* edit rsync and tar info
Edit rsync to copy repository into ~/.m2 so it overwrites the existing ~/.m2/repository rather than copy another repository sub-directory. Also, edit info on tar file to reflect that it's actually a tar.gz file and modify tar command to include -xvzf flags.
* Add word, compressed (@guyho)
in reading this document from docs.corda.net, trying to understand the flow state machines (support /development perspective), I found that the negative outlook of limitations in ethereum and bitcoin may be a bit out-dated and interrupted learning thought/understanding - on this specific page. adjusted the verbage to keep the point that there are development challenges that we've addressed, but removed the excess language around ethereum and bitcoin
* ENT-1967: Enable byteman library
* ENT-1967: Add an integration test to experiment with Byteman.
This needs to be running with: `-Dexperimental.test.enable`
As in: `gradlew -Dexperimental.test.enable integrationTest`
* ENT-1967: Modify Node driver to allow for optional instrumentation and use it in the integration test
* ENT-1967: Rely on port allocation
* ENT-1967: Install the rule that works
* ENT-1967: Trying to introduce counter rule (doesn't work)
* ENT-1967: Install rules that make correct use of countdown and also improve debug logging for Byteman
* ENT-1967: Add assertion to validate that exception is indeed thrown as per rules installed.
* ENT-1967: Less logging and more assertions
* ENT-1967: Replace `fun` with `val`
* ENT-1967: Un-break DriverDSL public API.
* ENT-1967: Minor change
* ENT-1967: Remove Byteman settings from NodeParameters and hide them inside InternalDriverDSL.
* ENT-1967: Introduce node restart scenario
* ENT-1967: Change the place where JVM is terminated and ensure that StdOut and StdErr not lost during restarts.
* ENT-1967: Changes after rebase.
* ENT-1967: Do not use InMemory DB for test that involves Node restart.
* ENT-1967: Minor fixes post merge from `master`.
* ENT-1967: Tighten-up test checks.
* Remove unwanted JavaScript metadata files from kotlin-metadata.
* Rename SanitiseConstructor case to SanitiseDeleteConstructor.
* Also remove default parameter flags from primary constructor when deleting the synthetic constructor that handles them.
Add a test case for stubbing constructors with default parameters.
* Restore deterministic modules' dependency on assemble task.
* Updated for issue: 3120
https://github.com/corda/corda/issues/3120- for details
* Updated shell.rst
Correct Shell Flow usaged for CashIssueFlow
* Updated Shell.rst as per latest CashIssueFlow
* ENT-1967: Enable byteman library
* ENT-1967: Add an integration test to experiment with Byteman.
This needs to be running with: `-Dexperimental.test.enable`
As in: `gradlew -Dexperimental.test.enable integrationTest`
* ENT-1967: Modify Node driver to allow for optional instrumentation and use it in the integration test
* ENT-1967: Rely on port allocation
* ENT-1967: Install the rule that works
* ENT-1967: Trying to introduce counter rule (doesn't work)
* ENT-1967: Install rules that make correct use of countdown and also improve debug logging for Byteman
* ENT-1967: Add assertion to validate that exception is indeed thrown as per rules installed.
* ENT-1967: Less logging and more assertions
* ENT-1967: Replace `fun` with `val`
* ENT-1967: Un-break DriverDSL public API.
* ENT-1967: Minor change
* ENT-1967: Remove Byteman settings from NodeParameters and hide them inside InternalDriverDSL.
* ENT-1967: Change the way how Jars resolved and use `Try` construct.