/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Avian Contributors Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for details. */ #ifndef PROCESS_H #define PROCESS_H #include "common.h" #include "system.h" #include "machine.h" #include "constants.h" namespace vm { inline int16_t codeReadInt16(Thread* t, object code, unsigned& ip) { uint8_t v1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t v2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); return ((v1 << 8) | v2); } inline int32_t codeReadInt32(Thread* t, object code, unsigned& ip) { uint8_t v1 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t v2 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t v3 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); uint8_t v4 = codeBody(t, code, ip++); return ((v1 << 24) | (v2 << 16) | (v3 << 8) | v4); } inline object resolveClassInObject(Thread* t, object loader, object container, unsigned classOffset) { object o = cast(container, classOffset); if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { PROTECT(t, container); o = resolveClass(t, loader, o); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; set(t, container, classOffset, o); } return o; } inline object resolveClassInPool(Thread* t, object method, unsigned index) { object o = singletonObject(t, codePool(t, methodCode(t, method)), index); if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ByteArrayType)) { PROTECT(t, method); o = resolveClass(t, classLoader(t, methodClass(t, method)), o); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; set(t, codePool(t, methodCode(t, method)), SingletonBody + (index * BytesPerWord), o); } return o; } inline object resolve(Thread* t, object method, unsigned index, object (*find)(vm::Thread*, object, object, object), object (*makeError)(vm::Thread*, object)) { object o = singletonObject(t, codePool(t, methodCode(t, method)), index); if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ReferenceType)) { PROTECT(t, method); object reference = o; PROTECT(t, reference); object class_ = resolveClassInObject (t, classLoader(t, methodClass(t, method)), o, ReferenceClass); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; o = findInHierarchy (t, class_, referenceName(t, reference), referenceSpec(t, reference), find, makeError); if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0; set(t, codePool(t, methodCode(t, method)), SingletonBody + (index * BytesPerWord), o); } return o; } inline object resolveField(Thread* t, object method, unsigned index) { return resolve(t, method, index, findFieldInClass, makeNoSuchFieldError); } inline object resolveMethod(Thread* t, object method, unsigned index) { return resolve(t, method, index, findMethodInClass, makeNoSuchMethodError); } inline bool isSuperclass(Thread* t, object class_, object base) { for (object oc = classSuper(t, base); oc; oc = classSuper(t, oc)) { if (oc == class_) { return true; } } return false; } inline bool isSpecialMethod(Thread* t, object method, object class_) { return (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_SUPER) and strcmp(reinterpret_cast(""), &byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, method), 0)) != 0 and isSuperclass(t, methodClass(t, method), class_); } void* resolveNativeMethod(Thread* t, object method); inline object findInterfaceMethod(Thread* t, object method, object class_) { assert(t, (classVmFlags(t, class_) & BootstrapFlag) == 0); object interface = methodClass(t, method); object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, class_); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += 2) { if (arrayBody(t, itable, i) == interface) { return arrayBody(t, arrayBody(t, itable, i + 1), methodOffset(t, method)); } } abort(t); } inline void populateMultiArray(Thread* t, object array, int32_t* counts, unsigned index, unsigned dimensions) { if (index + 1 == dimensions or counts[index] == 0) { return; } PROTECT(t, array); object spec = className(t, objectClass(t, array)); PROTECT(t, spec); object elementSpec = makeByteArray(t, byteArrayLength(t, spec) - 1); memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, elementSpec, 0), &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 1), byteArrayLength(t, spec) - 1); object class_ = resolveSystemClass(t, elementSpec); PROTECT(t, class_); for (int32_t i = 0; i < counts[index]; ++i) { object a = makeArray(t, counts[index + 1]); setObjectClass(t, a, class_); set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), a); populateMultiArray(t, a, counts, index + 1, dimensions); } } int findLineNumber(Thread* t, object method, unsigned ip); } // namespace vm #endif//PROCESS_H