* CORDA-3021: Introduce `SignOnlyCryptoService` and use it whenever possible
Also modify `CryptoServiceFactory` to show how sign only implementation can be created.
* CORDA-3021: Undo some of my earlier changes
Which after discussion with @dimosr and @fowlerrr proven to be contradictory.
Dumps all the node's checkpoints as JSON into a single zip file in the node's directory. The output contains:
* All the fields for the top-level flow
* The current sub-flow call stack, along with the current progress tracker step for each sub-flow
* The event that suspended the flow, which if it's a send or sendAndReceive will show the payload that was sent
* Low level information on the active sessions with other peers
* Initial commit with a test that can detect a logger that isn't initialised with by lazy that gets called during startup.
* Test improvement. Test fix for api stability.
* Added explanatory comment for the test.
* Changes according to PR review. Added empty file check to make test more robust.
Party and AnonymousParty have been retrofitted to implement this interface and are currently the only supported types. A new FlowLogic.initiateFlow(Destination) method overload to easily support the addition of new destination types in future versions.
To prevent making `dumpCheckpoints` part of the public API a new
interface, `InternalCordaRPCOps` has been created and the function
has been moved there. `InternalCordaRPCOps` inherits from
`CordaRPCOpsImpl` now implements `InternalCordaRPCOps`.
`RunShellCommand` and `StringToMethodCallParser` required additional
changes due to issues handling inherited functions. This has only been
raised now due to `InternalCordaRPCOps` inheriting from `CordaRPCOps`.
Many classes have had references to `CordaRPCOps` changed to
* ENT-3642: move the crypto service builder method to node-api
* ENT-3642: add arg for different crypto services
* ENT-3642: add arg for cryptoservice config
* ENT-3642: add null check for BCC requirement
* ENT-3642: remove double-bang operator
* ENT-3642: cryptoservice factory method moved to its own class, improve API
* ENT-3642: remove import
Store the flow dump zip in the logs directory.
Only allow one dump to be created at a time. This is protected by
using a `AtomicInteger` lock and checking for the zip's existence.
* Revert usage of Gradle 5 useJUnitPlatform() which causes significant test execution performance degradation.
* Remove completely top-level Java CordaCaplet unit tests causing consistent TC failure on Azure VMs:
java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: no such algorithm: NONEwithEdDSA for provider BC
* Added periodic message logged from a timer which is switched on and off by the node drain events.
* Timer also spawns on start() to ensure that if a node is shutdown in draining mode and started with it, it will continue logging messages.
* Reduce test execution times by explicitly configure quasar package exclusions (using new quasar util extension introduced in Corda gradle plugins 5.0.1-SNAPSHOT).
* Remove SNAPSHOT from Corda gradle plugins version identifier.
* Incorporating PR review feedback from CR.
* Minor consolidation clean-up.
* Minor consolidation clean-up.
* Minor consolidation clean-up.
Dumps all the node's checkpoints as JSON into a single zip file in the node's directory. The output contains:
* All the fields for the top-level flow
* The current sub-flow call stack, along with the current progress tracker step for each sub-flow
* The event that suspended the flow, which if it's a send or sendAndReceive will show the payload that was sent
* Low level information on the active sessions with other peers
* CORDA-2838 Set Artemis memory config.
* CORDA-2838 Cannot have page size larger than max size.
* CORDA-2838 Use real slow consumers. Need to see if the old config settings can work with a global limit to avoid this.
* What went wrong:
Caused by: org.gradle.api.GradleException: failed to read class file /Users/josecoll/IdeaProjects/corda-jdk11/node/build/classes/java/test/net/corda/node/services/events/FlowLogicRefFromJavaTest$JavaNoArgFlowLogic.class