We added a 4th state, so we have "Canceling and Canceled". We are in canceling state if we previously were running, and will not transition to canceled till after the interrupt has been sent. So at the end if we are not running, or already canceled, we will sleep, waiting for the interrupt to occur so we can be sure we handle it before we let the thread complete.
This also fixes a condition where we returned true on a cancel after a task has already been canceled
This also changes ConcurrentLinkedQueue to implement the Queue interface, and just throw exceptions for operations which are not currently implemented.
We were decrementing the "remaining" field twice for each byte read
using the no-arg read method, which resulted in available() returning
a value that was too small.
The intent of this target is to run our test suite against the installed jre.
This should help prevent our VM from diverging in implementation from the jdk.
The remainder of this commit fixes the problems that this exposes.
This is done by implementing the readObject()/writeObject() method
pair as demanded by the serialization specification. The specifics
were reverse-engineered from serializing trivial TreeMap instances
with OpenJDK.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
This will be needed for Java-compatible serialization of tree maps.
Note that the field should be null when the TreeMap uses the default
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
... otherwise, logging would throw an exception when trying to
determine whether the current level allows the message to be logged.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
This implementation is intentionally simple. If and when the need arises,
we can always implement a more performant version.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
This implementation is intentionally simple. If and when the need arises,
we can always implement a more performant version.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
If need be, this functionality can be sped up by implementing a
descending iterator on the tree without copying it into an ArrayList.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
This change reuses the existing insertion sort (which was previously what
Arrays.sort() executed) in a full intro sort pipeline.
The implementation is based on the Musser paper on intro sort (Musser,
David R. "Introspective sorting and selection algorithms." Softw., Pract.
Exper. 27.8 (1997): 983-993.) and Wikipedia's current description of the
heap sort: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heapsort.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
This is a very dumb implementation that wastes space and time by
constructing a full-blown ArrayList as backend. However, it is
better to have a dumb implementation than none at all, and we can
always do something about the performance when, and if, that should
become necessary.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
In the previous commit, we did not support characters in regular
expressions specified via \0..., \x... or \u... yet. This is a bit more
involved, therefore support for them is added in its own commit.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
When a regular expression contains escaped characters such as the
backslash, it is actually still a literal string. So let's support the
trivially-escaped characters, too, that are documented in
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>
In particular when constructing regular expressions before compiling them,
it is a good idea to state which exact expression is non-trivial when
complaining about it.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>