == NullNode) return null; Node newRoot = new Node(root); Cell> ancestors = null; Node old = root; Node new_ = newRoot; while (old.left != NullNode) { ancestors = new Cell(new_, ancestors); old = old.left; new_ = new_.left = new Node(old); } return new Path(true, new_, new PersistentSet(newRoot, comparator, size), ancestors); } public Path last() { if (root == NullNode) return null; Node newRoot = new Node(root); Cell> ancestors = null; Node old = root; Node new_ = newRoot; while (old.right != NullNode) { ancestors = new Cell(new_, ancestors); old = old.right; new_ = new_.right = new Node(old); } return new Path(true, new_, new PersistentSet(newRoot, comparator, size), ancestors); } public java.util.Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator(first()); } private Path successor(Path p) { Cell> s = successor(p.node, p.ancestors); if (s == null) { return null; } else { return new Path(false, s.value, p.root, s.next); } } private static class Node { public T value; public Node left; public Node right; public boolean red; public Node(Node basis) { if (basis != null) { value = basis.value; left = basis.left; right = basis.right; red = basis.red; } } } public static class Path { private final boolean fresh; private final Node node; private final PersistentSet root; private final Cell> ancestors; public Path(boolean fresh, Node node, PersistentSet root, Cell> ancestors) { this.fresh = fresh; this.node = node; this.root = root; this.ancestors = ancestors; } public T value() { return node.value; } public boolean fresh() { return fresh; } public PersistentSet root() { return root; } public Path successor() { return root.successor(this); } public PersistentSet remove() { if (fresh) throw new IllegalStateException(); return root.remove(this); } public PersistentSet add() { if (! fresh) throw new IllegalStateException(); return root.add(this); } public PersistentSet replaceWith(T value) { if (fresh) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (root.comparator.compare(node.value, value) != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); node.value = value; return root; } } public class Iterator implements java.util.Iterator { private PersistentSet.Path path; private Iterator(PersistentSet.Path path) { this.path = path; } private Iterator(Iterator start) { path = start.path; } public boolean hasNext() { return path != null; } public T next() { PersistentSet.Path p = path; path = path.successor(); return p.value(); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }