Andrzej Cichocki
Add tz to all non-test logging config ( #894 )
* Use millis comma and pattern= consistently
2017-06-27 16:34:02 +01:00
Chris Rankin
Alter logging patterns to a more explicit form. ( #918 )
2017-06-26 13:24:24 +01:00
Chris Rankin
Filter zero bytes from CRaSH input stream. ( #460 )
* Work around JavaFX injecting 0 bytes into JediTerm's STDIN stream.
* Add (disabled) unit tests for running JediTerm in both Swing and JavaFX.
* Remove tests for running JediTerm under Swing and JavaFX.
2017-03-30 11:04:51 +01:00
Reduce warning and info messages in node log files (Artemis) ( #449 )
* Reduce warning and info messages in node log files (Artemis)
Add an additional lof message for conflicting states identified by the Notary.
* Upgraded severity of user login message from trace to debug.
* Suppress Artemis log4j WARNING's for core.server.checkDeadLetterAddressAndExpiryAddress
2017-03-29 11:40:19 +01:00
Konstantinos Chalkias
Print to screen and log basic info ( #356 )
Adding an extra logger to printBasicNodeInfo in both console and log file, respectively. Also, node's legal name is now printed to console as well.
2017-03-15 16:18:24 +00:00
Shams Asari
Added --logging-level cmd line arg to set the logging level, and improved flow logging
2017-02-14 09:56:50 +00:00
Mike Hearn
Fix logging regression that caused non-Corda logging to be disabled
2016-11-25 14:30:00 +01:00
Mike Hearn
Add a startup banner and suppress console logging unless --log-to-console is passed on the command line.
2016-11-21 16:08:36 +01:00
Andras Slemmer
loadtest: Add loadtest code
2016-11-15 17:21:26 +00:00
Mike Hearn
Rename com.r3corda -> net.corda
2016-11-10 17:14:24 +01:00
Andrius Dagys
Remove BriefLogFormatter as the formatting is now handled by Log4j configuration. Introduce LogHelpers which now handles the custom log level setting for specific loggers.
2016-08-09 17:31:27 +01:00
Mike Hearn
Fix progress rendering after the switch to log4j, as ANSIProgressRenderer had assumed JDK logging.
Also, start using colours and a more compact logging format in the default log4j config.
2016-08-01 13:07:48 +02:00
Andrius Dagys
Appended hostname to log filename. Logging date in ISO8601, GMT
2016-07-25 18:07:50 +01:00
Andrius Dagys
Added Log4j bindings for SLF4J. Test log output is redirected to the console, and demo output is now additionally stored in a rolling log file.
2016-07-22 16:15:00 +01:00